Apr 14, 2022 – Prayer Focus

Thursday, April 14, 2022 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“And he prepared the inner sanctuary inside the temple, to set the ark of the covenant of the Lord there.”
1 Kings 6:19
We sing: Take Me In to the Holy of Holies
Take me past the outer courts, into the holy place, past the brazen altar. Lord, I want to see Your face.
Pass me by the crowds of people and the priests who sing Your praise,
I hunger and thirst for Your righteousness, but it’s only found in one place.
Take me into the Holy of Holies. Take me in by the Blood of the Lamb.
Take me into the Holy of Holies. Take the coal, touch my lips, here I am.
Take the coal, touch my lips, here I am! Take the coal, touch my lips, here I am!
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage
and for all the members of their family. We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.
In every situation and decision, let our President be led by the Holy Spirit, so that he learns the truth and acts accordingly, for the good of the nation.
That as the REDEMPTION of the AMERICAN REPUBLIC takes place, those leaders that God anoints and appoints will take their places in the governments of each state and in our nation’s Capitol!
For a miraculous conclusion to the investigations into the 2020 elections,
and proof of fraud and collusion to remove Joe Biden (and company) and restore President Trump
to his rightful office so that he can lead this nation once again and work to restore the global balance!
For protection, provision, and peace for Professor / Patriot David Clements and his family,
and for Dr. Shiva and all working with him to expose the fraud and corruption of the 2020 election!
That Russian aggression in Ukraine will cease and war there will be ended.
Strategic Focus for Thursday
Worthy is the Lamb – A Messianic Passover Haggadah – Part 11
“As He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy, for I am holy.’”
1 Peter 1:15-16
Today, our 24/7 on site team will be traveling to Barrow, Alaska, and entering into a HOLY CONVOCATION. They are being positioned by the Lord to pray, according to His instructions, and together, celebrate Passover followed by the WELCOMING OF THE KING OF GLORY INTO ALASKA! Those on the call will be undergirding them off site, interceding for their sisters and brothers to arrive safely at their destination.
We pray:
- That the team will go “to the top of the world” with the full assurance, hope of God leading them on.
- That as the Word of life rests upon them, that the love of God Almighty, will uphold them.
- That the Blood of Jesus will cover them, and that the Holy Spirit will strengthen and help them to fulfill their assignment. Pray.
NOTE: Alaska is in its own time zone, so as we convene our first season tonight, from 6-9 PM in Barrow, it will be 10 PM on the East Coast, 9 PM Central, 8 PM Mountain, and 7 PM on the West Coast and 5 PM in Hawaii. Please make the corresponding time adjustments for these events so you can be aware of what is taking place at any given time!
As we gather on site this evening for the first time, we will be considering Radical Holiness, the first of five topics, our 24/7 protocols, that we cover prior to each time we convene to Welcome the King of Glory. We will move deeper into understanding each of the topics, and come into agreement as the Lord prepares our hearts for Sunday’s encounter with our Resurrected KING!
We pray:
- for those onsite in Alaska and those across the nation on the 24/7 NSPC who will be united in Spirit as we together purpose to enter into and observe these “protocols” for the Welcoming the King of Glory into Alaska. Pray.
Radical Holiness
Once we come into an authentic relationship with Jesus, we are no longer content to simply “add God into our lives”…with little or no change on our part. That is not the message of the Gospel nor is it the teaching of the Old Testament prophets, or John the Baptist or Jesus…all of whom called for a radical change for those who came to know, love, and trust God.
Radical holiness is at once a “state of being”, and a lifelong effort, one at which we must persist and persevere! In John 3:30, John says of Jesus and himself: “He must increase, but I must decrease.”
We pray:
- May that be our prayer this day. Lord Jesus, increase in us Your character and attributes daily, and allow all that is not of You to decrease and be removed! We love You and desire to be radically holy!
- That “radical holiness” would be the “norm” for those who love and serve God; that we will “cut no corners”, seek no “shortcuts”, but be willing to “pay the price”, going straight to the Cross to lay our lives down in order to receive His!
- That God’s mind be our mind and God’s heart be our heart. Amen
“Repentance” is an indispensable part of the process of sanctification…and it results in changed thinking… as well as actions. When we are saved, we are literally saved from ourselves…our heathen desires and practices fall to the side… and we enter into a life with God…signified by radical holiness.
- When we are holy (like Jesus), we are instantly obedient to the Word of God. We should be holy (like Jesus) because God commands it…and to do otherwise is disobedience. Pray
- When we are holy (like Jesus) we are like our Heavenly Father, who is holy. He called us to be holy, and as children of God, we are commanded to be holy (like Jesus)! Never is it assumed that unbelievers can or will strive for holiness. Only His children are able to do so, by His grace and through His Spirit. Pray
- When we are holy, we imitate Jesus, and we become LIKE HIM…and like the Father…holy …as They are holy. Jesus said: “Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” Matthew 5:48 Pray
In order to achieve true holiness, that radical holiness God is calling for, we must first come to know Jesus, and then, as we grow in our love for Him, we seek to conduct ourselves in a manner that imitates Him. We love what He loves and hate what He hates, and take on His character and attributes. This is what sanctification is all about: being conformed to His image.
We pray:
- Abba, Father! You are the Potter, we are the clay! Mold us, fashion us into the image of Jesus! Pray
Let us spend time in personal preparation, as we pray into each of these petitions, asking God to make us holy, as Jesus was holy, and to conform us into the image of Jesus, His Son! Lord, we repent for our waywardness, and as we turn and “run into Your arms”, we ask that You would receive us, forgive us, heal us and prepare us… to be transformed into the image of Jesus!
- Cleanse our hands, Lord, with the precious Blood of Jesus. Amen!
- Cleanse our eyes, so that we might see into the Spirit realm with clarity. Amen!
- Cleanse our ears of any defilement, and let us hear clearly what You are speaking to us. Amen!
- Cleanse our lips and tongues, so all that we speak will glorify You. Amen!
- Cleanse our hearts, our thoughts, our emotions and our consciences so that we might serve You with freedom and JOY! Amen!
- Cleanse our feet from the corruption in this world – from those places where we have walked amiss. Let us walk in holiness… on the highway of holiness…and lead others into Your Presence as we do! Amen!
We pray:
- Lord, make us holy and prepare us to come to the table and share in Your Passover meal! Pray
Worthy is the Lamb
A Messianic Passover Haggadah – Part 11
Step: 12 – Tzafun – Eating the Afikoman Send the children to find the lost afikoman at this time!
Leader: I hope you have enjoyed your Passover meal, dear friends, but we must finish our seder. Thank you to all who helped prepare this wonderful dinner we’ve enjoyed! However, I can’t seem to find the Afikoman, and we must have it to finish the seder! Please, has anyone seen the Afikoman? (There is a reward for the one who can find it! [After a child finds the Afikoman, a reward is given.) The seder leader then unwraps the matzah and breaks it into small pieces so that everyone present may partake of it. He then solemnly asks, “The matzah that we break, is it not sharing in the body of Messiah”? referring to the half of the matzah that was broken earlier and hidden away (“buried”). Although the Afikoman was implemented in later Messianic tradition (the Greek phrase means “he will come”), near the end of the meal Yeshua took some matzah, broke it and gave it to His disciples. Pray
Reader 1: Now as they were eating, Yeshua took matzah, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.”- Matthew. 26:26 We now prepare ourselves to eat some matzah that Yeshua identified with his sacrificial body that was broken for us. Let us be silent for a moment… “Hidden within the Afikoman is the holiness of the Korban Pesach.” Please close your eyes and hold this matzah in your hands. It is written that our Lord Yeshua, on the night when he was betrayed, took matzah, and when He had given thanks, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples saying, This is my body that is given for you; do this in memory of me. Pray
The Bread of Life Leader: Our Lord Yeshua told us that He was the Bread of Life, the nourishment of our life and its very sustenance: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh” – John 6:51
This broken piece of matzah recalls the broken heart of Yeshua as he suffered and died as our sin offering upon the altar of the cross. It remembers how our great King was mocked and unjustly flogged; it evokes his agonizing cries as he hung dying on the cross: “Father forgive them … ” “I thirst…” “My God, my God – why have You forsaken me?” “It is finished.” Yeshua our Wounded Healer, who bled out His life so we might live; who took upon himself the plague of death so that we would be passed over. “For our sake God made Yeshua to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” Yeshua gave up His body to be wounded, broken, and killed so that you could have healing, wholeness and life with God forevermore. By His stripes you are healed! Let us thank the LORD our God for the sacrifice of Yeshua’s body that was broken for us: All recite:
Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe, who brings forth the True Bread from Heaven.
