April 4, 2017 – Joyce Smith – Prophetic Word for Today – Revolution of Restoration – Isaiah 61

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017, at 4:50 PM, Maureen <maureen@ruii.org> wrote:
John, that is a solid word…one that’s being confirmed day by day!
Two days ago, He told me that we’re in Isaiah 60 and 61, leading up to Isaiah 62. They flow together. I witness to it, I love it and rejoice to see that we’re living it out! Amen.
We ARE staying on the wall – giving the Lord no rest until He does what He has promised! May this precious 24/7 work that He has begun in us continue and bear much fruit! Alleluia!
Our God reigns!
Sent from Maureen’s iPhone
On Apr 4, 2017, at 5:22 PM, John Robb <johndrobb3@gmail.com> wrote:
Maureen and Ioan got this word after talking with you. Joyce Smith has been part of many of our prayer initiative teams and God has used her before in prophetic ministry as well as in intercession.
To encourage you,
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From: Joyce Smith <prayerforce.us@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 2:47 PM
Subject: Prophetic Word for Today – Revolution of Restoration – Isaiah 61
To: Joyce Smith <prayerforce.us@gmail.com>
Hello Friends,
I awoke with this message on my heart this morning. There is much chaos and turmoil all around, but the Lord has a plan and a purpose and He speaks to us about it in Is. 61. For many years this has been one of my ministry mandates as well as Jeremiah 1: 5-10, through which my intercessions and prayers are offered to the Lord.
Please see attached word below. I wanted to pass this word on to you and please feel free to forward it as the Holy Spirit leads.
Praying for all the Lord is using you to do in the midst of this strategic season we are living in.
Love and blessings always,
Joyce Smith
Prayer Force
“Transformational prayer for individuals, cities and nations”
Revolution of Restoration – Isaiah 61
I am uprooting things which have been planted and growing for generations. Many of the problems and struggles which are presently being experienced are a result of My uprooting and purging process. I am uprooting systems, mindsets and paradigms which have been entrenched with deceptive lies and were birthed out of demonic schemes of self indulgence, pride, greed and control. These lying spirits have become established through years of compromised life behaviors. Calling what is good evil and what is evil good. Mindsets have become so deeply entrenched in these lies that many have completely lost any sense of conscience or awareness of the wrong they are living out.
As in the days of Noah when I looked to see that everywhere men were practicing evil, I am now looking and I see a very similar scene before My eyes. But I also see My people. I see and hear their prayers and cries for mercy. They are calling on My name and My mercy and I can hear their cries. So, I do remember My covenant promise to Noah and all mankind in which I declared that I will never destroy the earth with a flood again, but I will visit the earth with My righteous judgement and I will release My mercy in answer to My peoples prayers.
It is in My mercy that I am now exposing the evil works of darkness. Don’t be surprised to see My uprooting work. Continue to pray and join Me in this Revolution of Restoration. I am doing this wrecking of current systems and structures so My people can begin to rebuild and plant in truth and righteousness. I have been preparing My people in the secret place. I’ve been refining and purging their individual lives, bringing them to places of humility and trust which they need for the coming Revolution I am calling them to.
My people will arise and awaken and they will begin to see their role in My transformational process. This is the hour they have been awaiting. There is a great activation going on in My people. I am stirring them to arise and shine and I will lead My people out into every arena that has been uprooted. They will go in and plant and rebuild the ancient foundations with My kingdom principles that I established from the foundation of the world. These foundations will not be shaken for they are anchored in the Rock of Ages, the Ancient of Days, and secured by My blood covenant that is eternal.
As my people enter in and follow My Spirit to rebuild, I will cause them to succeed. This is My work and My word fulfilled.
Word submitted by Joyce Smith
Joyce Smith is called to the nations and in 1999 she founded a non-profit organization called Prayer Force. Since that time the Lord has allowed her to travel extensively to many nations releasing transformational prophetic words and prayers. Helping people develop their gifts, discover their Identity and their full God given potential is one of her passions. She loves sharing prophetic words and the valuable life changing lessons she has learned through prayer and her decades of diverse and practical experiences. Joyce is a wife, mother of two and grandmother of seven, an experienced business entrepreneur, ministry leader and a Strategy Coach. She has been married to her high school sweetheart, Vaden Smith, for over fifty years and they reside in Lake Elsinore, California.
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