Aug 20, 2024 – Notes A Call to the Wall

08-20-24 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
It’s been said that “Christianity is one beggar showing another beggar where to find bread!” Tonight, as we pray and share with one another, may we be encouraged regarding others in our lives who may not know the truth we understand, whether it be regarding our faith, family, or freedoms that are so dangerously at risk at this hour in our nation! Give us the courage, wisdom, and holy boldness to speak out and share as the Spirit leads us in days. ahead!
As we prepare to pray Ephesians 6 scripture tonight, we are reminded of the words to today’s song in the focus:
“I’m fighting a battle You’ve already won.
No matter what comes my way, I will overcome.
Don’t know what You’re doing, but I know what You’ve done,
and I’m fighting a battle You’ve already won!”
The DNC (Dem’s convention) is taking place in Chicago this week and the battle is raging in the spirit realm! We note that there is something else that DNC stands for: in the medical community if a patient has that written on their chart, it means DO NOT CODE…they are at the brink of death, and no one is to try to save them, by any means; just let them die. Very sad! And that is what is taking place with the Democrat Party in the USA, as they advance Communism under Kamala Harris’ candidacy! Let it implode, Lord, and fail totally!
We are grateful that God has made preparation for our salvation and ongoing protection, by giving us His Son, Jesus Christ, and by clothing us in His armor, in order to be able to fully engage in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our beloved nation! We invited Fifi (SC) to lead us in praying to receive the Ephesians 6 “armor of God.”
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we all wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Evy + Randy (DC) were on assignment at the DNC in Chicago. They prayed walking in the city area and went to the museum that has blue dragon idols…and also saw the 9 dragons in Chinatown…and went to pray at the lake. Psalm 74:14 is the verse they are standing on: “You broke the heads of Leviathan in pieces, and gave him as food to the people inhabiting the wilderness.” She wondered about the significance of the color BLUE, (the color used by the DNC) and had a revelation of the blue dragons in Chicago. The car they rented was also blue. At the Science Museum, they noted a reference to the blue dragon, and when they prayed at the lake, and then placed a small sword in the lake, the waves and the wind on the lake became much more intense. She feels the blue indicates royalty and the desire of anti-Christ to be worshiped. The blue rooster idol in DC represents feminism, and there is yet another statue of a blue horse in Denver, Blucifer. Evy called us to be vigilant and aware of the idols being placed strategically in cities through these idols, destroying their power and influence!
The Democratic Party opened its 2024 national convention in Chicago’s United Center on Monday, adopting its platform, setting its agenda, and hearing the first day of speeches from Hillary Clinton, multiple abortion activists, and Biden. The first day of the DNC featured a prayer without Christ, politicians citing Bible verses moments after promoting abortion-on-demand, and insisting pro-life protections violate “basic decency.”
Planned Parenthood Great Rivers in St. Louis announced it would offer free abortions and vasectomies in a mobile truck not far from the Democratic National Convention. “Planned Parenthood staff is saying that on the first day of the DNC, they did ten free abortions,” reported Lila Rose, founder of the pro-life organization Live Action. “Ten helpless babies have been sacrificed so far at the DNC death cult. There are no words to express the sheer horror.” The Democrat Party, which prides itself on its diversity and inclusion, “is inclusive only if you take an oath to Planned Parenthood’s pro-abortion agenda.”
Our 24/7 IL SPC intercessors sent this message from the call coordinators, Pastor Stan, and Delbra Pratt. It gives an idea of what’s happening in regard to this week’s DNC in Chicago on August 19-22. Let us back up the teams that have been praying for weeks on site, and intercede for the ministry leaders and prayer warriors gathering in Chicago throughout the week.
-We were told, “There is a flood of darkness coming into Chicago / Illinois this week and because it is already so dark in our state it will hardly be noticed.” The actual, physical violence could overshadow the very real, spiritual darkness that tethers men and women to their sin. Each one’s chain is covered in darkness and therefore few even realize it is there. Pray blind eyes are opened and deaf ears are unstopped.
Debbie (TX) thanked God for Randy and Evy who traveled to Chicago and for Carol from IL, who boldly
went there to pray. Let those who are on assignment there radiate Your JOY and LIGHT to those in the
“storm” there.
Carol (IL) there is such a heaviness over this city…and even besides the DNC, it is here anyway. Leviathan is battling us on the shores of the lake. I went to a Trump rally on Saturday here, and Mike Lindell and others were there. What JOY to be with like-minded people…as my family is not there. I believe that the prayers being prayed are fruitful and availing much! You are at work, and we ask that You will lift this darkness and heaviness off of our city! Protect the truth and be glorified in all of his.
Evy (DC) I remember when I shared about the blue dragon, Ps Ioan said something about the water. That is confirmation – the museum faces the idol and the water.
Mary Ellen (IL) after Carol put the stakes in the ground, yesterday, a massive number of people tried to break through the fences and 15 people were arrested there. That area in which she placed stakes is covered by cameras, and God protected her. The need for prayer, repentance, and turning from sin was highlighted by those in the city seeking backup from intercessors nationwide.
