Apr 17, 2017 – RECAP and UPCOMING CC’s – STRATEGIC WAR ROOM CC (Leaders)

This comes with a heartfelt “THANK YOU” to each of you who participated in the STRATEGIC WAR ROOM leaders CC last Thursday. We are in a new season, letting go of the past and entering a new dimension in prayer, a place of united faith and locked shields. Pressing forward together, we will move into His Presence, where we will receive DIVINE STRATEGIES for our nation, and then release what we’ve heard in the WAR ROOM out to all of our intercessors who are manning their battle stations on the wall!
Our desire is that the leaders of the prayer movement in the USA will come together, in submission to the Holy Spirit and mutual submission to one another. Laying down our agendas and expectations, and expressing our total dependence on our Father, as Jesus did…we will fulfill His prayer that we be one as He and the Father are one.
These are the dates and call in numbers for our upcoming CCs:
*** There will be a special 8 PM CC (with Leaders only) this Thursday, April 20th ***
Jennifer Korn – Special Assistant to the President – will address us at that time and we will have an open discussion afterward.
Future Leaders CC’s will be on the 1st and 3rd Thursday at 5 PM Eastern 605-475-3250 569605 #
Upcoming dates: May 4th, May 18th, June 1st, June15th
Future Corporate CC’s will be the 3rd Thursday of the month at 8 PM Eastern 605-475-3250 697314 #
Upcoming dates: May 18th, June15th
Please let your intercessors know about the CORPORATE CALL at 8 PM on Thursday, May 18th
and let us know how many from your ministry to plan for on the CC line.
Email: acalltothewall@gmail.com (We are looking into that technology now).
RECAP of 4-13-17 CC:
As we were waiting for our STRATEGIC WAR ROOM Leaders CC to begin, we eagerly listened to hear who God was causing to respond to this CALL TO THE WALL! Each “ding” on the line brought increased hope and raised anticipation for what was to come. What joy to “see’ these wonderful leaders coming together to discern and pray over the needs presented on behalf of our nation! As we began, 22 had “entered the arena”!
- Mario welcomed us and gave a brief update on the history of how we got to today!
- Lourdes shared that Jennifer Korn, working in the WHITE HOUSE, will be with us on the next call.
- Maureen called the roll of who was on the line with us. Mario spoke about the need for total confidentiality of the call.
Discussion: Time for group counsel / discernment / prayer
Ioan shared a global perspective and how what happens in the USA impacts the world. God is restoring our nation and we have entered a new level of global warfare as this new Administration took its place. Eight (8) principalities of darkness are being challenged and are even now mobilizing against the USA.
Cindy issued a warning about the threats coming from terrorism at this hour, saying we need to pray for the WH and DC. She felt that a carjacking or car bomb was possible. She agrees that it is a global issue…a critical time for the world! She has 400K intercessors associated with her on social media that can be mobilized. She prayed that we would “stand up to the bully in N. Korea”.
Dai Sup shared about the battle in the Korean peninsula and reaffirmed the spiritual unity of Korea and prayed for the “insecure leader” in N. Korea and called forth his true destiny in Christ!
Ramiro affirmed those on the call as known prayer leaders in this nation and reitterated the confidentiality that is necessary. He asked that we pray specifically for Jennifer Korn, as Special Asst to the President. Ramiro said that President Trump knows when someone is speaking to him under the anointing. Pray that the Spirit of the Lord would fall fresh on his advisors every day! He prayed that there would be multiple DANIELs and ESTHERs around him, with the angelic host would be there accompanying them.
Lourdes had a formal interview yesterday, and hopes to be hired there to work with Jennifer. She is connected to the underground church in the Middle East, which is an asset, not a detriment! Ramiro prayed that it would not be an issue and that she have no worries!
Lance shared that his real concern is for President Trump. He is vulnerable to being manipulated by his ego. He went up in the polls when he brought Bannon and Conway on board. If his family and these two advisors are at odds with each other, Bannon will be at risk of being cut loose. Pray that the liberal NY financiers that his son might bring in do not get the “King’s” ear. Let “the Kings heart be in the Lord’s hand…” and ONLY Godly advisors be allowed to speak into him! Lord, refresh Steve Bannon now, and raise up only those who have the President’s welfare and our nation’s welfare in mind. Let those who are of God be advocates for one another.
Maureen shared that this is exactly what we are doing on the call…we are laying down our individual agendas and coming together in prayer for the King and His Kingdom…advocating in prayer for one another!
John Robb wants to have a prayer room in the Eisenhower building and send in teams of intercessors to DC from a different State each week. Pam shared that they had on-site prayer meetings there and were allowed to pray throughout the building. We want to have the right people with the right access in there.
George spoke about having a prayer room in the WH, the Capitol and SCOTUS to support them in prayer. We need 24/7 prayer to cover. (NOTE: There is a prayer room on the hill and the JHOP and Allan Parker (TJF) have offices near SCOTUS!)
Tom S said that the prayer in the WH would be a different style of prayer and intimately connected with the WH and the Administration. (He will send a transcript of that word given in TX.)
Mario shared about seeing a war room with generals meeting with the Lord, Who took their old war strategies and gave them new ones! Eve shared about her daughter Hannah’s access in the WH…and the requests for prayer there.
Maureen shared about a ROUND TABLE vision with the KNIGHTS entering and placing their swords on the table by their seats, pointing into the center. All eyes on Jesus, our King and Commander in Chief.
Dai Sup said Franklin Graham is bringing persecuted Christians to DC the week after the election.
Bonnie said we need to pray for the Generals (leading our military) that they would let go of the old and receive the new strategies and battle plans from the Lord. We extended that to the spiritual Generals as well, and bound the spirit of witchcraft that would affect them. Let Psalm 133 unity be commanded in all!
Kamal said that there is “leakage” from the WH taking place. We need to remove anyone who is leaking information, or causing disruption, delay or confusion. Let President Trump hear only those who are God-sent and let them have perfect harmony with one another!
We will discuss the scheduling of the next STRATEGIC WAR ROOM leaders CCs as well as the next CORPORATE CC in May. We will send out prayer points from these calls to all the participating ministries, including prayer requests.
Ioan closed in prayer asking God to bless America and heal our land…ALLELUIA! AMEN!
Have a glorious Resurrection weekend!
In HIs overwhelming and unifying love,
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