Apr 6, 2017 – Prayer Focus

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call for Thursday, April 6, 2017
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Contrite Heart
Laying Your Gift at the Altar
“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
A broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.”
Psalm 51:17
Strategic Targets for today:
Today as we reflect on all that God has done for us during this prayer call, we are in awe of His love and mercy. As we come before Him to lay our sacrificial offering of praise and worship love moves us to ask the question; Do I truly have a contrite Heart before my LORD? Is He the reason I’m living and longing for, or do I have a different lover? My God, My God, I cry out in the night watch, and in the morning watch you refresh and restore my soul. Who can come before such a great King, but one who has a broken and contrite heart. Come heal us, LORD, like only you can do. Restore us, LORD, as a nation that has been caught up in our own pride and depravation.
Once again, let us cry out for the lost, the sinner, the one alienated from God. Let’s call home the prodigals and the backsliders. God’s grace and mercy will restore all those that come before Him with a contrite heart.
Contrite is the feeling or expressing remorse or penitence; affected by guilt: a broken and contrite heart.
Over the next few days please meditate and reflect on how we have been processing God’s nature throughout the past few months on this call.
Please READ EACH SCRIPTURE one at a time, expounding on it, drawing on the revelation being made! There is POWER in the READING OF THE WORD! Let us search the scriptures to know what God has promised us, trusting that Almighty God will accomplish all He purposes to do.
Here are today’s scriptures:
Isaiah 57:15
Isaiah 66:2
Jeremiah 44:10
1 Timothy 2:3-6
1 Corinthians 10:32-33
Romans 10:6-15
~~~Calling the State of North Dakota into Order and Alignment
with the Purposes of God for the United States of America~~~
Pray for the Mountains to Quake with His Glory
Hineni!… HERE I AM, LORD!
WALKING IN HIS GLORIOUS LIGHT – Moving in the Warfare of Love
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