Apr 26, 2019 – Notes Shabbat Call

04-26-19 Notes from the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
“International SHABBAT Celebration”
7-10 PM Eastern 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
During our last SHABBAT Call, Pastor Ioan and Maureen called in from Houston, Texas, where we were out in the open air at the Miller Theater in Hermann Park. The first day of REPENT HOUSTON! had concluded and we were preparing for the second day which would include the WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY INTO HOUSTON!
This past Wednesday, we had a debrief with the Houston team on the REPENT HOUSTON! gathering! It was a sweet time of giving thanks and sharing testimonies. Pastors John Moore and Rickie Bradshaw from Houston will be joining us tonight to share their reflections in the “AFTERGLOW” of this wonderful gathering!
Pastor Ioan shared that yesterday, he heard the words “turtle doves”…and he remembered that when Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in the Temple, they brought a sacrifice of two turtle doves! These birds are “free” (not raised by man) and in order to be brought as a sacrifice, they must be captured. They live in pairs for life, and call to each other with gentle, purring sounds. They are noted for the affection they show to their mates. The “turtle dove” is said to symbolize friendship and love. Often, people keep one, and give the other away to another special person, believing that as long as each has their turtle dove, they will be forever friends.”
- In the song the 12 Days of Christmas, two turtle doves represented the Old and New Testaments which belong together, forever! The two turtle doves in Holy Scripture and in literature present a picture of devotion and covenant lovingkindness. It is a sublime vision of earthly love and friendship.
- Two is the number of witness. One person is bringing a witness on behalf of his friend, his companion. One individual is standing up on behalf of the other.
- In the Hebrew sacrificial system, the sacrifice of the two turtledoves is an acceptable offering for the poor. It is an offering that brings peace with God. Two turtle doves are accepted as a pair for entry into the covenant with God.
- The blood of the two turtle doves is sprinkled not on the altar but against the sides of the altar. This is the very same altar upon which the Sacrifice Lamb is offered, so even in death, they are witnesses through their blood to the sacrifice of the Lamb!
The dove represents peace of the deepest kind. It soothes and quiets our worried or troubled thoughts, enabling us to find renewal in the silence of the mind. The dove’s roles as spirit messenger, maternal symbol and liaison impart an inner peace that helps us to go about our lives calmly and with purpose. This is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
- Repeka (CO) said that Jesus sent the disciples out two by two, and told us that if one falls, the other picks them up
- Cheryl (MT) felt that while we were in TX, there was such a peace that it moved outward from Houston,
over the region. The Lord told her that it was tied in with the Eucharist and that He will never leave us orphans!
- Judy (VA) Jesus was the Lamb of God and the two turtle doves were presented on his behalf
Pastor Ioan spoke of this sacrifice of the two turtle doves, which is spoken of in Leviticus and was brought by Mary and Joseph for the Lord Jesus Himself. There is something in this that speaks about our sacrifice in our relationship with Jesus. We offer ourselves – in love – as living sacrifices! We cannot live or even exist, apart from Him!
- Sandy (CA) said that she is stunned by the numbers of those coming in at our Southern Border…who have been promised much but got nothing! She’s wondering if this could be the beginning of revival as churches are marshaling their forces to go and serve them there.
- Peter (FL) the vessel for revival is unity in the Spirit…Psalm 133…and in that unity is the “commanded blessing”!
We turned now to sharing the “AFTERGLOW” of REPENT HOUSTON! and the WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY into Houston, Texas!
Nga shared her reflections on the unity that was so obvious at the Houston gathering! She echoed Rickie’s question of: “WHERE IS THE CHURCH, at such a critical moment?” Sadly, most were busy…preparing for Easter celebrations…rather than being there on the hill remembering the passion and death of our Savior! We had been cautioned NOT to rush through Holy Week, but to savor each moment…and those who did were deeply blessed!
Rickie shared further about “WHERE IS THE CHURCH, at such a critical moment?” and told us how when Jesus was on the cross, those who followed Him, His acquaintances, His friends, stood at a distance…written about in Matthew 27:55 “And many women who followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to Him, were there looking on from afar…” and Luke 23:49 “But all His acquaintances, and the women who followed Him from Galilee, stood at a distance, watching these things.”
Pastor Ioan reminded us that those who were called by God answered
“YES” …Hineni! (Here I am!) and were there together!
