Apr 13, 2017 – Prayer Focus

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call for Thursday, April 13, 2017
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Worship in Travail
Running The Course With Endurance
“She, greatly distressed, prayed to the LORD and wept bitterly.”
1 Samuel 1:10
Strategic Targets for today:
Can you imagine the travail that must have poured out of barren Hannah? No woman wants to feel such sorrow as being unable to conceive a child with the Husband she loves. Yet for Hannah, it seemed to be the case; But God! Could you make such a vow as Hannah did? What kind of worship is this, that you would sacrifice the very thing you cried out for? What trust and devotion Hannah must have had for her God?
Let us pray now, that we too can Worship in Travail, trusting God with our most precious possession, our children.
Walking in the Reflection of His Light
We have been offering ourselves willing to Father God in Hineni.
NOW HE IS, as our “Covenant GOD”, answering us back in this stronger form of Hineni…”Behold! Here I AM, doing this thing! Watch for the covenant moments with God the remainder of this month,
Please READ EACH SCRIPTURE one at a time, expounding on it, drawing on the revelation being made! There is POWER in the READING OF THE WORD! Let us search the scriptures to know what God has promised us, trusting that Almighty God will accomplish all He purposes to do.
Here are today’s scriptures:
1 Samuel 1:1-2:11
~~~Calling the State of Wyoming into Order and Alignment
with the Purposes of God for the United States of America~~~
Pray that the State of Wyoming will shine with God’s Majesty
Hineni!… Behold! Here I AM, doing this thing!
Moving in A Warfare of Love
Focus submitted for the 24/7 Strategic Prayer Call Focus for Thursday, April 13, 2017
Written by Sally Bohart, WY
3 John 2 Beloved I pray that you may enjoy good health and that you prosper even as your soul prospers.
We are standing for life today. We choose life rather than abortion. We choose hope and life over suicide. For the month of March, Wyoming lost 2 lives a day to suicide. That should not be. Help us Lord to notice our brothers and sisters who are in distress. Let us notice their eyes and not look away. Help us to ask those questions, are you having thoughts of hurting yourself? Killing yourself?
Ask the Lord for divine appointments, that He would highlight those that are in distress and help us to find them and lead them into His light.
1 Pet. 2:9-10 Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Lord, help us to speak life into the trauma and storms. Help us to bring Your answer to their distress. Suicide is a spirit, that will give you thoughts, that will generate emotions, that will push for action. In the name of Jesus, we command the Heavenly Host to bring down the spirit of suicide.
Help us to speak life, pray for life in our communities, and pray for a project being developed called “Hope Again – You matter to me” to raise awareness about suicide and increase prevention.
Let us ask ourselves these questions:
· What ways can I impact my community today to bring hope? How can I encourage life?
· Can I walk and pray over an area of my city?
· Is there a place I can make a difference to my community?
· What tangible things can I do to prevent suicide today?
(Here is what we would like included on April 13th as we call Wyoming into Order and Alignment with the Purposes of God for America. We actually did shorten it a little! It’s so hard to remove all these wonderful Prophetic Words that have been spoken over our state! Our Glorious LORD bless you abundantly for all you have sacrificed to fulfill this assignment for Him! With gratitude to you and for you and this marvelous Strategic Prayer Call that I have been privileged to be a part of, Linda in Casper, Wyoming)
WYOMING: Our name comes from a Delaware Indian word which means “mountain and valleys alternating” and possibly from a Dakota Indian word meaning “large plains”. Both are fitting descriptions of our state as Wyoming’s landscapes are made up of large plains and towering mountain ranges.
