
Aug 13, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Aug 13, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Friday, August 13, 2021  – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call


1-712-770-4340   Code:  543555 #  (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)

We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God! 

“Let us not grow weary while doing good

for in due season, we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.”

Galatians 6:9

We sing:  Don’t Grow Weary

Don’t grow weary in doing well, don’t surrender in the fight;

Keep on storming the gates of hell, keep on doing what you know is right.

Don’t grow weary in doing well, don’t surrender in the fight;

Keep on storming the gates of hell, keep on doing what you know is right.

For there will be seasons of testing, and there may be weeping for a night,

but soon, we’ll be reaping the blessing, if we keep pressing on toward the prize.

Keep on praying in the Spirit, keep on walking in the light;

don’t be fearful or discouraged, keep on doing what you know is right.

Keep on doing what you know is right.


The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly 

for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump, 

and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!

We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage

 and for all the members of their family. 

We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.

We ask that in every situation and decision, President Trump will be led by the Holy Spirit!


Strategic Focus for Friday



The Manifestation of the Spirit of the American Revolution – Part 16

”Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 

For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption

but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.”

Galatians 6:7-8

As we begin our focus for today, we pray that what was begun at Mike Lindell’s CYBER SYMPOSIUM over the past 3 days will be exported across this nation. Like runners in a relay race, each state’s representatives who attended “carry the baton,” will now bring the critical information they have received at the SYMPOSIUM back home to their 50 home states and use it to uncover the fraud and corruption that took place in the 2020 election. Pray.  

When our Founding Fathers took the fearsome steps that would lead to freedom for this nation, they became the role models for those who are now standing with Mike Lindell, attempting to defeat the evil that has been so evilly perpetrated upon our nation!  Calling for full forensic audits in all 50 states, they too have “pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor” for this righteous and just cause! Pray.

Halfway through the 72-hour CYBER SYMPOSIUM, Mike Lindell announced that roughly 90,000 viewers had tuned in online. Then, late Thursday afternoon, it was also announced that all 50 states had been represented at the gathering!  A “hats off” was given to all the legislators who had been bold enough to “buck the system”…defy the “deep state”…and attend the SYMPOSIUM.  Pray.  

We pray:

  • For those legislators, who came on site to learn how to develop an action plan for their home states, will go home and take matters into their own hands. Pray.
  • That legislators from all 50 states will share resources and information regarding full forensic audits, and encourage and support each other as they take action! Pray.
  • That what has begun this week will continue… until all fraud is exposed and rectified! Pray. 

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell promised “proof” that will show that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump…and those who tuned in were not disappointed. Numerous forensic cyber experts participated in the live stream on Lindell’s Frankspeech.com site for  72 hours (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday).  Each challenged the “official results” of the 2020 Presidential Election with the information and data they had accumulated and shared live with the American public! Pray. 

Only invited members of the media, politicians, and cyber experts were allowed to attend the event in-person, and be privy to a re-creation of the election night vote, counting “in real-time” so they could have a detailed look at what happened. Attendees said that they want to have their questions about the 2020 election results answered. They agreed on several items re: the elections… that election monitoring needs to improve and that audits are a beneficial tool.

  • “I’ve been asking questions in my home state of North Dakota, and I’ve not been getting any answers,” one symposium attendee said. “People have pretty much told me to sit down, shut up, and go away.”
  • Another attendee from Colorado  said she wants to see a “full forensic audit of the original paper ballots, of the equipment.” Pray.

The intercessors on site report that they have never seen so much spiritual opposition. 

  • The airport was closed down in their town in South Dakota, just to keep the Christians from coming in to stand with Mike Lindell. “People flew in from all over trying to land anywhere close.” 
  • People were coming without invitation just to pray. One group knew they couldn’t get in so they went on the roof to pray. There is also a rumor that the government is planning to arrest everyone who went to the Symposium, just like they did to the ones who went into the Capitol on Jan 6th.
  • Those in the media were coming against Mike, threatening him. “Mr. Lindell didn’t eat – he was in so many battles.” Two intercessors were backstage, to pray and give advice, and had been specifically invited to come to the symposium as prayer warriors. They said the warfare could be “cut with a knife.” 
  • There were people there who were adamantly against anyone for Trump or Lindell and the witches were blatant. It is no wonder they were not prepared for the level of warfare they encountered…in fact, that is an understatement. 
  • They asked to enlist as many prayer warriors as possible, to pray past this gathering, at least through Friday, saying that this symposium will carry so much weight in how things will go in our nation. Pray.

