Dec 12, 2023 – Notes A Call to the Wall

12-12-23 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
We opened the call tonight asking that Jesus Yeshua, the LIGHT of the WORLD, would be well represented by His people, as the candles on the Menorah are being lit in households everywhere! Happy Hanukkah to all!
Joan (AZ) led us as we prayed to receive the full armor of God, according to Ephesians 6:10-18,
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!
12-12-23 UPDATE on the Clements’ Family Car Fund
The Clements family love gift is very close to being paid off…less than $700 to go!
Please send your donation to: WTKOG, Inc. 1566 Grace Lake Circle Longwood, FL 32750
On the memo line, put: Clements Family Car Fund
You may also ZELLE donations to 407-810-4665
David joined us on the call and shared that he has been on a water fast to “reset” and focus on the task at hand!
He (and Ken) will not eat ‘til the film is launched on Friday, December 15th. It will be available on DVD and also on Blue Ray. They will have giant LET MY PEOPLE GO! posters and great PR. AmFest gets 10-11 K attendees, and we will be able to get it in front of “influencers”…especially those who may not agree with us! Mike Lindell is fully in support of him! And Steve Bannon endorsed it. And Gateway Pundit is behind it as well! We all agreed that we will join in the fast with them for the next 3 days. We prayed corporately into this, and Maureen blessed him and the family as he withdrew from the call! We then offered individual prayer:
Diane (MT) thanked God for answering prayer, and for guarding and protecting them. Let this movie shake the nation and dispel darkness.
Desiree (NY) You chose Hanukkah to release this, Lord. Let its message go far and wide. Let the spirit of
might rest upon this family and keep them safe from all harm.
Joan (AZ) Let JOY UNSPEAKABLE be the portion for all those who have sacrificed so much!
Audrey (CA) sang out the song: JOY UNSPEAKABLE
Mary Ellen (IL) draw those in that You want to see this film…rearrange their schedules to do so!
Maureen exhorted us to enter into the fast as we are able, in order to support them in their effort! Pastor Ioan said we know that Maricopa CO is a critical place in this nation!
We asked how Diane (MT) was doing following the rupture of her appendix. She is out of the hospital now, back to work and gave us a good report! We prayed corporately for her continued healing and recovery, then we gave thanks to God for all that He is doing for the United States of America..and for all the things He is doing for us, as we walk in the supernatural realm with Him. Things like David’s documentary, Diane’s physical healing, and so many others! We praise Him for His goodness!
Brad (VA) watched a podcast tonight on which David Clements gave a powerful exhortation to the Church and shared about his documentary: Let My People Go! He prayed into this and we all agreed!
Diane (MT) has prayed for collaboration in the Body and shared about books she is writing for children.
Lord, You are Good and Your mercy endures forever!
Lord, You are Good and Your mercy endures forever!
Lord, You are Good and Your mercy endures forever!
People from every nation and tongue, from generation to generation..
we worship You, HalleluYah, HalleluYah! We worship You for Who You are!
You are Good!!!You are Good!!!
We paused just before 9 PM, as we do nightly, to pray for the J6ers.
We were led in singing the National Anthem by Diane (MT)
united with the J6ers, as we joined them from states across our nation!
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
Statements from President Trump
“Today marks the FINAL DAY of our defense’s testimony in the SHAM TRIAL in New York. It’s a truly sad time for America when the 2024 FRONTRUNNER for the presidency is forced to spend his days away from the campaign trail to defend his livelihood and family from the Radical Democrats who are seeking the “corporate death penalty” – it’s as vicious as it sounds. These people are sick! While I certainly have a lot to say as this trial nears its conclusion, and I promise I’ll send you my full thoughts shortly once I’m back on Trump Force One flying home, for now, there are only TWO WORDS that need to be said – and I’m sure you already know them…NEVER SURRENDER! NEVER SURRENDER our country to the Left’s tyranny…peacefully DEFEND our movement as we will soon await the verdict of this sham trial. Thank you and God bless you!”
