Apr 22, 2022 – Notes Shabbat Call

04-22-22 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
7-10 PM ET 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we began our Shabbat Call, we rejoiced together in the completion of our ALASKA assignment.
Here we are in Your Presence lifting holy hands to You
Here we are praising Jesus for the things He’s brought us through.
I don’t have the words to tell You how I feel, I just don’t know what I can say
I’m not worthy to speak Your Holy Name, yet You tell me You love me just the same.
Here we are in Your Presence lifting holy hands to You
Here we are praising Jesus for the things He’s brought us through.
I never thought that it could be this way, and I never thought I’d be the one,
But You found me dying in my sin. and You looked at me with love that took me in.
Here we are in Your Presence lifting holy hands to You
Here we are praising Jesus for the things He’s brought us through
We together received the Ephesians 6 armor of God that He has so graciously provided for us:
“Put on truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph.
Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart.
Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace.
In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield,
for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the evil one!
Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies.
And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken word of God.”
Ephesians 6
Point Barrow AK – Richard, Becky, Ps Arnold, Ps Ioan, Maureen, JoJo, Debbie
Tonight, Pastor Ioan and Maureen have returned from Barrow, AK, with the on-site team of Becky, Richard, Debbie and Daniel, where together they Welcomed the King of Glory under the Aurora Borealis, on April 17th…Resurrection Day…the Feast of First Fruits!
Debbie shared multiple reflections from the trip, on which she and Daniel served and helped not only our 24/7 team, but also the people of Barrow!
Becky shared her excitement about the moose Pastor Ioan spotted and then abo9ut the seven mountain sheep that crossed our path as we drove in the mountains on Wednesday. She was touched by the beauty of Palmer and the upper region in which Richard homesteaded, and her delight on our adventure of going out on a 23-mile glacier, where within a crevice, we took communion together with our precious guide, Mikey (Michela).
Pastor Ioan shared about how Richard had been sick and hospitalized in Nome, and how God had him rest there, so that he could be at the Welcome the King of Glory banquet in Barrow!
We paused to pray corporately in thanksgiving for all that’s taken place!
The first moose seen in the wild in AK by Becky, Ps Ioan and Maureen
Then Maureen shared how she too, had loved all the beauty and grandeur of God’s creation in our most northern state of Alaska. The mountains, valleys and rivers, all capped and sprinkled with snow, glistening in the sunshine! The variety of wildlife we saw were wonderful…and the whale catches thrilled us all! Yet, she said her true focus was on the precious Inupiaq people of the North Slope and she glorified God for the marvelous and intimate interactions we had with them! In that, she was so blessed!
The seal boat used for whale hunting – Richard as harpoonist
Standing in the crevice of the glacier!
At Richard’s homestead, well above his house in Palmer, AK
We presented Richard with a tallith, in his home in Palmer, AK
Debbie and Daniel pray for Emily
We prayed corporately and then took individual prayers:
- Mary Ellen (IL) shared her heart about what she has heard and thanked God for it all!
- Joan (AZ) has been delighted in what she has heard, and led us in a song called the Great Doxology.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, praise Him you creatures here below, praise Him on high You heavenly host, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! AMEN!
- Marsha (CA) despite the roadblocks that were there at the beginning, the team pressed in as those on the call undergirded them…and we rejoice in these precious saints in Barrow were willing to receive our team, and none of us will ever be the same!
Maureen shared how we had been so welcomed, received and hosted by two couples, Carol and Jerry and Marilyn and David, in their homes in Anchorage! When the door to Wales closed, the tallith that Pastor Ioan had planned to present to the spiritual leader that we would identify there, (it was his own personal tallith), was presented to Carol, who has Jewish roots. Her welcoming was the one that received a prophet’s reward!
As Pastor Ioan was sharing his heart about all this, Marilyn (AK) came on the line. She declared that the strength that God gave us was remarkable! The GRACE OF GOD that just shone in the team warmed her heart! She said we were such a blessing to them…not invasive or presumptuous, never asking for anything, ready for what we were about to do! Maureen shared how Marilyn had stepped in to coordinate the logistics for our lodging with Carol…and all was well! PTL!
Carol and Jerry Mikos – Our dear hosts in Anchorage AK
The picture is the tallith that was presented to Carol, which Jerry will wear as he presides over his son Nick’s upcoming wedding/
The cleaning ladies who work for Carol, Daniella (from Bulgaria) and Tatiana (from Ukraine), were so blessed to be able to speak Russian with Pastor Ioan. We prayed together with.
Pastor Ioan shared how he and Daniel had worked in the cold with Pastor Arnold trying to fix a condenser for his saw blade used to cut up their catches…whale, caribou et al! He told how we used the red carpet to drape the cross and extend the “Blood” into the congregation…and there, many we prayed for went and prayed for restoration at the foot of the cross! The blessing, complete with foot washing of the pastors of Cornerstone Community Church, Arnold and Jojo, was a highlight for all of us. It’s amazing how “total strangers” can become so close to each other in such a short time…that’s what happens when the Lord is Lord of them!
Ps Arnold and his son at the Cross
Maureen shared that Arnold and Jojo’s adopted daughter, Emily, 23, who is very prophetic, was continually drawn to Pastor Ioan. She spent as much time as she could next to his side, and he loved her and blessed her freely, She has undergone several operations for a cleft palate, and very serious procedures for a severe underbite. She is taking a break from treatment, yet needs much more! We pray that she will be able to receive the help she needs to be totally restored.
We prayed corporately on thanksgiving for all that the Lord has done and look forward to the MORE!
- Joan (AZ) Led us in HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!
The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty…Let all the Earth rejoice…All the Earth rejoice
He wraps himself in light…And darkness tries to hide…And trembles at His voice…Trembles at His voice
How great is our God, sing with me How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God
Age to age He stands And time is in His hands Beginning and the end Beginning and the end
The Godhead Three in One, Father, Spirit, Son, The Lion and the Lamb, The Lion and the Lamb
How great is our God, sing with me How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God
Name above all names (how great is our God, sing with me)
Worthy of our praise (how great is our God, and all will see)
My heart will sing: How great is our God
- Marsha (CA) asked Pastor Ioan to share how he felt when Pastor Arnold prayed for David. He said it was a blessing, and an antidote for the rejection he has had by the government in obtaining the needed visa.
- Sharon (Paraguay) What a beautiful job You did in preparing the soil for what You wanted to plant in Your KINGDOM in Alaska. She prayed that every single seed sown will grow and flourish! Protect it all, so that the harvest will be bounteous! Any work of darkness is undone there, and unity will flow!
- Susan (GA) this is a manifestation of the healing of the Land in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Also the TRUMP lineage is Presbyterian and so were the missionaries who first came to the North Slope and converted so many of the Eskimos!
- Desiree (NY) said they had sung Top of the World – The Carpenters
Such a feeling’s coming over me, there is wonder in most everything I see
Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes, And I won’t be surprised if it’s a dream
Everything I want the world to be Is now coming true especially for me
And the reason is clear, it’s because you are here You’re the nearest thing to heaven that I’ve seen
I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation
And the only explanation I can find
Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around
Your love’s put me at the top of the world
Something in the wind has learned my name And it’s telling me that things are not the same
In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze There’s a pleasing sense of happiness for me
There is only one wish on my mind When this day is through I hope that I will find
That tomorrow will be just the same for you and me All I need will be mine if you are here
I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation
And the only explanation I can find
Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around
Your love’s put me at the top of the world
As we prepared to close out this call, we corporately lifted up Professor David Clements, the proud American patriot who is sacrificially doing all he can to expose the corruption and fraud and see the redemption of the 2020 election. Several of our participants prayed for David, and blessed him!
Pastor Ioan said that while pondering the future of the nation, he saw patriots taking out and burning all the ballot boxes.and pressing for paper ballots across the nation! It will reflect the activation of the American Revolution! LEt us all stand strong for a properly conducted, fair and free election, and “We, the People” will take back our country.
We prepared to close the call, praying for the PEACE OF JERUSALEM, then sharing in communion, led by Peter (FL) and Joan (AZ).
Hava nagila, hava nagila, Hava nagila ve-nis’mecha
Hava nagila, hava nagila, Hava nagila ve-nis’mecha
Hava neranena, hava neranena, Hava neranena venis’mecha
Hava neranena, hava neranena, Hava neranena venis’mecha
Uru, uru achim, Uru achim belev same’ach
Uru achim belev same’ach, Uru achim belev same’ach, Uru achim belev same’ach,
Uru achim, Uru achim, belev same’ach,
Let us rejoice, let us rejoice Let us rejoice and be glad
Let us rejoice, let us rejoice Let us rejoice and be glad
Let us sing, let us sing Let us sing and be glad
Awaken, awaken brethren Awaken brethren with a cheerful heart.
With love and blessings to all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com
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