
Aug 8, 2023 – Notes A Call to the Wall

Aug 8, 2023 – Notes A Call to the Wall

08-08-23 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays 

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 # 

Maureen greeted everyone and then Pastor Ioan opened in prayer, thanking God for this time in which we can pray for our beloved nation and our true President, Donald Trump. 

Joan (AZ) led us as we prayed to receive the full armor of God, according to Ephesians 6:10-18. 

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, 

and having done all, to stand.

 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace

above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”

We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves! 

We also extended that protection over our families and loved ones, and our beloved President Trump!


Prayer requests:

Susan (GA) will be having her feeding tube removed from her throat and another one inserted through her abdomen this week. She asks for prayer – especially dealing with the effects of the anesthesia – which she struggles with! We prayed corporately for her and for a successful and easy procedure! We then offered individual prayers for her.

Ann (FL) watch over her and protect her; let there be no infections and let the healing flow quickly!

Auda (MI) let her body, soul, and spirit all be healed as the Blood of Jesus covers and removes all sickness from her. We all need Your healing touch, Lord, and receive it for her and ourselves now! 

Mary Ellen (IL) Susan is so precious and we ask that You touch her memories of this trauma and any other effects of the anesthesia or other lingering issues that concern her. Calm her and keep her in the palm of Your hand. Let there be a good testimony to all.

Troy (CA) asked for prayer for his little bird buddy, EZEKIEL, who has been sick and needs to “perk” up! Maureen and Pastor Ioan both prayed for EZEKIEL, whom we both have met and were delighted with! 

Robert (SC) will be going in for aneurysm repair surgery Wednesday, 8/9, at 8 AM at Greenville Memorial Hospital. He has completed all his pre-op appointments. He is instructed to lay low and not go out to crowd situations. They have changed his medications to increase his heart rate…Currently, it is at 50%. We have devoted people taking our two Thursday calls for us. Robert and I want to thank everyone that is praying for us; it means a great deal to us knowing our 24/7 family is praying over us as we walk through this suddenly. May you have a great call and we thank YOU LORD for the 24/7 assignment to pray over America and President Donald John Trump. Our hearts are with you. Shalom, Robert and Danielle We prayed corporately for Robert, and also for Danielle, as she accompanies him throughout this time. We offered individual prayers for them.

Kay (IL) lifted Robert up to the Lord and thanked God for the Drs wisdom as they make their decisions in this process. Bring them both peace and strengthen him and give him many more years to enjoy the support they give one another. 

Cynthia (MS) spoke life over Robert and blessings over those who enter his room. While he is on the table, let his vitals be stable and let there be NO SURPRISES. Let him go in and come out of the procedure with ease, and let all his body and organs remain perfectly balanced. Let the best people be watching and monitoring him. Let him LIVE, and if he needs blood, let it be purified as it goes into his body! 

Mary Ellen (IL) prayed and decreed any spirit of unconscious anxiety be gone, and that he will feel You cradling him in Your arms. As he wakes up and rises up, let him be excited about what You have planned and what You would have him do.

Pastor Ioan added his prayers to ours. We value our brother and want him to be safe overnight and during the procedures, and give him back to us when it’s over.

Cindy (SC) prayed for his toral recovery!

Judy (VA) Praised God for Susan and Danielle, who a year ago prayed for her nephew Paul, 44, who has Stage 4 cancer. She was so appreciative of the two ladies’ care and empathy…and lifted them up now. We prayed for Paul, asking for Mercy for him, such a young man. 


Melania Trump Has Become Donald’s ‘Secret Weapon’ During ‘Hellish’ Time 

by Johnathan Jones, The Western Journal 

First Lady Melania Trump has reportedly become a source of comfort for her husband as he faces mounting state and federal indictments and as he is running for a second term as President. The New York Post reported the events of the last several months have taken a toll on former President Donald Trump and that his wife of 18 years has been there to support him.

A source close to the first family spoke to the outlet for a report published on Monday. The person described Melania as her husband’s “secret weapon.”

“Melania is being credited by his friends with keeping President Trump ‘calm and focused’ amid the hellish week of his being indicted for the third time,” a reported “Trump insider” told Page Six.

The person explained that although Trump is tough, his mounting legal issues have tested him. “Friends whisper these last few weeks have been hard on Trump, and although he always presents a tough front, these constant legal assaults are affecting his day-to-day life,” the source said.

Melania has reportedly taken on a role behind the scenes to offer a sense of calm. “Melania’s even better than his regular golf games at keeping his temper in check,” the person said. “She provides a peaceful life for him when he needs it.”

The source added Trump eats breakfast daily with Melania and their son Barron and that the first lady “turns the news off at times so they can watch something else together, and she frowns over telephone or social media use at. She also is said to be 100% in support of Trump’s third presidential bid. “She backs his bid for a second term completely, and listens to him when he needs someone he can trust,” the source reportedly said. “[Melania] is obsessively private, she never gossips with even her closest friends, so Trump knows when they talk about important things it’s just between them.”

