Apr 21, 2019 – Prayer Focus

Sunday, April 21, 2019 – 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 #
We will not tolerate any demonic interference on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call.
We are taking measures to protect and defend our 24/7 family and this call. At the top of every hour,
the facilitator, in agreement with those on the line, will bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss, then pray a shield of protection over the call and our 24/7 family!
*The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our President Donald John Trump
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for our President’s protection and we cover him with the Blood of Jesus.
We bless our First Lady, Melania, their son Barron and each of their family members.
We cover our Vice President Mike Pence, his wife Karen and their family
and all those serving in this Administration.
We also bless the members of the Federal Reserve Board along with those who are part of our nation’s banking system which impacts our economy! May Jerome H. Powell, Richard H. Clarida,
Randal K. Quarles, Michelle W. Bowman, and Lael Brainard serve with integrity and honor!
The 24/7 NSPC is calling the Body of Christ nationwide to pray for the 2020 National Elections,
mobilizing intercessors and positioning ourselves in prayer before the Lord
on behalf of our President and nation!
COUNTDOWN: 563 days until the election!
Let us pray into this verse:
“He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.”
John 12:25
Strategic Focus for Sunday
“He is not here, but is risen!”
Luke 24:6
Imagine that you lived in Jesus’ day, and were one of His followers. He had loved and discipled you, and you watched Him teach and minister to the people, heard His heart, saw His love, and then stood helplessly by as He was taken away, beaten and crucified! We have just journeyed through Holy Week with Him, sharing the Passover, then experiencing His passion and death. Today, we experience the joy of His resurrection!
Let us read through Luke’s account of that morning, and see ourselves there…with those who know Him well!
Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them,
came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. But they found the stone rolled away
from the tomb. Then they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
And it happened, as they were greatly perplexed about this, that behold, two men stood by them
in shining garments. Then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, they said to them,
“Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen! Remember how He spoke to you when He was still in Galilee, saying, ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men,
and be crucified, and the third day rise again.’ And they remembered His words.
Then they returned from the tomb and told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest.
It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women with them, who told these things to the apostles. And their words seemed to them like idle tales, and they did not believe them.
But Peter arose and ran to the tomb; and stooping down, he saw the linen cloths lying by themselves;
and he departed, marveling to himself at what had happened.
Luke 24:1-12
Prayer points:
- After reading this passage in scripture, spend time sharing what this amazing Resurrection Life… that Jesus won for us… has meant to you personally!
- Rejoice with one another over your responses…which have gladdened the Heart of the Father!
- Ask God for ever expanding vision of His love…that you might desire deeply to be part in His work… in exceedingly larger measure in the days to come!
Lord, we thank You for all that You have done through, with and in the beautiful Body of Christ at REPENT HOUSTON! and as we WELCOMED THE KING OF GLORY INTO HOUSTON, TEXAS during the Holy Week! We wait in joyful expectation to see how the “rhythms of grace” in that city begin to move across the great state of Texas, and from there, throughout our nation! Be glorified in all that took place there, and bless those who were a part … on-site and off-site! We are ONE BODY IN CHRIST…and we do NOT stand alone! Amen!
Specific Prayer Topic for Today
Praying for our President and his Administration
We are so grateful to God for giving us, as the highest authority in this land, a President who honors Him and cares for His people.
We pray:
- Today, we bless and thank God for Donald John Trump, and ask that his God-honoring practices continue to be affirmed and strengthened as the Holy Spirit works in and through him on behalf of our nation!
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love! The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
Be Strong…Courageous…Brave!
Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ!
God’s Champions for Life!
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
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