Feb 12, 2019 – Notes A Call to the Wall

02-12-19 Notes from “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
“America will NEVER be a socialist country!”
We agree with our President. This is a sincerely held conviction by most of the mature members of our society. Yet, many of the younger generation, looking to capitalize on getting whatever is “free”, have a different viewpoint, (albeit uninformed!) We must find a way to educate our people so they will understand what socialism means and the price that has been paid by every nation that has ever adopted it (or been forced into it!) As with all demonic systems, it has a progression…an evolution…and gradually seeps into the consciousness in ever-increasing doses, moving one step at a time, until it completely takes over!
When a people forget their personal and national history, they lose their identity. With no memory of who they are or what their destiny is, they become a “prey” for every wind of doctrine and scheme of the enemy and will eventually be overtaken and subdued. “America! Wake up!” We are being assailed and assaulted by so many forces that are steadily bombarding us, that we are not even aware of who or what they all are. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, and what we don’t know WILL harm us! The enemy is crouching at the gate, ready to pounce! And all the while, the media paints a picture favoring socialism and portraying it as a preferable option to capitalism.
It’s NOT! Read on…
Article: “Trump’s war on socialism will fail” by E.J. Dionne Jr. – Washington Post – February 10. 2019
The 2018 PRRI American Values Survey offered respondents two definitions of socialism.
- One, essentially a description of social democracy, describes it as “a system of government that provides citizens with health insurance, retirement support and access to free higher education,”
- The other was the full Soviet dose: “a system where the government controls key parts of the economy, such as utilities, transportation and communications industries.”
You might say that socialism is winning the branding war:
- 54% said socialism was about those public benefits, while just 43% picked the version that stressed government domination.
- Americans ages 18 to 29, for whom Cold War memories are dim to nonexistent, were even more inclined to define socialism as “social democracy”: 58% of them picked the soft option, 38 percent the hard one.
- A recent poll found that 70 % of Americans favored raising taxes on families with incomes of over $10 million.
Progressives focus on democratic ideas portraying them as associated with fairness and expanding individual freedoms — to get health care or go to college, for example — which are far more popular than those restricting choice. (which is the ultimate end.)

We prayed corporately and then shared our own understanding of what God is speaking to us for our nation at this hour concerning socialism.
- Nancy (NY) we are to come together, like one bright flame, and get the message out to those who don’t know about communism. Let us start with our families and ripple out to the whole nation!
- Albert (CA) we are so grateful for Pastor Ioan and Mother Maureen, and for Your calling, for You have called us for our nation for such a time as this
- Jane (MD) Lord, help us teach the generations about history…and their destiny in You! Isaiah 54:13 All your children shall be taught by the Lord, And great shall be the peace of your children.
- Evelyn (FL) prayed for the education system and against the anti-Christ spirit that has captured our youth!
- Margie (KS) it’s been on my heart all day to pray for the young people and our educational system. Give them hunger for truth…for true history…and take out those who are influencing them wrongly! Bless our Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and show her what needs to be changed, so that textbooks will have the true history. Let there be a movement across the nation.
- Kay (IL) the younger generation thinks “it’s all about me”…and hence, are the center of the world to their parents…who treat them as if they are GOD. Many parents find their fulfillment in their children’s success – instead of finding their fulfillment in Christ! We lift up this generation, and call them to unselfishness and to put down self-centeredness and to look to and care for their brothers and those who are hurting.
- Dorothy (OR) It takes a long time to educate a generation, and many are deceived by this lying spirit. We need to develop the ability to ask questions of people that will expose the vulnerability of the situation and provoke them to seek out truth on their own.
- Susan (GA) Shared about what Elizabeth in CA had to go through in order to become a citizen…We pray that gets introduced into our schools. We are a REPUBLIC and must know our history.
- Janis (MA) Yes and AMEN to these prayers. I’ve noticed that these 3 freshman Democrats have been given a BIG megaphone (Ocasia-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib)
- Beth (KY) let there be a great Revival and let our children reap the blessings along with us, as You open their eyes and they see and come to the knowledge of You, Lord Jesus!
- Mary Ellen (IL) Stir up the hearts of the millenials and let their voices be louder than those on the other side. Give Betsy DeVos a creative way to engage the students across the nation with TRUTH!
The President has called those who love this nation “TO ARMS!” He is keeping his promises, working for the good of this nation. He is anointed and appointed by God for this hour! We bless him and rejoice for what God is doing through him.
We must guard our hearts and not criticize him or judge him negatively. Our duty is to support, protect and endorse him. If there is any criticism in our hearts of minds against him, we must repent and remove it. Tonight we will ask God to search our hearts, and reveal to us any negative thinking or attitudes or criticism toward him…and show us where the roots are so they can be pulled out! Then we can pray for him out of freedom, out of Godly motivation.
“Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
1 Timothy 2:1-4
We prayed corporately and asked for this grace not to allow or hold anything in our hearts against President Trump or Vice President Pence! Let Your Spirit be upon us so that we might pray perfectly for our President and raise up a shield of protection for them! We see men and women standing with pure hearts and pure motives around them, and as the angels, ministering to You, Lord, on their behalf! YOU, LORD, are the reason that the President has the strength to say that we are never going to be a socialist nation, for You have caused us to surround him with our love and prayers.
Pastor Ioan saw a shield of LIGHT being radiated from us around the President and Vice President as we prayed to have clean hearts and pure motives. Only those with these pure hearts are assigned to be part of this shield of protection around the President as He assigned us two years ago! The Lord is continually adding others to take part in this shield of Protection! BE ONE OF THEM!
There are 3 positions in the Spirit – facing out against the enemy, facing toward one another and facing in toward the President and VP. We put the evil spirits on notice that they have no power, right or authority to come against our President and VP and those who serve alongside them for the good of this nation!
We prayed corporately against the enemy, “facing out”. Then we offered individual prayers against the President’s adversaries:
- Jane (MD) she saw a picture of the trunk of a palm tree call cut up. Many are criticizing the President as he is working to drain and clean out the swamp.
Pastor Ioan said there are groups that are sent in to distract and divert the attention of the audience from what the President is saying. Evil spirits come in through human beings, who carry them in. We must pray a firewall of protection along the border and our national boundaries, and bind the spirits that are operating and cast them down into the abyss.
We then prayed “face in…” releasing the blessing over the President and the VP. Release the rivers of living waters from deep inside and let them flow to them, refreshing, cleansing, protecting them both!
- Maureen said that she suddenly felt sick to her stomach…like she wanted to throw up.
We prayed for one another…binding and casting down all evil spirits trying to oppress us and covered ourselves and one another with the precious Blood of Jesus. As we prayed for deliverance, the living waters flowed – and the nature of God flowed to each of those we are praying for …and we directed the flow to those we are praying for…our President, VP, and one another! We prayed and released the corporate anointing in unity!
We then joined our hearts to cover and protect the hearts of the President’s wife, Melania, and the VP’s wife, Karen. We affirm their prayers for their husbands.
- Mary Ellen (IL) give them perfect love, especially as we come to Valentine’s Day. Let their love be even more grounded and be a protection for them and their spouses.
- Kay (IL) that they would love and honor and respect their husbands and be treated the same way by their husbands
- Donna (MT) give them eyes to see their husbands as You see them, Lord. Let them grow in You, Lord, and bless and protect their children.
- Jerri Lea (FL) it touches our hearts to know that these two women come together before You on behalf of their husbands – give them the ability to cast their cares upon You and strengthen them with Your peace!
- Kitty (FL) let them experience the joy of the Song of Solomon
- Dorothy (OR) that they would know how much the women of America appreciate them
- Carol (TX) let them be peaceful and pleasant, and “Proverbs 31 women” to their husbands
- Paul (NY) Song of Solomon 2:8-13 “The voice of my beloved! Behold, he comes Leaping upon the mountains, Skipping upon the hills. My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag. Behold, he stands behind our wall; He is looking through the windows, Gazing through the lattice. My beloved spoke, and said to me: “Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away. For lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come, And the voice of the turtle dove Is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth her green figs, And the vines with the tender grapes Give a good smell. Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away!”
- Susan (GA) prayed supernatural healing and health over the ladies and their husbands
A GOOD NEWS NOTE TO END OUR CALL ON….President Trump is expressing gratitude to MSNBC for a new report that may shed light on the findings from the Senate Intelligence Committee. NBC News reported that according to both unnamed Republicans and Democrats, the Senate Intelligence Committee has concluded that there is no direct evidence of conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election after conducting 200 interviews over the course of two years. As NBC News’ Ken Dilanian reported on-air, Committee Chairman Richard Burr, of the RNC, told another news outlet last week that the panel had reached a conclusion, but now there is reporting from the Democratic side that confirmed Burr’s remarks. (Fox)
Pastor Ioan closed us by praying a blessing over us and we turned the call over to our dear sister Angelic (SC).
Blessings and great grace to all of you who are standing on the wall of this nation in intercession together!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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