
Nov 2, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Nov 2, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Tuesday, November 2, 2021  – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call


1-712-770-4340   Code:  543555 #  (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)

We begin our hour with the reading of God’s WORD! 

“Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Behold and see If there is any sorrow like my sorrow, which has been brought on me, which the Lord has inflicted in the day of His fierce anger. From above He has sent fire into my bones, and it overpowered them; He has spread a net for my feet and turned me back; He has made me desolate and faint all the day. The yoke of my transgressions was bound; they were woven together by His hands, and thrust upon my neck. He made my strength fail; the Lord delivered me into the hands of those whom I am not able to withstand. The Lord has trampled underfoot all my mighty men in my midst; He has called an assembly against me to crush my young men; the Lord trampled as in a winepress the virgin daughter of Judah. For these things I weep; my eye, my eye overflows with water; Because the comforter, who should restore my life, is far from me. My children are desolate because the enemy prevailed.” Zion spreads out her hands, but no one comforts her; The Lord has commanded concerning Jacob that those around him become his adversaries; Jerusalem has become an unclean thing among them. “The Lord is righteous, for I rebelled against His commandment. Hear now, all peoples, And behold my sorrow; My virgins and my young men have gone into captivity. I called for my lovers, but they deceived me; My priests and my elders breathed their last in the city, while they sought food to restore their life. See, O Lord, that I am in distress; My soul is troubled; My heart is overturned within me, for I have been very rebellious. Outside the sword bereaves, at home it is like death. They have heard that I sigh, but no one comforts me. All my enemies have heard of my trouble; They are glad that You have done it. Bring on the day You have announced, that they may become like me. Let all their wickedness come before You, and do to them as You have done to me for all my transgressions; For my sighs are many, and my heart is faint.”

Lamentations 1:12-22 


The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly 

for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump, 

and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!

Strategic Focus for Tuesday



Lamentation for the United States of America – Day 2

Beginning August 29, 2021, the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call family spent 27 days identifying the sin of the nation, in preparation for Welcoming the King of Glory into all 50 States and US Territories on September 30th. During that period, the prayers of those on the call were recorded each hour and compiled into a special document: Lamentation for America.  

Starting this past Monday, November 1st, and going through Tuesday, November 9th, we are praying into 3 of the 27 topics every day, with 8 hours dedicated to each one. We will be speaking out our Lamentation for America, asking for forgiveness. We encourage the participants to share in the solemn reading of our Lamentation, punctuating it periodically with the fervent prayer: 

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”


The US Military

(This topic will be covered during the hours of 12 AM through 7 AM EST)

– U.S. officers having to take orders from foreign leaders

– U.S. Officers are lazy and greedy while stationed overseas.

– Veterans not honored and helped

– Sexual harassment and assaults while in service

– Gays, transgender’s lifestyle paid for in the military

– The elected men of evil we have elected.

– For leaders who do not uphold the constitution to protect us and the military

– Repent for pride; Praying for God’s forgiveness and healing of our military. 

– We repented for allowing Biden to move up in the ranks, fear of man not of you, shedding of the blood of innocent lives, leaving Equipment, not having a plan to evacuate, elect men who didn’t support the constitution, personal pride of military, breaking vows, committing treason, selflessness sexual sin, and abortion in the military, things covered up by the military, sexual abuse, bullying, taking advantage of the weak, using ranks to oppress and lies.

– Thank You Lord for this letter from the 90 Generals and Admirals. Let it be honored and favored and heard and received.

– Judas was a traitor for 30 pieces of silver.

– We need Your oversight, Lord.

– We don’t know what is really going on but You do Lord.  

– We want TRUTH

 – Thank You Lord for those who put their names on this document.

– Let TRUTH go forth WorldWide and be received by those who have been deceived.

– We Bind all evil spirits against this letter’s information.

– Favor on this letter and the authors.

– It will be heard and bring it before the Supreme Court.

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Proper procedures; Spirit of PRIDE in the  military leadership

– Who are they answering to? 

– TRUTH come out!

– Resignations are expected

– Touch the hearts of the military

– Groups of leaders that have not kept their Oaths and Vows.

– When you take an Oath it is your responsibility to our country.

– There are some that were willful, some were threatened (blackmailed) against God and Country.

– Matthew 13  Wheat and the Tears

– Charge Your Angels to remove the Tears

– Judgement on the sons of satan

– Mercy on the innocent; Tear them down and destroy them.

– Repent for the military not depending on You Lord.

– Government has shut down Christian Chaplains

– Repent for the soldiers who have had truth stolen from them by leadership

– No fear of God  WE REPENT!

– Pray against coverups like Benghazi

– Wrong decisions; Mislead the people

– Lives are lost because of the wicked leader’s decisions

– Leaders were coerced, blackmailed,


– Repenting for the military leaders who do not love You Lord and do not love America

– Take them out; Raise up those who love You and America

– They were compromised by Evil; Lord BY YOUR HAND CUT IT OFF!