“Crooked Joe’s prosecutor just made an emergency request for the Supreme Court to TAKE AWAY MY PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY. He’s bypassing the Appeals Court, skipping normal procedures and arguments, and asking for an IMMEDIATE RULING to ROB me of a right that has been granted to every other President in history. The Biden Administration is DEADSET on having my trial begin and end before the 2024 Presidential Election. Their goal is to WRONGLY CONVICT and IMPRISON their leading opponent – ME – before Election Day, in an attempt to keep the White House under Biden’s control. If the ruling party can get away with abusing the courts to assert its dominance over the people of our country, then our once Free Republic is DEAD. Make no mistake, this is NOT about my own fate. The threat of imprisoning me for 1,000 years pales in comparison to the DEATH of America. As the Witch Hunt now heads to the Supreme Court, I’m asking you to peacefully stand by my side to SAVE our Republic.”
We prayed corporately into all of these statements!
Pastor Ioan prayed for Clarence Thomas, and asked that he stand strong on behalf of righteousness and justice!
We offered individual prayer:
Raschel (MT) hearing the word “surrender”
Kay (IL) You are our MIGHTY WARRIOR, the One Who laid down Your life for us! YOu are calling us to be
Your Warriors! Donald Trump is Your man and he will glorify You!
Diane (MT) read portions of Psalm 9 and committed the nation to Him!
Audrey (CA) sang “I Surrender All”
Mary Ellen (IL) read Isaiah 11 on behalf of the SCOTUS
Audrey (CA) read Isaiah 10:33 and prayed that Jack Smith be brought low
Diane (MT) read portions of Psalm 1 and asked that Smith be uprooted and their names will come to
Susan (GA) Jack Smith wants Justice Thomas to recuse himself and we say “NO!”
Maureen again asked that we pray for Justice Clarence Thomas, who is the spiritual leader of SCOTUS!
Joan (AZ) let him stand strong and have his ears attuned to You, Lord. Speak through him and let those who hear him know that You are directing his every step. Let there be a complete turnaround of the SCOTUS as he leads them forth!
Beverly (CA) let him only hear Your voice, Lord…as Mike Johnson did! Make it clear to him and give a backbone to every conservative Justice on SCOTUS, and let their armor shine and protect them, keeping them from bending to wrong.
*** We prayed against these vile, insidious “unprecedented anti-Israeli statements” by Joe Biden.***
“Netanyahu will not be able to refuse a Palestinian state in the future, Israel is starting to lose support due to indiscriminate bombings, Netanyahu must change the composition of his government.”
This has been the US administration’s position all along. Once again, the US makes its position clear that it does not respect the election results of the Israeli people and continues to demand a change in the government coalition to bring in those who will serve the “US (the Biden admin) interests”.
🔵 NETANYAHU response:
“I want to clarify my position: I will not let Israel repeat the Oslo mistake. I will not give that after the great sacrifice of our citizens and fighters, we will bring into Gaza those who educate terrorism, support terrorism, and finance terrorism. Gaza will be neither Hamastan nor Fatahstan.”
These statements come after Netanyahu openly spoke of the reality of the situation, saying Hamas and
the Fatah movement of Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) have the same end goal: the destruction of Israel.
🔵 RESPONSE by Israeli War Cabinet minister Gideon Sa’ar TO US (the Biden admin) COMMENTS:
In a clear rebuttal of the statements of Joe Biden and any Israeli politicians who might agree with him, War Cabinet minister Gideon Sa’ar said:
“God forbid that after paying compound interest for the mistakes of the past, we return to the path of
retreat, weakness, and concessions.
“God forbid that after paying with the blood of our sons, we return to the illusions of the past.
“We will not agree to a Palestinian terrorist state – not in Judea and Samaria, and not in Gaza!”
Three miracles Debbie heard about from individuals in Israel:
-A secular soldier and friend hid behind a car with dozens, maybe hundreds of Hamas advancing toward them. Prayed “If you save me, I will serve you all my days.” Hamas turned and he went to a synagogue.
-Soldier – gunshot at the head. Went under the helmet, over the top of his head, and out under the other side of his helmet.
A secular woman hid in a closet on October 7th for 40 hours with a Bible. Completely dark. The Bible lit up and she read.
