
Aug 20, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Aug 20, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Friday, August 20, 2021  – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call


1-712-770-4340   Code:  543555 #  (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)

We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God! 

“That all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. 

For the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hand.”

 1 Samuel 17:47

We sing:  The Battle Belongs to the Lord 

In heavenly armor we’ll enter the land,  the battle belongs to the Lord!

No weapon that’s fashioned against us shall stand, the battle belongs to the Lord!

We sing glory and honor, power and strength to the Lord!

We sing glory and honor, power and strength to the Lord!

The power of darkness comes in like a flood, the battle belongs to the Lord!

He’s raised up a standard, the power of His blood, the battle belongs to the Lord!

We sing glory and honor, power and strength to the Lord!

We sing glory and honor, power and strength to the Lord!

When your enemy presses in hard, do not fear, the battle belongs to the Lord!

Take courage my friend, your redemption is near, the battle belongs to the Lord!

We sing glory and honor, power and strength to the Lord!

We sing glory and honor, power and strength to the Lord!


The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly 

for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump, 

and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!

We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage

 and for all the members of their family. 

We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.

We ask that in every situation and decision, President Trump will be led by the Holy Spirit!


Strategic Focus for Friday



The Manifestation of the Spirit of the American Revolution – Part 23

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

Today, we conclude the interview that Sean Hannity of FOX had with President Trump on Tuesday evening. As we read what our duly elected President has to say, let us pray for his swift return to lead us out of the terribly troubled waters our ship of State has been tossed on for the past 6 months! Pray. 


This is the greatest embarrassment in the history of our country. This is not ending. We had a very strong conversation with the Mullah. And frankly, they would not have done what they’ve done right now. We have all of those thousands of Americans over there and others, and you’re saying, ” How are they going to get out?” They have a Taliban ring around the airport and they said, “Nobody else now.”  They’re saying we’ll negotiate, but do you really think…I mean, their history is that they’re very brutal and they don’t like to negotiate. Pray. 

Biden put us in this position. He should have gotten the civilians out first. Then he should have taken the military equipment. We have billions of dollars of brand new, beautiful equipment. Take the equipment out and then take the soldiers out…but before you leave, blow up all the forts, because we built them and they are now being used by the enemy. Pray. 

Sean: They left everything. It’s interesting because I’m watching both Russia and China race in and they want to recognize the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan almost immediately. Which leads me to a question about what’s going on with China and Russia. They’re both arming Iran, but China in particular has threatened our military bases, Japan’s military bases. They lectured our country in front of our Secretary of State, (not Mike Pompeo) Blinken, in Anchorage, about human rights, of all things after COVID. Then the communist Chinese are saying America won’t lift a finger to help our ally, Taiwan. If in fact they have “reunification”, which we both know means they want to take over Taiwan, I don’t believe Joe Biden would lift a finger to help Taiwan. Your thoughts on the new aggressive nature of China. Pray. 

Donald Trump: Well, I had a great relationship with President Xi. We met at Mar-a-Lago, and I told him very strongly, “Do not do anything having to do with Taiwan. Just don’t do it.”  This wasn’t a call, this was sitting on a sofa at Mar-a-Lago, where a meeting that was supposed to last 15 minutes lasted for hours.  The first half-hour, I said, “Do not do anything having to do with Taiwan. I know you want to, do not do it.” Then, the election gets rigged and we end up with a different president. And what happens? There are 28 bombers flying over Taiwan… and this happened a week after the election. I think bad things are going to happen with respect to Taiwan because they don’t respect our leadership and they no longer respect our country. And that’s a really bad thing, China does not respect us any longer. And they had more respect for us just seven months ago than they ever had for this country. Pray. 

I never saw anything so stupid in my life until the last few days with Afghanistan, that blows the stupidity of the Southern border. What happened and what is happening in Afghanistan is unbelievable. We’re being set up by very tough people. They’ve been fighting for a thousand years, and everything about them, they negotiate. We’re being set up. They have all of those people, and  I guarantee you, they consider them to be hostages. And let’s see what happens over the coming weeks. But this is not a story that just ended today or yesterday, this is a story that’s going to go on for a long time, and it could be a very, very bad ending. Pray. 

Sean  We have Americans caught behind enemy lines right now, and we were told this could never happen, and it happened.  

Donald Trump: Frankly, we would have been out, and with dignity and pride… and it would have worked out great, none of this stuff going on. Again, it’s not the concept of leaving, it’s the way they withdrew, it was not even possible to believePray. 

Gasoline, as you know, was a $1.87 when I was leaving office, and now it’s going to be up to over $5 very soon. And they’re talking to OPEC. I know the OPEC people very well…and you talk about negotiators, they’re killing us. And what you didn’t say is that Biden failed with OPEC. They told him no on the cutbacks, they failed with OPEC. To think that we’re back to negotiating with OPEC, that’s how we got into the Middle East years ago because we needed the energy, and we went into the Middle East and would protect countries because we needed the energy. We didn’t have to do that anymore, we were energy independent. And now, those wells are shut down and those jobs are gone. And Keystone is, and its number is 48,000 jobs, not 8,000 jobs. And they lied in the campaign because Biden never talked about closing up Keystone. He said, “Oh, well, we’ll look at it. We’ll look at it.” They were lying because it was almost the first day that they closed up Keystone and those workers are devastated. They lied about so many things. They lied about energy, they lied about Keystone, they lied about the military, they lied about so much. Our country is in such trouble, such trouble. Pray.

