Dec 30, 2016 – Notes Shabbat Call

Notes from the Friday, December 30th – 7 PM to 10 PM International SHABBAT Celebration
Ioan offered this opening word for SHABBAT: “Rejoice in the Presence of the Lord!” Phil 3:1, Phil 4:4
We spent time rejoicing in His presence, praising Him and singing songs of JOY
SONG: “Rejoice for the steps of a righteous man, they are ordered by God…”
SONG: “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, REJOICE!“
· Without the Presence of the Lord, there is no SHALOM; we must be with Him to have the fullness of SHALOM! We receive that now, Lord, as we enter into Your Presence together!
Dallas shared about the CALL to a CONSECRATED FAST that we want to engage in together…
Daniel 10:2-3 When I received this vision, I, Daniel, had been in mourning for three weeks. 3 I had eaten very little, no meat and no rich foods at all. I had not enjoyed the taste of wine, nor had I used any oils to bathe or groom myself. I continued this way throughout the three full weeks.
Isaiah 58:6-9 “…what I want in a fast is this: to liberate those tied down and held back by injustice, to lighten the load of those heavily burdened, to free the oppressed and shatter every type of oppression. 7 A fast for Me involves sharing your food with people who have none, giving those who are homeless a space in your home, Giving clothes to those who need them, and not neglecting your own family. 8 Then, oh then, your light will break out like the warm, golden rays of a rising sun; in an instant, you will be healed. Your rightness will precede and protect you; the glory of the Eternal will follow and defend you. 9 Then when you do call out, “My God, Where are You?” The Eternal One will answer, “I am here, I am here.”
Maureen shared about fasting…and the JOY that is released in doing so at the Lord’s command!
Ioan shared that we have entered a new dimension of spiritual authority, a new level of consecration, in which we will be strengthened and enabled to exercise the power of God…to speak and act in His WILL, to hold the enemy in darkness at bay…refusing and forbidding it to be allowed to operate as it has intended to, (ie. steal, rob, destroy, disrupt and cause havoc in our nation), prior to the Inauguration on January 20th.
Dallas: we will be those “Repairers of the Breach” who will raise up the Ancient Foundations if we allow ourselves to enter into this place of sanctification and purification, consecrated to HIM ALONE!
Maureen: We now receive the strategies and wisdom to know how to operate in those strategies. Like a Ship of State, moving with an ease and grace across the waters, breaking the way for many in its path to follow, we are operating with a fresh and specific breaker anointing, breaking open a path for many to enter into His Presence, and to corporately cry out, “COME, LORD JESUS! COME!”
Daniel 9:22-23 22 Daniel, I have come for one purpose: to offer you insight and understanding into these matters. 23 When you began your pleading earlier today, a word was issued. I was instructed to come and tell you about it, for you are highly regarded by God. So pay close attention so you can understand the vision.
Dallas: We humble ourselves before You, in prayer and fasting, consecrating ourselves to You. For Your name’s sake, deliver us and raise us up in heavenly places to reign and rule, for Your GLORY!
Blowing of the Shofar!!!!
Maureen: The Lord is calling us, individually and corporately, to AWAKEN, ARISE and ADORE Him, consecrating ourselves to Him anew, to worship Him over the places in which He has positioned us, to pray for our nation and our people until He completes that which He has begun in us!
Ioan: I feel in my heart that the Lord is watching us – waiting for something…our response! What is our answer to Him? This is a tremendous responsibility. We carry something as a group, a responsibility for the future of this nation… this time of transition is so difficult, requiring so much! Holy Spirit is waiting for us to respond!
Let us unmute and respond to HIM individually, together as a group! (TEARS!!!)
Iona: Please fill us with the Holy Spirit – we feel Your Presence now…We welcome You, welcome Your Presence and accept all You have for us!
Nga: Vision of a child who is lifted up and put on God’s shoulder. We are not to run ahead, but rest on His shoulder and see differently that when we are on ground level, seeing from our natural vantage point! YOU SHOULDER, LORD, and we submit.
More comments:
We are fighting for the loves of those we love…those who are lost! We must prepare the people to be ready! The enemy tried to take the highest level office in our nation, and failed…but he hasn’t given up! Holy Spirit, hover over our nation and change our hearts as YOU WILL, for Your Kingdom purposes!
We declare corporately that You have called us to another level of preparation. You are preparing us for this new level of warfare, and we say, “YES”. We entrust our lives to You and trust that You will give us the strategies to overcome! It will be done by Your Holy Spirit, not by our might or power, but by Your Spirit!
Dallas: We are here for Jesus…not to promote a political party, or a ministry or a person, but Christ ALONE!
We are calling all generations to come forth in consecration and sanctification! This is a multi-generational call…and we shared the desire to bring the millennials into the CALL.
Sofia – NJ – has a group which she wants to bring in and connect…
Desiree – NY- spoke of her desire to bring the centennials in…
Esther – GA- wants to see the “synchronization” of the generations – we represent those of all generations and welcome all generations, young and older, to this call. We ask that You bring them, lead them and connect them as You bring them forth for You and Your purposes.
Deb – thinking of the ROYAL PRIESTHOOD… as we recognize that we are surrounded by that GREAT CLOUD OF WITNESSES…we know that there is no age limit for those in the ROYAL PRIESTHOOD.
Cathy – CA- prayer for the youth…as they are coming up that they would have the mind of Christ and be used mightily in intercession
Shannon – WY – I teach in the public schools in WY, and want to pray for our kids in public schools. We want to pray for our kids, Lord, and let them know Who You are! Bless the one who will take the position and hold the reins over Education and help her to make the right decisions about our school systems, so the kids will be able to hear of You and Who You are!
Nga – CA – touch Your youth, Lord, and change their worldview; show them Your love and cause them to recognize sin, and turn from it to YOU! Bring forth the Mephibosheths among them, and give them a place at Your table, Father!
TJ – Upper Peninsula, Mich – Jewish / Native American – prayed for us and our ancestors who took Native American land and persecuted them and released us from any condemnation for it! She asked if she could play her drum…and we said yes! Richard from AK was on the call and we asked them to play together!
As they went to get their instruments, Maureen shared about her experience with the youth in Bolivia who had been rejected by the church for playing “ungodly” music on their pan flutes.
TJ and Richard played their drums and we accepted that as worship acceptable and pleasing to the Lord…and us! Forgive us.
Lord, for having rejected what You accept, and for having accepted what You reject!
Ioan prayed for that acceptance and for the spirit of adoption that it would be released worldwide, acknowledging that he has been adopted and received as a brother in many places. We are one family in God!
We then moved us into the time of communion: Ioan shared about Melchizedek – he spoke about being born again, having eternal life right now…and going from GLORY TO GLORY…as a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD…in the order of Melchizedek. We have this mantle of the PRIESTHOOD, as did Melchizedek, as did Jesus…a continual PRIESTHOOD. As we sit around this table and pray for the generations, we pray by faith for the multitudes of people who will be going out from the United States as “harvesters” for HIM, our Heavenly Father!
As we gathered the communion elements, a SONG was offered: “There is power in the name of Jesus”…
Ioan shared about our meeting in DC…and seeing the tears in Dallas’ and my eyes for this nation! It spoke to him…and he asked Dallas and me to offer the prayers for communion and one of our Jewish sisters sang the Hebrew blessing over the elements after we consecrated them to YOU, Lord! SONG: “Here’s my cup, Lord, I lift it up, Lord, come and quench the thirsting of my soul, Bread of Heaven, feed me til I want no more, here’s my cup, fill it up and make me whole!”
Dallas shared Phil 3:7-14 But whatever I used to count as my greatest accomplishments, I’ve written them off as a loss because of the Anointed One. 8 And more so, I now realize that all I gained and thought was important was nothing but yesterday’s garbage compared to knowing the Anointed Jesus my Lord. For Him I have thrown everything aside—it’s nothing but a pile of waste—so that I may gain Him. 9 When it counts, I want to be found belonging to Him, not clinging to my own righteousness based on law, but actively relying on the faithfulness of the Anointed One. This is true righteousness, supplied by God, acquired by faith. 10 I want to know Him inside and out. I want to experience the power of His resurrection and join in His suffering, shaped by His death, 11 so that I may arrive safely at the resurrection from the dead. (The crucified and risen Jesus is the model that Paul desires to embody by walking deep in His pathway of death and life—suffering and resurrection.) 12 I’m not there yet, nor have I become perfect; but I am charging on to gain anything and everything the Anointed One, Jesus, has in store for me—and nothing will stand in my way because He has grabbed me and won’t let me go. 13 Brothers and sisters, as I said, I know I have not arrived; but there’s one thing I am doing: I’m leaving my old life behind, putting everything on the line for this mission. 14 I am sprinting toward the only goal that counts: to cross the line, to win the prize, and to hear God’s call to resurrection life found exclusively in Jesus the Anointed.
SONGS: “Prepare ye the way of the Lord” – “We are one in the spirit, we are one in the Lord” – “People need the Lord” –
One intercessor shared how she had been healed instantly of her shame of being German by a Jewish believer who told her she was not responsible and to drop it and move on with her life! She did!
TJ shared a praise report of how her drum was given to her after she’d had everything stolen from her! She then sang a song about praising God…accompanied by her drum!
Ioan shared something that he experienced in 2013 – when instructed to go to American Samoa and download what God had for them and to speak the Word of the Lord to them.
He was told he was there for a holiday and to rest and feel welcome…and then give them whatever God had for them in God’s timing.
While there he had some visions and received understanding of the RING OF FIRE…and that volcanos were highways of demons to go up and down in the atmosphere. As he thought of Psalm 95:5 he realized that we only harvest from the sea, not sow to it! He also remembered that demons want to rob us of the life that is given to us by God.
He went across Samoa to the side facing the USA, at a coral reef and with a team of 9, gave this word from the Lord: “I closed the gates of hell; whatever you bind and cast down into the abyss will not return until the last one Satan will be cast down…” They went to the other side of Samoa and God gave the same Word.
He learned that in 2012, God started moving there, and in 2013, He started moving around the world…and now we see that the people of God in the USA are ready to welcome the King of Glory into our nation! (Ioan said he heard that same Word at Mt. Hood in Oregon).
When God’s Presence / His Manifest Glory begins to be recognized, we need to welcome it! As we face any confrontations at any level, family, state and local, national and globally…we are bold!
We proclaim the cleansing of our nation, our WHITE HOUSE, and all involved with the EXECUTIVE BRANCH, the Halls of Congress (Senate and House), , our SUPREME COURT
Dallas reminded us to read II Kings 19: and 20: in preparation for the next 21 Days and what He’s calling us to! She blessed Wallettte as she came to receive the TORCH passed to her to lead the 10 PM call.
CONTENDING AS ONE, we wish you all a Blessed New Year and a precious SHABBAT SHALOM!
Dallas, Ioan and Maureen
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