
Dec 11, 2022 – Invitation to Attend a Holy Convocation to Pray for SCOTUS and our J6 Prisoners

Dec 11, 2022 – Invitation to Attend a Holy Convocation to Pray for SCOTUS and our J6 Prisoners

Invitation to Attend a Holy Convocation to

Pray for SCOTUS and our J6 Prisoners

Washington, DC

January 6, 2023

“Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed.

Truth shall spring out of the earth, and righteousness shall look down from heaven.”

Psalm 85:10-11

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Of the many battlegrounds on which the deliverance of this nation is being fought, the deadliest by far is Washington, DC. In obedience to the summons of God, members of our 24/7 family will travel to our nation’s Capitol January 4-8, 2023, to pray for the US Supreme Court and the January 6th Prisoners! We will be interceding for a breakthrough so that righteousness and justice might be restored to our judicial system. 

This particular assignment calls for us to pray at two specific sites on January 6th:

  • At the US Supreme Court, as the SCOTUS Justices confer, to decide whether they will “grant certiorari,” by having at least 4 Justices agree to hear the Brunson case. 
  • In solidarity with the J6 prisoners, outside the jail where they are being held, on this two-year anniversary of the events that took place at the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021.  

We are extending this invitation, asking you to come and stand with us on-site!  We seek your blessings, endorsement, and support, and hope that you will be our “companions on this journey.” We look forward to receiving your RSVP ASAP! 

Blessings and love, 

Maureen Bravo and Pastor Ioan Peia

Administrators, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call


  • Please let us know ASAP if you intend to join us. Email wtkog13@gmail.com 
  • Each participant is responsible for their own flights, transportation and accommodations.
    • Our group is staying at the place we have come to consider our “home away from home” in DC: The Hamilton Hotel  Washington, DC 1001 14th Street NW Washington, DC 20005  (202) 682-0111
  • The group rate of $ 198.86 per room / per night is for either 1 King or Queen bed or 2 Dbl beds 
  • If you want to share a room with someone, it will be under $ 100.00 per person/night.


Proposed schedule for our time in DC

Wednesday, January 4th

Team members arrive in DC and check in to the Hamilton Hotel

Thursday, January 5th

12 N  –   3 PM   –  gather at the Hamilton Hotel lobby

  7 PM – 10 PM   –  Jan 6 Prisoners site

Friday, January 6th

 9 AM –   3 PM   – Standing in the Gap for SCOTUS

 6 PM – 10 PM   – SHABBAT CALL and  Praying for J6 Prisoners

Saturday, January 7th

Proceed as the Holy Spirit leads as we pray for the Spirit of the American Revolution to be manifest across the entire USA!

Sunday, January 8th

10 AM – 12 PM Gather to debrief and closing prayer

12 PM on…Team departure from DC

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