Apr 10, 2017 – Notes A Call to the Wall

“A CALL TO THE WALL” – Update and information
April 10, 2017
Dear friends in ministry,
Thank you for participating in the “A CALL TO THE WALL” corporate prayer call last Thursday, April 6th at 8 PM! There were 284 on the line, along with Pastors Mario Bramnick and Ioan Peia and Maureen! Once again, scripture was proven as the Lord gathered a prophetic number of intercessors.
“All the Levites in the holy city [were] two hundred and eighty-four.” Nehemiah 12:18
We have received numerous responses from intercessors and prayer ministries across the nation who want to be part of “A CALL TO THE WALL”! (Maureen is now compiling that information.) If you have others that want to participate, please send their name, state, email and cell number to acalltothewall@gmail.com so they can receive updates and information. Thank you!
Our next STRATEGIC WAR ROOM CC, for prayer leaders only, is Thursday, April 13th.from 5-6 PM Eastern
NEW CC line: 605-475-3250 / participant code: 569605 #
Like the Jews of Israel in Esther’s time, we in the United States are facing imminent threats which seek to destroy our nation and our way of life! We are in a spiritual battle of epic proportions! Our future depends on what we do at this very hour! It is not only our right, but our responsibility to fight…for our lives and the lives of future generations depend on it!
Across our nation, intercessory leaders have been hearing a clear and decisive alarm being sounded; many have responded. As we conferred together in early April 2017, Nehemiah was forefront in our conversation. We recognized that, just as with 9-11, after a season of intense, united and passionate prayer, travail and fasting, which helped birth Donald Trump into the office of President of the United States, the strength of the burden bearers was beginning to fail. At the very time we needed to be most vigilant, many were leaving the wall and retiring from the battle.
Nehemiah told the children of Israel to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. The work was extensive and they were separated on the wall, but they were told to rally and assemble themselves at the place they heard the sound of the shofar and that God would fight for them. Nehemiah 2:17, 20
Like the people of Israel repairing their wall, the intercessors have been watching and rebuilding, with both trowel and sword in hand! We have built; and we must fight! “Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses.” Nehemiah 4:14
Today, the shofar has been sounded. We have issued “A CALL TO THE WALL”, summoning the Church, both individuals and ministries, to awaken, arise and adore the Lord, to consecrate ourselves to Him anew, and to continue the war as never before…over our lives, our families, our homes, our communities, cities, states and nation! Realizing that a divinely inspired, strategic battle plan would be necessary, one that would allow us, like David’s mighty men, to take our stand and hold firmly to our ground, we understood that we would need to move on 2 tracks:
A weekly Strategic War Room CC – prayer leaders will convene to discuss, pray for and speak into crucial matters confronting our nation and the Administration.
Prayer points will be issued from each session to participating ministries for follow up prayer, so that across the nation, intercessors will have the same information.
“A CALL TO THE WALL” CC will take place monthly, and will be open to the entire Body. This will be led on a rotating basis by those facilitating in the Strategic War Room.
Feel free to distribute this number to all!
Our next “CALL TO THE WALL” CC, open to the entire Body, will be Thursday, May 11th from 8-10 PM Eastern.
The number for that CC is 605-475-3250 / participant code: 679314 #
Please invite your ministry partners across our nation to join in and participate on May 11th at 8 PM Eastern. Let all believers engage together in the greatest spiritual warfare of our time…for the souls of our nation! We will watch as the Glory of God fills the United States once more, from border to border, coast to coast and see each reproach removed, one by one, from our midst! The God-of-the-Angel-Armies is with us, commanding His ministering spirits to go forth and accomplish His will! He will prevail!
Blessings and great GRACE! to all!
Mario Bramnick, FL Ioan Peia, Romania Maureen Bravo, FL
John Robb, NM Dave Butts, IN Jon + Jolene Hamill, DC Eve Nunez, AZ Lourdes Aguirre, FL