-The NY Times reports Planned Parenthood is sending its mobile so-called “health clinic” to Chicago during the DNC, offering free vasectomies and medication abortions. Illinois has a shroud of death because of the legal murder of children in the womb for almost any reason up to birth. We need a culture of LIFE to be reborn … literally and figuratively. Please pray for this.
Donna (MD) thanked God for being able to see what was taking place in Chicago in the early 80s. It’s time
to rebuild there, especially in the South Side of Chicago, for the African American families. Give them love
and an understanding for one another…and annihilate that black-on-black crime!
Though they intentionally expel God with the words of the DNC platform, the Presence of God will be there because HE is omnipresent. We pray that the KNOWLEDGE of God would flood the atmosphere and bring Holy Spirit conviction. Stakes dipped in oil have been planted in the ground around the United Center as that team was asked by God to deposit His love and glory.
Abigail (MI) partied in North Chicago as a youth, and at 5 AM in the morning, God called her and
spoke to her there. Cover the city as we stand in the gap for those in Chicago, and blanket that city with
Sylvia (TX) we are just one portion of the Ekklesia tonight, and we can put many to flight. Demonic forces are behind the scenes and deceiving the people there. We stand in the authority God has given us and bind the evil forces remove them from that place, and release those who were prisoners. We cleanse it by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Mary Ellen (IL) re: PP…from the early 2000s, there were advertisements in the African American and Hispanic communities, as Margaret Sanger wanted to purge those places. Let those people understand that they have been enslaved by PP, and only Jesus can set them free. Put a stop to; let pastors rise up and stand for their people who are victims of baby killers.
We paused just before 9 PM and united our hearts with the J6 prisoners from across our nation
as we sang our National Anthem, led by Jill (KS).
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, returned to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
We continued to pray in agreement with the Illinois intercessors on behalf of the people and their state this week.
-We pray that the enemy’s attempt to use the DNC to “build false unity” that is conducive to global Babylon – whether by chaos, compromise, or deceptive communication – will be nullified. Praying that the Church will have a revelation of the unity of Christ and His Kingdom and will arise in that oneness to demonstrate God’s glory to the world.
Roxie (CO) the church in Illinois has been silent in the face of the incursion of PP into the culture. Let them
rise up and share the truth shown in the movie The 1916 Project which shares about eugenics and birth
control and we speak LIFE! LIFE! LIFE! over the city of Chicago, and cut off death aligned with the gangs
and drugs there.
Ydia (FL) Abortion was legalized to advance the goals of PP. Thus far, 26 M black babies have been aborted. More that are born in many places.
Kay (IL) she volunteered by praying in one of the inner city schools, and there she saw how the government was paying women who had no husbands for each child, so they wouldn’t get married. Even young kids get pregnant, and so many children have children who are being paid for. The PP is killing so many, and there is a deep brokenness in the black community. Many kids are raising themselves, and do not know what it is like to be loved and treasured. We lift them up to You, Lord, and pray for those without a father. You are their true Father, so we cry out in the Name of Jesus and ask for them.
Mary Ellen (IL) the public aid took the place of their husbands and started in the Johnson administration (Dems), and in the book Planned Bullyhood, the strategy of bullying was explained as the PP paid support to those in the Dem campaigns. They either took the PP money or were blacklisted and primaried…and could not win their elections unless they were on the take with PP. Let there be outspoken candidates who will not take blood money!
-As perversion is being celebrated at the DNC, the love of darkness is greater than the love of the light for most. Evangelistic teams will be on the streets around the convention hall. Pray for the revelation of the need for a Savior to overwhelm the lost and prodigals and see men and women saved, healed, and delivered. Let them come out of darkness and into the kingdom of God. Let there be a revolution of LIGHT in the darkness there
Bernadette (NY) prayed for those evangelizing there now.
Sylvia (TX) we can do nothing without Your Holy Spirit. Pour out Your Spirit, Lord, in Chicago now…break off the deception and let the atmosphere be charged and changed with your Presence, so the power of God would come upon those who are being called by You now, to woe and win them…to You and Your Kingdom! Let the gaslighting be broken off this convention and write Babel over it. Destroy the “image” that Harris can lead this nation to be destroyed. The agenda of this party is clearly against Your Word…so we ask that You will stop it! We unite hearts with those carrying the torch of evangelism!
-IL Governor J.B. Pritzker will be speaking at the DNC. He is a man obsessed with all things LGBTQIA, transgenderism, and the death of the unborn. Pray that God will either save his soul or remove him as Illinois’ Governor.
Fifi (SC) Yes to the removal of this Governor. She also prayed for the non-believers at the DNC, that they
will question the sadness in their own hearts and ask what it is …and find that they need YOU, Lord!
Ydia (FL) He needs a “road of Damascus experience”…and to confess to the whole nation that he is a changed man. HalleluYah! What a miracle that would be!
