Apr 7, 2017 – Notes Shabbat Call

04-07-17 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call – International SHABBAT Celebration
7-10 PM Eastern
Dial 1-712-770-4340 and enter code: 543555#
SHABBAT began with Pastor Ioan offering an instruction about the meaning of this day as it falls right before PASSOVER begins on April 10th at sunset! We asked the Lord to release us from the constraints of this world and into His Presence. Deborah opened with the SHEMAH and we heard the sound of the conch blown, accompanied by drums. Several prayers welcomed the Lord of SHABBAT, our PRINCE OF PEACE! In Your Presence, there is fullness of JOY! Psalm 100 (from the PASSION translation) was read…and we prayed and sang and worshipped OUR PRECIOUS LORD together.
We offered an outpouring of praise to God for all He has done in these past two days!
Today, after an extremely partisan battle, Judge Neil Gorsuch was confirmed 54-45 by members of the Senate to be the next Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
· Mat Staver wrote: “Now is the time to return this country to the rule of law where judges interpret the original meaning of the Constitution and the laws before them. I believe that Judge Neil Gorsuch will help reestablish the rule of law in our nation, help restore the integrity of the Supreme Court, and honor the legacy of Antonin Scalia in his rulings.”
· Yesterday, Republicans successfully used the so-called nuclear option to set up the vote today on Gorsuch. The vote to employ the nuclear option and change the number of votes needed to cut off debate and move to approve a Supreme Court nominee from 60 to a simple majority came after Democrats filibustered the nomination. This filibuster was the first in the history of America, but the attempt to block Gorsuch failed.
· We will continuing praying for SCOTUS, “going beyond Gorsuch confirmation and towards transformation in the Supreme Court for LIFE.” – Dai Sup Han, Prayer Surge Now!
President Donald J. Trump called on all civilized nations to join us in seeking to end the slaughter and bloodshed in Syria – and also to end terrorism of all kinds and all types. We ask for God’s wisdom as we face the challenges of our very troubled world. We pray for the lives of the wounded, and for the souls of those who have passed. And we hope that as long as America stands for justice, then peace will – in the end – prevail.
We declared VICTORY in JESUS and His triumph over darkness in this nation which is restoring righteousness to us!
As we entered His Rest, Ioan shared the understanding of the word SHABBAT that a Rabbi shared with him…it is a SUSPENSION…a time when we suspend all other activities, come aside with Him to enter into His Presence and rest
Hebrews 4:10 (The VOICE translation) because those who enter into salvation’s rest lay down their labors in the same way that God entered into a Sabbath rest from His.
Hebrews 4:10 (KJ version) For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
Leviticus 23:3 (SHABBAT is the time of the Lord) 3 Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings.
We entered into deep worship, giving ourselves to Him only to be “caught up” in His love…and HIS SHALOM! We desire to share this great rest with others who need this SHALOM…that it would encompass our families, friends, coworkers and all those in our nation…our President, Vice President, the Cabinet, all of the new Administration’s team, the members of Congress, the Justices of SCOTUS, our military, and the leadership of every State, and the people that dwell therein.
As we prayed for all those we love, Bev led us in praying for the head of Planned Parenthood, that she would encounter Christ and have a miraculous “turnaround”…and lead others in the right direction instead of the way in which they are now going…following the path into darkness. We began to pray for those we have perhaps been disgusted with, had maybe cursed or wished ill of, and as we prayed for them our own hearts were being touched by God…to transform us into His own redemptive image…ALLELUIA!
At this point, the Hawaiian intercessors led by Tarita Tehotu who joined the call shared how they have experienced praying together with many others who are praying in HA, honoring one another, and lifting their enemies to the Lord to deal with them. They made a decision to “lock shields” and work together for critical legislative situations there, including a bill which would allow Planned Parenthood to get their literature into the Christian Pregnancy Centers, another to allow the teaching of masturbation in the schools, another advancing physician assisted suicide and one re: an immigration ban for those entering that State to be properly vetted. The battle was fierce and they experienced the attacks in Ezra 4 where the Jews were reported to the King in order to try and stop the rebuilding of the wall. In HA, as they are praying that their bloodlines will not be cut off by PP, they are standing on the SALT Covenant with God for their people. (Reference: Leviticus 2:12-13, Numbers 18:19 2, Chronicles 13:5 )
Pastor Ioan responded to Tarita, saying that before she spoke, we had been in the inner chamber of the Father’s heart, speaking LIFE to all those who needed to know HIM and HIS SHALOM. We speak that LIFE over her and HA, and know God will move throughout the Pacific and all of Polynesia because of what they allowed them to do in HA.
Maureen shared how HA is a microcosm of what is happening on a national level. As those serving the kingdom of darkness are continuing to resist, press in and attack the Children of the LIGHT, we must not back off, but rather hold our ground and advance on the enemy until he is defeated. We are to be Watchmen on the Wall, to cry out CONTINUOUSLY until the VICTORY is won. (Isaiah 62:6)
The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call will continue to raise up the canopy of prayer over our nation, and encourage intercessors to engage in strategic prayer calls in each of their States, to cover them individually as we are covering the nation in the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call. It is a “macrocosm-microcosm” model…the macro covers all the micros, and together, they cover the entire land!
We spoke about “A CALL TO THE WALL” which was issued yesterday, in which the BODY of CHRIST was invited to participate corporately as Watchmen on the Wall, continually fulfilling the assignment of intercessory prayer on behalf of the nation. During this new phase of the 24/7 NSPC, the Watchmen will take into consideration what is happening inside the walls and outside the walls. Their ministry is to continuously watch what the Lord is saying and doing, and according with His instructions, through prophetic prayers, cry out to HIM on behalf of the real needs of the community, city and nation.
