Apr 15, 2017 – Prayer Focus

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call for Saturday, April 15, 2017
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Our Passover Crossing
“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life;
he who believes in Me will live even if he dies,
and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.
Do you believe this?”
John 11:25-26
Strategic Targets for today:
Everyone at some time in their life has experienced the death of something precious and dear to them. We all know the pain and sorrow of loss, the grief of now longer having what you once had. Then there is that every once in a great while time, when we experience the joy of remembering without the pain. But can I tell you, friends, Father God has made the way, by the provision of a resurrection, a way we can have all things restored. Yes, through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, we can once again see those we have lost to death. We can have relationships restored, our health, our families, and yes even our wealth all restored. Do you have the faith to believe this? Let us then, move forward with this revelation, that all things are possible with God, and no matter what the loss, He can resurrect it.
What is dead in your life, that needs resurrection power at work? Come look and see what this new thing is GOD IS DOING!
As our nation comes to Her hour of deliverance from the past, pray for the resurrection power to operate within the Church of Christ, and all those called to serve America the Beautiful.
May God bless you and may God bless America and all those that serve Her!
Walking in the Reflection of His Light
We have been offering ourselves willing to Father God in Hineni.
NOW HE IS, as our “Covenant GOD”, answering us back in this stronger form of Hineni…
Behold! Here I AM, doing this thing! Watch for the covenant moments with God the remainder of this month, as HE IS DOING A NEW THING!
Please READ EACH SCRIPTURE one at a time, expounding on it, drawing on the revelation being made! There is POWER in the READING OF THE WORD! Let us search the scriptures to know what God has promised us, trusting that Almighty God will accomplish all He purposes to do.
Here are today’s scriptures:
John 11:27-45
Hineni!… Behold! Here I AM, doing this thing!
Moving in A Warfare of Love
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