Apr 21, 2017 – Prayer Focus

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call for Friday, April 21, 2017
Dial in: 712.770.4340 Enter code: 543555#
Entering Into Position
“So the LORD said to Moses, “Take Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the Spirit, and Lay your hand on him; and have him stand before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation, and commission him in their sight. You shall put some of your authority on him, so that all the congregation of the sons of Israel may obey him.”
Numbers 20:18-20
Strategic Targets for today:
Authority is an often misunderstood concept, even within those who are called to positions of authority. The scriptures teach us that there is one ultimate authority in both heaven and earth, that being THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. We also see accounts of divinely delegated authority as mentioned above. There are appointments to authority over specific areas or matters. There is delegated and earned authority. We all walk in a measure of authority and we are all subject to a greater authority then ourselves. Within our family unit, within the Body of Christ and within our governmental structure, authority is found in all these areas.
How we react and respond to authority determines our level of and ability to walk in authority!
As the LORD is shifting and resetting our mindsets, we are recovering the true nature of Godly Ordained Authority within the Body of Christ. God is resetting the Apostolic and Prophetic order back into alignment with the fulness of the Five-Fold ministry to and through the Church of Jesus Christ. As we are set in order, and alignment with God’s original intent for this Body, we will need adjustments in our understanding of Divinely Ordained authority. Much wisdom and discernment is needed as there was even at work within the First Century Church the False Apostolic movement.
Ask Father God for revelation, discernment and wisdom before submitting yourself or your congregation to any authority. Remember the importance of Alignment at this time separating the wheat from the chaff, then submit completely to the Holy Spirit for direction!
Walking in the Reflection of His Light
We have been offering ourselves willing to Father God in Hineni.
NOW HE IS, as our “Covenant GOD”, answering us back in this stronger form of Hineni…”Behold! Here I AM, doing this thing!
Watch for the covenant moments with God the remainder of this month,
Please READ EACH SCRIPTURE one at a time, expounding on it, drawing on the revelation being made! There is POWER in the READING OF THE WORD! Let us search the scriptures to know what God has promised us, trusting that Almighty God will accomplish all He purposes to do.
Here are today’s scriptures:
Matthew 7:29
Matthew 21:23-27
Matthew 28:18-20
Mark 6:7
Revelation 11:3
1 Peter 2:13-20
~~~Calling the State of Hawaii and All the Island Territories
into Order and Alignment
with the Purposes of God for the United States of America~~~
American Samoa
Guam – Organic Act
Puerto Rico
U.S. Virgin Islands – Organic Act
Currently, the United States has sixteen territories, five of which are permanently inhabited: Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. They are classified as unincorporated territories. They are organized, self-governing territories with locally elected governors and territorial legislatures. Each also elects a non-voting member (or resident commissioner) to the U.S. House of Representatives.
Eleven territories are small islands, atolls and reefs, spread across the Caribbean and Pacific, with no native or permanent populations. These are Palmyra Atoll, Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Bajo Nuevo Bank, Navassa Island, Serranilla Bank and Wake Island, which are claimed by the United States under the Guano Islands Act of 1856. The status of some are disputed by Colombia, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, and the Marshall Islands. The Palmyra Atoll is the only territory currently incorporated.
Historically, territories were created to govern newly acquired land while the borders of the United States were still evolving. Most territories eventually attained statehood. Other territories administered by the United States went on to become independent countries, such as the Philippines, Micronesia, Marshall Islands and Palau.
Pray that ALL Islands will Begin to Flow in the Waters of Revelation and Grace
Hineni!… Behold! Here I AM, doing this thing!
Moving in A Warfare of Love
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