John shared that this gathering was motivated by LOVE…and was so grateful for the NATIONAL support of the 24.7 NSPC family. It was all built on the motivation of LOVE, and we saw how the scripture from Isaiah 62:10 “Take out the stones, Lift up a banner for the peoples!” spoke to us…as we went about clearing the stones from the gate, so that the people can pass through! It was totally Spirit-led, and every aspect of our time together was important… from the times of repentance to sprinkling the door frame with the “blood”, then crossing the threshold under the blood, the moving to the Cross, and then being released to rejoice in His Presence on the other side!
Rickie shared that the heavens were open and that there were massive crowds in Houston churches on Easter Sunday, with so many testimonies of salvation being received by the radio station he works with!
John shared that it was an absolute display of THY KINGDOM COME ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN! The two scriptures about the KEY of David are found in Isaiah 22:22 and Revelation 3:7. We had the critical elements present to stand in substitution for those involved in abortion: representatives of the Church, and of the government, Attorney Allan Parker, a couple who came forward confessing that they had had an abortion early in their marriage, a former abortion Dr. Annie Sam. During the prayer, Allan took his staff and hit the ground three times, for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We took communion and proclaimed the WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY COVENANT, renewing our marriage vows with the Lord Jesus Christ. The wine was poured out at the base of the demonic idol and then we placed the COVENANT DOCUMENT in the capsule and Bob and Ioan drilled a hole big enough to bury it! The key, which had been prayed over by 8 of us, was placed alongside the capsule! As we prayed and rejoiced, immediately, the anointing was perceived as coming from the ground upward. Then, we drove 6 tent pegs/stakes (“vav”) into the ground, at the four corners, and in the middle of the front and back sides of the idol. Each of the ladies present, took turns hammering the stakes into the ground…reminiscent of Jael driving the tent peg into the temple of Sisera, the general of the enemy army! When one of them was striking the stake, one blow hit and cracked the base of the idol! We finished in Revelation 3:7 “He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts and shuts and no one opens”:
Houston is derived from a Gaelic word that means “the dwelling place of the Spirit”. The new Jerusalem – a model city – and God takes up residence when we WTKOG.- it becomes a habitation, not just visitation.
Pastor Ioan reminded us that when Susan Parker had moved toward the idol, she said she saw the angels of God confronting the powers of darkness, and one of the angels touched her, causing her to stay back, and she become faint. We caught her and put her in a chair until she could recover.
Pam (TX) shared that she was on the call when dawn broke and the sun came up. She saw it taking on a form and read from Job 38: 12-13 “Have you commanded the morning since your days began, And caused the dawn to know its place, That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, And the wicked be shaken out of it?” She wrote:
Hi, Maureen. I am writing this to personally thank you, Pastor Ioan, Nga, and all those who participated both on and in WTKOG into Houston and the state of Texas. It truly is a glorious day over Houston today! I believe the spiritual alignment has shifted. I decree the Word of the Lord over Houston and Texas that indeed,
- “The sun of righteousness has risen with healing in his wings” Malachi 4:2
- Dagon has fallen on his face on the ground before the cross of Christ, his head and hands have been broken off. 1 Samuel. 5:4
- He will destroy our idols and sacred stones from among us, and we will no longer bow down to the work of our hands. Micah 5:13
Thank you all again for all the sacrifices that have been made to stand in the gap to prophetically decree and declare that the covenant with death has been broken over Houston and the covenant of LIFE and Hope has been released this day April 20, 2019 /15 Nisan. May the LORD grant to each of us His Shalom.
– Pam Arrington
Jane (MD) shared that she was touched by seeing Rickie carrying the cross from the church, through the city. Then, at the base of the hill, the two boys took it and carried it up to the top! That was so meaningful, seeing them going up the hill, as Simon the Cyrene did while helping Jesus as He moved to Golgotha, the place of crucifixion!
Albert shared about the dream he had years ago, which he now interprets re: the 24/7 NSPC – a group of special forces parachuting into the earth on special assignment. He saw that take place at Mt. Rubidoux in Riverside, CA when we WELCOMED THE KING OF GLORY there!
Nga encouraged John to share about the significance of the Church walking in agreement with the civil leaders. John said that when we gathered for breakfast afterward, at the police facility, we were at the corner of State and Trinity Streets. (Church and civil again!) We know that unless the civil governing authority recognizes WTKOG in a place, and aligns with the authority of the Church praying, it is not sufficient…the two must be united together!
Here is the note that John wrote to thank the 24/7 family for its prayer support!
DEAR INTERCEDING FAMILY, Thank You One And All !!! This was indeed a Historic occasion when intercessors of National, State, City and local prayer ministries joined as one man to Repent of our sins, both personal and corporate. Hearts and History joined in Scriptural harmony to build on the foundation of many generations who have prayed for the time of refreshing to come from the Presence of The Lord. Now, His Altar is rebuilt in the highest place! Now, The Key of David in the hand of The Son of David has set before us an open door that no man can shut! This Passover / Resurrection response has declared in the site of many witnesses, that we, His Sons and Daughters have a little Strength, we have not denied His Name. Therefore the Joy of seeing the great multitudes come to know the love of our Messiah and King is set before us. We will endure the pain and overcome by His Blood! We will continue to testify as we partake in the sufferings of Christ. We have chosen Life over Death, Love over Hate, And Justice over Injustice. All for the Glory of Our King!!! We say, “Welcome King Of Glory!!!” You are and will continue to sweep away the refuge of lies. You will render perfect justice and vengeance upon Our adversaries and sworn enemies, while extending Mercy and Forgiveness to the repentant. The spirit of murder and death, the glutton of innocent blood has been swallowed up and vanquished. It’s Idol and symbol, the Atropos Key has been rendered powerless and will be removed and replaced by a loving, life filled, glorious Biblical Family. We have entered upon a day of New Beginnings. “For now is come, salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down.” Remember beloved, never cease to give Him thanks and praise. Take up the two-edged sword in hand and let the high praises of God fill our mouths! Testify often of this His victory, especially to the next generation, lest what great things He has done be forgotten! Set up your memorial stones! SHALOM AND LOVE !!!
KEY thoughts and words received and expressed there:
- Houston is NOW a City of Hope!
- The enemy has no right to “raise the beast” in Houston, in Texas, or this nation! This is a covenant land and belongs to God. He is reshaping this nation for His purposes in the end times!
- He is also on the move, expanding his domain…and is taking over this nation!
- So many good things are happening.
- Today, at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting today in Indianapolis, President Trump announced that the US is withdrawing from the UN arms trade treaty. He said:
“Under my administration, we will never surrender American sovereignty to anyone, we will never allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on your Second Amendment freedom and that is why my administration will never ratify the UN trade treaty.”
The Trump Administration cracked down on the International Criminal Court, and revoked the visa of one of its top prosecutors. “I am officially announcing today that the United States will be revoking the effect of America’s signature from this badly misguided treaty, we’re taking our signature back.”
Former President Barack Obama signed the treaty in 2013 and sent the treaty to the Senate for ratification. Onstage Friday, Trump signed a notice to the Senate asking it to stop the ratification process and return the treaty to the White House, “where I will dispose of it.”
Dr. Annie Sams, a former abortionist, joined us and prayed for LIFE to come back into this nation. She stood in the gap for all those babies that have been butchered, She claimed VICTORY OVER DEATH and lightning in the spirit realm and in the natural realm of this nation! She declared the end of Planned Parenthood and the turning of the graveyards of the wombs of the mothers into places of LIFE for the future! We are executing the justice of the Lord, in Jesus’ Name!
We prayed individually in gratitude for what God is doing right now:
- Mary Ellen (IL) thank God for what He has done!
- John (TX) we are praying for the next steps and what God wants us to do! We are holding the enemy at bay and praying against the backlash! We believe that the PP Clinic there in Houston will be cut off from all finances, so that it will be closed and the keys turned over to those who will use it for life!
We prayed for John and released him from the call. We then addressed Rickie about the wounds of the past that he had shared with us regarding the connection between slavery and abortion. Pastor Ioan shared about the restaurant we ate at in Houston, called SOUL FOOD. We were warmly welcomed by the owner Troy…and had an opportunity to pray with them! Pastor Ioan said that it was the best meal he’s had in the USA!
What a beautiful time, after which we went to the Park and saw the cross coming up the hill. Healing is coming…and no one can stop it! Healing is coming for these wounds that have divided us! We are ONE IN THE SPIRIT…and together, we will deal with it!
Together we proclaim that JESUS IS ALIVE…and living in our hearts! He has called us to Himself, into the fellowship of His suffering and we say YES! From now on, He does not carry His cross alone! We are with HIm and receive the JOY of the Lord from HIm who is our JOY! We took communion together and rejoiced over the reasons we have to give thanks to the LORD! HE IS SO-O-O-O-O GOOD! ALLELUIA!
Shabbat Shalom to all! We love you! Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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