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Like Abrahams’s plea for Sodom and Gomorrah WE PLEA TO YOU FOR AMERICA!

– Misrepresented the heart of God and the USA

– Selfishness; Reveal everything

– Forgive us for how the military abroad represented the USA to the nations

– The world is counting on the USA to straighten this out

– Forgive the military personnel  for the sexual sins by those deployed in foreign countries to the people they

They were supposed to be protecting.

– Repent for the abortions that were needed from the sexual sin in those foreign countries.

– Abortions to control other nations

– Misrepresentations

– Lord allow the nations to live their own cultures, not our USA culture

– Thank you for the 90 Generals and Admirals

– TRUTH BE KNOWN to current active duty military that does not know what the military leaders have done

– Cover our military with the blood of Jesus

– Scrutiny – Resignations of corrupt military leaders

– Forgive and heal our land

– Thank you for these 90 righteous warriors

– Pour out dreams and visions on the Chief of Staff

– Turn them to you Lord

– Hold these military leaders’ feet to the fire of God and release the Fear of The Lord!

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Matthew 28  GO Ye! Disciples to all the nations.

– We Lift up the Church Repentance for we have not stood up for America

–  Afghanistan church – Afghanistan turn to The Lord!

– Repent for what was done wrong

– Exploits for you by the Church in Afghanistan

– Strength and Grace over the Families that lost members of the military.

– Help them to have humility and forgive

– Turn their anger turn into love

– We speak Blessings and Honor over the families

–  Expose our own hearts first

– Thank you for our military willingness to die for our freedom

– Bless those people that are still in Afghanistan

– Let the military reflect Jesus

– Forgive them for not representing you Jesus

– Repentance for the military Generals

– Repentance for not allowing the chaplains to speak of the cross of Jesus

– Forgive the Generals

– Make them strong

– We have failed you, Lord

– Repent not being who you called us to be

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Stand in the Gap, Lead, Reveal these things to us.

– Forgive us for our failures when we don’t stand up for You Lord

– Touch their hearts and minds to do what is right

– We have failed you, Lord

– Repent not being who you called us to be

– Stand in the Gap, Lead, Reveal these things to us

– Forgive us for our failures when we don’t stand up for You.

– Touch their heart and minds to do what is right

– Chaplains be allowed to do their righteous Jobs.

– Turn the hearts to you

– Do what is right

 – Forgive me for my own sins

– Military  was supposed to be:  No man left behind

– Military is told to obey their leadership

– They are conflicted to obey with bad leadership

– Bind the Spirit of Depression and Suicide, despair over our military that left people and military dogs in Afghanistan.

– Restore them to wholeness and love

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Muzzling military chaplains

– Effeminization of military, transgender garbage, and sensitivity training. They are trying to turn fighting forces into an army of “silly women.”

– Forgive Church for not weighing in about our military and insisting on godly influences

– The 8 men leading our military are false shepherds, who do not care about the men and women under their command.

– The withdrawal from Afghanistan and many other decisions made in past years are a slap in the face of the men and women serving and of the American taxpayers.

– We repent for pastors who will not say anything because of the fear of man, the fear of losing their churches, or whatever. Take off the blinders in the Church.

–Repentance for the politicization of the military.

– Lack of political and spiritual courage by men of physical courage

– Vaccine coercion of military personnel

– Omission of the spiritual dimension in the teaching of morals and ethics

– Driving out the good people

– Accepting the Marxist agenda

– Missing the “red flags” of (1) women in combat and (2) open homosexual activity in the military

– Leaders are: Receiving of bribes; part of a Satanic Cabal; Lying

– lovers of self; obeying wicked orders; 

– behaving with weakness/giving way to the enemy

– Banning the leading of the whole unit to attend church by COs; banning the Name of Jesus

– welcoming entrance of other gods; wokeness

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Abandoning the Rehabs; Broken promises and treaties; oppression, sexual abuse and abuses of power; undermining of our nation; protection of the wicked; nefarious and harmful experiments; implementation of Davos plan; FEMA plan

Austin and Miley’s weakness in advising President; Nefarious dealings

subversion of Justice for Afghanistan; service members and friends; 

US citizens, and those requiring political asylum

Trafficking with demons; Weakness opening us to attack from other nations; Stiff-necked people

Idolatry; Toleration of false gods

President Biden as Commander in Chief: treason; murderous acts; obeying evil; turning our nation to wickedness 

– Repent over the strategy to leave Afghanistan in the way they did that caused the murder of so many Americans and Christians in Afghanistan.

– Weakness on the international Stage and Political Correctness

– For the equipment left behind

– For the leaders who made these decisions that left so many in harm’s way

– For the blood spilled in Afghanistan, suffering, and anguish

– For 20 years of men and women killed and disabled and families with loss in our nation and the innocent in Afghanistan

– For the defunding done by the Obama Administration

– For the lies and WOKE education indoctrinating our young men and women even allowing witches and warlocks and Wicca priests to be chaplains in our military.

– Things our military did to the societies they were stationed in.

– Our military and CIA training and funding dictators in South America and around the world. Hand-picking world leaders.

– Atrocities done by our military around the world

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– For the political agenda of wokeness that divides the troops.

– For treason and that they be removed from rank and pension.

– For on-leave choices to engage in drugs, alcohol, women, and exploitation of locals.

– Lack of focus on training for war, but imposing CRT & Woke culture on troops.

– For allowing transgenders in the military

– Spirit of Racism and Prejudice against people of color and women 

– Use of the military as an industrial complex to manipulate and control other nations for our selfish gain.

– Corruption for receiving kickbacks for weapons and supplies 

– Requiring Vaccinations for all troops

– Discriminating against Chaplains and Christianity.



– Bring force vengeance upon the enemy. – I saw a table with all the treason traders lawless twisted drinking alcohol – I heard the coo – Father in the name of Jesus mighty warrior you are Lord God the commander of the army of heavens your shaking and quaking in the earth today. The enemy of our nation are being exposed on every side

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Military lawlessness we ask for forgiveness for the sin for lawless in our pentagon

– Pray you would put a fire under the military’s feet.

– We ask for forgiveness for our military’s hardened hearts. Lord have mercy and penetrate their hardened hearts and turn them back to you Lord.

– We declare you will transfer the power from the evil generals and bring the power into the good military. Those who want righteousness – We repent that they had doors that were open and they could go through this evil. We repent for the sin agreed in our nation. We repent for not valuing life. We thank you that you will transfer and the evil power will be eliminated and you will bring the power into the military to the good generals and admirals that should be in command.

– They used Afghanistan to grow and transfer drugs and it would go through our military. So father we repent that our military those in the military were using their office and their authority to deal with drugs. We ask for forgiveness and that it gets exposed and removed. 

– Perversion – We ask for forgiveness for perversion that was even allowed. Forgive us, Lord. Forgive us for Human Trafficking Lord. Forgive us for the babies.

– We ask forgiveness for our Military leaving all the equipment, etc.  Lord have mercy and heal our land. 

– We repent for the plans they had already made that are against our nations. Our nation is in this condition because of the church – we represent. 

– We repent for the church Lord. Lord you know this was planned – babies and armed forces in the name of Jesus rise up and fight the battle.

– I am seeing people at the pentagon who are in charge and Father I ask for each one to be removed –  each one to be taken out however you do it. That they are all removed. I pray for a cleaning house in the pentagon. That all that is so corrupt and so evil will be washed out by the power of the holy spirit. Money and Power and we will bow down to no other God – backbiting – power

– They have blood on their hands. How dare they say this is collateral damage. I heard that mother in such anguish her young son who would have been coming home this month with a brand new baby. Comfort all of our armed forces.

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– We ask forgiveness these general like to play wargames – its people live – Lord we ask forgiveness for that evil ego that likes to play wargames with the military God forgives us – Lord have mercy on our military and mercy on all the young people that they are not the chess pieces, collateral damage you know each one you love each one. Lord, forgives us that they want to give us the shots. I ask that they not be given the covid shot

– repentance for the 13 militaries who died in Afghanistan

– putting the military in harms’ way

– Bribes in the military

– innocent bloodshed for $ gained by bankers & business people over the centuries

– not caring about the precious lives of soldiers

– collateral damage-lives stolen

– injury inflicted on military people [lifelong suffering]

– abandonment of the oath of the military [club attitude] leaders

– promotion of homosexuality, trans, etc in military

– praying for the fear of the Lord over the military’s shift to political correctness

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Bring military under righteousness  [weed out unrighteous leaders]

– We place the military in God’s hands

– Sexes must be separated in sleeping quarters

– SIN IN military as we gave up airbase and weapons, lacked a plan to get our people out and those that helped us while there. Afganistán

– Forgive us for making so-called ‘woke’ decisions in the military

– shifting toward political correctness and therein undermining our military

– forgive us for even bringing woke ideology to our military over studying strategies for war

– Forgive us for being more concerned with our position over Thy Principles in the military

– forgive us for having greater fear of man than fear of GOD

– forgive our spirit of timidity and taking the path of least resistance

– forgive the spirit of discouragement instead of courage to arise and fight the good fight.

– forgive and we repent for lack of accountability for 13 dead soldiers

– forgive us for tying the hands of our chaplains in the military from using and calling on the name of Jesus

– Forgive our trans Agenda and funds in our military.

