Dec 16, 2016 – Notes Shabbat Call

12-16-16 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
from 7-10 PM (EST) Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555#
As we entered into the Sabbath and celebrate SHABBAT together, we lit two candles and welcome the Presence of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Shabbat. Together, we rest in His love and bask in the glow of the LIGHT that has come into the world, the LIGHT that now lights our lives, and this precious night as we begin the celebration of Shabbat!
We celebrated in song as we lifted our voices in SHABBAT SHALOM and then LET GOD ARISE took center stage in worship…and was sung by different voices who blended in a symphony of praise and love of God!
Dallas played the Paul Wilbur song “RESTING PLACE”, that she sent out to the facilitators today. He is that and so much more…
Ioan Peia joined us from a place of being deeply in the Presence of the Lord in Romania. As we welcomed him, we were opening our arms to the whole Body of Christ from all the nations. “We ARE One Body in Christ and we do not stand alone!”
Ioan shared with us about the BAPTISM OF FIRE. The word tells us that Jesus baptizes us in the Holy Spirit and the Father is present to us fully at that moment! We are immersed in HIM, the Father, and in HIS HOLY FIRE! This is the new wave of GLORY…the FIRE that sweeps over our souls and ignites us! Ioan challenged us to welcome ALL Three Persons of the Godhead and as we do, to accept the FIRE OF GOD, and welcome the purification and holiness that it brings!
We welcome the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT…and release our mouths to utter praises to our God…an ALL CONSUMING FIRE! I heard the SONG: “ALL CONSUMING FIRE… You’re our ONE DESIRE and we love You dearly, dearly Lord!” Let the FIRE of GOD be enkindled on the altars of our hearts and from that flame, let Holy sparks fly and ignite others who are meant to draw near to Him at this hour!
Ioan shared about an experience he and others from the nations had re: the FIRE OF GOD at Golgotha. He shared how they were to prepare to enter into the Presence of the Lord. He is HOLY and all around Him is filled with His GLORY! In order to enter into His Presence, we must follow the PROTOCOLS established in Scripture. THE GLORY OF GOD is manifesting in our lives to make us beautiful…it wraps us in righteousness, and fills us with His grace!
Psalm 72:19 May His glorious name be blessed forever and the whole earth be filled with His eternal glory! Amen. Amen. (the KABOD (GLORY) of God)
The word “GLORY” refers to God’s visible manifestation. Though God is unseen, from time to time human beings are given the privilege of seeing His glory.
In the Old Testament, the GLORY OF GOD / HIS PRESENCE is spoken of as:
the SHEKINAH – the manifest Presence of the Spirit,
the KABOD – the embrace of God
the KABAD – the manifest weight of God.
Leviticus 1-9 speaks of the specific instructions given to be able to see His GLORY! When the instructions were followed and the requirements were fulfilled, the GLORY of GOD was manifest.
• Leviticus 1: 1-2 The Eternal One called Moses and addressed him from the congregation tent. Eternal One: 2 Moses, I want you to go talk with the Israelites and tell them how to perform ritual offerings
• Leviticus 9:30 Moses took some of the anointing oil and some of the blood from the altar and sprinkled it on Aaron and his garments. He did the same on Aaron’s sons and their garments. This is how he consecrated Aaron and his priestly garments, as well as his sons and their garments.
• Leviticus 10:1-3 Nadab and Abihu, two of Aaron’s sons, took censers and filled them with embers; then they put incense on top of the fire and presented it to the Eternal One. This was a strange and unauthorized fire that the Eternal did not command them. 2 Flames erupted from before the Eternal and burned up Nadab and Abihu. They both died in the presence of the Eternal One. Moses (to Aaron): 3 This is what the Eternal One was talking about when He said, By those authorized to come near, I will be treated as sacred. In the eyes of all the people, I will be honored. Aaron remained silent.
Amar Mosheh el Aharon hu asher Dabar YHVH amar karob Kados al Panym kol am kabad. Damam Aharon.
(Moses says to Aharon He who is the Word of God say Near the Holy Face All meet Kabad Aharon kept silent.)
Moses says that the Word of God – Dabar YHVH, Who is the Son of God, Lord Jesus was speaking with him. His message is that all humans meet Kabad in the Presence of God.
There was a HOLY FIRE which brought LIFE…and a strange fire (doing that which is not ordained by HIM) which brought DEATH! Let us CHOOSE LIFE…continuously!
Numbers 26:61 Nadab and Abihu died when they presumed to offer a strange fire to the Eternal One.
Jude 1:7 Sodom and Gomorrah and all their neighbors were defeated by their own sexual perversions as they pursued the strange and unnatural impulses of the flesh. Let those who went their own way and are experiencing the eternal heat of God’s vengeance—a punishment by fire—be a warning to you.
