Apr 19, 2017 – Prayer Focus

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call for Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Dial in: 712.770.4340 Enter code: 543555#
Entering Into Position
“So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, “May the LORD require it at the hands of David’s enemies.” Jonathan made David vow again because of his love for him, because he loved him as he loved his own life.”
1 Samuel 20:16-17
Strategic Targets for today:
In a world today that gives no regard to covenant and bonds of agreement and alignment, let us see what the Word of God teaches us about the concept of alignment. Many even within the Church fail to recognize the importance and impact that alignment can have on one’s life and destiny.
We shall consider both good and bad alignments in God’s Word, as each of us must ask ourselves the question; With whom and what am I aligned with, and what does that alignment bring into my life and destiny? Alignment in this hour of decision is critical! It is such a powerful principle and concept, and we do well to take this matter seriously. As seen in the scriptures it could very well mean life or death to us, both physically and spiritually.
Words that are a synonyms of alignment are covenant, agreement, an alliance, a bond, oath or vow.
There are holy alignments such as sited above between Jonathan and David that are birthed out of mutual love and respect. There are corporate alignments, such as the covenant between Israel and Jehovah God, that brought life and blessings. But then, there are those unholy alignments with death such as Daniel experienced, were all those in authority consulted together to have him killed. The most infamous unholy alignment was that of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, when they and those in alignment with them attempted to usurp Moses’ authority, it resulted in the death of everyone that aligned themselves with these rebels.
Proper alignment can bring blessings and anointing to your life. Seek the Father’s good and perfect will for your future and destiny, asking Him where you are to be aligned and with whom. May you have long life and prosper according to His Divine purposes.
Walking in the Reflection of His Light
We have been offering ourselves willing to Father God in Hineni. NOW HE IS, as our “Covenant GOD”, answering us back in this stronger form of Hineni…”Behold! Here I AM, doing this thing! Watch for the covenant moments with God the remainder of this month, as HE IS DOING A NEW THING!
Please READ EACH SCRIPTURE one at a time, expounding on it, drawing on the revelation being made! There is POWER in the READING OF THE WORD! Let us search the scriptures to know what God has promised us, trusting that Almighty God will accomplish all He purposes to do.
Here are today’s scriptures:
******Please review the scriptures and highlight the story and message given. They are two lengthy to be read in completion on the hourly call.****
1 Samuel Chapter 20
Nehemiah Chapters 9 and 10
Daniel Chapter 6
Numbers Chapters 16 and 17
~~~Calling the State of Arizona into Order and Alignment
with the Purposes of God for the United States of America~~~
Pray that Arizona may Awaken to the Glory of God
Hineni!… Behold! Here I AM, doing this thing!
Moving in A Warfare of Love
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