– drugs in the military being sold partly due to poppy fields in Afghanistan, slave and sex trafficking in Afghanistan, military leaders are too sensitive to social engineering, social justice,  generals are power-hungry and it has become intoxicating, there is a lack of bravery, lack of conscience, lack of being prepared,  weak spiritually and the military is emasculating our men.  

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

If time allows, invite individual prayers and then conclude the hour by singing: 

Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.

Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.

Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.

















The US Intelligence Agencies

(This topic will be covered during the hours of 8 AM through 4 PM EST)

– Duplication & multiplication of Spy (IC) government agencies; Lack of Oversight of Agencies

– Lack of Accountability of individuals; Corruption of Nationals worldwide; Bribes, payoffs, secret agreements for cooperation (such as in Biden family members)

– Interference in Global Nations  peace & security: Syria, Hong Kong, Taiwan  Incitement & arming of  “protestors”; Spying  & Collection of data on personal information of US Citizens; Psychological Warfare

– Entrapment of WhistleBlowers (WB): Psychological manipulation while Interviewing WB with gas lighting technique, veiled threats & intimidation of WB

– IC Agents trained in psychological techniques to subvert the Truth while subjecting WB to gaslighting to change & influence report; Mind Control Technology to influence unsuspecting persons to commit a crime or act of terror without knowledge of or consent of the individual; – Propaganda

– Staging: Use of an individual to appear to be apprehended by IC in a terrorist act or event who is paid by the agency (Is this tactic used by IC to incite fear in public? and/or to bring accolades to the IC agency for the apprehension of a suspect who is  a paid agent?)

– Collusion to murder (specifically President JFK) and others and that they will be completely exposed for the multiple murders they have committed worldwide, and will be held accountable. Praying that they will come to repentance or be replaced with just leaders in these positions.

– Sin of dishonoring the people to take away their privacy, by abusing their power using social medial and interfering with our freedom of speech.

– Sin of manipulation by using and training groups like the Telebon, MS13, and other groups to commit crimes against humanity.

– Sin of deliberate ill advisement to the President of the United States of America (specifically President Trump) making it difficult for him to see and identify all those that are part of the swamp.

– Sin of lying and slandering President Trump who was falsely accused of colluding with Russia to interfere with the 2016 elections. 

– The sin of secrecy and double-mindedness; The sin of lives lost both American and Afghani resulting from Biden and IC leaving Afghanistan; The sin of pride in IC is that they don’t need God and performing their duties without the supernatural Spirit of God Almighty

– The sin of America IC building chaos and destruction in Afghanistan, once a thriving nation whose women were given the right to vote in 1920, Afghanistan sits on trillions of dollars of precious metals. 

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Prayer repent of work of the flesh 

– Pride and self-righteousness; Corruption; Sinful hearts; Humanism-trusting in ourselves; Traitors, betrayal of our nation, a Judas spirit; Cheating; Confusion of purpose

– Invasion of privacy-over stepping the line, going too far; Murder; Hypocrisy; 11. Willful blindness to sin and wrongdoing; Double standards; Hunger for power

– We prayed for humility for the intelligence community; We prayed for whistleblowers on the inside to speak the truth and repent; Expose the corruption of the Intelligence community

– We repent of the FBI and their weaponization of information against citizens

– We repent of the intelligence community betraying citizens; We repent of power-hungry and pride of  intelligence community; We repent of the intelligence community and their participation in child trafficking and drug trafficking and open borders that leads to danger for the citizens

– For Allowing humanism to have its way with her academic institutions as well as empowering evil forces within the intelligence community And this proud spirit that exalts itself against The one true God

– Forgive the church for allowing The spirit of death into this country by pride and complacency

Second Timothy 4:3-5

– Forgive us for being entertained and not standing on the very true words of life. The word of God!

– We Repent for giving up and being Weary for not Standing And doing good.

– With God, we can do all things!; We repent of humanism

Daniel chapter 3 and the wonderful story of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and the stand that they took. – May we have the same resolve.

– Forgive us for trusting the government and the intelligence community and not praying for them while at the same time, we should be examining all things.

– We pray for justice over the intelligence community Because of the evil they have perpetrated.

– We prayed for justice against the intelligence community and the FBI For their weaponization against the citizens and putting in jail the citizens and  patriots On January 6, 2021

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Repent-CIA actions against citizens [intel gathering] prayer for exposure also

– Repent for election fraud plus government agency cover u[ & allowing lies for years

– Covid coverup & crimes against humanity

-Praying for people to become whistleblowers in coverups [repenting for their silence]; raise righteous people in agencies

– Spies on Trump campaign & Gen. Flynn debacle  [no true investigation

– Proverbs 7 deadly sins [lying tongue, etc.]  Repentance

– Convict those who’ve gone along with those with the agenda

– Praying for righteous ones & what has been done to them; that they may be whistleblowers.

– Repent for voting for those we thought were righteous but were traitors.

– Repent for agencies having too much power over the lives of citizens.  Only God should have that power.

– Flagrant lies/wicked schemes—sins build on each other; Prideful/rushed into evil in Afghanistan/false witness against trump/dissection into chaos/betrayal/spreading belief fear of virus

– Darkness not holding anything back

– The FBI has lied and orchestrated a narrative against citizens of the USA. They put people in jail who love this country.

– So they could have a narrative that promotes their evil wishes.

– Forgive us and forgive the church and forgive the church leaders for not calling people to repentance.

– We are not calling people to repent therefore we are not restraining evil.

– We pray for whistleblowers to come forward and encourage repentance. 

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Forgive the church for not having the resolve and the boldness and persistence to call the church to repentance.

– Lying, manipulation, control,… Loosen spirit of truth and integrity over these agencies.

– CIA misuse of power; – FICA court not following guidelines; Waste of money poured into agencies to expand them; Energy intelligence: manipulation of energy resources

– Schumer threatened Trump with using intelligence to take him down.

– State department and the fence shutting off ways for allies to escape from Afghanistan.

– State department put its pride above the law and accepted financial kickbacks.

– Drug enforcement intelligence: corrupt use of drugs for their wealth and making addicts.

– Office of intelligence of the treasury department: money laundering & financial theft.

– FBI: not investigating the elections.

– Military intelligence: manipulation of information and ignoring critical information. Gunrunning. Failure to follow through and recommend proper defenses regarding Afghanistan.

– Department of justice: repenting for William bar and the cowardice shown by the justice department in failing to stand with Trump and following through with justice.

– Homeland security: not protecting the border patrol &  allowing illegals without vetting or checking for Covid; Demonic boldness that calls evil good, and good evil.

– Corruption   (agencies working against America)

– Arrogance, deceit; – Lies, shedding innocent blood including hiring mercenaries to kill political opponents then lie and call it suicide; Treason, conspiring together (Lord, resurrect Insurrection Act)

– Globalists, selling America out/oath, slandering tongues (v. Flynn, Roger Stone, etc.)

– Lack of integrity/oath-breaking to bring down a duly elected President, usurping his authority as President

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Church/us as members:  tolerated all and not calling it out

– Church/us as members:  voting for ungodly people who appoint evil  people

– Church/us as members:  not being disciples, apathy, silent when seeing evil

– Church/us as members:  prayerlessness, not seeking His Face for all

– Double-minded; Alliances with political parties; Asked for cleansing of agencies

– Moral integrity

– Prov. 6: repented for those things that were an abomination to God

– Blindness as our intelligence agencies knew about the dangers regarding Pearl Harbor and 9-11; we did not treat Al Qaeda as an enemy

– Jan 6 entrapment; Taking down a sitting President; Election fraud; Benghazi

– Finances being used frivolously, stealing from one fund

– Treason, betrayal; Apathy; Fear/Intimidation/Cowardice; Victimhood

– Acceptance of evil and calling it good; Lies; Traitor; Bribes; Shedding innocent blood

– Opening our country to direct threat (from the enemy)

– Believe their activities are OK because they are sanctioned. Corruption and lawlessness.

– For there being 17 agencies. The vast hugeness of the Intelligence communities in this nation.

– For the evil headship of these agencies because they lead the rest. We need men and women tried and tested in battle (in their character and do not bend with political pressure and have Your plans, plans from the Father) and with integrity. Repent for President Bush Sr running the CIA for his own gain. For the pons put in for their own use. That mammon has run these agencies and is power-grabbing for our own usage. Mini kingdoms.

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– The election cover-up. That it took a private citizen to gather the intelligence to prove the election was stolen and that foreign countries were involved.

– Pride, haughtiness, and above-the-law attitude. Pride causes insanity and we ask You to irradiate pride in our intelligence agencies. Humble them and raise them up to be what they were put in place to be to protect the American people, not to be corrupt and filled with power or the illusion of power and control and pride.

– They have not upheld their oath of office to uphold the Constitution. They have spied on American citizens illegally.

– Taking matters into their own hands, like murder or assassination like John F Kennedy maybe or Martin Luther King Jr.-wrongful murders or unlawful imprisonments or lawsuits. Murdering to cover up. Illegal drugs brought in. Complicit in lawlessness like possibly human trafficking, etc. Lord, uncover this.

Slothfulness of the Church and not taking action. The Church has not held them accountable. Not praying. We have been more and more like the world.

– We repent for how many years this has happened and we go back to the beginning of this arrogance and ask that You’d forgive that time and that sin that brought this and curses the root when all of this criminal activity began.

– Military Intel was given but not heeded by the Joint Chief of Staff in the withdrawal from Afganistán.

– We repented for the sins of the State Department, for Benghazi, for taking over the operations of the withdrawal from Afganistán instead of leaving it in the hands of the military. For insisting that foreign nations promote abortions and same-sex marriage as a condition to receiving US aid.

– CIA murders, “Operation Paper Clip”.  George HW Bush, CIA Director at the time of the assignation of JFK. For drug trafficking, sex trafficking, election fraud around the world, for murdering leaders of other nations, we repent for the sins committed by the CIA in the name of the USA.

– “Operation Hurricane”, under FBI Director James Comey, to unseat President Trump. Unlawful use of the FISA court with a false document. Lying to the nation about Russian collusion. Appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the collusion when he knew there was none. Arrogantly lying before Congress, for his flagrant abuse of power against Gen. Flynn and President Trump.

FBI infiltration and instigation, with operatives, in the January 6th breaking of the Capitol. For arresting several hundred who were there and for keeping them incarcerated. We repented for J.Edgar Hoover, for his homosexual behavior, for spying on and blackmailing those he spied on.

– We repented for all agencies hiring those from Harvard and Yale who were/are part of secret societies, involved in witchcraft, for Bohemian Grove.

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– We repent for Homeland Security for not closing the southern border, for allowing the trafficking of unaccompanied/accompanied by those not their parents, children, for not vetting anyone entering our nation, either for illness or criminal/terrorist behavior.

– TSA for removing/stealing belongings from travelers’ bags and or trays.

– AMA/CDC for manipulating and controlling the truth about our health and drugs.

– Suicide; Forgetting the elderly and widows; Pride; Control; Power; Murder; Apathy; United people.

– Forgiveness for the generals who are playing games with peoples‘ lives; Hate in the schools

– Lack of concern for the nation; Undermining of the nation; Were asleep during the 9/11 incident; No involvement during the Jan. 6th riot by the Antifa & BLM; Going after Christians.

– We repented for; People who were brought out for profit or were bribed, those who gave into greed, bad hiring practices, no accountability, no fear of the Lord, lies, and deception, ties to Baal and the Clintons, not being more vigilant with those these agencies, the spirit of intimidation and spirit of fear, nefarious ways, mind control, programming people, manipulating controlling people, murder, sexual sin, blackmail, anything standing in our way, FBI calling Christian conservatives who honor 911 and believe Trump is coming back as being terrorist, nothing is done to Antifa or Black Lives Matter, 80 political prisoners from January 6, prayerlessness, dullness of us, not having righteous our anger, and witchcraft.

– CIA being involved in drug trafficking, election fraud, sex trafficking, election fraud in other nations, and Kennedy’s assassination.

– They have failed to be righteous and have been building for years, have contributed to our disgrace, and have innocent blood on their hands.

– For knowing to do good and doing it not. They should protect us but instead, they are weaponized against us.

– Not protecting us from foreign enemies, meddling in the affairs of other nations, trying to assassinate heads of states, and interference in other elections.

– CIA funding big pharma with opioids. Colluding with the Taliban and possible origins in Nazism and part of the deep state.

– For keeping over 300 Americans imprisoned since Jan.6, plotting and planning to kidnap Gov. Whitmire.

– False accusations against President Trump, fake dossier, false use of FISA court, Operation Hurricane

– Not securing our border, doing nothing to protect our homeland

Turned heart away from God; Rebellion; Closed their ears to God; Choosing to do what is right in their own eyes, not God; We became lazy in knowing what  was going on in our government

They do not have the best interest of our country at heart; Pride; Lawbreakers – human laws and spiritual laws; Love of money; Sin of duplicity – pretend to do one thing but have alternative agenda

They have gone after the innocent; Illegal acts of surveillance

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

If time allows, invite individual prayers and then conclude the hour by singing: 

Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.

Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.

Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.

















The Church

(This topic will be covered during the hours of 5 PM through 11 PM EST)

– Judgment begins in the house of the Lord.

Father, we the Church repent for:

– not fearing the Lord; idols in our hearts places where we’ve made a throne to the enemy

– thinking we are wise in our own eyes but have become fools; idolatry 

– looking for live in the wrong places; pornography; compromise

– embracing vial, dark TV shows like Harry Potter, witchcraft, even in Disney movies like Frozen

– seeking worldly pleasures; entertaining instead of equipping our children

– filling voids with food, drugs, porn, alcohol, etc. We are to have no gods before Me..,

– not taking a stand and drawing the line on covid. We let the government intrude in the churches. 

  Pastors compromise, or water down the word, instead of fighting. Give the devil an inch-he takes a mile.

– pastors concerned about church size, have a fear of man, instead of preaching the word.