UPDATE from John Robb on the “peacemaking prayer initiative” re: the war in Ukraine
“Prayer is a wonderful power placed by Almighty God in the hands of His saints, which may be used to accomplish great purposes and to achieve unusual results. Prayer reaches to everything, and takes in all things great and small that are promised by God to men. The only limit to prayer are the promises of God and His ability to fulfill those promises.” – E. M. Bounds, The Possibilities of Prayer
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Thanks so much for standing with us for the now completed Ukraine war peacemaking prayer initiative. It was in the spirit of E.M. Bounds’ comment above that our international team of prayer facilitators ventured into Estonia and then Ukraine for a special prayer initiative for the ending of the destructive war that has taken the lives of an estimated 600,000 since February of last year when it began. Our team felt your prayers so much, whether it was on the grueling journey by rented van across the border from Moldova up to Kyiv over rough roads amidst snowy conditions, or in the various meetings in both countries with Ukrainians, Estonians, and Russians where we needed the Lord’s direction as to how best to proceed in facilitating times of corporate repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation that He enabled to happen. God’s grace, protection, and blessing were so much upon us and all those with whom we came into contact. We were also enabled to share Jesus’ love and truth through Gospel tracts in their languages with many in the hotels, restaurants, and gas stations along the way. Usually, they smiled and seemed delighted that we told them how much the Lord loves them.
On a debriefing and prayer call this morning with members of our team and others who coordinated prayer in support of the initiative, we heard some of the high points of the initiative such as the following:
1. Repentance, in some cases with tears shed, was genuine and there was some significant healing of bitterness and hatred by Ukrainians for what the Russian invasion has inflicted upon them.
2. Participants were encouraged to pray over their land and cities with the authority we have been delegated by Jesus, the King of the Universe.
3. Participants along with our team are believing that the Lord will redeem this awful conflict to bring a peace breakthrough accompanied by a spiritual revival and great harvest of many on both sides coming to know Him.
4. Praying with a sense of agreement that this conflict can be ended even by Christmas as the Lord moves political and military leaders on both sides to end it now.
There were more intimate meetings in Estonia during the first part of the initiative and the larger gathering with the largest Messianic congregation in the world in Kyiv that followed. In Kyiv, the dancing of hundreds for 1.5 hours was so exciting to take part in. There was also a powerful time of singing and praying in the Spirit together that we felt sent out vibrations in the spiritual realm, affirming Christ’s victory over the powers of darkness and destruction martialed by Satan, the real enemy of both Russians and Ukrainians, who is “the liar and murderer from the beginning”. He has been the only winner in this pointless, destructive war until now. At the end of the time in Kyiv, the Messianic rabbi, Boris Grisenko, led us in the lighting of the Hanukkah menorah, one meaning of which is the triumph of the weak over the mighty and good over evil through God’s help.
Let’s continue to pray and trust the Lord for the evil one to be bound and for the Prince of Peace to be received warmly by both Ukrainians and Russians so this conflict will indeed be over shortly with a real and lasting peace agreement. Behind the scenes, both Putin and Zelensky are being urged to pursue peace negotiations as the winter sets in and their troops are in a stalemate, so the timing is propitious for this to happen. Jesus urges us:
“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain,
‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
“According to your faith, let it be done to you” Matthew 9:29
Let’s, therefore, rise in faith for this mountain of conflict to be moved away and for God’s breakthrough to unfold!
Thanks so much again for your prayers of support. Let’s watch the headlines and see what the Lord does!
Have a very blessed, joyful Christmas and New Year,
We praised God and prayed corporately into this wonderful report!
Thanks to Kris (CA) for a much-appreciated suggestion that is now a reality!
Our Facilitators and Co-Facilitators will now have access to a special page that we have created on our website so that they can connect to find a sub when necessary! 😇💕😇 HalleluYah! 😇💕😇
Pastor Ioan was delighted to share that his oldest son, David, had a definitive, personal encounter with the Lord in their apartment in Bucharest this past Saturday. He rejoices in that and for his beloved son!
We shared in communion and closed this call wishing Hanukkah blessings and love to all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We NEED two FT Facilitators to fill open hours on the schedule!
(If you are willing to serve, please contact Maureen at 407-810-4665)
All of our participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour each week.
That “two by two” Biblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
See the list of available hours on our website:
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at:
To print the PDF file, use the following link: