
Jul 22, 2022 – Notes Shabbat Call

Jul 22, 2022 – Notes Shabbat Call

07-22-22 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call

7-10 PM ET 712-770-4340 code: 543555 # 

We began this call by inviting those on the line to pray and offer thanks to God for what He is doing with the 24/7 NSPC network….our National and individual State prayer calls. 

  • Danielle (SC) thanked Him for causing us to be instruments of change for the nation. 
  • Stephanie (TX)thanked Him for allowing us to serve the same God that the heroes of old did, and believing that He will restore this nation, rectify the election of 2020, and bring back President Trump! 
  • Sharril (CO) as we learn more about Your ways, and do heavy-duty warfare, we can enter into Your rest on SHABBAT.
  • Susan (GA) thanked God for the cleansing rain…the latter rain…and the roar of the thunder, that reminds us of the battle and that God is totally in control
  • Tesi (FL) we are “paving the way for the Lord” …John the Baptists at this hour…as millions have been activated all around the world…and we are part of that group! 

As always, we will first pray to receive the Ephesians 6 armor that God has so graciously provided for us.

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, 

and having done all, to stand.

 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 

above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”

Ephesians 6:13-18

We prayed corporately to receive…and wear the full armor of God with the dignity and grace it deserves.


Pray for the strengthening and encouragement of those who are facilitating each hour for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call. We pray that those who are currently on the call will be willing to partner with a current facilitator, so every hour will be covered in the ”two by two” manner. This will eliminate the constant need for subs, as each hour will have two facilitators covering it together! 

We will also be encouraging new participants to volunteer to be on for at least one hour, at a set time each week, so they can learn the process and then move into facilitation in the future! We pray that each one who comes to the call will take it as their personal invitation from God to invite and recruit others to come and serve on the wall to intercede for our President and our nation! All for ONE and one for all! 

As of now, we have 19 hours (of 168 / week) in need of a permanent facilitator to lead that hour each week. If you are willing to facilitate or co-facilitate (the two-by-two model) for any of these, please contact us ASAP! Reply to WTKOG13@gmail.com (Our schedule is kept on Eastern Time…so please convert for your time zone.)

1 AM ET – Tuesday 

4 AM ET – Monday and Wednesday 

5 AM ET – Thursday 

12 PM ET – Tuesday

1 PM ET – Tuesday and Thursday 

2 PM ET – Sunday and Monday 

3 PM ET – Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

4 PM ET – Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 

5 PM ET – Monday 

6 PM ET – Wednesday 

9 PM ET – Sunday, Monday and Wednesday 

10 PM ET – Saturday


Tonight, President Trump will be joined by endorsed candidates, members of the Arizona congressional delegation, and other special guests in Prescott Valley, AZ for a Save America rally. Tonight’s gathering will be a continuation of President Trump’s unprecedented effort to advance the MAGA agenda by energizing voters and highlighting “America First” candidates and causes. (People began gathering there on Weddnesday to be able to see and hear him in person!)

Friday, July 22, 2022, at 7:00 PM MT

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States delivers remarks at 7 pm MT (8 pm ET) 

Venue: Findlay Toyota Center Special Guest: Kari Lake, Trump Endorsed Candidate for Governor of Arizona

We invited those from AZ to being to offer prayer for President Trump: 

  • Joan (AZ) We put out the WELCOME MAT, the red carpet for him tonight, and welcome the revelation he will bring to us this night. 
  • Danielle (SC) Arizona is a beautiful state that has been taken captive. We ask that it be taken back for righteousness, and for it to be back in order. Let the words of those who speak tonight resound across this land and impact the nation. Let AZ be a “firstfruits” for this nation, and when they leave that rally tonight, they will be encouraged to take a position to be more active than they were. 
  • Joan (AZ) bring a cool breeze to allow the people to enjoy this without being too hot
  • Cindy (AZ) as our President is there, let him speak Godly counsel to those individuals he is friends with. It is so hot there, that the state is suffering from the homeless being displaced by the illegal migrants! AZ is a mighty state and has had worldwide attention re: the ballots. Hover over our state, Lord, and calm the atmosphere. 
  • Mary Ellen (IL) knows that there is a battle going on for Kari Lake, and ME asked that she and all those President Trump supports will be saved and filled with a fear of You, Lord so that as they speak and strategize, they will make no foolish moves or words. Let the GLORY of the Lord fill that state. 

Maureen said that she was reminded of the dawning of the day as they drove to Phoenix three years ago, and how the light between the night and the sunrise was beautiful! Then, Pastor Ioan joined in and prayed. He thanked God for this new season, new era, in our nation…and the dawn of a new beginning and the restoration of the American Republic. In 2019, we saw that dawn, the preview of what was to come. Before the full sunrise, we witnessed how the darkness was dispersed. 

We were happy that he had finally made it to NM, after a long drive from CA. There is a group meeting tonight in Corona, NM, praying in advance of the one-day meeting that Pastor Ioan will attend tomorrow. Maureen asked that we pray for that gathering being held tonight, in advance of the meeting Pastor Ioan will attend tomorrow. As they gather tonight to pray, we ask that the Spirit of the Living God will move upon them and they will be touched deeply, and that HIs visitation will be the “BUZZ” as the meeting tomorrow! 

Background: Corona, NM is the center of the state and that is where they are meeting tomorrow. Several states are holding “heart of the state” gatherings in the coming days, at which the First Peoples are being honored and will be participating. Santa Fe is the NM Capitol, Albuquerque is the largest city, and Alamogordo (where the Atomic bomb was developed) is the seat of Otero County, New Mexico, where the election disputes has been deeply contested! 

  • Tesi (FL) You have activated us, Lord, in this time of synergy, and You are bringing the Body into ONENESS and wholeness, and that all who come will be prepared, and that Your Spirit will guide them. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done there. 
  • Danielle (SC) SC is preparing to do prayer at the heart, and she prayed that God would remove all curses from the land, and free it by the Spirit. The borders would be released from lay lines and all problems from previous generations. Mark the borders by the Spirit, and give the people revelation knowledge of how to pray for their state, and declare and decree the future destiny of that state. We call NM into its purpose, and for the destiny of the USA. Be fortified in the days ahead, and penetrate darkness so that you will see the glory of the Lord! 
  • Sally (WY) participating with those from WY on the Wind River Reservation. She prayed that God would deal with the spirit of suicide that has plagued the First Nations people. Let the wildfires of revival spread across the nation! IN RX, they are divorcing Baal from the land, using Jeremiah 31 and 51 scriptures.
  • Mary Ellen (IL) confirms Sally’s prayer…John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” Let the intercessors know just how to pray and let revival fires be lit across the land. 
  • Richard (AK) prayed that honor would flow like a river.

Pastor Ioan shared the following that he saw as he traveled! The Madonna of the Trail statues are a series of 12 identical monuments dedicated to the spirit of pioneer women in the United States. The monuments were commissioned by the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR). They were installed in each of the 12 states along the National Old Trails Road, which extended from Cumberland, Maryland, to Upland, California. Created by sculptor August Leimbach and funded by contributions, the Madonna of the Trail monuments were intended to provide a symbol of the courage and faith of the women whose strength and love aided so greatly in conquering the wilderness and establishing permanent homes. Dedicated in 1928 and 1929, the twelve statues became sources of local pride. Through the continuing efforts of local and national groups, all are currently in good condition and on display. President Harry Truman was scheduled to speak at the unveiling of the Madonna of the Trail statue in Upland, California, in 1929, but was not able to attend. We prayed for all those women who sacrificed so much to give birth to this nation! 

  • Richard (AK) prayed that these women and our women today would be honored and listened to
  • Mary Ellen (IL) there were great women who served in intelligence during the Revolutionary War, going behind enemy lines and getting messages in and out! 

Maureen shared that Washington used women as spies as did the British in WWII sending them behind enemy lines in France to help those who were coordinating the resistance to the Nazis. 

  • Judy (VA) biography of Dr. Marcus and Narcissa Whitman who traveled the nation on the Oregon Trail and preached to the Native Americans in Oregon
  • Brad (VA) his grandfather was from the Willamette Valley in Oregon. He said that the imposters in the White House are usurpers and asked that we take back the people’s House and restore President Trump to his rightful office as President of the USA!
  • Judy (VA) has a burden for Pastor Ioan, who doesn’t have to travel in a covered wagon. Give him rest and let him be uplifted in the Spirit. Give him a time full of joy and revelation.
  • Joyce (WI) thanked God for the midwives who saved the Hebrew babies, and for the prophetic work You have had for women of all ages to do. They have birthed the kingdom of God in every generation. Let the women of this era be part of that at this hour! We will accomplish the work You have for us! We put our trust in You and ask that You be glorified in every way!
  • Sam (TN) thanked God for women, especially Teddi, his wife, and all women who are strong and powerful, firm and persistent on this prayer line! What a role women play in the power of prayer, and how willing they are to go to battle! 
  • Cindy (AZ) thanked God for the vital role women have had, and how beautifully we have been made and woven together with our men. She said she gave her life to Christ at a Billy Graham Crusade.
  • Brad (VA) his daughter Rachel is getting married soon and will leave the service to join her husband, a Marine in San Diego.


The American people want the 2020 Election decertified…but the GOP elite won’t do it. They’re too afraid or corrupt or both. Various groups across the country are voting to decertify the 2020 Election and yet Speaker Vos in Wisconsin, who has the duty to decertify, does nothing. VOS is afraid to do the right thing and decertify the 2020 Election results in Wisconsin. He simply will not act to bring justice back to US elections, despite material issues invalidating the election in his state. 

The Wisconsin Supreme court ruled that drop boxes were illegal in the state… but they were used in the election. With hundreds of thousands of ballots ineligible because of this ruling, the only right thing to do would be to decertify the 2020 Election and either give the votes to President Trump or do the election over which there is a precedent for. 

Since the 2020 Election steal, Americans across the country have called to decertify the election. 

  • Wisconsin is one state where the GOP is demanding the 2020 Election be decertified. Now the GOP voters in more than half of the counties in Wisconsin are calling for the decertification of the 2020 Election results in Wisconsin. It’s official. This news was passed around on social media this weekend.
  • In Arizona, the audit results included hundreds of thousands of issues in a state given to Biden by 10,000 votes and yet the GOP legislature there won’t decertify.
  • New Mexico Otero County County Commissioner Couy Griffin voted to decertify the 2020 Election and he was arrested the same day for protesting the stolen election. Communist acts like these cause others to cower in fear.

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The National Pulse finds that many voters still believe cheating affected the 2020 presidential election, and a majority fear the upcoming midterm elections could be tainted by cheating. 

  • 52% of Likely U.S. voters believe it is at least somewhat likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, 43% don’t believe it’s likely cheating affected the 2020 outcome
  • 50%of voters think it is at least somewhat likely there will be widespread cheating that will affect the outcome of this fall’s congressional elections, 41% don’t believe cheating is likely to affect the November midterms
  • Voters remain skeptical of the integrity of vote-by-mail. 58% think it’s at least somewhat likely that wider use of mail-in voting will lead to more cheating in elections, 36% don’t believe mail-in voting is likely to lead to more cheating, In October 2021, 65% said wider use of mail-in voting would lead to more cheating in elections.
  • Asked which is more important in elections, 59% say making sure there is no cheating is more important, while 38% say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important. Those findings are almost unchanged from May.
  • 76% of Republicans, 37% of Democrats and 64% of voters not affiliated with either major party think it’s more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections. 60%of Democrats, 20% of Republicans and 33% of unaffiliated voters say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important.

On every question, Republican voters are more concerned about cheating in elections.

  • 57% of Republicans believe it is Very Likely that wider use of mail-in voting will lead to more cheating in elections, an opinion shared by 20% of Democrats and 41% of unaffiliated voters.
  • 52% of Republicans, 16% of Democrats, and 39% of unaffiliated voters think it is Very Likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
  • 71% of Republicans, 36% of Democrats, and 43% of unaffiliated voters believe it is at least somewhat likely there will be widespread cheating that will affect the outcome of this fall’s congressional elections.
  • 56% of whites, 57% of Black voters, and 66% of other minorities think it is at least somewhat likely that wider use of mail-in voting will lead to more cheating in elections. 52% of whites, 38% of Black voters, and 56% of other minorities believe it is at least somewhat likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

Voters under 40 are more likely than their elders to think widespread cheating will affect the outcome of this fall’s congressional elections.

  • Nearly half (48%) of voters earning more than $200,000 a year think it is Very Likely cheating affected the 2020 presidential election.

Joe Biden’s strongest supporters are least concerned about cheating in elections. 

  • Among voters who Strongly Approve of Biden’s performance as president, just 9% think it is more important to prevent cheating in elections while 88% believe making it easier for everybody to vote is more important. By contrast, among voters who Strongly Disapprove of Biden’s performance, 92% say it’s more important to prevent cheating in elections and just 7% think making it easier for everybody to vote is more important.
  • By an overwhelming margin, voters don’t want President Biden to seek reelection, and they’re not excited about two possible alternatives in 2024, either.

The 2022 midterm elections are now barely four months away, and Republicans have a five-point lead in their bid to recapture control of Congress. We prayed into this: 

  • Sally (WY) Liz Cheney has been calling on people to “jump parties” and register as Republican so that they can vote for her in the primary! Harriet Hageman is the candidate endorsed by Donald Trump. 

We prayed for the removal of Cheney and all the Republican turncoats…(the RINOS)…who are serving themselves and not the nation’s best interests. (That includes: Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority leader!) We then offered individual prayers about this situation with the RINOS.

  • Roxie (CO) remove all those who are RINO senators, and representatives, along with those in the state legislatures and in Governor’s mansions who are ruining the Republican party and behaving as Democrats! 

This is unrighteous, immoral, and unjust. Remove Janet Griswald from SOS in CO, who is persecuting Tina Peters, who could defeat her, so Janet had her arrested today. Stop this

  • Richard (AZ) these RINOS represent the lukewarm church
  • Beverly (CA) it is not just WOKE but an IGNORANT church. Let people become informed, but see what each candidate stands for and vote for the righteousness. Heard “DOUBLE AGENT” and these people who are RINOS are working for the enemy…traitors to this country! Remove them from the office and do not let them return! 
  • Mary Ellen (IL) we have Kim Fox, who lets them out when they are arrested. Remove her. We pray for those who are solid, God-fearing to be set in place! Let revival begin as they campaign in Cook County, and let there be no manipulation of the votes by the Dominion machines! Forgive us for being killing fields for babies, and let pregnancy centers thrive! 

Maureen exhorted us to find out about our candidates, to seek information, and to find resources that will recommend those who are truly Godly, conservative candidates.

  • Richard (AK) go to the candidate forums and ask them questions
  • Susan (GA) $80 M is being spent to put in Dems to work as Clerks (as a backlash to the call by Steve Bannon to sign up to serve in the elections) 

Maureen exhorted us to sign up to serve at the polls in our states. If we do not, who will?

  • Mary Ellen (IL) said that in Cook CO, IL, they have to be vaxxed to serve at the polls – so she will not!


Pastor Ioan shared that there are over 25 charges/indictments that could be filed against Hunter Biden…and that this could be in connection with a potential prosecution of President Trump! If we hear that Hunter is called into court, then President Trump might be next. They want to do this before the mid-term election, which they hope to steal, then they will try to stop President Trump from running again! 

Today, Steve Bannon was found “GUILTY” in a sham trial in which he was accused of refusing to answer a Congressional subpoena. He accused the fraudulent January 6th “Unselect” Committee of attacking him and then not showing up at the trial, and said DJT is the real President, not the usurper Biden! 

  • Richard (AK) reported that he and the Mat-Su Borough Mayor Edna Devries are moving forward with their efforts to see the end of voter fraud in AK. 

