
Aug 19, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Aug 19, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Thursday, August 19, 2021  – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call


1-712-770-4340   Code:  543555 #  (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)

We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God! 

 “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. 

We do not know what we ought to pray for, 

but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”

Romans 8:26

We sing:   My Life is in You, Lord! 

My life is in You, Lord. My strength is in You, Lord. My hope is in You, Lord…

In You, it’s in You. 

My life is in You, Lord. My strength is in You, Lord. My hope is in You, Lord…

In You, it’s in You. 

I will praise You with all of my heart, I will praise You with all of my hope,

with all of my life, and all of my strength… All of my hope is in You! 

My life is in You, Lord. My strength is in You, Lord. My hope is in You, Lord…

In You, it’s in You. 

In You, it’s in You.  It’s in You. 


The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly 

for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump, 

and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!

We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage

 and for all the members of their family. 

We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.

We ask that in every situation and decision, President Trump will be led by the Holy Spirit!


Strategic Focus for Thursday



The Manifestation of the Spirit of the American Revolution – Part 22

Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord! O Lord, hear my voice! 

Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy!

Psalm 130:1‭-‬2

Tuesday evening, President Donald Trump was interviewed by Sean Hannity on the grievous situation as it was escalating in Afghanistan. The following are excerpts from that interview. Let us read and pray into what our true President has to say! 

Sean: Mr. President, thank you for being with us. Let me go back. I have had a number of people tell me that there were very specific conditions and very specific warnings that you gave personally to the Taliban. Joe Biden is trying to blame you. I want first to give you an opportunity to respond to that, your assessment of what’s going on. And what was that conversation, to the extent you feel you’re able to share it with us?

Donald Trump: It’s good to be with you, Sean, but it’s a terrible time for our country. I don’t think, in all of the years, our country has ever been so humiliated. I don’t know. Would you call it a military defeat or a psychological defeat? There’s never been anything like what’s happened here. You can go back to Jimmy Carter with the hostages. We all thought that was a great embarrassment. And we were pulled out of that by Ronald Reagan. This is many, many times worse. And you’re dealing with thousands and thousands of Americans and others that are very dangerously really stranded in Afghanistan. So, it’s something that you can’t even believe that a thing like this could even happen. Pray.

I looked at that big monster cargo plane yesterday with people grabbing the side and trying to get flown out of Afghanistan because of their fear, their incredible fear…and they’re blowing off the plane from 2,000 feet up in the air. Nobody’s ever seen anything like that. That blows the helicopters in Vietnam away. That’s not even a contest. This has been the most humiliating period of time I have ever seen.  Pray.

We had a great deal and worked on it very hard. Mike Pompeo, a brilliant guy, and many others worked on it endlessly, meetings with the Taliban. Of course, you have to meet with the Taliban. They’re the ones that you’re negotiating with. I spoke on numerous occasions to the head of the Taliban and we had a very strong conversation. I told him up front, I said: “Look, before we start, let me just tell you right now that if anything bad happens to Americans or anybody else, or if you ever come over to our land, we will hit you with a force that no country has ever been hit with before, a force so great that you won’t even believe it. And your village, and we know where it is…” and I named it, “will be the first one. The first bombs will be dropped right there.”   Pray.

Sean: You said that to who?

Donald Trump: To Mullah Baradar, who is probably the top person now. Nobody really knows who the top person is, but I would say that’s probably the top person. And it seems to be that’s the way it’s rolling right now, but I had a very strong conversation. I also had a good conversation with him. We talked for a while after that. That was the primary point I was making and he understood it.  I asked him, “Do you understand?” He said, “Yes, I do understand.”   Pray.

I wanted them to get a deal done with the Afghan government.  But I never had a lot of confidence in Ghani. I said openly and plainly that I thought he was a total crook. I thought he got away with murder. He spent all his time “wining and dining” our Senators;  who were in his pocket. That was one of the problems that we had.  I never liked him and I guess, based on his escape with cash… I don’t know, maybe that’s a true story. I would suspect it is. All you have to do is look at his lifestyle, study his houses where he lives. He got away with murder in many different ways.  But I had a very, very strong talk with the Taliban, which I considered to be much more important in this sense, because they were the problem. And they have been there for a long time and they’re good fighters. After I said that, we had a pretty good conversation. Pray.

If you remember, when they were coming to Washington to meet with me, they decided to kill an American soldier, because they thought that was a good way to negotiate. I canceled the trip and we had a conditions-based agreement. Pray.