We prayed corporately into this report…and then offered individual prayers:

Nina (MI) You promised that in every situation, there would be provision…and You are faithful! You gave him a PARTNER in Melania and You, he and she are a 3-strand cord, that will not be easily broken

Carol (NY) thank You for the wisdom You’ve given to her and for the restraint that she has in keeping things between them ONLY. Let that confidence between them.

Debbie (TX) that article warms my heart and fills us with joy! What a Proverbs 31 woman/wife in whom her husband trusts! She is the First Lady of the USA and has the vision to guide her husband confidently as she follows Your voice as You speak to her. I bless You for her. 

Roxie (CO) My heart went to Proverbs 31 as well. When people are confused about what a woman is, we see Melania as an example of a Godly Proverbs 31 woman, The mantle of First Lady is still hers and we look forward to welcoming her back to that position! 

Mary Ellen (IL) if she wasn’t who she is, with all that is coming at President Trump, I wonder what would be happening? We thank and praise You for the Holy Spirit that is on the modest of them and is keeping them united through all this! What a beautiful example.

Troy (CA) Melania is such a critical part of President Trump’s backbone…and she is there for him constantly! I believe that they are both prophetic and that they will both begin to realize that they are as they are because of You, Lord.

Deborah (CA) Give her a vision of what You have for her when she comes back into the WH…let her take up the cause of child trafficking and help rescue and heal these children! 

Joan (AZ) I bless the devotion she has for her husband, and ask that he see that he has a wife that loves him, that he can respect and have confidence in! I bless their closeness and ask that You keep them close always! 

Caril (NY) I remember that one time she was wearing a dress that had copies of pictures drawn by children. We ask that she have more revelation on the plight of the children and how they can care for them. 

Ann (FL) the enemy tries to bring discord and ask that she have wisdom in how to handle any discord. Protect her as she ministers to her husband and bless their union. We bless this line as we lift him up and ask that they can feel the strength from our prayers. 

Becky (MI) She remembers the charges of the children being kept in cages. She went there and saw the truth and reported back to Donald, and asked him to do something about it! He did! 

Julie (KS) What a difference between Melania…. and Michel, Hillary, and Jill. Let her represent our country in the WH again.

Justice (NY) they were able to visit, sing over and pray for Susan and were blessed in participating with them! He thanked God for the 24/7 family, and then he prayed for President Trump and Melania. 


We paused at 9 PM, as we do nightly, and joined the J6 prisoners 

as Justice led us in singing the National Anthem in unity from our 50 states across the nation!

Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,

praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones, 

and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered! 



(Article by Summer Lane)

President Donald Trump challenged the federal authorities on Tuesday in fiery remarks in Windham, New Hampshire, where he vowed to never allow his enemies to take away his First Amendment rights.

Trump’s comments come just a few days after special prosecutor Jack Smith asked Judge Tanya Chutkin in the latest Washington, D.C. case related to Jan. 6 that the president be slapped with a “protective order” that would prevent him from publicly discussing the issue.

“I WILL talk about it – I will,” Trump said on stage.


The president also slammed the 2020 election, calling it “RIGGED AND STOLEN” and “DISGUSTING.” He highlighted the duplicity in investigations, scorching authorities for failing to go after the people who “rigged it.” He remarked, “All I can say is, the never-ending witch hunt continues, and we have exposed so much…but DO NOT FEAR, we will win bigger and better than EVER BEFORE.”

Additional statements from our TRUE President while in NH today!

“Whenever more Biden corruption is exposed his henchmen charge me with a crime.” 

“We will drain the swamp once and for all!” (The crowd chants, “DRAIN THE SWAMP!”)


We prayed for our TRUE President corporately and then individually:

Pat (MS) Judge Cannon in FL has given Jack Smith a deadline to explain why he is using an out-of-area grand jury in DC to explore the charges against DJT.

Kay (IL) You are releasing TRUTH, but the world MUST see the evil and dishonesty that has been going on and the treason against our nation! President Trump knows You and that You have this! We praise You for Your holiness and that this is all in Your hands. You have already won the battle and we thank You for the VICTORY he and we will celebrate when that is over! We pray for our family and friends who can not accept the truth yet, and wait for them to come in! 

Debbie (TX) we speak to President Trump’s spirit and say that God’s burden is easy and His yoke is light…and that with God with him, he’ll have perfect peace.

Additional statements by President Trump 

“Biden & Garland file bogus cases against me so it becomes difficult for me to campaign

Nothing like this has ever happened before. Must be Unconstitutional? 


The Obama appointed Judge in the FREE SPEECH Indictment of me by my political opponent, Crooked Joe Biden’s Department of InJustice, shared professional ties at the law firm that worked for Energy Company Burisma, based in Ukraine, of which Hunter Biden and his associate were “proud” MEMBERS OF THE BOARD, and were paid Millions of Dollars, even though Hunter knew almost NOTHING about Energy. How much was the law firm paid? So Horrible. This is a CLASSIC Conflict of Interest! 

To top things off, we have this comment made by Senate Minority “leader” Mitch McConnell (RINO in Chief) in which he warns the House GOP on Biden’s impeachment: Not good for the countryOther RINOS like Mike Pence and Chris Christie are “taking pot shots” at President Trump, which only serves to disgust us and causes us to pray that they repent and turn back to the truth, instead of saying Trump lost the 2020 election! LIES! DeSantis piled on saying about Trump: “Of course, he lost” in 2020.

We prayed corporately and then took individual prayers:

Suzanne (ME) thanked God for bringing President Trump to NH and for blessing New England by his presence Justice (NY( prayed for President Trump’s mind and spirit to be settled, and not to be unbalanced by anything that comes. Prepare him and his attorneys with “counter moves” for every evil move of the enemy! For those RINOs who are coming against him, change their hearts and open their blind eyes and deaf ears. 

Mary Ellen (IL) prayed for the attorneys to humble themselves and seek counsel from others who are experienced in these cases. Let them join forces and stand as one…and blow away the prosecutors! Let every last one of the Judges bow to You and give You glory! 

Nina (MI) Heard a clip from Black Rock (bad guys who control Dominion machines) in which the comment was made “We have to force behavior!” The game that McConnell is playing is over now! Zechariah 5: 

Justice (NY) Deuteronomy 15:6 “For the Lord your God will bless you just as He promised you; you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you.” 

Nancy (MN) my heart is mournful as some good people have allowed the enemy to come in and change their view and direction, like DeSantis, and like Pence…who have now allowed the enemy to come in and gradually change them. Now the good that they have done will no longer be remembered, and they will no longer have the futures they would have had if they had not listened to the enemy. Get to them, Lord, and bring them to repentance. 

Bernadette (NY) McConnell is getting millions each year from Communist China, through his Chinese wife. They knew that China has interfered with the 2020 election and refused to investigate it. Remove all who sold us out! 

Sad statements by Mike Pence: 

“Let’s be clear on this point, it wasn’t just that they asked for a pause. The president specifically asked me — his gaggle of crackpot lawyers asked me — to literally reject votes to which would have resulted in the issue being turned over to the House of Representatives and literally, chaos would have ensued,” Pence responded.

“The American people deserve to know that President Trump and his advisers didn’t just ask me to pause. They asked me to reject votes, return votes, essentially to overturn the election, and to keep faith with the oath that I made and the American people and to Almighty God, I rejected that out of hand,” he said.

Candidly, I was trying to keep an open mind about the objections that were going to be brought to the floor,” he said. “I was fully prepared to make sure that we heard all the arguments, concerns that members of Congress had brought, but because of the riot, and because of the assertion by the president and his crackpot lawyers that I can overturn the election, the violence that ensued eclipsed all of that.”

What the president maintained that day, and frankly, has said over and over again over the last two and a half years, is completely false,” he added. “And it’s contrary to what our Constitution and the laws of this country provide.”

As we prepared for communion, we prayed that those in the GOP who are not in the Trump camp would recant and come together behind him! We lifted our heavy hearts to the Lord and shared in communion, bringing President Trump, Melania, and their family in our hearts, with us into the Lord’s Presence. We asked that all that we have prayed for will come to pass, according to Your plan and purpose, Lord! 

As we closed, Pastor Ioan reminded us of how he become a citizen of the USA, and as such, had a “legal right to pray for this nation.” He declared that the future of this nation is in God’s hands and it’s a good future. Do not give up..TRUST HIM! We agreed and praised God that he is now an American. 

Blessings and love, 

Maureen and Pastor Ioan



We currently have all slots filled with Facilitators! Praise God! 

All participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators for one hour each week. 

That “two by twoBiblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated! 

We now have ***118 *** co-facilitators…and call forth the other *** 50*** to fully secure the call! 

PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)

Hours needing Co-Facilitators: 

12 AM ET – all slots filled

 1 AM ET – Saturday

 2 AM ET – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

 3 AM ET – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 

 4 AM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

 5 AM ET – Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday

 6 AM ET – all slots filled

 7 AM ET – all slots filled 

 8 AM ET – all slots filled

 9 AM ET – Sunday, Thursday, and Friday

10 AM ET – all slots 


11 AM ET – Tuesday

12 PM ET – all slots filled 

 1 PM ET – all slots filled 

 2 PM ET – Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday

 3 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday 

 4 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 

 5 PM ET – Tuesday, Saturday 

 6 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday 

 7 PM ET – Monday, Wednesday

 8 PM ET – Monday, Saturday 

 9 PM ET – Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday

10 PM ET- Friday, 


11 PM ET – all slots filled

May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.

Touch our hearts, Lord, and cause us to be open and willing to step up to serve!

Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work! 



Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com

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