Prepare us to stand in Your Presence, Lord. Help us to walk in holiness and do only that which we see You doing… and speak only that which we hear You saying!
As we prepare to Welcome God into this nation, we will be welcoming in HIS MANIFEST PRESENCE and a whole new order for our nation! THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN! When God comes, anything can happen! Our lives are in His Hands! As we give ourselves to Him, He gives us His SHALOM…we trust in Him…He is a good, good Father!
Psalm 19:7-10 The Eternal’s law is perfect, turning lives around. His words are reliable and true, instilling wisdom to open minds. 8 The Eternal’s directions are correct, giving satisfaction to the heart. God’s commandments are clear, lending clarity to the eyes. 9 The awe of the Eternal is clean, sustaining for all of eternity. The Eternal’s decisions are sound; they are right through and through. 10 They are worth more than gold—even more than abundant, pure gold. They are sweeter to the tongue than honey or the drippings of the honeycomb.
Jeremiah 17:9-14 The heart is most devious and incurably sick. Who can understand it? It is I, the Eternal One, who probes the innermost heart and examines the innermost thoughts. I will compensate each person justly, according to his ways and by what his actions deserve.11 Like a partridge that hatches eggs that are not hers, so is the person who gains wealth unfairly. In the middle of his life, a fool’s money will abandon him. In the end, he, too, will be shown for what he is—a fool. 12 Jeremiah (to God): But from the beginning, Your throne of glory, our holy place, has always been exalted.13 O Eternal One, the hope of Israel, all who forsake You will be put to shame. Those who turn their backs on You will be written in the dirt because they have forsaken You, the spring of living water.14 Heal me, O Eternal One, and I will be healed. You alone can save me; to You alone do I sing my praise.
Dallas: The PROTOCOLS of GOD are to be kept, respected, honored and revered…as He is revered! Let us be mindful of that which He requires and keep His ways, His Law, His ordinances and in doing so, let us enter in to His Presence together, and give Him the reverence He is due from His people and this nation, and from the peoples and the nations of the world!
Cindy: prayed for LIFE and the end to the slaughter of innocents in our nation! It has begun…
Ioan: He is “in process” with us and we are “in a process” with HIM! If we are in Christ, obeying Him and submitting to Him, we are changed in that process!
In the New Testament, “Glory” is Doxa. In John 17, Jesus said, “I give My GLORY to them that they may be ONE…”! One of the effects of the GLORY coming is UNITY! Unity comes through the MANIFEST PRESENCE – the GLORY!
We are as those looking in a mirror….II Cor 13:12-13 For now, we can only see a dim and blurry picture of things, as when we stare into polished metal. I realize that everything I know is only part of the big picture. But one day, when Jesus arrives, we will see clearly, face-to-face. In that day, I will fully know just as I have been wholly known by God.
Seeing ourselves creates a huge tension: As we look in the mirror, our flesh (old man) fights us, wars with us and pulls us back while our spirit (new man) wants to move forward with God. Empowered by the Spirit, we can TURN THE MIRROR, and no longer look at ourselves, but GOD! Become MIRRORS for GOD…let the GLORY of GOD be manifest in your life and become HIS MIRROR! Whoever humbles himself will be exalted! Empty yourself of you and fill with the Spirit to become a mirror of God’s GLORY!
His GLORY will provoke a GREAT AWAKENING! It’s not only about the LIGHT of GOD, or the VOICE of GOD but about being BORN OF THE SPIRIT! “Whoever is not born again cannot understand the Kingdom of God”
As the GLORY of God starts to manifest in the United States, we will see a turnaround for our nation! God is working in the Body now, with us, to prepare us to be so attractive, so radiant with His GLORY, that many will come, and many will say “This is the WAY! This is the TRUTH…We have found the LIFE!”
We took communion together, and remembering together, seeing the reality of the Body as ONE, rejoiced! As we look into our hearts and realize we are ONE, across the nation, around the world, we are so grateful!
– Jesus, 2,000 years ago, You said: “Take – Eat – THIS IS MY BODY!” As it was then, so it is now! We receive!
– We take the Cup and receive the infusion of YOUR NEW LIFE into the Church. The Transformation we are allowed to experience was paid for by Your Blood…we take the cup, and drink in the LIFE in Your Blood!
In response to Your gift to us, Lord, we consecrate ourselves to You anew! Receive us now!
