Apr 23, 2024 – Notes A Call to the Wall

04-23-24 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we come together tonight, we thank God for His guidance in our prayers as we consecrate this time to the Lord, on behalf of our nation. Ps Ioan opened us in prayer and we then, led by Danielle (SC), we prayed to receive the Ephesians 6 armor of God, as we engage in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our beloved nation!
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!
For the end to the violent antisemitism across our country which is growing more common every day. Hamas sympathizers are calling for violence against Jews at Columbia and Yale Universities, and over 20 of the top 50 schools, forcing Jewish students into online learning because they fear for their safety on campus. This is UNACCEPTABLE and it needs to be stopped NOW!
Wayne Allyn Root wrote this article exposing the connection with Obama:
This is 100% Obama: Columbia U Anarchy. Jew-Hatred. America-Hatred. The Rigged Communist Show Trial Against Trump. The Intentional Destruction of America. This is Where It All Started- with my College Classmate Obama at Columbia.
This is all Obama. What you see happening right now in New York City. It all started at Columbia University way back in the early 1980’s. Obama was my Columbia U classmate. And now it’s all full circle back to our roots (excuse the pun). Columbia University is the canary in the coal mine. George HW Bush talked about “1,000 points of light.” Obama uses “1,000 points of destruction” to achieve his goal – the intentional destruction of America. You can see it all happening just blocks apart right now – all built around Columbia University and NYC. Upper Manhattan is where the anarchy at Columbia is on display. The Jew-hatred. The America-hatred. The hatred of capitalism. The desire to destroy the greatest nation in world history, ever blessed by God. And then a few miles south to lower Manhattan is the courtroom where a rigged communist show trial is happening to destroy the greatest symbol of everything Obama hates – President Donald J. Trump.
SYNERGY: Columbia U and New York City. That’s where Obama and I learned the plan to destroy America- called “Cloward-Piven.” I have a unique understanding of Obama. Not only was he my college classmate, I’ve studied him for most of my adult life. You want to understand what makes Obama tick? Read 452 pages of my #1 bestselling book from 2013, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.”
Here is what I see happening right now…Obama is the real President of the United States. Unelected. Yet he holds all the power, calls all the shots for his brain-dead, dementia puppet Joe Biden. The rigged election; the open borders; the Green New Deal; DEI and Critical Race Theory; transgender brainwashing of your kids at school; the weakening of our military; the division and hatred; the crime wave created by radical leftist prosecutors who let every criminal go free; the weaponization of government; the 87,000 new IRS agents; the massive spending and debt, leading to massive inflation, which murders the middle class. Everything bad and evil happening for the past 3 ½ years- it all started with Obama’s presidency.
Obama honed these skills at Columbia. Then he sharpened them for eight years as president. Now he has perfected and accelerated them as the “shadow president” – the man behind puppet Biden. Everything happening in NYC right now…has Obama’s fingerprints all over it.
The anarchy at Columbia U. That’s Obama.
The hatred for America. That’s Obama.
The hatred for capitalism. That’s Obama.
The hatred for President Trump and the communist show trial rigged to destroy him. That’s Obama.
The hatred for Jews (and anyone in power). That’s Obama.
By the way, don’t take my word for it. Even ultra-liberal, lifelong Democrat, and former Obama supporter Alan Dershowitz recently said Obama hates Israel and the Jews. He called Obama “despicable.” He blames Obama for the antisemitic, anti-Israel and anti-American attitudes in this country today. Alan, welcome to “Wayne’s World.” This is exactly what I’ve been saying about Obama since my college classmate was campaigning for President in 2007.
One more thing Obama is great at- painting everyone who disagrees with his plans to destroy America as a “racist.” You know the real definition of racist? Anyone winning an argument with a communist. This is all Cloward-Piven. The main tool of Cloward-Piven was to get the whole country on welfare and food stamps, so the country would be overwhelmed. This creates so much debt, the economy implodes, the country collapses and in this mess, America is reborn as a socialist/communist utopia. Obama started all of that during his presidency. The spending, taxes and debt exploded. Even though Obama’s friends and donors got filthy rich on Wall Street, Main Street was decimated. By some measures, Obama’s economy was worse than the Great Depression. Under Obama the number of Americans on welfare, food stamps and a thousand other government programs exploded to well over 100 million. Then he passed Obamacare to solve a problem that never existed. Healthcare spending exploded. More Americans dependent on government, more debt, more inflation to wipe out the middle class.
But now Obama has perfected his craft. If you can’t get everyone on welfare, just open the border and wave in the whole poverty-stricken world. Plus the added benefit of all the sick and pregnant of the world to add more massive spending, healthcare spending, welfare and debt until the economy is overwhelmed and America collapses. Meanwhile you also completely change the demographic makeup of America and replace American citizens with foreign sheep who vote 100% Democrat to keep their welfare checks coming. And boy did Obama sharpen his use of government as a weapon. I’m a witness. As president he used the IRS to try to destroy me personally. Today he has weaponized every agency of government and funded 87,000 new IRS agents- many with guns. He uses the DOJ and FBI to destroy President Trump, J6 protestors and soon everyone who stands in the way of the final destruction of America. Obama and his Marxist comrades use a government partnership with media and social media to push propaganda and misinformation out to the public 24/7, and to censor, silence and ban anyone who tells the truth.
And then there’s the radicalized lynch mobs used as Obama’s army to create chaos and crisis. Today he is behind the anarchy and unrest of this radical anti-Israel, pro-Hamas movement. Soon the real “Obama Army” will appear- 20 million new illegal aliens- most of them criminals and military-age males. The Trump persecution. The rigged Trump trials. The Jew-hatred. The America-hatred. The open border empowering a foreign invasion. The insane welfare, spending and debt. Exploding healthcare costs. It’s all Obama on STEROIDS. It all started at Columbia U. That’s the centerpiece of the attack on Trump, America, capitalism and Jews right now. It’s all come full circle.
We prayed into this critical information:
Nina (MI) I just could not vote for this man in 2008, and when he won, I was in a state of depression. She felt as if we had elected the devil. What he said about being in the basement and running the nation would be his 3rd term! Give him a road to Damascus experience, and if he will not receive that correction, let him be in Your hands!
Diane (MT) I commit him into Your hands.
Aida (MI) Obama was not born here, and never should have been elected! How did he get in?
Ps Ioan: By fixing the birth certificate. He was born in Africa, raised in Indonesia and raised Muslim.
We also prayed for the campuses:
Desiree (NY) the intercessors will be there, praying, on the campuses. It’s time we wake up and You will
do the house cleaning. Give us courage and boldness and bring in the harvest, Lord. Let the spirit of Islam have no place in this nation!
Danielle (SC) prayed “For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:14 over the young people. She read Psalm 34:21 “Evil shall slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous shall be condemned.” We cut the roots of evil and wickedness.
Susan (GA) Let Your mercy, grace and justice rise up in this nation! (***We asked how her husband Bob is, and she said he is resting and God is preserving him!)
For SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas and wife Ginni Thomas: Radical Democrats are attacking Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, calling for Ginni’s arrest and an investigation into her activities. They also have a petition that has been circulated to Democrat activists and signed by millions of radicals to have Clarence Thomas impeached. The far left wants to replace him with a “WOKE” activist judge who will reinstate Roe v. Wade and completely obliterate the 2nd Amendment. We prayed for the Thomas family.
Nina (MI) lifted both Justice Thomas and his wife up to the Lord
Kay (IL) Clarence Thomas has always been an example of Christian manhood and endurance – he has such reserve and restraint. Undergird him and his wife as they go through this time. We plead the Blood of Jesus over their feelings and emotions. Thank You for giving them hearts to do such righteous work, and You are the final Judge!
Diane (MT) watch over them and hide them under the shadow of Your name. We commit him and her and their friends to You!
Joan (AZ) Blessed them for who they are in God…and for him staying so long on the Court, doing what is right and true! Let all the demonic things happening there be removed and let the SCOTUS rule righteously and do the work of the Lord in the right way!
Donna (MT) prayed for Clarence Thomas and asked that the other Justices work with him for righteousness. The steps of the righteous are ordered by God…and You will order his steps NOW! Help them stay in unity with You, Lord, and let all these petitions that are against him burn up!
Susan (GA) You have prepared him and made him strong, and he is secure in You! You are his HIGH TOWER!
Teddi (TN) Arise and scatter his enemies, Lord!
Evy (DC) Prayed the armor of God for the Justices, and for the individual pieces they wear! Your GLORY
surrounds the SCOTUS and Your FIRE is there! Fire of the Spirit, come down in DC…take Your place!
Terry (FL) it is by Your Spirit that he can do this job, not bowing to the enemy, but standing strong! They
will finish the course and the race that You have set before them!
We paused just before 9 PM to pray corporately for the J6 prisoners, asking the Lord to free them.
Desiree (NY) and Terry (FL) offered individual prayers for “our family in chains!”
We then united our hearts with theirs from across our national as we sang our National Anthem,
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, returned to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
We then prayed for President Trump to be returned to the White House,
where he will do even greater things than he did during his first term!
Having stood with President Trump “through thick and thin,” through Fauci’s deception and the COVID vaxxes, the debate on the “2 state solution” for the Holy Land, and other situations that arose with which we were not in full agreement. We overcame all these when the Lord said: LOVE HIM…and we did!
Now, we are being challenged again…by this statement made by his wife, Melania Trump, this past week.
“America is a place where you can be anything you want. Your opportunities are endless because our country provides so many chances to succeed. As First Lady of the United States, I know how much my husband loves the American people, and I know his passion in life is to see all the citizens of this great country prosper. Donald is the businessman who never worked in politics, the ultimate outsider, and that earned him many enemies in the political establishment. I was shocked to discover that some of these powerful people have tried to paint my husband as anti-gay or against equality. Nothing could be further from the truth. Donald loves helping people and he loves seeing those around him and his country succeed.
As the leader of the Republican Party and President of the United States, Donald has been clear that gays and lesbians will be treated as he has always treated them, equally. Donald is the 1st president to enter the White House supporting gay marriage. Donald is also the 1st president to appoint an openly gay official to his cabinet. The story of America is one of Trail Blazers and fearless underdogs.
Today we see free thinkers and independent voices like gay conservatives and Log Cabin Republicans silenced, censored and bullied by cancel culture mobs. This is not America any of us want to live in. America was founded on God-given rights of freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of expression. We are a nation that celebrates and protects diversity, and we condemn those who bully and intimidate people. We do not want to live in a place where everyone is forced to think alike. My husband sees the promise of our country and all our citizens moving onward as we recover from many challenges. Even if you don’t agree with my husband about everything, you have the right to say it. That is the American way. Let’s protect it. I’m first lady Melania Trump. I support the Log Cabin Republicans (Log Cabin Republicans is the voice of LGBTQ+ conservatives and their allies in the United States.) And I am unapologetically outspoken. God bless you all and God bless our beautiful nation.”
Melania Trump introduces Dr. Oz, Caitlyn Jenner and more to GOP Fundraiser at Mar-A-Lago
On Saturday night in Mar-a-Lago, Melania Trump returned to the campaign trail by presiding over a small-scale, high-profile fundraising event for the Log Cabin Republicans. Reportedly, Caitlyn Jenner, Dr. Mehmet Oz (Dr. Oz), Elizabeth Ailes, and more notable names were among the about 60 attendees who attended the sold-out event in the Tea Room of the exclusive Palm Beach, Florida club, along with other prominent members of the New York GOP. According to sources, tickets cost as much as $50,000 each, with most proceeds going towards supporting Trump and other Republican officials in 2024.
The group is working towards “raising funds to inform voters in crucial swing states about President Trump’s LGBT record and his goals for his second term,” a GOP source told reporters. As the first outwardly gay cabinet official in U.S. history, Ric Grenell most recently held the positions of director of national intelligence and ambassador to Germany. According to a source, Grenell “presided over the event and introduced Mrs. Trump to the podium. Grenell unveiled [Melania’s] leadership role in what will be an unprecedented outreach initiative to gay and lesbian voters—the most significant of any Republican presidential candidate in American history,” another attendee of the event told reporters.
Bill White, a former president of the Intrepid Museum, and his “spouse”, Bryan Eure, co-chaired the event and “escorted Mrs. Trump into the room.” White told the PAGE SIX outlet. “The fact that our former (and future) First Lady Melania Trump chose Log Cabin’s LGBT event as her first campaign event speaks volumes about her and negates so much we’ve all been fed in the MSM [mainstream media],” His “husband”, Eure, gave comments to the outlet as well. “Gay voters are no longer one issue voters—we got legally married almost 13 years ago—we are grateful to Melania Trump for her leadership, and we embrace her unity message to save our great country this November,” Eure said.
Melania, 53, posted on social media, “We must come together around the principles of liberty, justice, and patriotism. By uniting in our common goals, we can create a brighter and more promising future for all,” in a social media post following the event. The former first lady was “so thrilled with the Log Cabin event, they hope to plan an even more grand one with her in the Hamptons this summer,” said an insider attendee.
Ps Ioan commented on all this, saying that he would hold his own reactions and thoughts until he heard what is in the heart of the Lord about it. We are calling the 24/7 family to pray corporately, asking the Lord what His decision is concerning this situation.
Ps Ioan prayed first, saying we are in a situation we did not expect, and we need to know the truth that You will speak to us, Lord.
Maureen received this Scripture:
“The Lord is not slow concerning His promise, as some count slowness,
but is long-suffering toward us, not purposing that any should perish,
but that all should come to repentance.”
2 Peter 3:9
We prayed corporately into this matter, asking God to speak to us on this matter. We TRUST Him too!
We prayed into these statements by President Trump:
Gloria (NY) the Lord is telling me to pray for Barron.
Desiree (NY) we are in the Passover season, and though we have fallen short at times, we are still Yours!
We believe that we will see Your mighty arm lifted up for us. We see the harvest. Let us bring it in for YOU! No one is perfect. Will we still love? YES! We believe the greatest things are yet to come.
“Why are Palestinian protesters, and even rioters, allowed to roam the Cities, scream, shout, sit, block traffic, enter buildings, not get permits, and basically do whatever they want including threatening Supreme Court Justices right in front of their homes, and yet people who truly LOVE our Country, and want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, are not allowed to “Peacefully Protest,” and are rudely and systematically shut down and ushered off to far away “holding areas,” essentially denying them their Constitutional Rights. American Loving Protesters should be allowed to protest at the front steps of Courthouses, all over the Country, just like it is allowed for those who are destroying our Country on the Radical Left, a two-tiered system of justice. Free Speech and Assembly has been “CHILLED” for USA SUPPORTERS. GO OUT AND PEACEFULLY PROTEST. RALLY BEHIND MAGA. SAVE OUR COUNTRY! “THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO FEAR IS FEAR ITSELF.”
“Unlike at Columbia University where the Radical Left Palestinian Protesters sat on the Front Lawn, practically took over the School, and screamed, “Death to the Jews, Death to Israel, Death to America,” and nothing happened to them, Lower Manhattan surrounding the Courthouse, where I am heading now, is completely CLOSED DOWN. SO UNFAIR!!!”
The Palestinian Protests at Columbia University have CLOSED THE COLLEGE DOWN. But the area surrounding the Courthouse, in Downtown Manhattan, is closed up like a drum, with New York City’s Finest (Police) all over the place. Why not send some to Columbia to protect Jewish Students and others? The University would then not have to Shut Down. Republicans want the right to protest in front of the Courthouse, like everyone else!”
We prayed into these statements, especially regarding the 2 tiered justice system.
Brad (VA) I was at the Israeli Embassy and there is havoc being created there, by those trying to
destabilize our country!
Maureen said she was sickened by the sight of the students who were like lambs being led to the slaughter by the Muslims leading them in the call to prayer on the campus of Columbia U..
Peggy (CA) Julie Kelly is reporting on the collusion of the Biden Administration and the Justice Department with these DAs who are attacking President Trump! STOP it, Lord…set him free of each one!
“Thousands of people were turned away from the Courthouse in Lower Manhattan by steel stanchions and police, literally blocks from the tiny side door from where I enter and leave. It is an armed camp to keep people away. Maggot Hagerman of The Failing New York Times, falsely reported that I was disappointed with the crowds. No, I’m disappointed with Maggot, and her lack of writing skills, and that some of these many police aren’t being sent to Columbia and NYU to keep the schools open and the students safe. The Legal Scholars call the case a Scam that should never have been brought. I call it Election Interference and a personal hit job by a conflicted and corrupt Judge who shouldn’t be allowed to preside over this Political Hoax. New York Justice is being reduced to ashes, and the World is breathlessly watching. Hopefully, Appellate Courts can save it, and all of the companies that are fleeing to other jurisdictions. They can no longer take a chance on New York Justice!”
“I am being accused of Election Interference in a trial being presided over by a Corrupt D.A. and a ridiculously Conflicted Judge, representing people who Rigged and Stole the 2020 Presidential Election, and paid millions of dollars for the Fake and Fully Discredited Russia Dossier…..And they’re after me because a bookkeeper marked down “Legal Expense” in a Ledger when describing Legal Fees paid to a lawyer. What else would you call it? The Biden Thugs call it Falsifying Business Records. THIS FAKE CASE SHOULD BE DROPPED, IMMEDIATELY!”
“Wow, D.A. Alvin Bragg is an Election Denier, the exact same thing that they said about me. But I was right!!! DJT”
We prayed into these statements:
Sharyn (CA) tearfully committed all these situations to the Lord!
Then, Ps Ioan reminded us that right now, the Jewish people are celebrating Passover. Passover (Hebrew: פֶּסַח Pesach) commemorates the story of the Exodus, in which the ancient Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt. Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan in the Jewish calendar, which is in spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and is celebrated for seven or eight days. It is one of the most widely observed Jewish holidays.
We prayed and blessed them and their families all around the world and wished them well!
“La-shanah haba’ah bi-yerushalayim ha ‘chadashah! ”
“Next year in the new Jerusalem!”
We received communion, led by Sharyn (CA) and Lois (NY). Together, we thanked God for being invited to share in this meal together with Him and one another! God bless us one and all…and God bless His people Israel!
We love you all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We still NEED FT Facilitators for
2 PM ET Sunday,
4 PM ET Sunday
(If you are willing to serve, please contact Maureen at 407-810-4665)
All of our participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour each week.
That “two by two” Biblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
See the list of available hours on our website: https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/facilitation-and-co-facilitation-needs/
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com
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