Apr 6, 2017 – Notes from the Initial CC A Call to the Wall

Edited Transcript 04-06-17 Initial CC for “A CALL TO THE WALL”
(…we began taping a few minutes into the call…)
Wallnau: Had God not put Trump in, we probably would have seen a very serious global reset happen and it would have destabilized the church in nations where God is now wanting the church to have influence in shaping its own sovereignty. Babylon is the spirit that puts bricks together to build a tower for man. The Kingdom of God is living stones each uniquely designed by the Lord and brought together in a relationship. Bricks and stones are completely different structures
The United States getting back on its feet means that “sheep nations” are going to begin to form. Meaning that the church globally has got to start to take a look at the battle that we’re going thru here and is a warning to what happens when the church is strong but doesn’t take ground within the institutions that shape the culture. So, we have a reset we’re laboring over. Trump, President Trump has a secular reformer’s anointing. The spiritual reformation comes from the Ezra. When Cyrus made a decree regarding the agenda for rebuilding the house of God, it authorized Ezra to begin getting the remnant to restore the house of the Lord. We have to have a spiritual reformation in the church that corresponds to the secular reformation that is being attempted by this administration. If America can get on its feet, then it’s going to be like an oxygen mask to us so that other nations are going to have the opportunity. And, we should be looking at Australia, South Korea and other that are “sheep nations’ that are emerging. We should like that with a global prayer army for all of our nations and specifically for the battle here in the states. If we’re successful, and I believe that we will be, we’re going to see a much more specific prayer strategy emerge because the country is being shaped ideologically by inhabitants that occupy the gates of influence in media, in government, in entertainment and on campuses of academia. These places are literally discipling the population so that its almost under the influence in many cases on a deception which borders on unreality so that fear, hostility and anxiety is being woven into people. The only solution that will ever work is for the Church to rise up where the gates of hell are located. And typically we make that an abstract proposition as a spiritual thing. I think that we need to be more specific. We need to be looking raising up campus revival and alternative schools and systems that can educate people. We need to be looking for people rising up in media that will be able to have platforms that speak the truth. We’re in a battle of public persuasion which is what Wilberforce called it when they eradicated slavery in Britain. Our battle is the battle of public persuasion. It’s not just a prayer persuasion. We actually have to find the utterance and the oracles that can speak to the heart and conscience of the culture during shaking and make compelling arguments for the path of peace and the path of truth. That’s going to require Christians to actually have a reformation. And, of course if the reformation is coming to America, the church will be reformed. And, as much as I don’t want to say it, I believe that this year, the 500th anniversary of the Reformation –moment break in communication)
I think that the church itself is going to be undergoing a shaking but it won’t be a bad thing. It’s going to be so that God can move forward voices that are going to speak more eloquently to the church direction that it needs because the church itself isn’t organized. We’re really like a rope of sand. We have to call forth the unifying of a grassroots movement, with intercession feeding it, leaders coming together, and a greater unity in the Body of Christ so that there’s an echo-chamber in the states at local levels that reflects and resonates the work that’s being done at national level. I think at this point we don’t have that echo chamber, but I think God is going to create it. So, those are some of my talking points in terms of how prayer is going to get very specific in areas of influence and how we really need to be watching who are the people that God is raising up that are going to be able to help in the secular and spiritual reformation.
Bramnick—Thank you so much Lance. We will now go intercessions and I’m going to ask John Hamill if he can first begin with certain declarations and, if you can open it and unmute so we can all decree and declare together and then bring it back to me. We will then open it to convening leaders to flow in the Holy Spirit as the Spirit leads where we might find certain direction as well. Jon, if you could open us up in intercession corporately with the declarations
Hamill—I believe that what Lance just shared is so profound and so absolutely needed in each one of our communities We need the Reformation that the Lord has promised. We like to call it a “revolution” and, as I stand overlooking Washington, DC tonight (we live in Northern Virginia directly overlooking across the river the White House, the Capitol,
the Pentagon), this Reformation/Revolution is no more needed than right here. We are absolutely at a critical hour. So in the times of the Revolutionary War, our forefathers went into battle with the cry “No King But Jesus” “We will have no sovereign and No King but Jesus. And we want to declare corporately that the thrones of governance in this nation belong by covenant to the Lord Jesus Christ. We are a nation in covenant with God. Covenant with the Lord has been restored and this is vital for us to understand if we’re going to have victory and turn around because the Bible says, “that this covenant that I have made with you, you shall not forget nor shall you fear other gods but the Lord your God you shall fear and He shall deliver you from the hand of every adversary.” If we’re going to see deliverance from the hand of the adversary that’s been trying to quench the potential of the Trump administration, we have to go back to our covenant and we have to align with our covenant with God corporately and declare from that place of rulership that the thrones of rulership belong to Jesus by covenant. I am going to invite you to prophesy over Washington, DC right now. I going to invite you to prophesy over Congress and over the White House, and over the Supreme Court at this extraordinary moment in history. Can we just declare from Washington, DC to your hometown and back, “No King But Jesus.”
Corporate Declaration–“No King But Jesus/blowing of Shofar
Bramnick—We shall be continuing in our declarations/intercession. We will reopen in a couple of minutes. I want to make a couple declarations and Pam, if you could take it from here as well.
“Father, we decree and declare this evening as we unite points throughout this nation towards Washington and coast-to-coast in America Father, we declare the move of the Holy Ghost and there’s a new sound arising in our unity in the name of Jesus. Father, we awaken the watchmen and we awaken the intercessors right now. We shake off every spirit of Sanballat and spirit of Tobiah, slumber, witchcraft, Jezebel. Awaken watchmen, awaken intercessor. Father we align under the great intercessor. We align under Jesus Christ and we declare “No King but Jesus.” “No King but Jesus.” Father we pray for a fresh wind across the church and that would just wake us up to repentance; wake us up to reformation so that we would see clearly. We come against the confusion of the enemy that has come into the church in Jesus name. We honor You and bless You. Pam, if you could please pray.
Olsen—Lord, we do declare God that this is the hour that the watchmen must arise and that there must not be a hole in the wall any longer. We call forth the intercessors to take their place day and night and not be weary but be strong and pray strategically with wisdom from heaven. Lord in this year of 500 years of Reformation you are reforming your church and moving us to be the praying church in this hour of history and understand what Your Word says. First of all we’re to pray for those in authority. And Lord we say this night that the church will stand in intercession. Not just prayer, but deep intercession for the President of the United States, for each of our leaders to have wisdom and revelation from heaven. We declare it God and that we see the young and old, from the youngest children, across the generations that we shall see intercessors stand, boldly, crying out to You with such clarity Lord. And we say that it is the hour that the church will arise and Lord you said that the White House would be a place of prayer Lord, and we shall your word go forth. Our President, we know that you have given us mercy and have placed this man in office as an answer to prayer. And Lord we say that we will stay on the wall and stand and hold this man’s hand. We will pray for wisdom in the night hours for him that will come from heaven. Lord we declare right now that there will be an army, an army of intercessors that will not grow weary but we will pray Your Word and declare Your Word in this hour. We have seen in times before that You have moved in ways, national ways, awakening the intercessors and tonight is a beginning and mobilization of strategic prayer and intercession that will go forth and we will link up our arms and hearts together and we will hear what You tell us to pray and we will intercede. Jesus You are the Eternal Intercessor and we say God tonight that Your church will stand on the wall with our swords drawn and we will hear from heaven and decree that tonight we are seeing angels move, move across the White House, move across Washington, DC, and from the East Coast to the West Coast we say God now is the hour and You answer the call for such a time as this and Your intercessors will be on the wall boldly in Jesus name.
Bramnick: Lourdes if you could leads us in prayer whatever you feel as well as for the President.
Lourdes: Father God we thank you; we thank you for this evening; we thank you Father God for this day. We thank you for what you just did in Tallahassee (comment unclear). Victory is ours. This is the man you wanted and have ordained for this nation and for the world. Father we thank you for the authority given unto us and the power of the Holy Spirit. We ask you to align our hearts so that we might be in one spirit and heart to execute Your perfect will so that we might affect not only the prophetic word that you gave us and now in Washington DC but now Father that there would be 8 years of harvest and that we would be wise and good stewards of our nation and of the opportunity that you are giving the church, the body, so that we might awaken Father so that when famine comes we’re prepared to be the provider of good. We bless you, we thank You and your people and for what you’ve already done in Jesus name. Amen
Lila: Father we thank you for the opportunity, the enthusiasm and for those who have gathered together tonight. Lord, we just declare that there will be a taking over of the media in every area. Lord we ask that the prince of the power of the air be cast down and —–by the rightful heirs (?) those that you’ve created for. We’re –At this time we ask that the media be favorable to President Trump in ways that would be amazing because this seems like it’s absolutely impossible. But Lord, You are the God of the possible. So Father we thank you that the timidity is going to be taken off Your people and we’re going to be a voice, not only in our neighborhoods but Lord around the world, around the nations. And so Father we thank You for this opportunity and for the love that you are pouring out. And we need help from the sanctuary, so we ask that we could get into Your throne room and receive strategy from You and then be able to act it out here upon the earth. Father we love you tonight and worship You in ways that we’ve never worshipped you before. Lord, I ask that our dreams would be interrupted by You, that our visions would be enlarged and that our ears would hear what the Spirit is speaking in this hour. Father, for Israel tonight we would ask that there would even be a source of media there that has never been before. Lord You said that the Word would go forth from Jerusalem and so we know that it has in part but may it be like a mega-phone around the world. We ask that in the name of Yeshua. Amen
Bramnick: In a minute I would like Bonnie to pray. Again, I know that there are many, many prayer groups but if we continue in this unity in our own groups, our own region and hear the shofar to unite, there’s great authority and nothing that isn’t God’s will that we don’t decree today that God will manifest
There’s great authority in our unity. We are —Ezras, Nehemiahs and this is our time for the church to arise and release a sound from the earth realm unto the heavenly realms to release God’s 3rd great awakening. So I just want to encourage you. Bonnie, if you could please lead us.
Bonnie: Father we thank You for this season of breakthrough that even as in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah You have given us a little reviving for our (oppression ?) You have created an opening in your mercy in the spiritual realm and on earth. We thank You Father that your purposes will not be thwarted. We pray for every township, every municipality, every metropolis , for the saints, the ones who are hearing the voice of the Lord, the servants of the Lord in all of these places and in rural tiny places and communities. We thank You for the national spiritual awakening ……(unable to discern due to vocal interruption) And I’ve heard the word “Wilberforce” and suddenly saw political activity at local localities I know that we’re in a season and I believe that there’s an awakening with the church –different kind of engagement that’s not necessarily a centralized, organized scenario, but literally I can see that the same way that Wilberforce responded to something politically and stepped into action in his generation, God is now pouring out that grace right now. There’s been a reprieve and breakthrough in the realm of the Spirit. So Father we bless that and say tonight You are visiting at workplaces and families. You are visiting individuals and colleagues (or colleges?) to actions and schoolboards and city councils, mayoral offices, state legislatures. Father we thank you and welcome Holy Spirit. The anointing that’s on the head of government to come down now upon Your church in America, even down to the most rural, tiny places, through all the metropolises, the home (???) of God over America and awaken and arise and bring into the broken down place Your intercessors in political action, in civil action, in judicial action, in educational action, in media action…………reformation hour …revival hour. We thank you for President Trump. We see him now as Moses was over the valley with Aaron and Hur on either side—we thank you that you are awakening Protestants and Catholics Spirit-filled (seers?) of God to come and life up his hands on the right and on the left. We thank you that the weight of the Presidency, the weight of the government is on Jesus shoulders and rests over President Trump. You are establishing him and seating him firmly upon the rock Christ. We bless him tonight and we thank You for Your protection. We bind the spirits of witchcraft and confusion. Lord we pray that You would put a divine (shive?), a divine
filter around him and You would put divine protection, even from those who would bring confusion or perverted counsel to him and would be rebuffed in the name of Jesus. We pray that there would be favor and power and authority upon his word, his counsel would be divine revelation by which he chooses his various cabinet member choices and administrative assistants. We bless them now. We bless them now from the North, the South, the East and the West. We call for the anointed ones to come to the broken down place in the name of Jesus. We gather the prayers and fastings of generations and all that’s gone before us and proclaim Isiah 51 over America now. Lord we thank you that You have heard the prayers and fastings of Your people for this hour to rebuild and repair the desolate places in Jesus name we commit our President to you and this season to You in Jesus in glorious thanksgiving and praise and we……. . Amen
Bramnick: Jon Hamill (used to work for Homeland Security) Please pray for complete exposure up to the President on the surveillance of the Trump Towers and the transition team.
Hamill—Sure, be glad to. It’s really important that we are dealing with covert operatives from this “shadow government.” That government has been taken over by the vote of the American people but is still trying to rule and is tied to global government as Lance Wallnau alluded to—the bricks versus the stones. There’s an attempt to bring us into global governance tied to idolatry and there are fierce, fierce loyalists to global governance which is a philosophy of policy that are trying to disrupt and destabilize Donald Trump. And, we really need to contend for “sharks” if you will, the sharks in the water to be exposed. And Susan Rice, I am sure that we will see more exposure. Lord, we just come before You in the name of Jesus and humble ourselves before You but before we point the finger outward, we point the finger back at us. We are asking that You forgive us for the places where our mouths have led to sabotage, where our statements where we have leaked secrets or have not stood in confidence betraying the confidence of other. We ask that You forgive us for our rebellion to the Kingdom of God. Lord we realign and place ourselves under the authority of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. We’re asking like Isaiah that you cleanse our mouths Father God. We realize our mouths that our mouth has become corrupted, even in the best of us. So Lord we don’t come from a place of accusation but from a place of humility. That said, I want to pray according to a vision/ dream I had 2 months ago where I saw a bull in an ocean and I saw sharks coming to attack the bull and there were sharks not discerned until they were right about to attack. These sharks were about to attack the leg of this bull. And as the bull saw the shark about to approach, he put his head in the water like he was going to directly confront the shark but surprisingly instead of confronting the shark this bull backed up and backed up onto a sandbar. I was watching this in a dream. And he backed up on a small island or sandbar and that shark chased that bull. And as the shark was chasing the bull it literally got stranded on the sandbar and was unable to move. And all of a sudden where the shark was the predator it became the prey and became exposed. There are two things going on that I’d like to pray for tonight. #1-that the sharks in the water be exposed; #2-where God is calling the Trump admin to take the higher ground that they would see it and see it clearly and respond to the voice of God, the call to uprightness, even if it means a temporary retreat. If the administration will respond, I believe that it’s literally going to lead to the exposure of the agents of sabotage that are trying to take Trump down. So Lord we just come before you right now and as the Body of Christ, the prayer community, the apostolic, prophetic and intercessor leaders throughout the Body of Christ in America right now, we first humble ourselves and we are asking that You pull us up higher Father God. Where we’ve neglectful in our lives and own sphere, Lord, we say we realign with You to take the higher ground. And Lord we’re asking that the Trump administration Father God, for the National Security Council, for the policy makers and directors of the Trump administration that You bring clarity to them Father God. We’re asking You for the Senate tomorrow as they confirm Neil Gorsuch as a Supreme Court justice and wherever we need to take the higher ground, call us, compel us and bring us up to the higher ground. Bring clarity to out of focus pictures and situations God and Lord, help the Trump administration respond to Your summons to take the higher ground because on the higher ground is where the shark will be exposed. And right now in the name of Jesus where there have been Sanballats and Tobiahs’ that have been looking beneath the surface seeking to take down the Trump administration, we call them into exposure. We declare that every covenant with death and hell and has allowed this covenant to be cloaked over, we say that this covenant of death and heal is annulled by the throne of God by heaven’s courts and now exposure, exposure, exposure, exposure and not just exposure, we say these forces will be stopped in their tracks. We say that this nation belongs to You by covenant and Your hand is released right now to enforce Your covenant and restrain these forces of sabotage from
continuing in Jesus name. So we come into agreement right now for a turn around — a turnaround where every place where the enemy has tried to destabilize the Trump administration. We say that the “restraining order” is placed against the enemy, the agents of sabotage must now be exposed and restrained in the name of Jesus.
Bramnick: Yes Father we thank you for this exposure right now and Father that we will no longer work from behind. We thank You and have seen the turnaround in the election, during the campaign. We decree it now Father, as we approach the first 100 days that there will be a total turn around now in the name of Jesus. Exposure of Clapper, Susan Rice, the NSA, Father –to the highest level exposure of President Obama in Jesus name and that there be no more things hidden in our nation. Father we have an authority that You’ve given us, apostolic authority, over this nation, and Father we pray that that supernatural boldness over President Trump that he shall arise and begin to release Cyrus decrees. We decree an anointing over President Trump even as we speak. Father, we decree that the baptism of the Holy Spirit for President Trump now in the name of Jesus, that he will be on fire Father as he releases Your sound that there will be a total turn around in our nation and that repentance will come to our nation. Father we thank You, we honor You and we bless You.
Maureen—I’d like to invite Eve Nunez to pray.
Nunez—Father, You said that blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and that You would bless the USA as they have blessed Israel, that you would bless our President as he has made a strong stand for Israel because your eye is upon those that fear you and hope in your mercy right now. I just pray for the President right Psm 35. that You will plead his cause and fight against those that are fighting against him right now without a cause and that he would take hold of shield and buckler and that You would stand up for his help stopping those who persecute him Lord. We say to the soul of our President that You are his salvation. Let those be confounded and be put to shame that seek after his soul and let them be turned back those who devise his hurt. Let them be as the chaff before the wind and let the angel of the Lord chase them Lord and let the path of any enemy of the our President be dark and slippery and let the angel of the Lord persecute them for without cause have they hid for our President to be in a pit and without cause they have dug for his soul—continuation of quoting Psm 35. I pray for Trump, his administration, his family that they will dwell in the secret place of the Most High God and abide under the shadow of the Almighty—cont’d quote Psm 91 and quoting specifically. You will deliver them from the fowler and the noisome pestilence and you shall cover them with Your feathers and will trust in You. Your truth and shield is their buckler. Cont’d decrees made w/specific reference to provisions contained within Psm 91. Prayer for the call to arms of all intercessors all over the world and issue to all intercessors. Continued ……..
Phil–Nat’l Pastors Prayer Network-What comes to mind Lord is to thank you for the partnership of pastors, church (?) leaders and intercessors. Thank you for the sounds that I’m hearing on this prayer call. While asking there are several hundred on this call, we need several thousand, tens of thousands of churches where pastors, leaders, ministry, people, administrative people recognize and partner with and be in sync with those intercessors. Lord, it’s not happening in our churches. Would you build trust, give courage for intercessors to come forth and instruct pastors who don’t even know that the protection of their churches is because of those who intercede in this way, hour after hour, day after day being while they are unaware of it Lord. Would you continue to expand this so that we’re called to the wall together, and use this call to do that. I pray that you would bring many pastors and intercessors who are unfamiliar at this point with 99% of those on this call, but that they would be drawn to Your throne and to pray the prayers that You give them in Jesus name. amen
Wallnau—I want to pray from Isaiah 45; this is a great chapter on Cyrus for us. (Quoted directly from the Word.) Father thank you that you are going before Donald Trump and making the rough mountains smooth, that You are shattering doors of bronze and cutting through the gates of iron. We thank that there are treasures hidden in darkness that are going to be revealed to Your people, that the mountains of media, arts, business, academia are going to break out. The gates will be broken and You will turn even the high places over and over again in the year of the clashing of swords. You are going into the secret chambers and You are going to deal with individuals and there will be ——that will be won by the move of God bringing conversion to those antagonistic to the message of the Kingdom. And the Spirit is going to
move in an awakening that will shake the mountains, shake the gates. The Spirit of God is rising up in the generation of young Whitfields and Wesleys and Edwards, and Wilberforces. They are in the loins of millennials who are awaiting the awakening in our generation speak to them. But when they rise up, they will captivate their generation and contradict the voice of their elders that have led them astray. There’s a move of the Spirit in the raising up of oracles right now and in every sphere that is dear to the heart of God; there are shepherds that will rise up over those flocks, and there’s even a move of God that will come that will take the soul spirit that’s been blocking/hindering and counseling inappropriately caution/prudence and diplomacy. And the Spirit of God says I am going to raise up radical reformers in this hour and the desire that’s been in your heart for a demonstration of the supernatural will be accompanied with words of wisdom and the Spirit of the Lord says that they will not be able to gainsay or resist the wisdom that I speak thru My people. This is an hour, says the Spirit, that I want you to think in terms of bold proclamations for the Spirit of God has given you a window. Let it not be a little reviving but let it be a great awakening. Let there be a great agreement with heaven. Don’t smite the arrows three times and then give up but smite seven times. The Lord says that I’m giving you an opening to take back territory that was taken from you. Father we thank you in Jesus name that Ivanka and Jared Trump (correct last name: KUSHNER) are about to meet You and that they will be surrounded by (inaudible due to talking over by others unmuted) ……They are about to be (intersected?) by those who will give them a clear understanding of who Christ is, who Jesus is and the relevance of the Gospel. Thank you that Melania Trump is now meeting with people who are introducing her to the Gospel and she shall have dreams and tell her husband with astonishing accuracy what’s going to happen before it happens. And he will be even as Pilot making decisions when a note comes to him that his wife is saying, “I had a dream about this…”. The Lord says that you will be amazed at that which I will do and My people will have faith and come to the concert of agreement with heavens. There’s a clashing of swords right now and you do not yet see the ground that you have in front of you that you can take. But the Spirit of God is speaking/prophesying that I’m going to cause strength to come back into your loins and youth and energy back into your bones and cause two generations to run together in an awakening says the Lord that’s going to go around the world. Father, we thank you now that there’s even an angel assigned over the Trump family and is right now taking a sharp sword ferreting out these voices and opening the path to others. Divine appointments are coming and they will not only come in Washington, DC Christians but there are rulers in other lands that have been tucked away and when negotiations begin and they’re going to go out to dinner …they are followers of Jesus and talk about their own faith and they will have a voice of credibility says the Lord. The Lord is going to pierce the veil of questions that have been in the heart of others who have not known Evangelicals. Who are they really? The Spirit of the Lord says that I will show that these are the faithful in the land and these are the ones that will protect and stand as guardians at the gates of righteousness. Father we thank you in Jesus name that even now supernatural peace comes upon the President and the witches and curses, vexes and hexes not only break but brings an even greater anointing to come upon him, even the warrior mantle Lord God. We pray that there will be a great wisdom and a great discerning that will come upon him even as he is dealing with the decisions of warcraft and that you will send Your angels to him and surround him and give him the intelligence, insight and understanding to come to true conclusions without manipulation from the others who have agendas. In the mighty name of Jesus.
Bramnick: Lourdes, pray for the positioning of the Esthers, Daniels and Josephs around the President and the cabinet members and Vice President—those that God has assigned and for the removal of any that are not supposed in the White House or in position.
Lourdes: You know exactly Lord who’s been positioned by man and who you have placed them as divine liaisons with the Your Kingdom. Father God I pray that you will illuminate those who need to be illuminated and eliminate each and every single one that needs to be eliminated. Father, thank you that You’ve a purpose that You are defining Your people and that every single leader surrounding the President and their deputies that they not only have wisdom beyond their years but that they would be able to see with their eyes and hear with their ears. Lord I pray that as they receive this document tonight, right now, that the walls are up and protecting them and they will know tomorrow that Your people arose to protect them and a shift has taken place. And they see that something happened and able to relate to what’s happening right now as to the events tomorrow. Lord You will shift the air and will see that in the worst of moments in that campaign and will see it tomorrow and reach out to You and ask what is it Father and you will place your servant. Place each of those servants strategically those You have already ordained their path before them even before they
were conceived. Thank you that You have aligned Your purpose in the White House, in the Congress, in the Senate. I pray right now for a special hedge to all those that are waiting in line. Do not allow any that are not in position in places where we think we should be but rather in the one that You have truly assigned for us so that we might represent Your purpose and not man’s. In Jesus name
Maureen—We only want those who are to be involved even though there are many who want to be so.
Bramnick—Father, we release the prophets and the prophetic sound in this nation and over the White House and that You would establish prophetic counselors that You are calling. Release the sound and we silence all spirits of Jezebel in the name of Jesus. We pray that the spirit of Jezebel, witchcraft, anti-Christ over this nation, over government, over media is hereby silenced. Father, we pray for a new prophetic boldness to arise in the church and that the spirit of Elijah and the spirit of Jehu will fall upon the church and upon the administration in Jesus name. Father I pray for a dividing line, clarity and that Your sound would be released in the name of Jesus. Bonnie if you could pray for an outpouring of God’s glory over the White House, over the President and over our nation
Bonnie—We thank you for this hour outpouring and we decree Psalm 133 that the anointing that’s upon our high priest as the head of government is flowing down now. We decree that the government is on His shoulders and the oil is pouring down upon our President, upon the nation. We decree that unity is coming together by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord, we say come again. We remember the waves of glory of revival, of the church coming together, Black/White/Latino/Asian and from every background, every religious background, every theological background but we now pray for an overflow of the outpouring of the Spirit that would create a vibrant harmony in this nation. We release Lord the ancient cry/ancient plea/ancient mission and vision of the Republic that the Sons of the Republic would (blocked out by voice interjected) and in the name of Jesus from the legends to the reality from George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, the sounds of the Founders to the Civil Warriors to the social activists. Father we pray from the great revivalists be brought together now intercessions to position before the throne of the Lamb and we say, O Lord Jesus thank you for your great amen over America. Come Holy Spirit and have Your way and bring your reviving work in this hour (inaudible) ….this is a season of victory. There will be victory in the land for people in the land with hopelessness, the yoke is being broken and the Spirit of the Lord is lifting up a standard against poverty, against division. Father, release the warriors of joy, release the resounding sound of the Gospel to run in every culture. Father we thank you that you are turning around within the next 24 hours there will be an overturning of the spirit of death…spirit of death that stands against the next generation, against babies and against young ones Lord God. We thank you that you are overturning ……But God is on the move. He’s marching. God is on the move and His warriors are joining the train of the glory of His temple. We thank you Lord God for the angels appointed ……over the babies that have been aborted these last decades and we thank you that you are loosing those angels now. (Inaudible-unmuted voices. ……..new generation …..overturning……..God we thank you that life, life, life will be the battle cry for America ……………………Unclear…………….We amen “deliver us from evil” in Jesus amen.
Greenwood—Lord we cry out for this nation that there will be even with President Trump and Vice President Pence a glory move that will be begin to fall in the house of our nation’s capitol. I thank you that every idolatrous structure that has been set up by the hand of man and put in place thru idolatrous structures which would cause mammon, greed and witchcraft to operate from our nation’s capitol. We speak that there will be a glory move of your Spirit that will cause an awakening in the people and a shaking in the principalities and territorial spirits that have held us captive and that there won’t be just a shaking but a dethroning and you will be seen as King over this nation for You are King over this nation and there would be an awakening with the governmental leaders as these strategies come forth and an awakening of every governmental leader who has a heart to turn for you and they will be saved and an exposure, a full exposure, of the Sanballats and Tobiahs that are holding back the promises for the nation and Israel and the nations of the world. And as America comes into alignment with the Kingdom of God and reformation that there would be an awakening of the sheep nations and this nation. Lord I speak blessings over every prayer leader and prayer network and that we will be awakened, we will hear Your voice and be on the wall to see the awakening sweep across this land.
Bramnick—Father I decree a supernatural unity in the intercessors, prophets, apostles, the 5-fold and that we will lay down our own kingdom, ministry, our names to unite as one in this day. We come against pride in the body and repent for needing to be heard and needing to be #1. I pray for such a move of unity in the intercessors, prophets and apostles that there will be a unified cry/sound/declaration, even among African American believers, Anglo believers, Asian believers that we will be the sign of your love Father as we unite in the love of Jesus supernaturally in the name of Jesus. We thank you.
Hamill—First off Father we thank you for so many on the call tonight, so many streams of the Body of Christ together that are uniting to see the breakthrough that You’ve longed to bring. Lord we just bless Becca Greenwood whose birthday it was yesterday I believe. Lord, we thank you for the deposit that so many of these leaders have made in Washington, DC and so many of you across the nation. You’ve come at your own expense, sacrificed your time, your family time, your vacation time to come to Washington, DC and declare in Washington DC and pray for the leaders in Washington, DC and stake your claim to God’s covenant. The Lord spoke to us this year that He is coming to our places of covenant commitment with His glory government and literally crown our Vavs, our covenant commitments at places where we staked our claim with His glory and His government. Lord we pray over the intercession and the investments of our time and our energy here by folks all across Washington DC, all across this nation who have contended for this dream and we declare this shift this Passover God that You are coming with power and You are crowning the covenant commitment of Your people with Your glory and Your government. We declare the crowning Father God of Your people right now and the release of the great rewards and the delight of Your heart towards each one that have stood for the dream of Your heart for this land. And with that Lord we pray right now for Neil Gorsuch on the eve of his confirmation, we’re asking that You go before him and prepare the way. Lord, he’s taken so many arrows and we ask that you heal him and where there’s any pain or anguish because of the warfare that you restrain these forces of darkness and ask for vindication Father God, vindication in the name of Jesus by Your Holy Spirit and that You literally come upon him with Your Spirit and say, “This is My beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” And Father we ask for a fruitful and extraordinary career in the Supreme Court. We thank you Father God that the culture of death has literally come to a point of defeat. We thank you for the culture of life and a return to the US Constitution and its precepts God under You has been decreed and the gates have opened up and we are entering in even tonight. In this Passover season we thank you that we are literally passing over from death to life and we thank you that You are confronting our adversary and bringing us forward and this covenant commitment remains Father God for you are crowning our covenant commitment with your glory and your government this Passover. From Washington to Washington to Jerusalem in Jesus Name.
Maureen—Announcement of US strike into Syria for the gas attack.
Bramnick—Father we come before and thank you for the decision in the Situation Room and for what’s happening. And Father we pray for Your anointing as the President speaks and pray that this was a successful attack and will clearly mark the new authority that there’s a “new sheriff in town” in the name of Jesus, that the spirit of Islam and the spirit of genocide mayhem will be silenced and stopped in the name of Jesus. We pray for order and from Washington DC we decree and declare and plead the blood of Jesus and that there will be no more shedding of blood in Syria and in Iraq. In the name of Jesus we decree and declare the defeat of ISIS. We decree and declare a regime change with Assad. In Jesus name we plead the blood of Jesus let God arise and our enemies be scattered. Father we thank you that even as we now are praying without even knowing what is happening that will shift the tenure in Washington and in the world in the name of Jesus for the authority, and glory and mantle of God to rest upon our President in Jesus name. Father, we thank you that evil shall be restrained this day. Thank you Father.
Hamill–Let my people go in Jesus name!
Unidentified Male Speaker—Father, we thank for our President who is strong, who is wise, and who will tolerate evil as has been done in the past. We thank you Lord that You have guided these planes to a proper target which is what You would have done. We thank you Lord and pray that no American lives were lost. We thank you Lord that a message will be sent to the wicked to the world and what they do will have consequences and they will experience those consequences if they continue in their wickedness. We thank you Lord for these developments and believe even as we
are on this phone we can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit saying YES, this is good because wickedness has been confronted and wickedness has been dealt with a blow against it. We thank you Lord for this because we would not have expected it from any other person in the world who is in the White House. Thank you Lord in the name of Jesus, give him confidence in what he does and counsel above that of his own. Cause him O Lord to seek Your face and to say in his heart, “Rule King Jesus! It is my victory in the earth but it is Your victory in the Spirit. Rule King Jesus! Thank you Lord Jesus.”
Unidentified Female Speaker (Perhaps Becca Greenwood)—We speak a wall of protection around President Trump, his family and the White House. As they move forward with what is going on in Syria Lord that they will be able to pinpoint the strongholds of ISIS in the nations around the world and do so with eagles’ like vision those targets of where they need to hit ISIS. We speak a consuming wall of fire to surround our nation’s Capitol, our White House and our President, Vice President and governmental leaders.
Unidentified Female Speaker—Father I pray for the missionaries in that region that You would put a hedge of protection and that this would be an opportunity to expand the great commission. Give peace to the President tonight so that he might sleep and rest and feel the blessing of the authority that You gave him to execute justice and mercy for Your glory. Amen
Maureen—And Father we do speak that the hearts and consciences of this culture, as Lance said earlier, this battle of public persuasion that was introduced by Wilberforce, Lord, we pray that the people will hear tha there is a Father in the White House and that he’s protecting this nation and will not stand for the loss of life in any nation. We bless him tonight in Jesus name.
Unidentified Female Speaker—Yes, Lord, we pray protection over Israel, Judea and Samaria that it will come through the hands of Donald Trump and that his administration will be clear in their vision and they will not be persuaded by the enemy, Sanballat and Tobiah, who are the very core of that area. Lord we ask your protection and declare it. We say that nothing will be stolen from them and that their land will not be divided and that what they won in the ’67 war will be theirs because it’s from You. In Yeshua’s name protect Lord.
Bramnick—And Father I pray for strategic alliances in the United States like never before. Father, we decree and declare as the President promised the embassy of the United States shall be moved to Jerusalem and that there will be a clear statement of a united Jerusalem, and Judea and Samaria being part of the Jewish homeland in Jesus name. We come against every political correctness, every pressure from Arab nation in the name of Jesus. Father we decree and declare that the anointing over President Trump, that “wrecking ball anointing”, is now even being restored and he shall arise in the fullness of the authority that you’ve given him under Your unction Father to do the right thing, and as he does so things will begin to settle in Jesus name. I pray Father that what happened tonight will resonate in North Korea, will resonate in Tehran, will resonate in Havana, Cuba, will resonate against every single enemy of Your Gospel and of democracy and freedom NOW in the name of Jesus. We decree Father from this call tonight is that turnaround in Jesus name. We decree that not one more voice about collusion with Russia for the election. We silence CNN, we silence MSNBC and every false prophet, false apostle in the name of Jesus and in the media right now and must repent or become irrelevant in the name of Jesus. And Your sound shall arise and Your truth shall arise and the truth shall set our nation free.
Unidentified Female Speaker—Father, we bind the spirit of retaliation against the nation because of the bombing and plead the blood of Jesus upon the nation. We ask for Your hedge of protection around the US. We bind every spirit of retaliation that’s coming against the nation NOW and will be exposed, and every terrorist attack in the nation shall be exposed in the name of Jesus.
Bramnick—I just feel, just saw Muslim youth in Arab nations pushing out the radicals, pushing out Jezebel. Father, what it takes, I pray for a new voice for good Muslim people to begin to arise even within Syria to expose the work of the
radical Muslims, to expose the work of Assad and expose this genocide NOW in the name of Jesus. In America we pray that Muslims will arise as eunuchs to push out these spirits in Jesus name.
Hamill–We declare the blood of Christ over the coalition between Netanyhu, King Abdullah of Jordan and Al Sisi Father God and this strategic alliance to stop the bloodshed in its tracks and pave the way for the Isaiah 19 highway to bring great revival in the Muslim world, the Jewish world. Lord, we declare it and declare that NOW, this night, this Passover. The “pharaoh structure comes down” and we declare over the Mid-East “LET MY PEOPLE GO.”
Consensus of Agreement heard
Unidentified Female Speaker—I decree/declare Psm 10:18 form the Message which states: “The reign of terror is over and the rule of gang rulers is over In Jesus name.
Unidentified Female Speaker—Father, we have no idea of what you have saved us from by giving us President Donald Trump. We have no idea of what you have saved us from giving us this man and so by the authority invested in us, because we are seated with You in heavenly places, because Your words are our words, You are giving us your thoughts, You are showing us to call Your Kingdom from earth to heaven now because it’s Your heart’s desire for the lost, we say no to the “gods of war.” You must stand down in the name of Jesus for the King of glory has a foot on your neck, He is the Lord of angel armies and you must do His bidding. And we say no timing but the timing of God. No king but the King Jesus. We thank You O Lord. I just want to bless You for the saints in the land, the excellent, glorious in whom they delight and Yours in Jesus name.
Pastor Ioan Peia from Romania: Since you released the news about the strike I started to reflect on a new dynamic in the region, internationally and globally. I just read the news that President Trump has met with the President of China this night and the Vice President has come back to Washington. It seems to be a situation of readiness and I pray from Central Europe that there be no interference from Russia will take place and the intervention of the US will bear the fruit that President Trump intended to reach. As brother Jon prayed may peace return in the Middle East, not to escalate the war but we declare this brings peace and not war. The United States is called to be the leading nation in the world and bring peace and restoration not only to inside the nation but all over the world. I feel that we need to pray right now for Vice President Mike Pence for there’s something about him and his family having a huge burden and if you will agree with me turn on the mike and have corporate prayer of blessing over this man of God. He’s like a Daniel or a Joseph carrying such a burden as a born again believer in the living God.
Maureen: Reading news release: This was President Trump’s first order to the military for the use of force and other operations in Syria, Iraq & Yemen have been authorized and carried under his delegated authority. It appears to send a message to North Korea, Iran, and other potential adversaries that the new Commander-in-Chief is prepared to act, and sometimes on short notice. One official told NBC that the Russians were warned ahead of time and no Russian assets were to be targeted. This is the decision today because of the report that a British diplomat said that the United Nations Security Council would not vote on Thursday on a draft resolution and condemn the gas attack in the northern rebel area of Syria but would hold negotiations. The Russians are not happy and warned negative consequences if they carried out the strikes. Western countries have blamed Assad’s forces for the attack killing over 100 people. Marco Rubio appeared to be Tweeting about the American offensive. At 8:44 PM he posted this: “Be sure of this. The wicked will not go unpunished. Proverbs 11:21.” Marco Rubio is a Senator from the State of Florida.
Bramnick: Wow.
Unidentified Female Speaker: I praise God that He put the burden upon us last week to make this happen. We said no, no. The President is going to be confronted and God knew and put the truth together so that tonight we would be doing this. All day long we’ve been interceding and all day long driving from the Capitol in FL praying/interceding not knowing
that this bombing would take place. But called all of you, the true generals. So the victory is ours and tomorrow the Senate, Congress and the world will know that this President is one to be reckoned with and …. And, we have to be sensitive to that which God has called us. We cannot grow weary on this one. We need to stand as a good general because God has entrusted you all.
Maureen—Speaking of generals, one quick thing. I’m going to give you my cell phone number and I would like each person on this call (259 right now but 287 earlier) Please send me a text at 407-810-4665 with your name, state from which you are calling, your cell # and email address so that I can put this information into the list for the leaders to have so you can be contacted in the event of a critical emergency, just like this call has been.
Bramnick—We really need to take note that this is not the first time for this pray call. God prepared us for this time as we declared war against unrighteousness, against Sanballat and Tobiah, praying specifically for the President while not knowing anything. The President was declaring war against unrighteousness in Syria resonating a sound throughout the whole world. I decree and declare that “turn around” has already happened. The night before the election Maureen not knowing felt very specifically to have an urgent call at 10:00 PM. At 10:00 PM in Broward County they were trying to have a fraudulent recount, because it’s a liberal county and Elections Commissioner. Lourdes and Nilsa on the intercessory team and part of the RNC were called specifically at the same time to go. They took their authority and decreed and declared and turn around came and that’s when Florida was won. We don’t understand the things of the Spirit but a confirmation of the importance of what’s happening at this time. I expected a result but not before we finished praying, praise God.
Unidentified male speaker: Let me kick this up one little bit. While watching FOX News right now I feel that this was actually prophetic encouragement to us because the initial attack was nerve gas that paralyzed and killed people. That’s been the attack against the people of the United States which has been nerve gased by the enemy which is to paralyze, blind and kill. We’ve been launching cruise missiles against the bases of the enemy out of which those gas attacks have been launched by the enemy against the country. So this is a reverse word of encouragement for what we’ve been doing.
Maureen:–Repeated request for information and also to those on the line to identify themselves first and then begin to speak so that when you’ve been identified I can write it onto my list.
Unidentified Female Speaker:I just got this word. Trump is our Bibi (Netanyahu). He has the courage and will not stand for those people walking all over him. It’s over.
Bramnick:–Final prayers/decrees with reminder that leaders will convene once a week for strategic counsel and intercession. We will be sending out the intercessory action points of prayer from this team. We will be adding other teams to us as the Lord leads. We will reconvene this broader group, and as prophesied, it will go from hundreds to thousands for which we praise God. While it’s not about the numbers, God is mobilizing His troops and uniting His army.
Lance: Lord, I thank you that before You do anything You will let your prophets know. We ask you for an increase in the prophetic anointing on the watchmen, the intercessors so that we can be moving as Daniel did in the sphere of spiritual warfare so that we can enter, engage at the spiritual dimension ahead of that which the enemy is doing. We pray Lord that you would increase us and activate a prophetic watching right now and that our thoughts be threaded together in a strategic way and that our decrees and our prayers are going to prepare the way for the coming together of the Body of Christ in a grassroots, top down and bottom up infiltration movement that’s going to shift the narrative over the US and over the nations. Thank you Father that You are going to continue to visit this group with prophetic acumen and that acumen will be for us a shield, a buckler and defense for we will be in the prophetic cloud of God who causes the enemy to not be able to find us or see us for we will be under the cloak under the Spirit of God. I thank you Lord that in every house where these intercessors are gathered Your glory is going to continue to increase in manifestations that causes our offices, homes to become pregnant with the activity, awareness and alignment of heaven over the earth and we are going to be able to move AS ONE in the Spirit and that You will show us things before they happen so that we’ll be in a
position Lord and to be in agreement with and advance with the armies of heaven. (In Jesus name there will be more of these calls. I’ve got 8,000 that I’ve been holding back that I want to bring into these calls which I believe are going to take on a much more powerful dimension.) So I pray in Jesus name that the 8,000 will become 80,000 and we’ll have a massive prayer movement, even a groundswell Lord of revelation that will awaken in your saints in Jesus name.
Bramnick: Father we thank you for this spiritual shaking of the earth releasing the sound of intercession. Father, I plead the blood of Jesus during this Passover season and come against every spirit of retaliation and revenge. Satan you have no authority for backlash in the name of Jesus. We plead the blood of Jesus over the homes, over the churches, ministries, finances, children of our families in the name of Jesus and that every angel that must pass over In Yeshua’s name. Father we honor You and thank You.
Maureen: Repeated phone number to which information requested to be sent. Noted that today was President Trump’s 77th day in office.
Call Ended with corporate singing “God Bless America”
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