Isaiah 62:6 is our foundational verse, and these translations, which use the word CONTINUALLY, are closer to the original Hebrew version.
Isaiah 62:6 ‘On thy walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen, All the day, and all the night, Continually, they are not silent.’ O ye remembrancers of Jehovah, Keep not silence for yourselves, (Young’s Literal Translation (YLT) is a translation of the Bible into English, published in 1862. )
NOTE: The majority of translations follow the KJV (below). The idea of a continuous watch on the wall is replaced with a negative phrase (not be silent) rather than continuously (a positive).
§ Isaiah 62:6 I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent, [KJV]
In order to assure this continual prayer:
Each Watchman who serves in facilitation will have the freedom to move in and out on the Wall, according to their personal schedules and family needs.
Each will fulfill their commitments for an agreed upon period of time, with no imposed limits on how long they will serve. Each will determine that for themselves as the Holy Spirit leads them.
The Administrators will oversee the continuous flow of the Watch, assuring that there are facilitators for each hour who will lead those joining them as the Spirit leads.
A team of Advisers to the Watch will cover us in prayer and offer advice that will help us to sustain the continuous prayer and move through it as the Spirit leads.
We opened the microphones for the entire group of over 50 to pray and ask the Lord to show each of us His will for us. First we prayed aloud heartily, then fell silent to hear the Voice of God as He spoke to each one’s heart! Speak, Lord, Your servants are listening!
As each one took a turn, with the others undergirding them silently in prayer, we released ourselves individually to the Lord, committing our lives, our hearts and our energy to Him anew. There was a deep reverence among us, as we realized the gravity of the moment and the role that the intercessors MUST play at this crucial hour in our nation’s history. Thank You, Father!
As we enter this new season, Ioan said that we will be equipped, that it will be easy, enjoyable, exciting and effective! He shared a dream he had 30 years ago about an encounter with a messenger who touched his leg and abruptly woke him out of the dream. He heard the Lord explaining that there would be many who would join in prayer in the future, and that it would be with those five “e”s. He is uniting the Body, around the world, and as HIs Body here in this HOUSE of PRAYER for the NATIONS, we move partake of His Body and Blood together. As He is inviting us to the table, He is saying to us: “I LOVE YOU!” As we received the bread and the cup, we responded: “I LOVE YOU, Lord!”
As we brought this SHABBAT Celebration to a close, we blessed Hawaii and then sang “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” to Ioan as he celebrated another year of service to the Lord. What a joyous time of recommitment and anticipation for the future! SHABBAT SHALOM! Maureen, Ps Ioan
Invitation to participate in a critical conference call on behalf of our nation!
Thursday evening, April 6th, at 8 PM Eastern time
Call in to: 641-715-3570 Enter code: 448141#
April 3, 2017
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
This afternoon, some prayer leaders were discussing the spiritual assault that is taking place against President Trump and members of his Administration. Nationwide, the children of darkness are making war on the CHILDREN of THE LIGHT, spurred on by supporters of a disreputable “shadow” government that seeks to undermine and overthrow the new Administration.
As we come to the end of praying for the FIRST 100 DAYS of this new Administration, (April 29th), we noted that many intercessors are weary and longing for relief from their assignments. Others continuing to stand their ground, but see their brothers and sisters leaving the Wall daily. Just as with 9-11, the first blush of prayer intensity begins to wane as days go by, and the fire for intercession that was once ablaze begins to look like a cooling ember. As that happens, the prayer covering over our President and his team “thins out” and is able to be penetrated. Leviticus 6:13 reminds us that “the fire on the altar must burn continually; it must not be allowed to go out.” Lord, don’t allow us to let the fire on the altars of our hearts go out! Rekindle Your HOLY FIRE within us again!
Those who are aware of what is transpiring at this hour must sound the alarm and come together to replenish our forces. We will release a corporate call to intercessors to come to the Wall and stand, like David’s mighty men, in DC and in each State, holding their ground, protecting it from any “foe” who would dare try to steal it!
You are invited to join in marshalling a combined intercessory force, from across the nation and around the world. This is a “Call to Arms!” on behalf of the United States of America and the Trump Administration, upon which our very lives may well depend. The world is waiting for America to realign with God’s purposes and plans once more! The fate of many nations is at risk and depends on what we choose to do at this crucial hour!
During this “CALL TO THE WALL” Conference Call, we will address issues facing our nation. We have a diagram, (24/7 intercession), a direction, (praying for our nation, our President and his Administration) and a desire (to see America fulfill her destiny and radiate Him to the world once more!) We simply need a team of those who will hear the same message and begin to fuel and fan the flames of the coming revival!
In a “multitude of counselors” there is wisdom. Each of us is contacting those in our realm of influence, inviting their participation. You are one of them. Please join us on this call so that we might together hear from the Lord exactly what He is requiring of us at this hour. We will release what God has given to us and hear what He has given to you as the Holy Spirit speaks through the Body to the Body! May we finish the call saying: “It seems good to the Holy Spirit and us!” and go forward together!
Please RSVP to confirm your participation. We hope to hear your voice on the call this coming at Thursday, April 6th at 8 PM Eastern. Call in to: 641-715-3570 enter 448141#. (To hear the Playback, call is 641-715-3579 enter 448141#)
Blessings and great GRACE! to all!
Mario Bramnick, FL Ioan Peia, Romania Maureen Bravo, FL
954-822-1321 1-309-981-3285 407-810-4665
John Robb, NM Dave Butts, IN Jon + Jolene Hamill, DC Eve Nunez, AZ Lourdes Aguirre, FL
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