Dec 5, 2016 – Prayer Focus

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Focus for Monday, December 5, 2016
Transitioning from Darkness into the Light
Walking in the LIGHT – Accessing Heaven’s Authority
He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth.
Ephesians 1:9-10
As we walk in the Light, and become Carriers of the Light, we see that Light is removing darkness on new levels. We release the LOVE OF GOD by walking in the LIGHT, and as we move in that LIGHT, God’s Presence is revealed. With His Presence comes Power and Authority. The Holy Spirit instructs us on how to use that power and authority. He gives us Keys of the Kingdom, keys that open doors which allow us to become the influencers of our day.
Let us understand that we are to walk this assignment out as servant-leaders, not lording it over others, or feeling a sense of superiority or dominance. We are simply to reflect and model the character and attributes of our Lord Jesus Christ…ie. BE Jesus with skin on!
God is calling us to become like a Joseph, David, or Moses to our generation, to our nation, and nations of the earth. As we appropriately reflect the true nature of GOD, we come to the place of knowing our true identity in Christ and begin to move with a spirit of Love and Grace.
This is the model we are praying for re: the incoming Trump administration…leading and influencing by actions, not dominating or trying to control.
Access to heavenly places and His presence, power, authority
Matt 16:19 Keys of the Kingdom – Authority, Access
Matt 18:18-20 Power and Presence
Matt 28:18-20 Authority, Assignment, Access
Rev 1:5-6 Kingdom Kings and Priests of God
Ephesians 1:3-5 Positioned as Sons and Daughters / Heirs
Basic instructions: Please read each scripture above, one at a time, expounding on it, drawing on the revelation being made! After praying over it, as the Holy Spirit leads, move on to the next scripture doing the same.
***Please do this each hour as the Holy Spirit will release deeper revelations, and a greater understanding of our being Kingdom Influencers having access to Heaven’s Authority.
Please use the console when able and ask individuals to identify themselves when they pray. Please do not ask for a roll call at the beginning of your session as it uses time we could spend on praying.
Let God’s LIGHT penetrate the darkness and do not focus on the darkness, but rather on how all is being brought out into the LIGHT.
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