David Clements posted these messages on Wednesday and Thursday:

“Beware of those that claim they, and they alone, possess “the strategy” to save our Republic. Beware of those that demand other patriots implement their “strategy.” Beware of those that accuse those that don’t implement their strategy as being destined to fail, or even worse, being an agent of the “deep state.” A lot of division out there. Love is not coercive. Neither is freedom. Love does not make you choose one group of patriots over another. Neither does freedom. Love would not accuse an ally in a fight against evil as being infiltrated, based on nothing more than gossip. Use your discernment. Fight the battles that make sense. When someone tells you to do something, and that you must choose person A over person B… OR ELSE [insert fear-based conclusion]…. Then, that person seeks control. I say be free. Pray. Listen to God. And He will make your paths straight.” Pray. 

“Question for those truth warriors out there…If you had a “strategy” that was the best in taking down the enemy, do you think YouTube would allow you to live stream on that “strategy” every day? Or would you expect YouTube to BAN that person, like everyone else that has been over the mark? Curious, don’t you think?”  Pray. 

“The Cyber Symposium is shining a light on the information war being waged on the American people by George Soros, the CCP, SNAKE news, and the election cartel. There is an information war being waged within the building as well. Antifa, spies, blackhats, are all around. I need your prayers today. The devil is loose. But God is greater. Pray that His will be done. Then praise Him for all that He has done and will accomplish.”  Pray. 

We pray:

  • As parents and grandparents, for a future full of hope for our children and grandchildren, and their  birthright…the opportunity to participate in this “Great Experiment” we now call the “American Dream.”  Pray.
  • That the results of the CYBER SYMPOSIUM will be unobstructed, so that God will receive the glory, honor, and VICTORY that will come with free and fair elections…the “fruit” of truth will assure justice and restore righteousness to our election process! Pray.
  • For continued wisdom and discernment for Mike Lindell, Kurt Olsen, Phillip Jauregui and all those involved in the follow-up, to see to it that the truth comes out in each and every state. Pray.
  • For holy boldness as attendees head back to their home states, and begin to share and implement what they have learned. Let it lead to “breakthrough”…exposing every evil that took place…and ushering in the Lord’s Justice in each state in our land!  Pray.
  • Let the people of this nation hear thebirth pangs of TRUTHcoming from the CYBER SYMPOSIUM, and as they are confronted by the reality of the TRUTH, let them be unable to deny it! Pray. 
  • Let the cry of “No more!” be heard as “We the people” declare: “No more being deceived!”…“No more being controlled” …and “No more being manipulated.”  Let us be as David’s MIGHTY MEN,  standing our ground and enforcing God’s VICTORY over unrighteousness in every state. Pray.
  • That what has begun in South Dakota will be picked up and carried across this nation, and that like runners in a relay race, representatives from each state will  “carry the baton” and pass it on to others, who will carry it forward, uncovering the fraud and corruption, to assure free and fair elections in the future!  Pray.
  • That the subpoenas in Wisconsin…calling for a “full forensic audit”…will be honored quickly, and that the information requested will be provided by the State offices. Pray.
  • That the Arizona audit will continue to progress and that the AZ Attorney General will pursue a criminal investigation in the criminal refusal of the Maricopa County Board to comply. Pray.
  • For the exposure of all fraud and corruption in these elections, and the removal of elected officials like Pelosi, Schumer, and others who are colluding with them against our nation. Pray.         
  • We remember the people of Cuba, who are attempting to throw off the shackles of communism. May they be successful so they and their children are able to live in freedom! Cuba Libre!  Pray.
  • That President Trump will contact us soon regarding an “appointed place” and an “appointed time” for our meeting with him!  Pray.                    


Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it! 















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