If you remember, it said May 1st, we want to get out…we have to get out. I have listened to people on your show and other shows say we should stay. They don’t know. We’re spending $42 billion a year on defending this for years and years. We’re in there really now, not 20 years, but 21-and-a-half years and we get nothing out of any of these things that we do, whether it’s them or many other countries I could tell you about. I’m not going to insult anybody right now, but to spend that kind of money, and then to have people get on shows and say how inexpensive it was…Pray.

And I have to tell you also that we lost no soldiers in the last year-and-a-half because of me and because of the understanding that we had. Think of that. In Chicago and in New York and in other cities in the United States, many people die every weekend. We lost no soldiers in Afghanistan because they knew I wasn’t going to put up with it. Pray.

Sean: Let me ask you this, sir. It’s interesting to listen to Joe Biden blame you. “I inherited this deal,” he kept saying, but he also inherited secure borders, and he also inherited energy independence…and he also inherited three vaccines and therapeutics like Regeneron…and he didn’t have inflation at the time.  Secretary of State Pompeo on this program said exactly what you did, that there wouldn’t be an exit strategy that didn’t include the current conditions on the ground. I have multiple sources, and you’re confirming tonight that it sounds to me like you told the Taliban that, if they violated any aspect of this agreement with territorial ambitions… and we learned last week that 60% of the country was in their control… you told them in no uncertain terms, that you would basically treat them like you took care of the caliphate in Syria, ISIS

Donald Trump: Well, we got rid of the caliphate. Everyone said it was impossible, and I did it very quickly. I let the generals make the decisions, the generals, the real generals, the ones that were over there doing the fighting, the ones that knew how to do it, because we have a lot of generals that shouldn’t be generals right now. I’m watching them all the time. But we have great leaders in our military. We have the greatest military in the world and we’re giving it a very bad reputation. Pray.

Think of it. We took this horrible place, a place that we shouldn’t have been involved. I know the Bush family will not be happy, but I believe it was the worst decision in the history of our country when we decided to go into the Middle East. We have destroyed the Middle East. Do you think it’s better now than it was 20, 21 years ago? It’s much worse. It was a horrible decision, cost us trillions of dollars and, if you look at both sides, because I like to look at both sides, millions and millions of lives. And it’s no different than it was. It’s much worse, because you have to rebuild it. It has been blown to pieces. The worst decision ever made was going. You could do a strike as retribution, and it could be a big strike, as retribution for the World Trade Center, et cetera, but to get stuck in there, it was like quicksand. So, we did a terrible thing. Pray.

Think of what’s happening now. The Taliban are good fighters. We have to give them credit for that. They have been fighting for 1,000 years. That’s what they do, they fight. The Taliban has circled the airport. And who knows if they’re going to treat us right. You know, all of a sudden, they will say, “Well…” Frankly, if they were smart, then they should let the Americans out. But we have had situations where you have two or three or four hostages. We could have 40,000 Americans, not to mention others, like people that helped us in Afghanistan. So, we have never had a situation like this. We have 40,000 potential hostages, a minimum of 11,000.  They have no idea how many. Nobody knows how many. They don’t know anything. Pray.

Sean: When Joe Biden told the country that he trusted that the Afghan military was so far superior, and there were over 300,000-strong, and they had an air force, and we wouldn’t see what happened in Saigon, he couldn’t have been more wrong. Let me go back to the words you used to the Taliban leader, because we knew last week that 60% of the country had already been taken over by the Taliban…and there was no sense of urgency to me. Under your plan, if they had taken over 5%, not 60, like they had last… 5% that was not in your agreement, what would have happened to them?

Donald Trump: We would have hit them very hard. Again, the words are conditions, plural, conditions-based. It was an agreement where we wanted to get out by May 1, and they violated the agreement. So, we didn’t. It’s a great agreement from a lot of different standpoints. Frankly, Biden didn’t have to even go by that agreement. He could have done what he’s done to the border. We had the greatest border, Southern border, in the history of our country. We stopped drugs. We stopped human trafficking. We stopped people from coming in, prisoners from coming in. Now you have the worst people in the world. They’re emptying their jails into our country. This is like the Southern border but it’s handled even worse. Nobody handled the Southern border worse than him. We had the most secure border we’ve ever had. Now we have, by far, the worst border we’ve ever had. Pray.

Well, Afghanistan is the exact same thing. Think of this, we have a military I got to reduce down to 2,500 soldiers and they were doing a good job. It was a smaller force. I took it down from close to 20 to 2,500 and we were fine, but we take the military out before we took our civilians out and before we took the interpreters and others we want to try and help. By the way, I’m America first, okay? The Americans come out first, but we’re also going to help people that helped us. We have to be very careful with the vetting because you have some rough people in there, but we’re going to help those people, but can you imagine? Pray.

Now what we were going to do was take the military out last, okay? Last. The people were coming out, but the agreement was violated, so I held things back because we weren’t going to do anything again, conditions based. So they weren’t fulfilling their obligations and conditions. Pray.

Just to finish. The people come out first, then I was going to take all of the military equipment. We have billions and billions of dollars worth of new Black Hawk helicopters, brand new that Russia now will be examining and so will China and so will everybody else. We have brand new army tanks and all sorts of equipment, missiles.  I was going to take it out because I knew they weren’t going to fight. Pray.

Just one thing, and I have to say, and this is different from everyone else. I said, “Why are they fighting? Why are these Afghan soldiers fighting against the Taliban?” The fact is they’re among the highest paid soldiers in the world. They were doing it for a paycheck because once we stopped, once we left, they stopped fighting. So all of the people that talk about the bravery and everything, but the fact is our country was paying the Afghan soldiers a fortune. So we were sort of bribing them to fight. That’s not what it’s all about. It’s a great thing that we’re getting out, but nobody has ever handled a withdrawal worse than Joe Biden. This is the greatest embarrassment, I believe, in the history of our country. Pray.

Sean:  Mr. President, we don’t know how many Americans are trapped behind enemy lines. We know that the Taliban have set up a perimeter around the airport. I guess the question is, how do we get our people home now? What do you advise? What would you do if you were put into this situation right now and dropped in and you were to take over? What is the answer? Because we don’t know where they are. Senator Tom Cotton literally said that people are being told to go to a website. “Don’t call anymore, go to our website,” he said. I’m like, “Please tell me we have a better plan than that.” Joe’s been on vacation. I just heard that apparently he landed back at the White House. Nice of him to return. 

Donald Trump: And he only returned because he was getting terrible press, okay? He didn’t return for any other reason. And I don’t even believe he’s calling the shots. Look, what you need more than anything is a president that’s respected. You need a president that got rid of ISIS. 

  • We 100% got rid of ISIS. We did a job, Al Baghdadi. Nobody’s ever done what we’ve done.
  • We were respected all over the world. China was paying us billions of dollars of tariffs. Companies were moving back into our country and China respected us. And frankly, they respected me. 
  • Look at Russia, I had the pipeline stopped. Totally stopped. Biden comes in. He approves that pipeline, but he disapproves the Keystone XL Pipeline.  Pray.

You need a president that’s respected. I’ve never realized how important a president, the head of this country is. I thought it would maybe run through bureaucracy. It doesn’t. You need somebody up there that they’re going to respect. So when they say, “Oh, he talked to the Taliban, you remember they were criticizing me.” They criticized me when I talked to Kim Jong-un. Well, President Biden told me it’s the single biggest problem we have. I said, “Have you ever called him? Have you ever talked to him?”  He did try, but he was not receptive on the other side, but he was receptive with me. We were supposed to have a war and probably a very big nuclear war. I get along with him great. He doesn’t like Biden much, I’ll tell you that. Pray.

  • By the way, South Korea… we’re protecting South Korea. They’re very wealthy. They build ships, televisions,. everything… and I  said, “Why are we doing this for nothing?” I got them to pay billions and billions of dollars because we’re protecting them from North Korea. 
  • Japan, the same thing. We’re protecting the world. We can’t do this. We’re not supposed to be doing this. Look at Russia, look at China, how many countries are they fighting for? One. They’re fighting for Russia, they’re fighting for China. They’re not fighting for 93 different countries all over the world. Most of them, I mean, nobody ever heard of them. Pray. 

We pray:

  • For the swift return of Donald Trump to the Oval Office as our President! Pray.
  • For  President Trump’s heart and spirit to be encouraged and uplifted during these challenging times! Pray   
  • We pray for the removal of Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and all those who are collaborating with them for the downfall of America. Pray.                  
  • We pray again for the people of Cuba, not forgetting them and all who are struggling for freedom!  May they and their children be redeemed by the Lord and able to live in freedom! Cuba Libre!  Pray.
  • That President Trump will contact us soon regarding an “appointed place” and an “appointed time” for our meeting with him!  Pray.


Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it! 















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