– ignorance; blindness; lack of prayer in our churches; fearing man more than fearing God

– being a church benchwarmer; lukewarmness; not being loving; “my four and no more” mentality

– not being laborers in the field; tribalism, cliches, no effort to connect with others

– thinking my church is better than yours, instead of having humility; not heeding scriptures

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– sins of unbelief, the evil spirit of unbelief; sins of the mouth, speaking death instead of life

– church gives lip service but no follow-through; being thorny soil, cares of this world creep in

– not claiming John 14:12 greater works will we do; keeping people on milk when meat is needed

– not teaching prayer language /baptism in the Holy Ghost and power

– prayer chain is just a gossip line; a church that doesn’t prayer

– Prayerlessness in the church; Becoming so seeker friendly that the gospel itself is compromised

– Doing things in a human way and not God’s way; The spirit of pride that says we don’t need God, that we can do it ourselves; Not praying for our leaders that we might have quiet and peaceful lives

– No longer preaching about sin or righteousness; Allowing the fear of man to control what is said. 

– Silent as the state tries to take authority over the churches; The sin of complacency

– Loss of intimacy and with Jesus; The lack of love, loss of the first love for Jesus

– Selfishness within the church, my needs are most important

– For not speaking out against abortion, not protecting the most vulnerable

– Not speaking out about immorality like same-sex marriage; Not training our children in the way they should go with the word of life; Not trusting God to show his power on our behalf; Not being saturated with His word so that we can please Him by the actions we take

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

The Spirit of The Lord says:

– Name change for President Trump for the 2nd term; You are John The Beloved; Abram to Abraham; Jacob to Israel; Picture of President standing in front of the church with the Bible; They are not really coming after just me, they are coming after you.

Sins of the Church

– Repent for lust, sexual perversion

– Compromise, allowing witchcraft and sorcery, pride in our Churches; Abortion, immorality

– Church leader declaring: CDC mandates: only vaccinated and masked will be allowed to enter the church  All others may watch online only; CDC and government is their god; Repent for Shunning their flock; 

Repent for them Willingly Relinquishing their power as the body of Christ 

– Repent for not speaking up and cowering down, bowing to the masters of deception.

– Neither hot nor cold but lukewarm; I will vomit you out of my mouth.

– Forgive us for allowing ourselves to be silenced and compromised.


Revelation 3: Therefore be Zealous and repent, I stand at the door and knock.

– We are overcomers 

– When the righteous rule people rejoice; The body of Christ is the righteous, not uncircumcised philistines 

– Repent for the Church not rising up against abortion

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

Pastors not righteously leading their flock and teaching them the difference between right and wrong, sin and righteous living. Not teaching about the Constitution. 

– Raise up Righteous, Bold men to our pulpits.

– Forgive the previous generation for allowing the Johnson Amendment. The church did nothing.

– Repent for compromise 

– The government is ours

– Forgive us for intimidation and fear of rejection

– Turn us back to zeal, power, and passion 

– Church: Choose this day whom you will serve 

– Repent for fear of man

– Bind fear, doubt, unbelief, offending people, laziness, pleasing man.

– Complacency, distraction, of not engaging, of placing self-interest first

– Forsaking the gifts of the Spirit

– Humanism, trusting in people, thus being asleep while people in places of leadership and influence steal from us

– Neglecting the Holy Spirit

– Neglecting the foundation stone doctrines (Heb. 6:1-3)

– Not understanding what sin is, and not experiencing godly sorrow

– Cheap grace

– Tolerating abortion

– Churches becoming social clubs, entertainment centers–instead of places of prayer and the Word of God, equipping people for the work of the ministry

– Not praying for our pastors and leaders

– Murmuring

– Thinking that being spiritual means going to church on Sunday and listening to a sermon

– Pastors not training their congregations for ministry

– Spectator mentality

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Passivity, choosing lies because more comfortable

– Worldly sorrow, rather than godly sorrow

– Listening to the false prophets of the media

– Not spending enough time in God’s Word

– Sending kids to government schools, expecting righteous results

– Love of mammon, hoarding money, spending on selves, not generous

– Not trusting God to fulfill our needs; Not seeking first God’s kingdom

We agreed that the list seems endless! O, God! Have mercy on us and turn us from our wicked, selfish, worldly ways!!!

– Leadership not taking responsibility for sheep; Looking to man to solve our problems

Allowing ungodly things; Watering down the scripture to own satisfaction

Not listening to You; Prayerlessness; James 4

– Prayerlessness; Believing misconceptions about the church (shouldn’t be involved in politics,  etc.)

– Letting the enemy take control based on the excuse of God’s sovereignty (Biden meant to be president…)

– “Skinny jeans and fog machines” approach to church as entertainment 

– Immodest dress and attitudes tolerated

– Allowing the spiritual wall to be broken down,  giving the enemy access to our young people even as the broken southern border gives him access to our country

– A spirit of unforgiveness, especially regarding divorce

– Belief that atrocities such as Afghanistan are God’s will as things get worse and worse, and that the Church is powerless 

– Not believing “Your kingdom come,  Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”

– Going along to get along

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– We have not resisted the enemy, causing him to flee!