After reciting the blessing, eat the piece of matzah that was broken for you…Pray
Reader 1: The matzah was broken for you – you have a share in the offering God gave in His Son Yeshua…
Reader 2: ” For as often as you eat this bread… you proclaim the LORD’S death till He comes”
1 Corinthians 11:26
Step: 13 – Barekh – Blessing after the meal Leader: Now it is time to partake of the Third Cup, the Cup of Redemption, but before we do so we will offer thanks to the LORD our God for the meal we have shared together, and to remember that food is a gift from God’s altar of which we partake:
Blessed are you, LORD our God, master of the universe, Who nourishes the whole world
in goodness, with grace, kindness, and compassion. He gives bread to all flesh, for His love
endures forever. And through His great goodness we have never lacked, nor will we lack food forever,
for the sake of His great Name. For He is God, who nourishes and sustains all, and does good to all, and prepares food for all His creatures which He created.
Blessed are You, LORD, who nourishes all. Amen.
The Cup of Redemption Leader: The third cup recalls God’s promise given to Israel: “I will redeem you with an outstretched arm,” and therefore it is called the “Cup of Redemption” or the “Cup of Blessing.” It was this cup that Yeshua used to symbolize His great sacrifice for us as the true Lamb of God:
Reader 1: And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” – Matthew 26:27-28
Reader 2: For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes. – 1 Corinthians. 11:26
“The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Messiah?
Is it not kos Adonai – the Cup of the LORD?” – 1 Corinthians 10:16,21
“Abba father, if it is possible, let this cup be taken from me. But not what I want, but what you desire” Mark 14: 36 Yeshua was willing to fully surrender to the will of the Father, even though he experienced dread, pain, and sweat ” great drops of blood” during his agony Luke 22: 44
This is the passion foretold by the binding when Isaac offered himself upon the altar in obedience to his father Abraham’s desire. This cup symbolizes our participation in the marriage covenant, in which the groom (God) signified his pledge by sharing a cup of wine with his bride…All recite:
“Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. “
The Hebrew word ahavah (” love”) comes from a two-letter root with Aleph as a modifier that indicates first-person agency: “I give.” Love, then, is essentially an act of sacrificial giving.
“A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.”
We pray:
- Lord, You are so good, and Your mercy endures forever! Thank You for allowing us to gather, for drawing near to us as we draw near to You, for encompassing us with Your love and for receiving us as Your own! That being radically holy will not only be our desire, but our reality, as we draw nearer and nearer to our HOLY GOD! Pray.
- That You will protect our 24/7 family and all our loved ones with the precious Blood of Jesus! Pray.
- Guide and direct President Trump as we intercede for him from the State of Alaska in the great NW. Work in his heart and mind and help him make the crucial decisions that will facilitate his return to the White House. Pray.
- Lord God, protect our nation as we continue to pray for Your peace and solutions to the conflict at hand! Pray.
- Let the light of Christ flood our nation and all the nations, drawing all men to You! Pray.
- That You will help us to get our homes in order. so that they might be places for Your HABITATION and sanctuaries for others! Pray.
- That we will joyfully release the LOVE of GOD from our hearts over Alaska and her people, and out to the entire nation. Pray.
Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it!
Ways to connect with the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call and have access to our information:
Our 24/7 NSPC Telegram Channel – https://t.me/nationalstrategicprayercall
Our 24/7 NSPC Telegram Group – https://t.me/joinchat/2ktpOlvELsNiMzMx
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