Kay (IL) He’s a very sad character – comes from one of the 15 wealthiest families in the nation, and we
understand that he is Jewish. Bring him to Jesus, let him bow before you, and acknowledge Christ. We lift
him and his family to see You and be set free.
Judy (VA) sees Belschazzar’s feast in Babylon and sees the finger of God writing to the Dems and saying: “You have been weighed in the balance and have been found wanting.” Let these poor and impoverished people see the handwriting on the wall and understand that the Dems are not telling the truth. Let the facade of falseness fall away, and show them Who You really are and what You desire!. Come to this gathering and show them their emptiness…and their lack and need of You Have mercy, Lord.
We paused and prayed corporately into this.
Democrats just released their new radical Communist platform. Here are the key points which are underlying what is being said:
- Make Washington, D.C. the 51st State
- Abortion On Demand
- Mandatory Government Health Control
- Destroy Global Trade
- Disarm Citizens and Restrict Rights
- Massive Government Spending Spree
- Free College at the Expense of Everyone Else
- Radical Justice Reform and More Bureaucracy
- Draconian Measures for Environmental Control
- Government-Controlled Housing Market
Peter (FL) when Saul was knocked off his horse, Jesus asked why Saul was persecuting Him. The
Church was praying for this and he will knock the Dems off their horses. The nation will be pro-life and
they will protect life from womb to tomb.
Mary Ellen (IL) these points come under Communism and so many do not understand how Communism can destroy a nation from within. Raise up educators who will explain this to the people on social media. Awaken and educate the public.
“The DNC would not allow my (Mike Lindell’s) media arm – “FrankSpeech”- into the DNC convention! Can you believe it?? But we know we have to share the truth and support the people who are fed up with the destruction of our great country! We need to bring light to dark places and SPEAK TRUTH!”
Watch Mike Lindell’s Election Summit and Mike shaves his mustache and goes incognito to the DNC
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office said it will defer to a New York judge regarding President Trump’s request to delay his criminal case sentencing until after the presidential election this year. Bragg’s office, in a letter received by the court on August 19, wrote that prosecutors will leave it up to Judge Juan Merchan to decide whether Trump’s sentencing in his New York case should be delayed beyond the current September 18 hearing date. Trump’s attorneys asked the judge to postpone his sentencing until after the November election because he is the leading Republican candidate for president. Prosecutors did not specifically oppose the request for a delay. Prosecutors wrote in their letter: “Given the defense’s newly stated position, we defer to the Court on whether an adjournment is warranted to allow for orderly appellate litigation of that question, or to reduce the risk of a disruptive stay from an appellate court pending consideration of that question. The People are prepared to appear for sentencing on any future date the Court sets.”
In their request for a delay, Trump’s lawyers last week wrote to the judge that the sentencing should take place after the start of early voting for the election, saying the timing would harm the proceedings. “Sentencing is currently scheduled to occur after the commencement of early voting in the Presidential election,” Trump attorney Todd Blanche wrote. “By adjourning the sentencing until after that election—which is of paramount importance to the entire Nation, including tens of millions of people who do not share the views of Authentic, its executives, and its clients—the Court would reduce, even if not eliminate, issues regarding the integrity of any future proceedings.” They also argued there was not enough time before the sentencing for the defense to potentially appeal Merchan’s ruling on Trump’s request to overturn the conviction because of the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling on presidential immunity.
Statement from President Trump:
“It is clear that the Supreme Court’s Historic Decision on Immunity
demands and requires a Complete and Total Dismissal of ALL the Witch Hunts —
the January 6th Hoax in Washington, DC,
the Manhattan DA’s Zombie Case,
the New York AG Scam, Fake Claims about a woman I never met
(a 40-year-old photo in a line with her then-husband does not count!),
and the Georgia “Perfect” Phone Call charges.
The Democrat Justice Department coordinated ALL of these Political Attacks,
which are an Election Interference Conspiracy against Crazy Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden’s
Political Opponent, ME.
Let us come together to END all Weaponization of our Justice System, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
We prayed corporately for each case brought against our President to be thrown out…the sooner the better!
Sylvia (TX) give wisdom to the Trump lawyers and garbles the thinking of the Judge so he can not come
against President Trump. Let there be such confusion in the tongues and minds of those engaged in this lawfare against him! Set him free from all these lawsuits!
Kay (IL) When You do what You will do, let it be done so that only You get the glory! Flabbergasted all of us, including us on this call! Be glorified!
As we prepared to close out this call tonight, we were led in receiving communion by Abigail (MS) and Ann (MI). We partook and thanked God for His mercy and grace for us and for our nation! God bless President Trump, JD Vance, and all His championing of freedom in our blessed nation!
*** Watch for alerts and be ready to pray for President Trump and JD Vance
whenever they speak…especially at MAGA RALLIES! ***
We love you all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We still NEED PERMANENT FT Facilitators for
2 PM ET Sunday,
4 PM ET Sunday
(If you are willing to serve, please contact Maureen at 407-810-4665)
All of our participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour each week.
That “two by two” Biblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
See the list of available hours on our website:
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at:
To print the PDF file, use the following link: