Apr 16, 2024 – Notes A Call to the Wall

04-16-24 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
If there was ever a time in history to know how to stand with the nation of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide, it is now. We pray for the leaders of Israel, and the leaders of the nations who are choosing whether to bless or curse Israel. We pray for the hostages of Hamas, asking that you protect them while You touch and change the hearts of Israel’s enemies…either moving or removing them, in Jesus’ Name!
Led by Nancy (MN), we prayed to receive the Ephesians 6 armor of God, as we engage in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our beloved nation!
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Bobbie (NC) PTL! God prevented any infection from spreading to her husband Reuben’s blood stream, (just as we prayed last week. He’s had a struggle, with three drains being inserted in his back. Bobbie asked that we pray for an opening in an acute care rehab ASAP. For Bobbie as well…with her stress level being under YOUR control, Lord. We prayed corporately for them.
Out 331 missiles and drones launched by Iran at Israel:
185 out of 185 Kamikaze Drones were shot down
103 out of 110 Ballistic Missiles were shot down
36 out of 36 Cruise Missiles were shot down
7 Ballistic Missile impacts were recorded on Israeli territory
A MIRACLE! Chris Mitchell, CBN’s Sr. Correspondent in Jerusalem, said the IDF thought shooting down Iran’s drones would be successful, but not that successful! 99% of 360 shot down is being called a “MIRACLE”!
Statement from the American Jewish Committee
April 15, 2024
In the early hours of April 14, sirens and explosions were heard nationwide in Israel as Iran launched a wave of more than 300 drones and missiles at the country in its first-ever direct attack on the Jewish state. Here’s what we know about the unprecedented Iranian attack and the remarkable success achieved by Israel and its neighbors and allies in defense.
What is known about the Iranian attack? According to the Israel Defense Forces, the attack by Iran comprised 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles, and 120 ballistic missiles. Remarkably, with help from Israel’s neighbors and allies, Israel’s multi-layered air defense system, which consists of the short-range Iron Dome, medium-range David’s Sling, and long-range Arrow 3 air defense systems, intercepted 99% of the aerial attacks. All the drones and cruise missiles were downed outside of Israel’s airspace by the Israeli Air Force and other nations, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Jordan, and France. The drones, which carry a warhead and explode upon reaching their target, had a long flight time of several hours and were downed well outside of Israel. The drones are the same ones that Iran provides to Russia to use in its war of aggression against Ukraine. Similarly, the cruise missiles also have a long flight time from Iran to Israel (about 800 miles) of approximately one hour.
The size of the Iranian missile intercepted at the Dead Sea!
However, the ballistic missiles fired by Iran have a much shorter flight time of around 10 minutes and are more challenging to intercept. As such, nine out of the 120 fired managed to evade Israel’s air defense and struck the country – causing minor damage to Israel’s Nevatim Air Base – home to Israel’s F-35 fighter jets – in southern Israel, damaging a Hercules cargo plane and out of service storage facilities and runway. Four missiles struck a second unnamed base, causing no serious damage. Shrapnel from an intercepted ballistic missile hit a Bedouin community in the Negev, which seriously injured a young girl.
Unlike the drones and cruise missiles, the ballistic missiles, which have the capability of carrying a nuclear warhead, were shot down inside of Israel by the long-range Arrow 3 air defense system. Some of the interceptions of the ballistic missiles appeared to have been destroyed in space high above Israel. “Iran’s plan failed,” said IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari. “Out of hundreds of launches, only a few missiles entered Israeli territory and caused only minor damage to the infrastructure at the [Nevatim air force]
Mary Ellen (IL) we “locked shields” for Israel and when the enemy came, its attack failed! Psalm 92:1 “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High.”
We prayed corporately into this verse and for our dear Israel and her people!
Ps Ioan shared his conversation with Robert (OK) (our brother who is a paramedic and plays the harp) and is in Israel right now. He said that when the attacks came, one young girl in the IDF was in shock and they thought she was dead. When Robert began to play the harp, she suddenly “woke up”…and was restored! We prayed corporately against the spirit of fear that is attempting to cover the nation and discourage the people. We ask that You “Comfort Your people” and let them hear Your sounds of heaven, instead of the enemy’s threats!
Joan (AZ) when she was 8 years old in WWII, she remembers sirens going off, indicating an air raid.
Danielle (SC) spoke to the threats and fears the people were experiencing and commanded them to be silenced and cleansed from the minds of those who experienced them.
Julia (KS) Prayed Psalm 125: let the peace be upon them and let rest and SHALOM be with the people there. We speak PEACE over Israel!
Joan (AZ) prayed for the children there in Israel, that they would not have any fear but YOUR PEACE!
We also prayed for an appropriate response by Israel, for Netanyahu and his government to be moderate and not allow themselves to be goaded into a global war!
Bernadette (NY) Do not allow WWIII
Diane (MT) Protect them from “rogue actions” by any other parties.
Danielle (SC) Torah speaks of how these wars are Your wars, as they are coming against You! Let
Netanyahu follow Torah and respond to your WORD!
NY Judge Juan M. Merchan said “it’s too soon to say” whether he can adjourn court on Friday, May 17 so that President Trump can attend his youngest son’s graduation in Florida. “I was looking forward to that graduation with his mother and father there, and it looks like the judge does not allow me to escape this scam,” Trump, 77, told reporters in the hallway of Manhattan Supreme Court after the first day of trial. Trump’s attorneys had asked Justice Juan Merchan not to hold the trial on May 17, so the President can attend Barron’s graduation at Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach, Florida.
We prayed corporately, asking God to deal with this difficult “family” matter!
We paused just before 9 PM to pray corporately for the J6 prisoners! Led by Diane (MT),
we united our hearts with theirs from across our national and sang our National Anthem,
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, returned to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
We then prayed for President Trump to be returned to the White House,
where he will do even greater things than he did during his first term!
Ps Ioan withdrew from the call to attend his daughter Fenya’s birthday celebration! Blessings on her special day!
Mary Ellen (IL) shared that J6 prisoner Jake Lang spoke to the Gateway Pundit and said that he has been placed in solitary confinement in the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center and has entered his 4th year in prison. He has been stripped of his rights, and is making a plea to the American people, saying they are torturing the J6 prisoners, and have them in bleak cells separated from society. MDC Brooklyn 80 29th Street Brooklyn, NY 11232 – 718-840-4200 phone
Trump Comes Under Fire for Sharing Clip of Laura Loomer and Andrew Giuliani Leading Chant at Protest and Exposing Conflicts of Interest in Manhattan; Alvin Bragg Asks for Sanctions and Threatens Jail Time
President Trump, refusing to be silenced by a leftwing judge and Soros-funded prosecutor, is facing scrutiny for sharing a video of his allies exposing the conflicts of interest in the Stormy Daniels “hush money” case. Jury selection is still underway for Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s lawfare case against Trump. Last April, Trump was hit with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records and conspiracy.
The far-left judge overseeing the Stormy Daniels trial trampled all over Trump’s First Amendment rights with a strict gag order. Judge Juan Merchan earlier this month expanded Trump’s gag order to bar Trump from making factual statements about the judge’s far-left family members after it was learned that the judge’s daughter, Loren Merchan, is a far-left political operative who worked for the Biden-Harris campaign and received tens of MILLIONS of dollars from Democrats who want to take down Trump.
As The Gateway Pundit reported, prosecutors are now seeking to hold President Trump in contempt for ‘violating’ the gag order and asking the court to impose sanctions while threatening Trump with jail time if he continues to speak out against this political witch hunt.
“Donald Trump did nothing wrong,” Laura Loomer began chanting outside the courthouse before she and Andrew Giuliani ripped into Judge Merchan, his wife, Soros-funded DA Alvin Bragg, and Bragg’s star witness, admitted perjurer Michael Cohen.
“The facts–think about this–are so weak in this case that Joe Biden would not even bring this case. That’s how bad this is. It took a Soros funded District Attorney in order to bring this case. There’s no underlying felony,” exclaimed the son of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
As Bradley Smith, Institute for Free Speech Chairman, Capital University law professor, and former Federal Election Commission Chairman, notes in an op-ed for The Federalist, the made-up felony charges against Trump are completely baseless, setting aside the clear conflicts of interest with the prosecution and the judge.
DA Alvin Bragg argues that Trump falsified business records in order to “conceal crimes that hid information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election” and “boost his electoral prospects.” Under this theory, Bragg claims that Trump violated campaign finance laws by not publicly reporting so-called campaign expenditures to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.
However, as Smith writes,
Misreporting business expenses is normally, at most, a misdemeanor. Bragg seeks to ratchet it up to a felony here by arguing that the misreporting was done to cover up a crime. That alleged crime is a violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA). The theory is that Trump’s payments to Daniels were campaign expenditures and thus needed to be publicly reported as such. By not reporting the expenditure, the theory goes, Trump prevented the public from knowing information that might have influenced their votes.
But let’s think about this for a minute. Political candidates do things all the time that are “for the purpose of influencing an election,” but that, nonetheless, are not considered campaign expenditures. For example, a candidate cannot buy a new suit, get his teeth whitened, or pay for cosmetic surgery with campaign funds, even if he does so for the purpose of looking good on the campaign trail. That’s because, in campaign finance law, these types of expenditures are known as “personal use.” FECA specifically prohibits the conversion of campaign funds to personal use, defined as any expenditure “used to fulfill any commitment, obligation, or expense that would exist irrespective of the candidate’s election campaign.”
Does anyone really think a candidate should be able to use campaign funds to settle lawsuits, or threatened lawsuits, arising from activities that occurred long before his candidacy? It’s stressful being a candidate, and a little relaxation may make the candidate more effective on the stump. Does that mean your campaign contribution should pay for a candidate massage? How about a country club membership, or tickets to the Super Bowl (after all, the candidate might take along a potential donor)?
Herein lies the most frightening part of this prosecution: Had Trump made these payments with campaign funds, it seems a near certainty he would now be facing criminal charges for a knowing and willful diversion of campaign funds to pay personal obligations. If Bragg’s prosecution is successful, it will mean a candidate can use campaign funds to pay almost any obligation that, the candidate might argue, would benefit his candidacy. Perhaps worse, zealous prosecutors could get a candidate coming or going — falsification of records if campaign funds are not used, and illegal personal use if campaign funds are used.
President Trump “Truthed” the following video from today’s protest outside the courthouse:
Loomer: We’re gonna be here every single day, talking to all of you fake news media freaks and letting you know that Donald Trump did nothing wrong until you start to report the truth. Judge Merchan’s wife literally worked for Letitia James. Michael Cohen’s lawyer, Andrew Laufer’s Twitter profile banner is a photo of him with Letitia James, talking about getting Trump. He said that he had fundraisers for Kamala Harris. Tell me that this isn’t the witch hunt. How is this fair? How is this fair to Donald Trump?
Giuliani: You’re absolutely right. We’ve got to be out of here for President Trump. Let them know that he did nothing wrong. Let them know this is a political persecution by prosecution of the leading candidate for President of the United States. That’s what’s going on here. That’s what’s going on in the United States of America. The facts–think about this–are so weak in this case that Joe Biden would not even bring this case. That’s how bad this is. It took a Soros funded District Attorney in order to bring this case. There’s no underlying felony.
We prayed corporately into this, asking for God’s intervention and man’s support for President Trump!
Dorothy (OR) this is rampant slandering, lies, lawlessness on the part of those who are supposed to be
upholding the law…and they are NOT!
Tesi (FL) we bind the spirits of hatred, assassination and murder that are attacking president trump. Let
Your justice be meted out against these one who are opposing him…and they will go to jail!
Kay (IL) prayed for the justice system in the USA. Let the law protect, not offend. We come before You and ask for Your MERCY! Expose the evil in the justice system and get rid of those people who are destroying it and using it to against Your children in the USA! We trust You, Lord, to bring that forth!
Aida (MI) Your Word in 2 Chronicles 7:14 calls us to repent for our sin so You will heal our land! We cry out
to You for justice for those being so inhumanely treated!
More regarding the Trump “hush money case”:
President Trump is now attempting a rare legal maneuver during his trial, seeking an unconventional legal strategy by requesting to participate personally in sidebar conversations, a move rarely seen from defendants in criminal trials.
Gregg Jarrett, Fox News legal analyst and commentator said:
“Hillary Clinton used a lawyer to secretly pay for the phony Steele Dossier and booking it as legal expenses. She was fined by the FEC, but she wasn’t prosecuted. Neither was Barack Obama, even though he was fined a whopping $375,000 for hiding donors and keeping illegal contributions.”
There is a double standard…instead of equal justice under the law!
Update from David Clements:
“Travel is super sketchy with the uncertainty of war – foreign and domestic. Illegals are still boarding flights in droves on the taxpayer dime. I hope the events we schedule hold. For example, I’m traveling to Maryland for a grassroots training next week after the recent bridge collapse. Things I’ve taken for granted, like a road being accessible, is now a logistical consideration.
Corruption has led to many election investigators being arrested, with captured judges continuing the persecution of many of my friends, demanding that whistleblowers be given up to a modern day Gestapo. More unjust arrests are coming. When will our communities rise up and say “no more!” Every time I leave my bride and kiddos, I have to do some mental calculations and count the costs. All this to say, I have a tremendous sense of peace. God is amazing and will use all things towards good – especially hardship.
Keep your focus on what you can control. All of the travel is absolutely worth it, so long as local communities do their part to stand up to corrupt officials and fight to remove the rigged machines and software, and the mail-in ballots. Don’t be passive in the home stretch! We have 6 months to improve our backyards. Remember, there is no statute of limitations to do the right thing.”
We prayed corporately into this message of David’s, asking the Lord to bless him and Erin and the children…and make EVERY PROVISION that he needs to “finish the task!”
Carol (IL) posted this info about our sovereignty. The critical moment we are in now is April 17-18. The Standing Committee of the Health Emergency Prevention Committee of the WHO is meeting to discuss a draft of a treaty on how they can make recommendations. Difference now is they would be legally binding.Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director of WHO, is a very evil man, both spiritually and physically. Whatever he decides is a pandemic or an emergency would be dictated upon all nations that have signed this treaty. It would be law. God, hear our cry!!! SPREAD THE WORD!! Pray, then share with others…and contact your 2 US Senators NOT TO AGREE TO THIS TRAVESTY!
We prayed together into this matter, asking that the US not be a part!
“The US Supreme Court issued an emergency order late yesterday, April 15th, allowing Idaho to resume enforcing a state ban on sex-change-related procedures for minors after the law was blocked by a lower court.” The vote was 5-3 (Chief Justice John Roberts did not publicly indicate how he voted). The majority was Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.
This past weekend, all across the nation, parents, grandparents and concerned citizens gathered to show concern with one single message: Don’t Mess with our Kids! Intercessors traveled to 50 state capitols to participate in this simultaneous show of solidarity against the indoctrination and sexualization of our kids.
Supreme Court takes its deepest plunge into J6, with possible implications for Trump
Today, the high court heard arguments over whether Capitol “rioters” can be convicted of obstructing Congress’ business, a law passed in the wake of the ’00s-era Enron scandal. This the the first time that the Supreme Court has grappled in detail with what took place on January 6, 2021 at the Capitol. This case could upend hundreds of convictions — and potentially undermine some pending criminal charges against President Trump.
The issue is whether the felony obstruction charge the Justice Department has deployed against many of them is being used appropriately. The high court’s ultimate ruling — expected by the end of June — could overturn hundreds of J6 felony convictions and hamper numerous pending prosecutions. A ruling against the Justice Department could even ripple into special counsel Jack Smith’s case against Trump, whom he charged with two charges of obstructing Congress’ business that day.
Until this week, the Justices had not dealt publicly in any depth with the violence of J6 or who can be held legally responsible for it. They barely mentioned the “riot” when they heard arguments in February on efforts in some states to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot for allegedly stoking the J6 insurrection or when they resolved that legal fight in Trump’s favor. They declined to consider Trump’s challenge to the J6 select congressional committee, as it sought to obtain his White House records, and they rejected former Arizona state GOP Chair Kelli Ward’s bid to stop the select committee from obtaining her phone records. The justices also turned down Sen. Lindsey Graham’s bid to block a subpoena from Georgia investigators pursuing their own probe related to the 2020 election. The current case, however, Fischer v. United States, was actually brought by a J6 defendant, Joseph Fischer, who says that the 20-year old obstruction statute — passed in the wake of the Enron financial scandal — was not intended to cover the type of conduct engaged in on Jan. 6. Rather, Fischer argues, it was supposed to be limited to classic cases of evidence-tampering, like forging or shredding documents.
About 350 rioters have been tagged with the charge, which carries a 20-year maximum sentence. Most of the federal district court judges in Washington, who are handling the criminal cases related to the Capitol riot, have sided with prosecutors and concluded that the law does not require proof that a defendant intended to interfere with some sort of evidence. However, in March 2022, one federal judge, Carl Nichols, agreed with defense lawyers’ narrower interpretation. In short order, Nichols — a Trump appointee — dismissed the same obstruction charge against at least three J6 defendants. In April 2023, a federal appeals court panel consisting of two Republican appointees and one Democratic appointee overturned Nichols’ ruling, although the appeals judges splintered on how to interpret another key provision in the obstruction statute. A second appeals court panel taking a broader look at the law upheld the Justice Department’s view and ruled that there are several ways for prosecutors to support obstruction charges. The Justices’ views and commentary about J6 during today’s arguments could provide clues to how they will weigh the events of that day when they consider Trump’s claim that he is immune from prosecution for his bid to subvert the 2020 election. Those oral arguments are set for April 25.
Several J6 defendants who were already imprisoned on obstruction charges have been tentatively released by judges concerned that the Supreme Court’s eventual ruling may result in shorter sentences than the ones the prisoners have already served. It’s possible that the impact of the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Fischer case, however, will end up being limited for Trump, even if the court rules against the Justice Department.
Smith told the justices last week that he would still press on with his obstruction case against Trump for a simple reason: Trump, he says, violated the law even under the narrowest version that the justices might say applies. The prosecutor argues that the bid to assemble false slates of presidential electors — and have them deliver signed certificates claiming to be legitimate electors — is a classic example of falsifying evidence.
Unite4Freedom.com STUDY SESSION: National Federal Election Law – Tuesdays at 7 PM (ET)
We can’t uphold the law if we don’t know it. Come prepared with paper and pen to read and dissect federal laws governing our elections, as well as Supreme Court rulings affirming the right of the People to choose our representatives. Learn how we will “keep” our Republic together. These lively and informative sessions are open to the public – We encourage you to invite your friends and neighbors to attend. (link to Tuesday night call)
We received communion, led by Kay (IL) and Dorothy (OR) and together, we thanked God for nurturing us with His Precious Body and Blood! We rejoice to be invited to His table and to share in this meal together with Him and one another!
We love you all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We still NEED FT Facilitators for
2 PM ET Sunday,
4 PM ET Sunday
(If you are willing to serve, please contact Maureen at 407-810-4665)
All of our participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour each week.
That “two by two” Biblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
See the list of available hours on our website: https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/facilitation-and-co-facilitation-needs/
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com
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