We prayed corporately and asked for favor for them and all those working in their states and regions, as lesser magistrates, to end corruption and be sure that there are fair and free elections.


Yesterday, the Democrats in the House stopped a bill brought by Republicans, to keep the US from selling any more oil from our national reserves to China. That is traitorous to our nation and its best interests! We pray that all these Dems and RINOS will be held accountable for what they are doing. We recalled that while in DC, we met with the Chaplain in the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and declared the Covenant Document into Congress! At that time, he told us that there were 15 Republican and 15 Democrat pastors in the Congress, who prayed together, yet after prayer, they all voted along party lines! 


We prayed for John and Lori Robb, who both have contracted Covid, and will not be able to attend the gathering in NM tomorrow! John is also continuing to recuperate from a fall he took last year…which was following another fall he took at his son’s home! We prayed for their recovery. 

We were asked to pray, as well, for Joe Biden’s healing from COVID. May he be moved by God to turn from his wicked ways, disclose the schemes that put him in office, and resign so that President Trump might take his rightful place as our nation’s leader. 

We prayed for the Robbs:

  • Bobby (WI) Sang out “We worship and adore You, bowing down before You…” and prayed for the Robbs.

Let them both be healed and made whole, and release him from the pain that is caused by the falls!

  • Maureen heard Psalm 37:23-24 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand.” and Proverbs 24:16 “For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.” 
  • Richard (AK) prayed that John would not be hindered by this, but would rise up and continue to go forward
  • Tesi (FL) asked for a completely new backbone! 

NOTE: RE these verses above: Google members gave the name of Brandon Falls to the place where Joe Biden fell on his bike. (“the wicked stumble”) Many are going there and taking pictures! Now, he has COVID!!! 


Federal Judge Charles Atchley, Jr. of the Eastern District of Tennessee, who was appointed by President Trump, has blocked a directive from Biden’s administration that allowed transgender workers and students to use school restrooms matching their gender identities. It also allowed transgender athletes to join sports teams corresponding with their chosen genders. A coalition of 20 Republican Attorneys General sued for this last year, the plaintiffs argued the federal directive clashed with state laws and prevented states from enforcing their own laws that banned transgender school bathroom use. (Source: Reuters) 

Richard (AK) said a judge in AK also blocked the removal of Anchorage Mayor Bronson, who was persecuted by evil members of the Assembly, who tried to remove him. PRAISE GOD! An answer to prayer! 


UPDATE – David Clements: We are finishing up several *official* NM audit reports with our analysis and findings. While the audit report focuses on Otero county, it spans and is informed by audit work we performed in eight other counties. We will publish the reports to our network across the country in hopes that we can better understand the national security risk these rigged machines pose. From there, we will continue to advocate in every county, in every state, that we abandon these fraud machines. One-day voting, ID, paper ballots, no machines, no drop boxes! 

Additionally, we are facilitating “Standing in the Gap” screenings with “Q and A” sessions on what it means to become a “lesser magistrate”, and to provide solutions in activating local communities on how to get rid of the machines and drop boxes. The NPR hit piece has only provided me with encouragement to keep working the problem. I’m praying for direction on how to balance the needs of my family and the fix 2020 movement. But I feel a great sense of urgency to up our game at every level. 

(*** Note: at least 255 K excess votes for Biden have been discovered in 6 key 2020 states.)

We blessed David and Erin Clements and their family, and asked that all they need might be provided for them and that all they do for righteousness be proven fruitful and rewarded… ”soon and very soon!” 


Praise God for Mario Murillo’s tent meetings and the 3rd great awakening taking place in CO Springs!

View of the heavens in Corona NM at 9:45 PM


Pastor Ioan affirmed that his idea to come straight to the hotel and join the call tonight was the right decision! We took communion together, with thankful hearts for all the good news we are hearing about righteousness being reborn in this nation! We closed our night’s SHABBAT CALL singing SHABBAT SHALOM! 

With love and blessings to all! 

Maureen and Pastor Ioan




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