Closing Declaration by Ioan…
After this night, in which we have been challenged in many ways by the will of God, we declare that the will of God is PERFECT, that we AGREE with it, and that the PERFECT WILL OF GOD WILL BE DONE in our nation. We say tonight, “It is accomplished!” When we meet again for the next SHABBAT, on December 23rd, we will celebrate what HE has done!
Reread and declare this each day this week! We WILL stand and see the miraculous power of GOD!
Contending As One!
Dallas, Ioan, Maureen, and the participants of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Karob Kadosh Al Panim
Leviticus 10:1-3 is a remarkable biblical passage. The first nine chapters of the Book of Leviticus talk about the offering of the Sacrifice: there are presented in minute detail the precepts and commandments regarding the whole burnt offering, atonement offering, thanksgiving offering, guilt offering, and meat and drink offerings. Each has a special meaning and fulfillment in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. At that time, immediately after the Tabernacle of Congregation had been erected, there was such a moment of great enthusiasm when the Glory of God – Kabod Yahweh was descending and filling the sanctuary.
After having revealed how to draw near to Him by properly presenting their offerings, God called Aaron and his sons to come before Him and He sanctified them and appointed them to serve Him as mediators between Him and the people. Their main task was to fulfill all that had been declared by the Lord concerning the work to be accomplished at the Tabernacle of Meeting. After having completed the consecration of Aaron and his four sons, Moses told them:
Lev. 9:6 And Moses said, This is the thing which the Lord commanded that ye should do: and the Glory of the Lord shall appear unto you. (KJV)
The priests and Levites received the privilege of seeing the manifest Glory of the Lord by fulfilling all that the Lord commanded.
The purpose of all the sacrifice offerings was accomplished only through the priests’ obedience in properly fulfilling their duties. The Lord kept His promise and:
Lev. 9:23 And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of the congregation, and came out, and blessed the people: and the Glory of the Lord appeared unto all the people.
Lev. 9:24 And there came a fire out from before the Lord, and consumed upon the altar the burnt offering and the fat: which when all the people saw, they shouted, and fell on their faces.
Oh, if only we could understand the joy of the people when the Glory of the Lord – Kabod YAHWEH descended upon the Tabernacle! There is nothing that can be compared to God’s presence – abiding in it and tasting and seeing that the Lord is good!
But in the midst of this overall overwhelming joy and enthusiasm when God had opened the way to come in His presence, a terrible tragedy happened.
Nadab and Abihu, two of Aaron’s sons who had earlier sat and eaten at the table together with Moses and Aaron and the seventy elders on the mountain before the Lord and had not died, now they brought strange fire before God.
Lev. 10:1 And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the Lord, which He commanded them not.
Lev. 10:2 And there went out fire from the Lord, and devoured them, and they died before the Lord.
What does it mean to glorify the Lord?
Nadab and Abihu died because they did not glorify God and did not fulfill His ordinances.
Lev. 10:3 Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the Lord spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace.
This event is explained in the Jewish tradition as follows: God is sanctified by the death of the righteous. The more righteous a man is and dies before God because he has not sanctified Him, the more God is glorified.
The paramount example is the Lord Jesus Christ, He is the Righteous One who bore our sins on the cross for us. He died before God and the Father was glorified.
I meditated on how it was even possible that these two mature godly men, of 50-60 years of age, chosen to be the next generation of priests, had died being consumed by the holy fire. I understood that Moses and Aaron were just witnesses to how those two had acted and to God’s response to their transgressing His commandments.
Moses does nothing but only remembers who God is. Here is what he says in Leviticus 10:3 in the Hebrew language:
Amar Mosheh el Aharon
Says Moses to Aaron
hu asher Dabar YHVH amar
He who is the Word of God says
karob Kados al Panim
near the Holy Face
kol am kabad.
all the people come across the powerful impact of the Glory
Damam Aharon.
Remained silent Aaron.
Kabad is the impact force of the Glory that destroys those who come near God’s Face without fulfilling His will.
Kabod is the Glory of the Lord that fills all the earth and brings life and blessings.
Nadab and Abihu committed several sins, namely, they did not honor their father, Aaron, who was also the high priest, and they did not ask for permission to bring strange fire before the Lord. Aaron could have admitted he had no knowledge whether it was allowed or not, but there was Moses to whom God was speaking as to a friend. They could ask Moses.
The daring act of Nadab and Abihu brought them before the Face of the Lord where they encountered Kabad – the destroying impact force of God. This was the same Glory about which Moses said that Pharaoh would come against when his armies were to perish being drowned in the sea.
And one more thing. Dabar YHWH – the Word of the Lord is a Person, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Moses said that it was from Him that he received this revelation of the heavy impact of the Glory of Elohim. No one can come closer to the Face – Panim of the Lord without first having fulfilled His will.
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