Dec 30, 2022 – Prayer Focus

Friday, December 30, 2022 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“Judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy.
Mercy triumphs over judgment.”
James 2:13
We sing: Lord, have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch.
Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage
and for all the members of their family. We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.
For the restoration of Donald Trump to his rightful office.
In every situation and decision, let our President be led by the Holy Spirit,
so that he learns the truth and acts accordingly, for the good of the nation.
For protection, provision, and peace
for all working to expose the fraud and corruption of our elections!
As the SAVE AMERICA movement gains momentum, let those leaders that God anoints and appoints
take their places in the governments of each state and in our nation’s Capitol!
For us to receive and put on the full armor of God as we begin this hour,
that we might be protected as we stand in the gap and pray for our nation!
Strategic Focus for Friday
The Returning of President Trump to the White House! – Part 118
“You shall not let any of your descendants pass through the fire to Molech,
nor shall you profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.”
Leviticus 18:21
Today, we are in Chapters 23-24 of Jonathan Cahn’s book, THE RETURN OF THE GODS. It has described what Israel of old went through after it turned away from God, and the parallel between that and the USA today! Let us learn from them, and repent, so that our future is free of idols, false gods and the demonic spirits behind them! Pray.
Chapter 23 The Abominable Sacrifice
How could anything so gruesome as child sacrifice, so morally abhorrent, and so obviously contrary to all that undergirds human existence be embraced and practiced by any people or nation?
The Most Pagan of Acts In the case of the pagan world, it was the result of God’s absence. In the case of Israel, it was the result of turning from God’s presence. And yet, contrary to what we might expect, the practice was not unique or exceptional. Rather, it was nearly universal. It could be found in the temples of ancient Egypt to the shrines of Tahiti, from the altars of Mesopotamia to the hanging trees of Germany, from India to Hawaii, from West Africa to Tibet, from the Aztecs to the Celts, from the Druids to the Mongolians, and among countless other peoples in countless other lands.
Human and child sacrifice were symptomatic of pagan culture, thought, and values, and the overall devaluation and degradation of life. Beyond sacrifice, the young were especially vulnerable in pagan culture to mistreatment, abuse, and murder. Infants with deformities or disabilities were commonly discarded by their parents, left in garbage dumps, drowned in rivers, exposed to the elements, or abandoned to wild animals. Pray
The Disposable Life Even children born perfectly healthy could be murdered if, for some reason, they were not found desirable or wanted by their parents. And even some of the most revered philosophers and esteemed leaders of the ancient world could endorse or decree the death of innocent children. It was not safe to be a child in the ancient pagan world. One could be murdered at the moment of one’s birth, or before or after. It was not at all uncommon for children to be killed in their mothers’ wombs. With the pagan devaluation of human life came a bent toward death—the spirit of Molech. Therefore, when a nation or civilization turns away from God, we can expect the same values and horrors to be revived. Pray
It is no accident that the same nation that turned from Christian faith and replaced biblical values with pagan ones, Nazi Germany, came to view the sickly and weak as contemptible and disposable, then set out to exterminate them. So too, when the Soviet government purged biblical values from Russia, human life, likewise, became disposable. In each case, the departure from biblical values to pagan or neo-pagan values resulted in the murder of millions. Pray
When I Was Made in Secret The biblical view of life, children, and the weak could not have been more different than that of the pagan world. From the very opening chapters of the Bible it was established that human life was created in the image of God. Thus every human life, whether young or old, male or female, strong or weak, rich or poor, healthy or infirm, was of infinite value. The idea of slaughtering one’s children on the altars of the gods was forbidden, abhorrent, and an abomination. The Lord was said to have carried Israel “as a man carries his son.” Children were now to be viewed as “a gift from the Lord.” They were thus to be cherished and treasured. Life was to be treated as precious and sacred from the moment of conception. So in the psalms King David could write: “You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” Pray
For Such is the Kingdom In the New Testament the status of the weak, the infirm, or the defenseless was further elevated. Jesus comforted the weak, embraced the outcast, and healed the sick. As for children, their value was elevated to a level previously unknown in human history. He said this: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” And again: “I say to you, unless you…become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.” Pray
The Teachings of Your Gods So with the entrance of the gospel into the pagan world, there came an inevitable collision of values over the sanctity of human life, the value of women, the treatment of the weak, the care of the sick, and the worth and protection of children, born and unborn. Wherever human sacrifice was performed, the ascendancy of the gospel would bring the practice to an end. In the case of the Roman Empire, it was the Christian faith that caused the practice of infanticide, the killing of little children, to disappear. As to the killing of unborn children, though restrictions had, at times, been enacted over the issue of parental rights, the act was widely accepted and practiced. But with the coming of the gospel, the practice of killing children, born or unborn, was challenged. The early Christian writer Lactantius wrote this of the pagan world’s murder of its children: “They either strangle the sons born from themselves, or if they are too “pious,” they expose them. Can those persons be considered innocent who expose their own offspring as prey for dogs?” And the early Christian apologist Marcus Minucius Felix wrote of the link of abortion and the pagan gods: “So they commit murder before they bring forth. And these things assuredly come down from the teaching of your gods.” The murder of little children came down from the teachings of their gods. Pray
If Molech Returned It was the Christian faith and the biblical valuing of human life that brought protection to young and unborn children and the definitive end of their large-scale murder. So when the gods were cast out of Western civilization, a spirit of death went with them. The gospel had removed their altars and the blood that had stained them. As the gods departed, lives were saved. Prisoners, slaves, and little children were now spared from being slaughtered as human sacrifices. Countless others were saved from being murdered outright or left out to die in the wilderness as babies. And still others were saved from being killed in their mothers’ wombs. The gods of death were sent into exile. Among them was Molech. But if the gods and spirits departed as the civilizations they had once possessed had turned to God, what would then happen if those same civilizations should turn away from God? The gods of death would return. Then Molech would return. And if Molech returned, would he not again require blood and human sacrifice? And according to the parable, would not his latter work be worse than his first? And if the ancient Destroyer returned, what would happen to the children? Pray.
Chapter 24 The Destroyer Returns
How did the most ominous god of the dark trinity return? The mystery would provide us with a clue—not only as to how he would return, but when.
Molech in the Soviet Union The end of child and human sacrifice was replayed in every land where the Christian faith prevailed. But if those nations and civilizations should turn from that faith, what would happen? The dark principalities would return, the ancient blood fury would be revived, and the slaughter of the innocents would begin anew.
It is no accident that after renouncing Christianity, that which would soon be known as the Soviet Union became the first state to legalize the killing of unborn children. It did so in 1920, soon after coming to power, with its legalization of abortion. Years later, out of concerns for population growth, the law would be temporarily reversed, before being restored again. It is revealing that it was the godless and anti-Christian Soviet Union that was first in the modern world to revive the ancient horror. Pray
Molech in Nazi Germany In the case of the other demonically anti-Christian power of the twentieth century, Nazi Germany, the issue of child sacrifice is more complex. The Third Reich was first concerned with the conquest and proliferation of the “master race.” Therefore, it was opposed to abortions as much as they affected German or Aryan birth rates. But the Nazis were servants of the gods and ministers of human sacrifice. The blood fury came out in their obsession with slaughtering the sons and daughters of others. Molech was especially interested in Jewish children. In ancient times he had killed thousands of them. Now his spirit would cause one and a half million of them to perish. Pray
The Third God But as far as a large-scale reentrance of Molech into Western civilization and the world, that would require a massive and civilizational turning from God. Again, we are brought back to the pivotal decade of the 1960s. We saw first the entrance and workings of Baal, then of Ishtar. Now must come Molech, the third of the dark trinity and the principality of death. Pray
We pray:
- How easily we have condemned other nations for their sins against life, yet pardoned ourselves! Forgive us, Lord, as we CHOOSE LIFE and the Author of Life…YOU! Pray.
- For President Trump: Guard, guide and govern his every word and action; protect him from all enemies, without and within; help him discern rightly about counsel given by those who advise him. Pray.
- In thanksgiving for all the conservative candidates who will “stand in the gap” with us and our President, engaging in this BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA, and rejecting the “usurper” and those pulling his strings in this faux administration, removing them from office! Pray.
- Protect and strengthen our 24/7 family and bring in new intercessors who are called to this assignment with us, to pray for our President and our beloved nation! Pray.
REVIVAL – from Heart to heart!
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One Response
This focus is very hard in its truth about the evil trinity, but we must continue to engage in the battle as God’s champions for life. For an uplifting true pro-life story, read Standby For God, available fron and Amazon. God has a purpose and plan for every life, including those among us with handicaps.