Apr 14, 2017 – Notes Shabbat Call

04-14-17 Notes from the International SHABBAT Celebration
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We began this SHABBAT Celebration by quieting our hearts and placing ourselves in position to be received into the Presence of the Lord. We welcomed HIM and asked that He welcome us into His Presence and into His SHABBAT!
Nancy led us in the Shema and the shofar was sounded as SHABBAT commenced! We sang up tempo and happy songs to our KING: “SHABBAT SHALOM” and “He has made us glad!” We rejoiced together as we called out each State we were hailing from and the shofars and trumpets filled the air with the SOUND OF REJOICING! ALLELUIA!
This SHABBAT, we also remember the suffering of the Lord Jesus on Good Friday…and celebrate His passion and death, suffered on our behalf! Ioan shared a picture of Jesus and His disciples on the night before He suffered, as they left the Upper Room and journeyed to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. His was a unique, never to be duplicated, experience in history. No one has ever come close to doing what He did. He is the Center of all time…our ALL-IN-ALL and our True Delight!
Ioan told us of a time when he first entered into the Garden of Gethsemane, after asking Jesus to allow him to enter into His suffering. He was with a group of people there, and as he touched the rock in the center of the garden, they and he broke into tears. He experienced tremendous pain and realized that he was being granted his request. His respect and appreciation for the Lord increased intensely.
We were challenged to make the commitment to follow Him, to desire to share His heart, to have His fellowship, to know Him in His sufferings, and to rejoice in His Presence. Together, we spoke the words of the Apostle Paul: 10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, 11 if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. Philippians 3:10-11
Everything that happens on this Watch is foundational to the restoration of and the new life for the United States. This is part of the restoration of the nation! We each agree with the prayers of our brothers and sisters as they offer themselves to You, Lord. We ask for willing hearts so that we might surrender all to You, and joyfully enter into Your sufferings…dying to self and living for YOU!
Barbara, a pastor who took in troubled children in the Dearborn area of MI, gave her testimony of a spouse with pedophile tendencies, whom she had to remove from her home. That led to the loss of her children and the ensuing suffering that could have been alleviated “if she had just denied Christ”. She would not…and God sustained her through it all! Ioan witnessed to her testimony through his own sufferings, and asked us to pray for Barbara, which we did! She said she had learned compassion at a deeper level than she ever knew possible because of her own suffering!
Ioan related about praying for a child named Demaris and Barbara shared a similar story about a hospital visitation where they experienced a healing miracle; she prayed for the 5 year old to rise up and be made whole in the Name of Jesus.
Oltea has family here for Easter, and said that her daughter has been deeply affected by the recent suicide of a young person. She is actually suffering because of it.
Maureen shared the story of the old donkey who had outlived his usefulness to his master. Not wanting to put him down, the master took him out the country and lowered him into a deep hole by the road and left him there. Every day, people passed by that hole and dumped their garbage into it. It landed on the donkey who shook it off, and stomped it down under his feet. Eventually, he walked out of the hole, as had been filled by all the garbage that had been thrown on him. The lesson is that whatever happens, if you trust God, shake it off, put it under your feet and make the best of it without complaining, you will eventually walk out of the pit and into freedom!
Compassion is the balm of healing…and our empathy, sympathy, concern, consideration and kindness will pave the way to healing of the wounded in our midst!
Ioan prayed for the anointing, the revelation, the knowledge that the Lord has given to us to be released through us… to us…corporately! It is a corporate understanding of Who Christ is in us as we release it to one another!
Word for this new season of corporate anointing: “From now on, you will not be alone anymore!” (We are surrounded by our brothers and sisters, we with them and they with us!) ALLELUAI!
SONG: “All that I am and all that I offer, comes from a heart both frightened and free,
take what I bring now and give what You will, all done in Your Name!”
As we worshipped and thanked God for what He just told us, we recognized that we are not alone… that we are united to one another in Christ…and that we have precious and serious responsibilities to one another, and must operate in submission to the Holy Spirit and in mutual submission to one another! There is no KING but JESUS…He is our Head, our Commander in Chief!
The Lord is taking us corporately into a place where we can freely exercise the spiritual authority He has given to us. Everything that is taking place in the world right now, a global confrontation that is being precipitated now in N. Korea, where a challenge is being issued to the USA to go to war! That is only one front we are being challenged on…there are 9 separate fronts we face, and as we expose and refuse to bow to darkness, it is riled up!
The USA is being confronted and engaged spiritually all around the world!
The church needs to be aware of and stand against these principalities…
flesh, mammon, humanism, war, death, occultism, globalism, false worship
and the very core of darkness, Satan himself.
From this position of authority in Christ, we now intercede on this DAY of CONFRONTATION…asking that God’s will to be done in Korea…and in every arena that the children of darkness are challenging the Children of the LIGHT around the world. We will confront, not retreat from these principalities, and we will see VICTORY in JESUS!
Right now it is 10:40 AM in N. Korea (9:40 PM Eastern) where a rebellious leader is defying the world. We pray for President Trump to receive Godly advice as he makes decisions about how to proceed re: this challenge. We are engaged in a spiritual warfare, a warfare of love, on behalf of our nation and the nations of the world! We do not shrink back!
We declare that the Day of Resurrection is a day of resurrection for N. Korea, and a day of victory over the prince of death that has so cruelly ruled over Asia (including Korea, Japan, China).
Luke 18: the woman who received a just decision from the judge she persisted in asking for justice from. The lesson is to pray always and never give up.
As we took communion and remembered Christ’s sacrifice for us, we ask that the bread representing the BODY of Jesus and the wine representing His BLOOD that we now consume will flow out from us to a lost and hurting world. The LIFE is in the BLOOD and we take that into us and receive His LIFE. It will be revealed in and through us as we exercise HIS POWER and AUTHORITY over darkness! ALLELUIA! Let no one die today, Lord, but save them to Yourself, for YOUR GLORY! Thank YOU, Lord! We love You and are Yours!
Until next SHABBAT, Shalom, Shalom!
Maureen, Ps Ioan
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