Dec 27, 2024 – Notes Sabbath Call

12-27-24 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Only 24 days to go until the Inauguration! Please continue to pray fervently, keeping President Trump in prayer, so he is protected at all times and lives to be inaugurated on January 20, 2025!
Maureen will be “flying solo” on this, the final SHABBAT CALL of 2024 tonight. We send love and best wishes to Ps Ioan and David in Romania for a blessed and prosperous New Year!
We continue to engage in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our nation and gratefully receive the Ephesians 6 armor of God that He has so graciously provided for led by Albert (CA).
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth,
having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:13-18
We prayed corporately, receiving all of that armor, and asked that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!
We have received news that one of our 24/7 family facilitators, Janet Dibble of St. Petersburg, FL, has peacefully transitioned to her heavenly home. Janet, who also was the faithful spearhead for the nightly CAPITOL HILL PRAYER PARTNERS BIBLE READATHON from Midnight to 6 AM daily, was a true lover of God and a leader in intercession. Noted for always signing off with “Jesus loves you and so do I!! – Janet ’n Jesus!” she will be sorely missed by both groups…and all who came to know the Lord through her Godly example! RIP, dear sister!
Bobby (WI) blessed
Announcing a Special Event at Midnight on New Year’s Eve
Following a conference call on Monday, on which Maureen was praying with leaders from various national prayer ministries, Sarah Ballinger of the Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) called to ask if we might have a time of prayer together, where we would bless one another’s ministries for the coming year. She suggested this take place on January 1st. As the New Year is welcomed in on the east coast of the United States, those of us from the CHPP and the 24/7 NSPC will be together on the call at 12 AM to start the year together, and through our unity, we will pray to break and reverse that which came upon us when two other groups missed the opportunity to meet and bless one another in DC several years ago! May God redeem all that has been lost for our nation in 2025!
We prayed together for this matter.
Marsha (CA) when the two groups were proclaiming You in the midst of COVID yet passed by one another and “missed it!” Use this for unity, Lord, and bring others in the Body of Christ together in 2025.
Ken (NH) read Psalm 133 and asked we be knit together as one and stand together on the wall, unified in You!
Dorothy (OR) I have been studying ancient history and division amongst the brothers has been going on forever! When I saw Franklin and Jonathan there, but not coming together, it hurt my heart as well. Psalm 86:11 “Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name.” All these divisions are rooted in our not fearing His Name. Forgive us, Father, for being disunified. Teach us what it means to fear You so that we might be united and then we can pull together as a team.
Velvon (OK) as a military man, I understand the Bible teaches that each unit has its own assignments/mission. Even though we are fighting in the same war, we must follow our orders for the specific mission we have been given.
Dorothy (OR) that is so much what I needed to hear!
Judy (VA) The Body is not just an eye or an arm, but has different parts. We are undivided…as ONE!
Mary Ellen (IL) there are so many ministries and so many assignments, and when we speak of the military, they have their own calling. We are in a constant war with good and evil each day!
Selma (NC) read 2 Timothy 1:3-10 “I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day, greatly desiring to see you, being mindful of your tears, that I may be filled with joy, when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also. Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began, but has now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.” We are strengthened when we remind one another what God has done. Renew in us the desire to share Who You are with others.
Kim (NY) she wants to bless this sentiment of the Lord that is moving through us now…that we will know one another and submit to one another as He would have us to, as a Body. That the peace will come to us through His Spirit, from Jesus, and as we receive him and move forward strong as never before. I reflect on Psalm 18, Daniel 12, and Psalm 103…. “and let the redeemed of the Lord say so!” His Presence in the Body of Christ will show as we come together!

STAND UP FOR OUR PRESIDENT! “The Hill” has published an “opinion piece,” arguing that Congress has the authority to prevent Donald Trump from taking office, based on Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which deals with insurrection. (Not valid in this case!)
The Fourteenth Amendment: Section 3 reads: “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”
This has sparked a debate on whether this constitutional provision should be applied to President Trump, focusing on various interpretations of the amendment, previous legal challenges, and the implications for democratic processes. To make an objection under the Count Act requires a petition signed by 20% of the members of each House. If the objection is sustained by a majority vote in each house, the vote is not counted and the number of votes required to be elected is reduced by the number of disqualified votes. If all votes for Trump were not counted, Kamala Harris would be elected president. The unlikelihood of congressional Republicans doing anything that might elect Harris as president is obvious, but Democrats are considering taking a stand against Electoral College votes for “a person disqualified by the Constitution from holding office.”
Let us pray that the Republicans will condemn this action and stand firm for President Trump, not allowing such a fraud to be perpetrated on the American people!
Action: Contact THE HILL and let them know what you think about allowing such dribble to be published!
Letters: The Hill 1625 K Street, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20006
FAX: 202-628-8503 OR Email:
(They require name, address, and phone number.)
To the editors of THE HILL:
Your “opinion piece” regarding “urging Congress to prevent Donald Trump from taking office, based on Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which deals with insurrection” promotes the lie that President Trump is “a person disqualified by the Constitution from holding office,” since he was not charged with nor found guilty of insurrection!
Please make that clear to your readers in an editorial response…or stand convicted of the lie…and lose any reputation you have left!
(Signature, address, and phone #)
We prayed corporately and then offered individual prayers.
Carol (IL) we knew that t the enemy was not going to just sit back and do nothing, but we say remove and silence them from the national stage. We call for DIVINE INTERVENTION to thwart their efforts and allow President Trump is to be inaugurated in Washington, DC on January 20, 2025.
Dorothy (OR) thank You that once again, the plans of the enemy have been exposed. Now show us the strategy for this, Lord.
Cindy (SC) Let no weapon formed against him prosper…and we agree with Psalm 2…that You will laugh at their plans!
Mary Ellen (IL) there are other evil strategies being implemented…such as providing no protection for those going to Washington, DC for the counting of electoral votes or for the inauguration. Let Your warring angels guard the electors and those who will attend the inauguration.
Janis (MA) read and declared 1 Kings 2:12 “his rule was firmly established” and declared that despite every effort of darkness to prevent it, it will be firmly established
Bobby (WI) help Elon and President Trump so that they are not divided, and let the public recognize it and not buy into it.
Dorothy (OR) prayed about the statements regarding a lack of protection for people going to DC…she asked that the angel forces be activated on behalf of the American people and that those called to be there will attend because You put it on their hearts.
Ken (NH) On the 20th of January, President Trump will be firmly established in the natural, but it took place in the heavenlies before the foundations of the earth!
Selema (NC) shared these verses: 1 Samuel 7:12 “Thus far, the Lord has helped us”; 2 Corinthians 2:11 “lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.” John 10:10 “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.”She rejected any plan of the enemy to steal , kill or destroy.
Sandra (LA) we call on You, our God, Adonai Sabbaoth, and call upon You for the VICTORY.
Congress just passed a law that will give millions of people extra Social Security benefits that they simply do not deserve and haven’t earned. To understand what is going on, here is a quick history lesson: The original Social Security Act included unintentional and overly generous benefits for government employees…benefits that no other Americans could get. About 50 years ago, a more responsible Congress recognized this and created two laws to correct this mistake:
The Windfall Elimination Provision (WPO) said that Social Security retirement benefits for government employees should be figured in the same way as those for all other senior citizens.
The Government Pension Offset (GPO) law said that government pensions should offset any Social Security spousal benefits potentially due, just as Social Security retirement benefits have always offset those same spousal benefits.
Now, bowing to relentless pressure from government employee unions and advocacy groups, a more naive and vote-seeking Congress has repealed the WEP and GPO. So once again, government retirees will get overly generous Social Security benefits that no other senior citizens in the country are eligible for. And by so doing, they have put a $200 billion hole in an already rapidly deflating Social Security budget balloon.
To explain why repealing the WEP and GPO is a wrongheaded boondoggle, I will use myself as an example. First, you need to know a basic tenet of Social Security: Benefits have always been skewed to give lower-paid workers a better deal than their more highly paid counterparts. Very low-paid workers could get a Social Security benefit that represents up to 90% of their preretirement earnings. This percentage is known as a “replacement rate.” People with average incomes (the middle class) generally get a 40% replacement rate.
I spent the bulk of my career working for the federal government. While working as a Fed, I paid into the Civil Service Retirement System, not Social Security. (Things have changed since I was hired in the early 1970s; all federal employees hired after 1984 pay into Social Security.) I also did pay into Social Security at a few jobs I had in high school and college and at other jobs I’ve had since I retired from federal government work. I have about 15 years of earnings that were covered by Social Security. So when the Social Security computers looked at my record when I applied for Social Security benefits, they assumed that I must be poor. After all, I had all of those years with no earnings. That record didn’t show that I actually was working all that time for the government and earning a civil service retirement pension.

Because the Social Security system thought I was poor, it was programmed to give me that 90% poor person’s benefit rate. In other words, I would have been getting an undeserved windfall from Social Security. (That’s where the “Windfall Elimination Act” came in. It correctly recognized that I wasn’t poor, and it gave me the same 40% rate that all other average-income Americans get. (It did the same for all other workers who spent the bulk of their careers in jobs not covered by Social Security. These are primarily teachers, police officers, and firefighters in certain states… groups who don’t pay into Social Security.)
For the past half-century, union officials representing these groups have been pressuring Congress to eliminate the WEP because they wrongly think that the law cheats their members out of the Social Security benefits they are due. In each of those years, a bill to eliminate the WEP has failed to get approved. But in this wacky political year, things were different. So even though almost all of you reading this column are getting the proper 40% Social Security benefit rate, Congress has now decided to eliminate the WEP to give government employees the 90% rate—boosting the Social Security checks by a couple hundred extra bucks per month. What a sham…and what a shame!
But it gets even worse. The other law that the misnamed “Fairness Act” eliminated is called the Government Pension Offset. Before the GPO law came into effect, I would have been able to get my government pension retirement check and I would have been due a “dependent” husband’s benefit on my wife’s Social Security record. Why? Because of those Social Security computers that think I’m a poor old guy with just a small Social Security check. So I was deemed financially dependent on my wife and granted spousal benefits on her Social Security record. But when the GPO law came along, it recognized that I worked for the government and get a civil service pension check. Just like a Social Security retirement check offsets any spousal benefits that might be due, my civil service pension check would also offset those potential dependent benefits.
By eliminating the GPO, Congress is giving all of those millions of other government pensioners unintended benefits from our spouses. Think about that. Almost all of you reading this column cannot collect your own Social Security retirement check and at the same time get some extra benefits from your spouse’s account. But now, government pensioners will do just that. If you don’t think it’s fair, then write your member of Congress and say: “Shame on you! I thought you were supposed to be saving Social Security, not squandering its funds on greedy government retirees!”
Action: Write or email your representatives in the House and Senate.
We invited comments on this:
Kay (IL) with the many different scams going on with this current Administration, could they be reversed by President Trump when he gets in. This is just one of many things they are trying to do to scuttle the boat!
Kay led us as we prayed into it, asking that the truth be made known and that President Trump can reverse this. You have all the answers, God, and we bow before You and ask that You bring the answers to this matter. Open the eyes of the blind!
Maureen said this is another case where God may redeem what has been lost for our nation in 2025!
Tesi (FL) people were duped and the spirit of deception and a mesmerizing spirit was operating on them. They look innocent and they are not! I saw this in Cuba – how the spirit of Communism divides and conquers – that is what the enemy does. We believe that this deceiving spirit and pride will not stand in the way!
Mary Ellen (IL) as I hear this it seems as if there is this flurry at the end of Biden’s term…like darts, just throw them out there! I go back to Congress which has the pursestrings and we never hear about them doing anything about this…like freezing things like this! Let them get on the floor and debate it, instead of just sending out the check! We are asking for CONTROL, and President Trump ran on law and order…and this is financial order! Let the JUST THING take place…not just the expeditious one so they can go on break! Let a strong, bold leadership in Congress rise up in unity on the Republican side to stand strong for truth and righteousness.
Desiree (NY) thinking of the story in I Samuel 30 where they came back and found such destruction and loss, and they inquired of the Lord. Let us do the same and do it now. As Patrick Henry said: “Give me liberty or give me death!” She said she was able to speak with J6 prisoners again this week and was able to encourage them.
Maureen agreed that: “We, as one say, NO…to waste, inordinate spending and squandering of our hard-earned taxes.” It was the unions that impact and represent these employees that got this done! That should not be taking place!
Kay (IL) we say no to the unions’ impact on the way the people of this nation are being unfairly treated! Awaken the people and cause them to stand up and say “NO MORE!”
Carol (IL) please make a focus out of this…
Maureen said we will do that!
Desiree (NY) people need to get word of this, get the info out and into the hands of the right people, and let the alarm begin to sound and put the fear of God into Congress!
Mary Ellen (IL) as soon as the bill was announced and published, it went out on X, and Elon and Vivek read it along with many others! It was suggested we alert and send this to those like Joe Rogan, Joe Oltmann, and Dan Bongino!
Kay (IL) said these folks have gone against the tide and put their thoughts out there, competing against the fake media and getting the truth out to the people on podcasts and other informative sources. Thank You, God, for being the Spirit of Truth!
Mary Ellen (IL) Dan Bongino had an interview today with Mike Benz about how the DEEP STATE works. The information that was given was amazing and it will be on Bongino’s weekend podcast. We can also pray that as we intercede, President Trump will not have the problems he has had in the past! She led us in prayer about it.
Tesi (FL) shared a word by Wanda Alger on RECALIBRATE…asking us to adjust and change things moving ahead and reset according to heaven’s blueprints! The changing of the guard brings massive adjustments and recalibration is needed to sync with the Holy Spirit’s work. Be on watch for that which is coming! She prayed into that word, asking that we receive heaven’s blueprint for our lives and communities and be able to adjust as needed, here and in places around the world, in both the spiritual and the natural realms. May the knowledge of the GLORY of God be made known as we walk in the fullness of Christ!
Bobby (WI) it resonated with me and I had a vision of air bubbles coming up from the bottom of the ocean depicted shifting, changing, and moving! We need flexibility to change…and Jesus told His disciples things so they would recognize them when they took place! He said they would be AMAZED…so be prepared!
Kay (IL) She has been blessed listening to various prophets, and when things take place, we recognize that we have already heard them. Help us to DESIRE CHANGE and accept it as it breaks the patterns of evil in this world and bring goodness, righteousness, and holiness into the world!
Mary Ellen (IL) re: the word RECALIBRATE and not being shocked when the reset comes, we are being told by many that there is a Divine shifting/reset! CHANGE IS COMING…it’s in the works! Let the Body of Christ take note of the true prophets among us!
We paused just before 9 PM, as we do nightly, to pray for comfort for the J6ers,
asking that they would experience the sweet Presence of the Lord in their prison cells tonight!
We prayed corporately, lifting up all who have been accused, tried, and imprisoned…
persecuted and prosecuted unjustly!
Then, in solidarity with the J6ers, Kay (IL) led us in singing our National Anthem all across the nation.
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that let them be comforted and at peace in their cells tonight,
knowing that HELP IS ON THE WAY!
We offered individual prayers for the J6ers and noted that multiple class action suits and other lawsuits are being prepared to correct the injustice done to them! Let them go free!
Tesi (FL) said that so many have lost so much and they need to be freed and recompensed.
Carol (IL) we want mercy and justice for all who have been unjustly persecuted, and yet we pray that they will be able to forgive so that revenge will not take over in their hearts!
Maureen prayed that they might be elected to their state or national legislatures!
Kay (IL) prayed for a spirit of grace to cover them so they are healed and whole
Bobby (WI) Pilate said I find no fault in Him…yet Jesus was sentenced to death! Let the J6ers thank God for their relief, and give them the recompense they deserve!
Lois (NY) prayed for this in the justice system that treated the J6ers harshly…the judges, state attorneys, prison and jail guards, and anyone who has wronged them…let the fear of God come upon them!
Statements by President Trump

“Where are you? When are you coming to the “Center of the Universe,” Mar-a-Lago.
Bill Gates asked to come, tonight. We miss you and x! New Year’s Eve is going to be AMAZING!!! DJT”
President Donald Trump vowed on Sunday that the largest tax cuts in the nation’s history will be coming next year. He shared the promise on Truth Social, celebrating the 7th anniversary of his tax cuts during his first term.
“Today is the 7th Anniversary of the Trump Tax Cuts becoming Law. ‘Happy Birthday!’
Next year, we will deliver the largest Tax Cuts in the History of our Country.
Putin says he’s ‘ready’ for potential talks with Trump during year-end news conference. Russian President Vladimir Putin put a positive spin on a spate of recent setbacks Thursday, insisting in a marathon news conference that Russia had accomplished its mission in Syria and was winning the war in Ukraine. He nodded to the sea change expected in Washington, saying he had not spoken to US President-elect Donald Trump in over four years, but was “ready” for potential talks with him, amid expectation that the new administration in Washington will push for a negotiated end to the war in Ukraine. Thursday’s event – an annual display of Putin’s mastery of the minutiae of domestic policy as well as of geopolitics – consists of a public Q&A session combined with a public phone-in. Russia’s war on Ukraine was a major topic, with Putin keen to emphasize Russia’s recent gains in a grinding war of attrition. “You asked what we can offer, or what I can offer to the newly elected President Trump when we meet,” Putin said. “First of all, I don’t know when we will meet. Because he hasn’t said anything about it. I haven’t spoken to him at all in over four years. Of course, I am ready for this at any time, and I will be ready for a meeting if he wants it.” Asked whether Russia would be in a weaker negotiating position because of recent setbacks in the Middle East and on the battlefield in Ukraine, Putin replied, “You said that this conversation will take place in a situation when I am in some weakened state… And you, and those people who pay your salaries in the US, would very much like Russia to be in a weakened position. I adhere to a different point of view. I believe that Russia has become much stronger over the past two or three years. Why? Because we are becoming a truly sovereign country, we are already hardly dependent on anyone.”
