Apr 9, 2019 – Notes A call to the Wall

04-09-19 Notes from “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we began this call to intercede for our President tonight, Pastor Ioan spent time sharing why we are so focused on the Federal Reserve System and the FED Board. He explained how the members of the FED Board make the most consequential decisions about American monetary policy that impact and affect all of our lives and fortunes!
He explained how the economy “contracts” when the interest rates are raised, and how it “expands” when the interest rates are low, and how the FED guides and regulates our economy. The FED also influences the demand for and the supply of balances that depository institutions hold at Federal Reserve Banks and in this way alters the federal funds rate.
The world is full of “systems” (structures, organizations, complexes, networks, institutions) which can either lead us toward or away from GOD! Scripture tells us that we are in this world but are not “of” it! We are IN CHRIST…and our challenge is to learn how to abide in Him, so that, through His grace, we can navigate the storms that accompany our worldly systems, without succumbing to the influences of evil that accompany them.
When dealing in the areas of finances and our national economy, that means understanding how the “spirit of mammon” operates, what structures it works through, and how it strives to maintain influence and control as the ruling evil principality over the US. The individuals who serve on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors are operating in this “world system”…one that is also a spiritual structure under the influence and control of the “spirit of mammon”! They are some of the most powerful decision-makers in “the economic wheelhouse” of our ship of state!
There is a battle in this arena…between LIGHT and darkness, and we who are intercessors standing on the wall of our nation are being asked to pray for those called to serve on the FED Board. May they each align with God, and work with our President for the good of this nation! As we see them in action, we will discern and learn more about how to pray for them, so that they will prosper in their work and our nation will flourish!
We prayed corporately for the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM and then invited individual reflections of how this study has been for our 24/7 family members.
- Mary Ellen (IL) This is connected to our basic capitalistic system…as we prosper, business prospers and so do our people…and we are able to send out missionaries to the world. We do not want communism, socialism or an autocratic system, and we must nurture our own system…CAPITALISM!
- Laurel (WA) This has brought a lot of clarity to me, when I watched the video last night, I realized that I needed to correct my opinion of the FED Board members, and began to see them as individuals with hearts to serve…and I may now take an economics class!
- Susan (GA) Q. Is this part of the deficit issue? A. Pastor Ioan: That is a result of our trade policies…and we have either a surplus or deficit, depending on how we manage those policies. President Trump is working on resolving these issues, and working toward achieving a balance in the economy.
- Mary Ellen (IL) Q. What about the surplus? A. Pastor Ioan: When we have a surplus, we give it away…but then those we’ve helped turn on us and do not support us!
- Lorraine (NY) I get the feeling that we’ve found something to pray for that has been neglected in prayer. Q. Could it be that they have been starving for prayer support? A. Pastor Ioan: I have never heard of prayer for the FED in any conference I’ve been in! Now God is revealing this to us and we come into alignment with HIS WILL!
- Kay (IL) her husband is a financial planner and has the gift of insight. He spoke to Kay about Chairman Powell and said he’s got the business experience vs academics with a lot of head knowledge!
- Joyce (WI) There is an opportunity to see as we pray that God will use this assignment for good, and we will build an altar in the realm of finance that will GLORIFY the LORD!
- Kay (IL) Q. What just passed through my mind: Is this the “lynchpin” that we must deal with in order for revival to come? A. Pastor Ioan said to remember that money is not evil…it is the love of money that is wrong! So we are to use the system without loving the money! If this system is redeemed, and people no longer serve mammon, but are set free and serve God…WOW!
- Mary Ellen (IL) I believe what Kay said that this is the lynchpin…and I’m so happy we are praying into it!
- Kay (IL) There is such a freedom, and her husband said if I take care of my clients, the rest will take care of itself!
Pastor Ioan said that in the US, to exploit a client is illegal! The law exposes sin and the power of sin! However, the law is not enough to restrict corruption. The real power is in the people, the redeemed believers, who operate according to God’s precepts and redeem the system and sanctify it to the Lord!
We prayed that we would operate as God wants us to and then pray those same things for FED workers!
- Kay (IL) help us not to fear, but to trust You in all this, Lord, to do what is right and let You lead us!
- Sally (WY) said there are so many in “fear of lack” and in fear of the Babylon system
- Joyce WI) we welcome the KING OF GLORY to come in and take over this system…the altar is to the KING OF GLORY, not mammon!
- Laurel (WA) for years, my husband and I “served” but we were just serving, but not serving the Lord! When she realized that her ministry was to prosper others…and in that, they prospered!
Pastor Ioan shared that, when we began the prayer for the 7 Mountains several years ago, we came to understand that we must take back the marketplace. Now, we have been given this assignment for the FED, and it is unique. Remember that at Mt Shasta, Ray Sheldon shared that the major principality over that region in the mountains was connected with the CA GOLD RUSH, and is very much connected to the spirit of mammon in the US. The financial system took off when the gold was discovered in CA and impacted the economy! Many big cities were built with the gold that came from CA! It impacted the whole nation!
That pattern of this spirit of mammon was a progression…from the genocide of the natives and the claim jumping and murder of prospectors to get the gold! That murderous spirit influenced the entire nation! As we address the issue of mammon, on a national level, we bind all evil spirits that might try to interfere with us, and cast them into the abyss. We expose this spirit that perverted Your intent and caused repercussions far and wide! We pray for CA to receive the maximum benefits of revival!
- We welcome and accept this assignment and declare that we will watch, see and act as You instruct!
- We sense the call to go deeper in the radical holiness, the unity of the Body and the perfection of love!
- We will flow together with Him in the rhythm of grace!
We offered our responses:
- Kay (IL) It is Your delight to bless Your children, Lord! We receive it and we TRUST IN YOU!
- Fatima (TN) the whole call has touched on IT HAS TO START WITH THE CHURCH…money is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible…and we need to look at our checkbooks and see how we use our money. Remove the spirit of fear in our churches…so pastors will speak the truth and teach what is right, without concern about hurting the feelings of those who contribute money to their ministries.
- Jane (MD) You desire to prosper us, Lord, and we will not fear…You supply all we need…You are a God of abundance…of Impossibilities…the Lord of Life. Boaz allowed gleaners to share in his abundance, and God gave him RUTH!
- Susan (GA) Deuteronomy 8:18-20 “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. Then it shall be, if you by any means forget the Lord your God, and follow other gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish. As the nations which the Lord destroys before you, so you shall perish, because you would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God.
Pastor Ioan shared this scripture: But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.” He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it. John 12:5-6 We see how, like Judas, we can miss communion with the Lord if we are connected with the spirit of mammon. He was under the influence of the enemy…and could not commune with Jesus, since he served another master…mammon!
We declare that we choose to serve Jesus Christ alone…
and it’s our decision that we will not serve Mammon!
By the power of the Holy Spirit, hidden in Christ, we serve our Father in heaven.
We serve the Lord with all our substance! This is our testimony, Lord Jesus, we serve YOU!
We take communion now and bless HIM! We know that the gates of hell will not prevail against us!
We praise God for this breaking news and for HIS JUSTICE in our nation! Attorney General Bill Barr has assembled a “team” to investigate the origins of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. Barr told lawmakers at a contentious hearing on Tuesday that he was reviewing the bureau’s “conduct” during the summer of 2016. Republicans have repeatedly called for a thorough investigation of the FBI’s intelligence practices following the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.
We prayed for one another as we closed this call and asked for God’s supernatural protection to cover. guard and guide each one of our 24/7 family. We receive Your loving protection, Lord! Thank YOU! AMEN!
The invitations to WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY INTO HOUSTON, TEXAS April 18-19-20, have been sent out to our 24/7 family and we are waiting to hear back from you. We encourage those from Texas to make plans to join us on-site. Those from neighboring states, as well as from across the nation, please pray as to whether you can come and take part in this event, as preparation for when a WTKOG takes place in your region! If you are planning on coming to Houston to be on-site with us, please RSVP to WTKOG13@gmail.com
NOTE: We encourage each of our 24/7 family members to share the daily focuses, along with the notes from the Friday “SHABBAT Call” and the Tuesday “Call to the Wall to Pray for our President”, on your preferred social media: facebook pages, groups, etc. You are the “Ambassadors” for this call and by sharing, you will encourage more people to come onto the wall and join in the call! Let’s all make an effort to copy and paste the 24/7 material, and help get the word out! Thank you!
We thank God for each of you who participate in the 24/7 NSPC!
We bless and love you! Pastor Ioan and Maureen
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