STATEHOOD: July 10, 1890. 44th State Motto: Equal Rights Familiar Name: Equality State 50 State Tour Name; The Deliverance State License Plate: Bucking Horse Governor: Matt Mead Senators: John Barrasso & Mike Enzi Representative: Liz Cheney Capital: Cheyenne which means “God sees”; The city is known for Cheyenne Frontier Days
WYOMING FIRSTS: First state to have a County Public Library System First National Park: Yellowstone First National Forest: Shoshone National Forest First state to grant women the right to vote First Woman Governor in the U.S.: Nellie Taylor Ross First Town in America to be governed entirely by women: Jackson 1920-1921 First Woman Justice of the Peace: Esther Hobart Morris First All Woman Jury: 1870 in Laramie First Ranger Station: Wapiti Ranger First National Monument: Devil’s Tower First business west of Missouri River at Fort Williams First Woman Statewide Elected Official: Estelle Reel Meyer – Superintendent of Public Instruction First Woman Bailiff in our nation & in the world: Martha Symons a
TRIVIAL FACTS OF WY: Largest coal mine in USA: Black Thunder in Wright WY leads the country in coal production: 3 million tons/week JCPenney stores started in Kemmerer We have the lowest population of all 50 states The city of Cody was named for “Buffalo Bill” Cody Sacajawea, a female Shoshone guide for the Lewis & Clark Expedition, is buried west of Fort Washakie Wind River Indian Reservation is shared by the Shoshone & Arapaho tribes of Native Americans in central western portion of the state.a
STRONGHOLDS: Roots of Freemasonry are present in formation of cities and towns. Rugged independent mentality: “I don’t need your help, leave me alone!” Oil industry is either “Boom or Bust”; puts a strain on economy. “Good ‘ol boys” thinking in some local governments makes it harder to bring changes into area. Tough physical environment: temperature can get well below zero at night, rapid changes in temperature. Extremely high winds that will blow semi-trucks and high profile vehicles over on highways! High use of alcohol & drugs; some residents are pushing for legalization of marijuana. Abortion is done in two places that we are aware of in WY; we want that to end! Our suicide rate is one of the highest in the nation; teens and Native Americans are especially at risk for this; suicide has affected all our communities to some degree. Such tragedy! We need this stopped also!
PREVIOUS PROPHETIC WORDS OVER WYOMING: We have been given a Ministry of DELIVERANCE: The Lord has spoken to Wyoming repeatedly about its gifting to be A PLACE OF RENEWAL to the leaders, both secular and spiritual, of the world. Dutch Sheets declared (in the 50 State Tour in 2004b) that, “Deliverance is coming to this state. Iniquities are being broken. People are being released from bondage. Eyes are being opened; scales and veils-scales are falling off; veils are being lifted. Deception is being broken. Every age group is about to receive a visitation, an outpouring by the Spirit of God. Nothing can stop it…. Signs and wonders are coming to Wyoming….miracles are coming to Wyoming…. Breakthrough is coming. The voice of the Lord will be heard across the state. The prophetic Word of the Lord will ascend over this state. And the Word of the Lord will rain on Wyoming. It will bring release. It will bring breakthrough. It’s going to heal the broken hearts; it’s going to set the captives free….The gospel will be preached to the poor, the downtrodden will be ministered to & released; the oppressed will go free…. FAVOR is coming to Wyoming…FIRE is coming to the Church…outpouring, renewal, life, victory, renewed hope, and vision.” Dutch Sheets added this encouragement, “People in Wyoming …have a loud voice in the Spirit— they have significance…. Your size of population is not significant in the Spirit, but your voice is….. The Lord wants you to shift over to the spiritual realm and see that where you don’t have much of a voice really in the natural—-‘And when you pray, and when you decree things, you have as much as a voice as any place else in the nation’. He also prophesied that God is saying, ‘I’m giving you a sword. I’m bringing you in UNITY. You will overthrow thrones of iniquity. This territory will be a place of habitation of My Spirit. Many will come into this territory. And the VOICE OF GOD WILL BE HEARD HERE.”b
As a state, Chuck Pierce did not see us having a covenantal root. Wyoming is one of few states to never have had a major revival occur. But read on for more prophetic words spoken over us!
OTHER PROPHETIC WORDS SPOKEN OVER US IN THE PAST: “The Voice of Wyoming carries much weight. A powerful Voice in the Spirit. The horn will be blown from the mountain tops of Wyoming. Kingdom living-praises will bring His Presence in. Wyoming will bring forth a New Song. A New Sound of Worship will be coming out of Wyoming. WY means WORSHIP YAHWEH. God’s Voice will be heard in Worship in Wyoming. The lioness has been let out of its cage. WIND will blow the sand & dirt off the jewels buried and they will come forth. The minerals of Wyoming will be given to God’s children for His Kingdom. Prairie wind will blow fires across Wyoming. Prairie fire-revival would be spread by burning tumbleweeds and then out to surrounding states. REVIVAL WILL COME FORTH IN 28 cities of WY. The FIRE that God will put in Wyoming will ignite the United States. ‘Gullywasher’: dig the ditches for the gullywasher that will come! Gullywashers will go out across Wyoming to the other states. For the Church to be delilvered (in Wyoming) and (for it) to be in the business of delivering others. Unity will come to the Church. As goes idolatry in WY, so it will go in the nation.”
