Apr 21, 2017 – Notes Shabbat Call

04-21-17 Notes from 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call – International SHABBAT Celebration
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“Hineni! Here I am!” Once again, we come to SHABBAT! Together, we joyfully entered into our International SHABBAT Celebration with several of our Hawaiian sisters who called in from our 50th State, Hawaii. They opened the celebration by singing in their native tongue and then leading us in the SHEMA! MAHALO! ALOHA!
Maureen shared the announcement that went out today about the next assignment for the 24/7 NSPC, which will commence on April 30th…It is titled: “A CALL TO THE WALL” and is an assignment of national and global import. What a joyous response from the intercessors on the line as they received the GOOD NEWS! Yes, Lord! Yes, Lord! Yes, Lord, YES! Thank You! Many of the intercessors and facilitators spoke up and expressed their gratitude for our continuing with the 24/7 NSPC. They shared their experience on the line and how it had impacted them and others they were praying with.
Tonight we were privileged to have Nancy Schulze with us. She is the wife of Dick Schulze, who served 18 years in Congress from PA. Nancy is the Founder of a Congressional Wives group that serves to educate the wives of Congressmen and their staffs. Nancy joined us to share her heart about the challenges the new Administration is facing and offer us a few prayer points to undergird it as it is trying to find its “sea-legs” during the sharp learning curve it’s engaged in! She noted that alliances are being formed, and the President is committed to getting as much as possible done during his first 100 days, which ends April 29th.
Prayer points on which to focus:
In socializing a nation, it is important to control the economy. As this leftist agenda advanced, we see regulation of the auto industry, banks and insurance, the support of homosexual unions and transgender issues and the legalization of abortion. The left has an agenda, with a strategic plan of how to transform America’s perceptions. It is working now…and we must push back in prayer and action. In the USA, Health Care is about 1/6th of our economy. The gateway of socialism into a nation is health care. After Obamacare was adopted, a key Senator said “Health care was never about health care. It is about about redistributing the wealth!”
Let us pray:
for a restoration of God’s plan for caring for our people. The Fed Govn’t took over the responsibilities of the Church…with hospitals, feeding programs, et al. Let the Church rise to the occasion once more, caring for, bringing healing and discipling the nation.
that Obamacare – with 12 illegal federal mandates – be repealed
restrain any egos that just “want to get something through” in this first 100 days…so that whatever is set in place be the RIGHT THING…
ask HOLY SPIRIT to flow through the thought processes of those making decisions about it
NOTE: The Federal Govn’t has just 5 mandates in the Preamble to the Constitution…justice, national defense, domestic tranquility, general welfare and to secure liberty. The rest of it is left up to the States, with no right given to Congress to be involved in our Health Care decisions…(Congress re is made up of lawyers, accountants, businessmen, professionals and the like – with no expertise or experience in health care or health care policy!)
Pray for those God has ordained for critical positions in this new Administration to be quickly set in place! Reverse any interference with their applications, thwart any attempts to set them aside or block them from being put forward, so these desired appointments can be secured!
The notion of “global warming” is being advanced by political sources. Pray that President Trump will hear clearly from those who offer him correct information and advice, so he can correctly formulate his position on this issue.
Pray for those who sit on the Boards of the nation’s wealthiest FOUNDATIONS. Most major foundation boards are controlled by the secular left – directing multimillions toward funding the secularization of the nation and attempting to undermine and destroy the very foundations upon which our country was built. May God severely limit the influence of those on the secular left, and strategically place His servants in positions of power and influence, to reverse the damage the secular left has been causing.
Pray that as responsible citizens, we be well informed and not propagandized. In the 1960’s, prayer was removed from our public schools, and we became Biblically illiterate; few Christians know the Word! Propaganda won’t work if people are educated with a Biblical world view so they can recognize when they are being manipulated. “Political correctness” is part of that propaganda. Let eyes be opened so people see clearly and things that have been hidden are exposed.
Pray for the Church. There is a strategic, well financed effort to destroy America’s Christian heritage… pray for the reunification of the Christian Church, which is being targeted as scripture is being twisted to fit the secular left agenda. Stalin said: “America’s resistance (to socialism) is due to her patriotism, her morality and her spiritual life! If we can undermine those 3 things, America will collapse from within.” Beware!
Pastor Ioan said “we have heard these reports and receive them as direction for prayer…” We must stand in the gap for our nation, and as we see these things taking place, we must take them to the Lord in prayer and allow Him to teach us what He wants done about it…in prayer, direction and action. The GLORY of God is manifesting in our nation, and we speak out now to bind all spirits that might listen in on or try in any way to interfere with us on this 24/7 NSPC. We bind and cast them down into the abyss. We prayed for the repeal of Obamacare and that the current health care bill be set aside so the Congress can start over and remove the 12 illegal mandates hanging over our people.
There was a realization that the most impacting intercession we can make is during SHABBAT when we are in such an intimate relationship with the Lord! Since we are called to be CONTINUALLY on the wall and making intercession, he will hear, receive and bless it…and us!
We are so grateful for Nancy being with us tonight and for sharing her heart for our nation with us! She is a spiritual Mama in the Capitol…and has blessed us tremendously tonight. We blessed her corporately and individually…and she thanked us for our faithfulness, saying she was stunned by the sound of us all praying together…that we were moving the heart of God as we do! We are prioritizing our approach to the Throne with the concerns He puts in our hearts.
Two weeks ago, the Lord told us that the 24/7 in this new season would be “equipped, easy, enjoyable, exciting and effective”! “Hineh Ma Tov uma na’im Shevet achim gam yachad” / “How good and pleasant it is for brothers & sisters to dwell together as one!” (Psalm 133) In our unity of LOVE, the Lord commands a blessing! Thank YOU, Lord, for the JOY that is bubbling up in our hearts right now. We are accepted and invited to be with YOU and to stay with YOU! We declare and celebrate Your Kingship and Lordship all over the world! We enter into a chamber where there is a round table. We are all accommodated equally in Him! We celebrate our acceptance and unity there! We prayed the Lord’s Prayer aloud and then repeated it in unison! Aida led us in offering and blessing the bread, and we partook of His Body. Bev led us in offering of the cup, and we partook of His Blood! Alleluia!
The call ended but SHABBAT continued in our hearts as we took our leave of one another and entered this next week in His service! Alleluia!
04-21-17 CONFIDENTIAL notes…personal for Nancy only…24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call – International SHABBAT
We are so grateful for Nancy being with us tonight and for sharing her heart for our nation with us! She is the spiritual Mama of the Capitol…and has blessed us tremendously tonight. We blessed her corporately and individually…(with protection, peace, information will not be a weight on you, return of a harvest for the time she sowed into us tonight, able to appropriate the wisdom You have given her, bless her body with strength, health and vitality, bless her sweet heart and professionalism, the Lord is your Keeper, your Shade and He will preserve you from all evil, rest, bless her generations to come, blessing her and her family for what she has brought to us, you have been and have shared a beautiful, heavenly fragrance with us tonight, thank you for entrusting this vital information in the privacy of the prayer room and we will steward it well, you will reap for your faithfulness, Hawaiian intercessors blessed her with a healing blessing, give her a continual reviving and refreshing of her spirit, she is a woman who crowns her husband!!! Undergird her and undertake on her behalf in all things that she never fails! Let her have Divine appts to share the info with which He has entrusted you, favor goes before her in places she never thought she’d go into…)
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