Apr 28, 2019 – Prayer Focus

Sunday, April 28, 2019 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
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We will not tolerate any demonic interference on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call.
We are taking measures to protect and defend our 24/7 family and this call. At the top of every hour,
the facilitator, in agreement with those on the line, will bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss, then pray a shield of protection over the call and our 24/7 family!
*The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our President Donald John Trump
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for our President’s protection and we cover him with the Blood of Jesus.
We bless our First Lady, Melania, their son Barron and each of their family members.
We cover our Vice President Mike Pence, his wife Karen and their family
and all those serving in this Administration.
We also bless the members of the Federal Reserve Board along with those who are part of our nation’s banking system which impacts our economy! May Jerome H. Powell, Richard H. Clarida,
Randal K. Quarles, Michelle W. Bowman, and Lael Brainard serve with integrity and honor!
The 24/7 NSPC is calling the Body of Christ nationwide to pray for the 2020 National Elections,
mobilizing intercessors and positioning ourselves in prayer before the Lord
on behalf of our President and nation!
COUNTDOWN: 556 days until the election!
Let us pray into this verse:
“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”
Isaiah 26:3
Strategic Focus for Sunday
Peace Like a River
“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”
Romans 15:13
It has been said that time is like a river and that you cannot touch the same water twice, because the water that has passed by you will never pass that way again. When Franklin Graham spoke at the Pastors’ Conference in Jacksonville, in January of 2015, he compared America to that water…saying:
“America has changed, and it’s not coming back unless the church takes a stand.
There are storms that are coming. We find ourselves in these storms, and many times we as church run, and we run to the wrong place. You see, Jesus is in the boat. All we have to do is call him. Call his name.
But the secularist and the humanists, you mention the name of Christ, and they jump all over you.”
We, as intercessors, are keenly aware of the demonic activity we see threatening and menacing our nation. That has caused us to take our positions “on the wall”…”standing in the gap” for our beloved country in corporate prayer…24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year…and, as of May 11th, we have been doing so for 30 consecutive months! We, who are His, agree with God for the restoration of the foundations of our nation, and believe that:
“The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former…
and in this place I will give peace,’ says the Lord of hosts.”
Haggai 2:9
Included in Graham’s speech was a letter he received from a USMC veteran, who wrote:
“The American dream ended on November 6th, 2012. The second term of Barack Obama has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest Republic in the history of mankind.
A coalition of (various groups, including) environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the “forever needy,” the chronically unemployed, illegal aliens and other “fellow travelers” have ended Norman Rockwell’s America.
You will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take zealots, not moderates and shy, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.
People like me are completely politically irrelevant, and I will probably never again be able to legally comment on or concern myself with the aforementioned coalition which has surrendered our culture, our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired.
The Cocker spaniel is off the front porch and the pit bull is in the backyard, the American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and the likes of Chicago shyster David Axelrod along with international socialist George Soros have been pulling the strings on their beige puppet and have brought us Act 2 of the New World Order. The curtain will come down; the damage has been done, the story has been told.
Those who come after us will once again have to risk “their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor” to bring back the Republic that this generation has timidly frittered away, due to white guilt and “political correctness.” (From an American USMC Veteran…Semper-Fi)
“BUT GOD…” (cheers from the intercessors ring forth!!!)
Just as “time” has been compared to a river, so, too, has PEACE! In Isaiah 66:12, God tells us:
“Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream.”
When that peace of God is extended to us, “all is well”! Remember the old hymn…?
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say: It is well, it is well, with my soul
It is well with my soul; It is well, it is well with my soul
America needs hope, and the only TRUE HOPE comes through Jesus… hope leads us into the place of peace, as we put our trust in Him. Philippians 4:7 tells us that “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
The words to the hymn On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand articulate our belief: “Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ Blood and righteousness”. He IS the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Author and Finisher of our faith. He is the One Who created and sustains all things. He has the answers when we don’t. He is able when we are unable! He is the One from which our help comes. He is our Peace!
“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you
Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful”
John 14:27
When we find that place of hope in Him, in the midst of seemingly impossible situations, His Peace pervades us and flows like a river through us. Faith arises within us, stirring within us the courage, the confidence and the power to get up, to intercede, and to take action! We thank God for His Peace, which passes all understanding…and for His continuous GRACE extended to this, our beloved nation!
We pray:
- That the Body of Christ will be blessed and refreshed with an overflowing HOPE, and through that, we will receive His JOY and PEACE as we serve His purposes on behalf of our country!
“May God, the source of hope, fill you with joy and peace through your faith in him.
Then you will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13
- That those who have stood for Christ will continue to stand, knowing He is with us, to uphold us!
“Those that hope in Christ will not be dismayed.
God will strengthen us and uphold us with His righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10
- For God’s peace and blessings, along with inspired solutions to every challenge we as individuals and as a nation, are facing. We pray especially for our President at this moment!
“I will be strong and courageous. I will not fear
or be in dread, for it is the Lord my God who goes with me. He will not leave me or forsake me.” Deuteronomy 13:6
- That together, we as His Ekklesia, will corporately proclaim over our beloved United States of America:
“Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.”
Proverbs 23:18
Let us sing together:
While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free.
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair, As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.
God, bless AMERICA, land that we love.
Stand beside her and guide her through the night with a LIGHT from above.
From the mountains… to the prairies… to the oceans white with foam…
God bless America, our home sweet home.
God bless America, our home sweet home!
Specific Prayer Topic for Today
Praying for the Mass Media in our Nation
As we move forward into the 2020 election season, we see the media giving more and more attention to those 20 individuals who have declared their intention to run on the Democrat ticket for the office of President of the United States! Most of them represent the far left, liberal, socialist faction of their party, and have advanced a series of unrealistic, unfundable proposals while showing themselves to be devoid of Godly ideals! God forbid that any of them would captivate the minds of undiscerning people and gain their support!
We pray:
- That each one be exposed and rejected, along with the present ungodly Democrat party platform they stand upon!
- That the media will see the truth about what President Trump has accomplished and report on that!
- For President Donald Trump, who has been a Godly leader, and kept his promises to protect life, rebuild this nation’s economy, and serve our people by enacting initiatives that have tangible, tenable and measurable results! We speak blessings over him as he begins to strategize for his own campaign and we declare VICTORY for him in 2020! AMEN! SO BE IT! HALLELUYAH!
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love! The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
Be Strong…Courageous…Brave!
Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ!
God’s Champions for Life!
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
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