We prayed corporately for this meeting when it takes place, then offered individual prayers.
Steven (AZ) prayed for the wisdom to make this peace a reality.
Desiree (NY) prayed for freedom and for peace, despite the differing ideologies. Let these 2 men come together and broker true peace.
Lois (NY) prayed for the nation of Russia, and the missionaries who have gone into that nation for many years. We ask for a harvest of souls coming out of Russia.
Velvon (OK) prayed for Russia and the coming of Christianity there, and the recent announcement by Putin that they have come back to their Christian roots. They threw off the Bolsheviks and returned to God. It was the Democrats who instigated so many wars there and around the world! Let the blinders fall off our eyes to see the truth!
Bobby (WI) prayed into this
The Fraternal Order of Police sent letters to both President-elect Trump and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., outlining their staunch support of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem as secretary of homeland security, in what insiders say is the first in what will be a long list of law enforcement endorsements. “Governor Noem has been a longtime ally of the FOP during both her tenure in the House of Representatives and as Governor of South Dakota. The South Dakota State Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police endorsed Governor Noem for her re-election campaign in 2022, citing her belief in the rule of law and commitment to public safety,“ Fraternal Order of Police national president Patrick Yoes wrote in a November letter to Trump, which was obtained by Fox News Digital. “Once confirmed, the FOP will work with Governor Noem to secure our border, stop the flow of fentanyl into the United States, as well as support all the critical missions of the DHS – which has more law enforcement officers than any other Federal Department – in defending our homeland and keeping the American public safe.” The FOP is the largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers, boasting roughly 377,000 members across the nation. Yoes called on both Trump and the Senate to swiftly confirm Noem in order for police and law enforcement officers to crack down on crimes ranging from illegal immigration to deadly fentanyl pouring over the border.
We prayed corporately into this and then Maureen offered prayers for our law enforcement officials at every level across the nation, as well as our State National Guardsmen and those serving in all branches of the military! Others joined in that prayer:
Mary Ellen (IL) Noem will also be over the Secret Service, (and we have the announcement as to thatleader still to be made.) We pray for that person who will fill that slot and for those making the decision with President Trump as they seek to fill that position!
Bobby (WI) law enforcement was given a bum rap during these past years, as they were not able to do their jobs!
Bernadette (NY) many police in this country were trained years ago, and are not in shape physically or up to date with the necessary skills to protect themselves and the public. EQUIP ICE and all our law enforcement officers and whip them into shape so they can do their jobs!
Bobby (WI) Don’t be afraid to share with your police and fire and first responders in your local communities and let them know that you are praying for them. Let them also pray themselves, seeking You for their protection as they serve
Mary Ellen (IL) when we meet a police officer at a light or store, bless and thank them. Let the new recruits be in good shape and recondition the old guard to get in shape again, so they can serve well. Bring good chaplains to encourage them to pray, alone and together!
Kim (NY) said many of her dad’s peers are still involved in that work, and she is able to minister to them as she is able on the local level.
We were reminded to UPHOLD and PRAY for President Trump and JD Vance
as we move toward January 20th! KADIMA!
Maureen invited Anita (NJ) and Kim (NY) to lead us in communion.
Anita sang Scripture over the bread and then Kim led us in receiving the cup.
We then closed the call with SHABBAT SHALOM…remembering Ps Ioan as we sang.
With our love and blessings.
Maureen and Ps Ioan
There is still a NEED for FT Facilitators to cover these hours weekly!
*** Please see which hour might fit into your schedule!***
(Convert Eastern Time (ET) to that of your own time zone!)
3 AM ET Wednesday
2 PM ET Sunday
Using the “two by two” Biblical model, we also have “Co-Facilitators” to help Facilitators carry the call.
(This ensures us each hour is always covered…and the need for subs can be eliminated!)
We need those who are willing to step up and stand in the gap for the 24/7 NSPC!
(Contact Maureen to volunteer to serve for an hour a week…407-810-4665)
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch hearts, Lord, and cause our 24/7 family to be open and willing to rise up and serve
at this 11th hour for our nation’s destiny and deliverance!
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