Sean: Mr. President, you touched on Russia. Biden allowed Vladimir Putin to build the pipeline, literally the lifeblood of the economy of our allies in Western Europe, while simultaneously cutting out the Keystone XL pipeline, high-paying career jobs for Americans. With Russia, Hunter Biden got a lot of money,  With China, they didn’t do a deal with Goldman Sachs, or Deutsche Bank, they did a deal with Hunter Biden, …$1,000,000,000 with the Bank of China. Biden has said nothing to threats against our military or “reunification” threats with Taiwan. My question then is, if the last name was Trump and your sons were making money in China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, if your sons lied on a gun application and threw that gun in a garbage basket or wastebasket, if your sons were on video smoking crack and with hookers, would the question not logically become, do you believe these countries have compromising materials?  Do you see any potential for compromise here? Because it doesn’t make sense to me to give Putin a waiver.

Donald Trump: So this story,  that just came out two days ago,  has not been on any mainstream media at allit’s Hunter Biden, and it’s the worst thing I’ve seen. What’s going on with Hunter and China and Russia and all of that…here’s somebody that took vast amounts of money out of China and out of Ukraine and out of Russia, three and a half million dollars from the mayor’s wife,  and Chris Wallace wouldn’t let me talk about that during a debate. He wouldn’t even let me bring it up. Pray.

But it’s a very sad period of time for our country. Everything’s going bad. The economy is going to go to hell. We have inflation like we haven’t seen in a long time. I think it’s much worse if you look just at energy. And when energy goes up, everything goes up because it’s all about energy. Everything goes up. But you look at the price of food where it’s being doubled and tripled in some cases, we’re going to have inflation. Pray.

I remember Jimmy Carter…(and Jimmy’s looking like a much better president right now because you always have to have comparisons). But I remember Jimmy Carter with a big inflation, the prime rate went to 21% and the country came to a halt. Worse than a halt. Well, I’ll tell you, we better get our act together. You look at what’s going on with our economy and with inflation and so many other things. ANWR in Alaska, biggest drilling site in the world. They’d been trying for 60, 70 years, I got it done… and it was just terminated. The biggest site in the world, probably bigger than Saudi Arabia in terms of oil, and the people of Alaska are very upset with Senator Murkowski and others. But here’s the thing. They ended it. We had energy independence and now we don’t. Pray.

Sean: Instead of begging OPEC, why don’t we just go back to doing what was working. Instead of allowing millions of people into this country with a high rate of COVID positivity … in the middle of pandemic and then dispersing them all around the country, why don’t we go back to the stay in Mexico policy, the border wall building, and process and release and protect our borders? They seem to be things that can be solidly resolved.

Donald Trump: They could all be done. Nothing’s simple. The things we want on the border were won through courts. It took a long time. And then all of a sudden they gave them up. We had to make deals with Mexico. The President of Mexico is a great guy. … 28,000 soldiers paid for by Mexico…his soldiers on the border, not letting people in, and we didn’t pay anything. I promised not to tariff his cars during this period, but that’s okay… whatever it takes…but we didn’t have people coming in during the construction of the wall. And the wall worked. We built almost 500 miles. They could finish it in a month. Now they’re paying billions of dollars not to finish the wall. It’s not even believable. And the contractors are having a field day. When you look at all of this stupidity, I don’t think our country can take it. And I don’t think our people can take it, either. Pray.

Sean: What will be a 25 to 30 year record of illegal immigrants coming into the country when you had set a 25 year low of illegal immigrants coming into the country? The American people now, many are angry about mask mandates, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, but none of these restrictions are being applied to people that are not respecting our laws, our borders, and our sovereignty. How do you explain the restrictions on Americans, but not illegal immigrants?

Donald Trump:  First, the border, it’s the worst in history. It’s not the worst in 25 years. We’ve never had a situation where massive caravans of people are pouring into our country. So it’s the worst ever. Pray.

Sean: The obvious question is, are you considering a run again in 2024? I’ll let you answer it any way you want, but I’ll go back to our original question. Now that we have all these Americans behind enemy lines, in the 45 seconds we have left, what would you do now to help them with that specific situation?

Donald Trump: The campaign finance laws are extremely complicated and unbelievably stupid, so I’m actually not allowed to answer that question. Can you believe it? But let me put it this way. I think you’ll be happy. And I think a lot of our friends will be very happy.  It makes it very difficult if I do. So people, you’re going to be happy because I love this country and I hate to see what’s happening to it. Pray.

Sean: Would you be willing to get on the phone with the people that you gave very harsh words to and talk to them on behalf of the Americans that are behind enemy lines tonight? We have 15 seconds.

Donald Trump:  I would, but they’re not into words, they’re into strength. And the strength is the President because he controls. The answer is I’d like to help, but you have to do it through the strength of the President’s office and Biden has dissipated that strength. We are no longer respected. Pray.

Sean  We’re out of time, sir. Thank you for your time. We’ll have you back soon. We appreciate you being with us. 

We pray:

  • For the restoration of President Trump as our Commander in Chief, and his AMERICA FIRST policy to be put back in effect immediately! Pray. 
  • For the protection and security of our American troops and all Americans on the ground behind enemy lines,  that all will be able to withdraw safely. Pray. 
  • That those Afghans who served our nation will be extracted and relocated in that region of the world!  Pray.   
  • We pray for the removal of Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and all those who have been perpetrating evil, working to destroy  our nation. Pray.                  
  • We pray for the people of Cuba, to throw off the shackles of communism, and be able to live in freedom! Cuba Libre!  Pray.
  • That President Trump will contact us soon regarding an “appointed place” and an “appointed time” for our meeting with him!  Pray.                 


 Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it! 















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