Feb 8, 2019 – Notes Shabbat Call

02-08-19 Notes from the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
“International SHABBAT Celebration”
7-10 PM Eastern 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we enter into this SHABBAT CALL tonight, we ask that the Lord will touch each of us, our families and loved ones and settle His SHALOM over us and our nation. We are in great need of His peace and rest and His promised TIME OF REFRESHING and as we enter into His Presence, our souls are restored, our minds are renewed…
“Times of refreshing here in Your Presence,
no greater blessing than being with You.
My soul is restored, my mind is renewed
there’s no greater joy, Lord, than being with You.”
At times like these, when we gather together as His family, His beloved children, and come around our Father’s table, we also recognize that He empowers us, his children as the EKKLESIA...“a called-out assembly….the Church in the earth! We are a “called-out assembly,” a congregation of believers whom God has called out of the world and “into His wonderful light”…and we are to be that LIGHT wherever we find ourselves positioned by HIM!
But you are God’s chosen treasure—priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience His marvelous light, and now He claims you as His very own. He did this so that you would broadcast His glorious wonders throughout the world. For at one time you were not God’s people, but now you are. At one time you knew nothing of God’s mercy, because you hadn’t received it yet, but now you are drenched with it!
Let us spend a few minutes rejoicing and thanking Him for calling each of us out of darkness and into the LIGHT!
We prayed corporately and then offered our individual prayers:
- Laurel (WA) I felt that I was being held close to His chest – and because I was molested by my father,
I never wanted him to touch me…You just gave me a “new sensation of a father’s touch”.
We prayed for Laurel and all those who had been hurt by those who should have protected us.
- Juanele (NC) You have once again shown me that You love me, Lord. You allowed me to experience Your love through this 24.7 family as they covered me when my brother was ill. We trust You for the answers!
- Joyce (WI) Sang: “You are my LIGHT, my Precious Christ!” There is nothing more we could ever want than YOU! Lord, extend Your light through us as You want to, use us, Lord!
- Pam (TX) I was touched by Laurel’s prayer and rejoice with her. Lord, we lift up every one of Your wounded warriors to YOU! We pray for great grace to trust in You and take that step to reach out and grab ahold of something we ever dreamed could be for us!
Pastor Ioan shared this verse in reference to Laure’s sharing:
“Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.” Exodus 19:5 (Special treasure…wealth… jewel) He shared how Tuesday night in the SOTU address, the entire room sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Jewish man Judah!
We declared to darkness: Satan, you have no right in my life. I am a particular treasure of God Who chose me to be His heir..to inherit the Kingdom of God! We bind the evil spirits who try to listen in or interfere with us tonight. They have no rights here, and can not be with us in the
Revelation 5:1-14 And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back, sealed with seven seals. Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?” And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll, or to look at it. So I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it. But one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.” And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth. Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth.” Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain To receive power and riches and wisdom, And strength and honor and glory and blessing!” And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: “Blessing and honor and glory and power Be to Him who sits on the throne, And to the Lamb, forever and ever!” Then the four living creatures said, “Amen!” And the twenty-four elders fell down and worshiped Him who lives forever and ever.
As kings and priests, we are called in this world to take certain actions, but there is a price for obedience! As we pay that price and accept the call to be a priest unto You, Lord, consequences follow. Today, one of our dear brothers, Dick Patton, paid that price as he was called into court in Washington, DC, persecuted for praying and anointing the area around the White House. He is here tonight to share with us what took place.
Pastor Ioan asked a question: Is the President a Christian? (We agreed that he is!)
He, like us, is both king and priest!
As President, the leader of this nation, he speaks on behalf of this nation.
As a priest, he speaks on behalf of God!
Today, one of our dear brothers, Dick Patton, was called into court in Washington, DC, and had to pay the price were speaking about! He was persecuted for praying and anointing the area around the White House. He is here tonight to share with us what took place. Dick said that he has been praying in DC for 15 years. On the night of December 5th, he was “prayer walking” around the White House and the Executive Office Buildings, and was anointing the area with oil. He was there at the midnight hour, praying for the protection of the President, to counter the time that witches had set to invoke curses on President Trump. He was stopped and arrested by the Secret Service and spent the night in jail. He went through numerous court appearances and drug screenings and was banned from praying around the White House as he had. He must observe court-drawn boundaries that require him to walk a larger circle. He was sentenced to community service hours and must observe those boundaries for 4 months. Then he will be free to return to his usual path, to pray as usual… ( and in two years, he will be able to have his record expunged!)
He declared to us that he knew God’s hand was in it throughout. He shared how several wonderful people went to bat for him…and Donna Elford, our 12 AM Facilitator from MT, was one of them. She visited and prayed for him there in DC. Dick thanked all of us who have been praying for him, and said he was truly grateful for our support!
But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me,
and that all the Gentiles might hear. Also I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.
And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom.
To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen!
2 Timothy 4:17-18
Pastor Ioan asked Dick about the “death tax” and Dick shared how it is robbing from the people, supported by the lobbyists of the Insurance Industry. President Trump said during the SOTU: “We virtually ended the estate tax – or death tax, as it is often called – on small businesses for ranchers and also for family farms.”

The spirit of mammon has had a hold on and is fighting us for this nation. We prayed and shared what we were hearing:
- Kala (CA) spoke about the fight against the spirit of mammon and how the death tax steals our inheritance. She also suggested that Dick write a letter to the President about it! Kala prayed and declared that we are a sheep nation and that the Lion of Judah has stepped in, Who is also the Lamb Who gave his life for us. He has the right to tear down the darkness.
- Jane (MD) We thank You, God, for how Dick came through this. You vindicated and continue to vindicate him! You have the Courtroom of Heaven on your side, Dick! What an honor to be called like this!
- Repuka (CO) She received these verses for Dick the last time he was on the call with us. “But watch out for yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils, and you will be beaten in the synagogues. You will be brought before rulers and kings for My sake, for a testimony to them. And the gospel must first be preached to all the nations. But when they arrest you and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand, or premeditate what you will speak. But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that; for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit. Now brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. Mark 13:9-13 Let us be vessels of honor You can work through, Lord.
- Laurel (WA) early this morning, she was praying for him and had an impression that it would be a “slam dunk” and that the Lord will reward you with honor. Because of the shame, you’ll receive honor! God is going to put you inside the boundaries of the WH, with access to a righteous path you’ll walk on freely!
- Phillip and Laurel both shared that they has seen him as a general in this battle!
Dick spoke up and said that he’s prayed that he would have a one-on-one prayer relationship with the President. Pastor Ioan led us in a corporate prayer for Dick, paving the way for his life and ministry…saying that there will come a time when the WH will be consecrated and anointed for God’s service. The devil has no rights there!
Pastor Ioan said: “Praying and anointing the WH stirred the reaction of evil powers. It was as if I heard satan saying: “Do not touch / claim this building. It is mine!” There will come a time when that place (the WH) will be publicly anointed by someone in authority. The only One Who has the right to say “This is Mine!” is the Lord Jesus…and His anointed ones will speak that for Him.
We thanked Dick for sharing his story with us and assured him that we are here, and stand with him.
We reflected on the “contrast of countenances” seen during the SOTU address on Tuesday night! We saw the “white suited women” with grim and dour faces, refusing to show any vestige of respect or acknowledge anything that the President said as having value. They are today’s “white-washed sepulchres” honoring the spirit of death and manifesting their sad state in front of us – for all to see. We ask that they, in particular AOC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a pawn of satan, will be stripped of all influence and power, having no voice to speak or impact this nation!
- Kimberly (CA) and Kathy (IL) prayed for AOC, influenced by mammon, power and influence. These women and AOC are manifesting what controls them. Lord, set them free!
Maureen exhorted us to be cautious and not allow ourselves to pray according to “natural empathy”, but to hear what God says and pray into that, while being mindful to pray for the release from captivity of those who are used by satan.
Pastor Ioan said that a “charismatic” person like AOC is more powerful than the others in Congress we’ve identified as dangerous. Charismatic leaders manifest influence over the peoples of a nation…Hitler, Mao, Castro, Lenin…and they get attention, inspire devotion, and then violently take over! The three women, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a socialist (the party of Justice Democrats), and Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, two Muslim women, have formed an “unholy alliance” and are a demonicly driven trio! They are preparing the way for the ultimate goal – the take over of the nation by the SOCIALISTS!
In the 2018 elections, 26 of the 79 candidates endorsed by the SOCIALIST Justice Democrats won their respective primary elections. Seven of these candidates won in the general election: Raúl Grijalva (AZ), Ro Khanna (CA), Ayanna Pressley (MA), Rashida Tlaib (MI), Ilhan Omar (MN), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), and Pramila Jayapal (WA).
We are so blessed to have a President who declared that this country will NEVER be a socialist nation!
In today’s House Judiciary Committee hearing, the Democrat majority showed us what they intend for the next two years…innuendo, rudeness, smears and outright attacks of character and credibility of anyone who is in support of President Trump! At this pivotal hour in our nation’s history, with lunatics in certain positions of influence and authority, so many things seem to be hanging in the balance. We see the fragile lives of yet-to-be-born babies in the womb snuffed out, adults and children abused and trafficked, and so many addicted souls dying, due to the opioid crisis. The legalization of marijuana, coupled with a rising sympathy for socialism, alarms us who understand what these evils are intended to bring. It staggers the mind! They are simply the “tip of the spear” and together, speak of an onslaught, intent on destroying our nation.
As watchmen on the wall of our nation, we CANNOT be SILENT. We WILL NOT BE SILENCED! God says:
I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night.
You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, And give Him no rest till He establishes
And till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.
Isaiah 62:6-7
We take that word and make it personal for our nation!
I have set watchmen on your walls, O America; They shall never hold their peace day or night.
You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, And give Him no rest till He establishes
And till He makes the United States of America a praise in the earth.
Isaiah 62:6-7
We pray this will of God for our nation, that the promise of God will be fulfilled and that the USA will be a praise in all the earth! Messianic Worship Leader Lana Portnoy wrote this song for Jerusalem, and we inserted USA in it!
“I am a watchman on the wall of the United States. And as a watchman, I’ve been called to intercede for men…
I keep on praying day and night, I give the Lord no rest, until He makes the USA a praise in all the earth!”
As the 24/7 NSPC Family, we are called to watch and pray for at least the next 10 years, as there is continued progress in this nation as the Battle of the Bride continues! Last Friday, we shared the news that Pastro Ioan is being called by God to Washington, DC…to “put a footprint for the 24/7 NSPC on the ground there!” The demonic is strong there, and we are being sent there to witness how God deals with the structure of power there. The “DC PROJECT / VISION” will enable us to establish the physical 24/7 HOP for the Nation there that reflects what He is doing for and with us on this call! There will be continuous prayer on behalf of the nation, connecting us all across the states to the HOP in DC. Our 24/7 family will be able to come and join us in prayer there, and the LORD will be the GLORY in our midst! We will connect those there in DC in prayer, as we open our hearts to all, serving and expecting nothing…as we are totally dependent on God for His plan and design! We invited the 24/7 family to share their thoughts about it!
- Albert (CA) Look again…perceive it now…see the 20/20 vision!
- Audrey (CA) She grew up there and said DuPont Circle is a very wicked place, and being “on site”, we can see the condition of the place! She is excited to know Pastor ioan will be going there to do God’s work!
- Linda (GA) It’s so important to have a presence there, on the ground, when you are on the 24/7 call with us it will have the same impact as in the UPPER ROOM – a UNITY that will bring His Glory! It’s an UPPER ROOM in the seat of our nation!
- Albert (CA) Dick’s circle is being enlarged, and Pastor Ioan will be there as well – boots on the ground there
- Donna (MT) When she heard that Pastor Ioan was going to DC,her heart leapt and she wept! IT is a turning for this nation! You will be awakening that which is supposed to be there and declaring the newness the Father has already begun. She was in DC with Dick and represented the 24/7 beautifully.
- Laurel (WA) “Crocodile Dundee” wrestled alligators and confronted his enemies with a knife…symbolic of a sword, the Word!
Pastor Ioan asked for individual testimonies of how each of us see ourselves in this picture! What is your part?
- Peter (FL) said that HItler made 6 fundamental errors, and each was in Reese Howell’s prayer log!
- Phantom planes manifested in angelic realm…and Hitler turned back from the Battle of Britain.
The students around RH were praying and receiving revelation about it!
- Joyce (WI) 20/20 calls for perfect vision, and God delights in showing us that perfect vision, to see and know You in the Spirit, and to call it forth!
- Joan (AZ) rejoicing in the process of Ioan moving. PROXIMITY IS POWER and when you are in a place you have more authority. I see a HOP there where people can come and go, even those in government.
- Sally (WY) In MI at a Chaplain Training…I was excited about the move to DC, and have been there myself to pray. There is a Chinese Church there that is good, Dick Patten is there, Connie is there, David’s Tent is there, Jane is there…along with a lot of key intercessors close by! I bless this effort and pray you will raise up those we are to connect with there.
- Elizabeth (CA) Paul was in a house of prayer and received people Acts 28
- Mary Ellen (IL) continual P&W – maybe with the 24/7 connected in – and people coming in to get prayer, maybe the President. A fence around it with angels guarding it!
The vision is starting to grow! Please pray and send us your feedback, and words, scriptures or thoughts regarding this vision that we are all being called to TOGETHER! Please take a moment to us and share your heart with us. Email to: WTKOG13@gmail.com
Dick then led us in taking communion, and we took it joyfully, anticipating the day we would all be reunited in Him!
Greatly encouraged, we concluded our SHABBAT Call… and received Pastor Ioan’s blessing!
Pastor Ioan and Maureen
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Does anyone know how to check on this and see if this is true and let us know!!!
Trump Asked ‘Prophet’ to Anoint Every Door in White House, Says ‘Apostle of Joy’
By Peter Montgomery | December 3, 2018 11:55 am
President Trump asked a “prophet” to anoint every doorway in the White House with oil, according to “Apostle of Joy” Georgian Banov, who said the prophet spent 11 hours anointing every door, dressed like a janitor so as not to “freak out” the White House staff. Banov told the anointing story at the Rise Up 2018 on the eve of the midterm elections; that event followed “Shift America,” a three-day gathering organized by Banov’s organization Global Celebration and featured some of the same dominionist speakers. At Rise Up, Banov said that “in a few months” the prophetic crowd could be celebrating, worshiping, and “releasing the joy of the Lord” in the White House. Banov described the prophet-in-janitor’s-clothing as a friend of his and prominent “prophetic” leader Bill Johnson’s. Banov and his wife Winnie run the East Coast version of Johnson’s Bethel School for Supernatural Ministry. Banov has been engaged in dominionist prayer efforts for years. Here’s how Banov told the story of the White House anointing. (Note: Banov grew up in Eastern Europe and English is not his first language.) One of my friends, Bill Johnson’s friend, is one of the prophets near to the White House, and Bill said that recently Trump asked him, ‘hey, you got some of that oil stuff…?’ ‘What oil?’ ‘You know, the stuff that you guys put on things.’And he goes, ‘no, I haven’t got it.’ All right, will olive oil do OK for you?’ And gets from the kitchen some olive oil. ‘Whatever you gotta do, but go now and anoint every door in the White House. Anoint every door.’ And he says, they dressed him like a janitor so people don’t freak out—the staff. Not all the staff knows about all that stuff, you know? It took the prophet 11 hours to anoint and pray for every door, “all the way down to the basement,” said Banov. He said that thanks to the anointing, some unwelcome visitors—some demons—had to “step out.”