MORE RECENT PROPHETIC WORDS FOR WYOMING: In May of 2015, at the Feast of Pentecost at Glory of Zion, Corinth, TX, these Prophetic Words were given for Wyoming by Church Pierce. “Now is the TIME TO UNIFY Wyoming. Your valley of trouble will be turned into the Gateway of Hope. God will marry you and you will know His loyal love. The rocks of Wyoming are crying out, calling to their God. God says, ‘A GREAT REVIVAL IS COMING!’ Wyoming will wake up with A NEW HOPE. God will align your borders as He does and will Israel’s. He will show His way to repent. (You) are to RISE HIGHER into the sphere of Righteousness….into relationships not yet seen. The crooked places will be made straight. Jehovah Rohi is over you….above ‘the striking serpent’ who has brought isolation and scattered the people. I AM is gathering His people…brooding over barrenness to produce LIFE again…. We will have A VOICE rising up to drive out the serpent….Agree with Your God for a new move of HOLINESS….(that) the mountains of resistance will be brought down and the valleys of despair will rise up. Majestic high places of worship to Yahweh….Come into the destiny of High Worship. Worship will flow from Wyoming. He will fill mouths with tongues of fire. Wyoming will be struck with violent WINDS, the sounds of this will release the paga of God….(you) will get up with the strength, the grace and the HOPE of God…. You will pass through that which held you back. The hand of God’s blessings will be with Wyoming’s First Nation People… Move past the voice of accusation with brothers and sisters…become a UNIFIED FIGHTING FORCE! I will let you know how to make war with PRAISE …follow Judah forth…. Speak into the atmosphere!” Transcribed by Mary Meister in attendance of Pentecost gathering at GOZ, May 2015.c
In November of 2016, Jeff Barnhardt, a Canadian prophet, had a dream in which he saw the Lord spreading fires all over our country. There was an amazing outpouring on young people. The states where the fires were burning the brightest included Wyoming (the Lord was pointing to it), the Carolinas and New York (particularly Albany County). Reported to Michelle Lana Wolf.d
PRAISE REPORT: Early in March of 2017, our Wyoming Supreme Court affirmed Judge Ruth Neely for her honorable beliefs about marriage (between one man and one woman) and allowed her to remain on the bench and serve as judge. Removing her would have violated the constitution.
On March 30th, 2017, these words were given to Mary Meister of Casper, Wyoming, a member of Glory of Zion. “God is releasing intercession for the land. Let us be His Voice in the wind. Breathe and let His Voice be released through us…no matter what it sounds like! The violent wind brings turbulence…stirs up dirt, dust; it rearranges the terrain…brings down high places and levels the valleys. Even as this arises, let us be quick to confess, repent, or whatever God leads us to do for our state to fulfill its promise, its’ destiny.”e
Most recently, on April 5, 2017, this prophetic declaration was given by Rev. Lonnie C. Crowe, our RPN General for Wyoming: “Wyoming is a leader in breakthrough for the Kingdom of God in our nation and in the world. The Kingdom of God will move in power up the Oregon Trail, across all of Wyomin, down the North Platte River and throughout the nation just as one river flows into another and unities in greater power. Wyoming may have the least population and be the last alphabetically, but we declare that Wyoming is the head and not the tail.” f
· We repent for the fear of man. We pray for the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord to fall.
· We agree with God for a new move of Holiness. Let us come into the destiny of High Worship.
· Every high place must come down! Every stronghold shall be broken in Wyoming!
· We declare, “Abortion WILL END IN WYOMING!”
· Send the wind(s) of change and cause us to align with Israel.
· Let the wind blow the sand and dirt off the “jewels” buried in Wyoming!
· We declare a sweeping revival in the youth that will spread like wildfire to the nation.
· May we walk in the fullness of our destiny, fulfilling God’s plans & purposes.
· Let Your Voice be heard here in mighty ways and declared into the atmosphere!
· May ALL OUR PRAYERS HIT YOUR TARGET as the “paga” of God!
Information taken from aWyoming State Prayer Guide, January 31, 2012, Larry and Barbara Dodge, Apostolic State Prayer Coordinators, USRPN-WY. Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation, Dutch Sheets and Chuck D. Pierce, Destiny Image Publishers, Inc., 2005. Transcription of Prophetic Words spoken by Chuck D. Pierce, Feast of Pentecost, Glory of Zion, Corinth, TX, May 31, 2015, Prophetic Words by Jeff Barnhardt, Canada, given to Michelle Lana Wolfe, November 2016, eProphetic Words for Wyoming given to Mary Meister, March 2017. Prophetic Declarations by Rev. Lonnie C. Crowe, April 5, 2017.
-WY info Compiled and Submitted by Sally Bohart and Linda Clifford of Casper, WY
-Information from Lonnie Crowe, For His Glory Ministries / Generals International
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