– WE REPENT OF BEING A WIMPY CHURCH, not believing Daniel 11:32,  “the people who know their God will be strong and carry out great exploits”

– Cowardly- not standing for the truth; Fear of Man; Self Centered; Complacent/Comfortable

– Entitlement/Materialism; Greed/Love of Money

– Failure to stand before the cross in humility; Worldliness; Mixture

– Self-serving and making co-dependents; False Love; Deception; Thought/Word/Deed corrupted

– Worshiping other gods; Not abiding in the Lord

– For not being salt and light in culture; For not putting God first

– Wanting to be entertained and not preaching the Word of God; For not teaching God’s holiness

– For not seeking the full counsel of God; For tolerating Halloween; Not revering judgment of God

– For cheapening Christ’s blood and His sacrifice; For twisting God’s Word

– For not seeking first the kingdom of God; For cheap grace and not revering the justice of God

– For not walking in the power of Holy Spirit; For bowing before idols

– For allowing other things to be more important than God

– We want to love God with all our hearts, minds, and strength; For not walking in Jesus’ grace and truth

– For seeking refuge in a job, people, money instead of God; For fear instead of trusting God

– For striving instead of being still and knowing that He is God; For not speaking the truth, for not being bold

– For speaking the truth without love;  Forgive the body of Christ for competition and not concentrating on the kingdom of God; For raising up denominations and things separating the body

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Neglecting our mission field, own children in the playground; Speaking salvation; No bibles in the pews 

– Looking to man to solve our problems; Neglected poor and needy; Expose our foolishness, show us God’s truth; Sexual immorality, pedophile, pornography; Episcopal church condoned homosexuality 

– Self-importance, abusing children; Having a form of godliness, but denying God’s power

– Work of flesh, issues spoken in counseling session used against client; Indifference 

– Teen celebrations, taught them to drink and party, not revere God

– Prayerlessness, no fervency in prayers (foreign countries, people walk for days to attend the prayer. They pray all night, and several days); Cliques, don’t fit in, rejection

– Marketplace, we allow everything, abortion, took prayer out of school

– Stealing the Tithe and Offering Building our kingdoms vs. Kingdom of God

– Fear of Man vs. Fearing God; Not speaking up about sin especially sexual morality

– Not taking action, Not leading; Not knowing, reading, honoring, and standing of the WORD

– Walking in fear and unbelief vs. Faith

– Not being a strong voice against abortion, CRT, socialism, LBGTQ, and removing God from our public places

– Staying in the church walls and not being salt and light

– Not seeking 1st His Presence and the Kingdom of God

– Pastors are driven by fear of losing members, thus not speaking on the difficult truths in their sermons

– Disunity, pride, division over doctrine; Prayerlessness

– Churches promoting sexual immorality; Lack of intimacy with God

– Not training up children but entertaining them in church

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Lack of unity and division

– Lack of communication and things that separate us. We need to unite against the evil one and fight together.

– Sexual perversion and homosexuality and pedophilia and abuse

– Pride. Can’t even recognize our own weaknesses and you can’t tell the church from the world at times. We are full of self. Traditions of men.

– Lack of love for You and others.Lack of oneness with You and each other.Critical spirit.

– Don’t know You. We don’t seek Your face and Your Kingdom and Your righteousness.

– Complacency. Business as usual with such serious, horrible things going on and people aren’t coming out in mass against abortion, homosexual marriage, etc and so little outcry and discussion.

– Prayerlessness; Lack of identifying our own sins, log in our own eye.

– Letting the deceitfulness of riches control us and the cares of this world.

– Hardness of heart. Like we are safe and not truly grieving from our hearts. Lack of mercy.

– Don’t understand the meaning of the Cross and the sacrifice that was made.

– The number of divorces; Silent and not speaking out and supporting those who are speaking out

– Not seeking Your face and Your assignment for each day

– Not knowing Your WORD for ourselves.

– Lack of fasting. For not knowing how You work, not knowing Your ways….prayer and fasting

– Believing in a gospel of works. Not devoted to following God, but man-made rules instead.

– Promoting a religion of works. They stood for their religious system rather than for God, His Word & His Messiah. It was all about power, control & money.

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– Using religious rituals for personal gain. All done for profit, the perversion of justice & truth to enrich themselves.

– Selective “obedience” to God’s Word done in hypocrisy & in a manipulating fashion. Using “their power” to pervert the law rather than to enforce it properly.

– Emphasizing the importance of religious ritual over true relationship with God & fellow man

– Making others unrighteous & defiled through cross-contamination.

– Believing themselves righteous (self-righteous).

– The main point of the 7 woes is central point #4 (selective obedience to God’s Word). Cherry-picking things we prefer in the Bible & ignoring the things we don’t like. All the while living in rebellion to God’s authority, by just pretending & going through the motions outwardly, but acting like you are righteous & holy. This air of self-righteousness superiority stinks and gives off a stench that many today can see right through & actually moves the lost further away from God.   The false teachers of all the ages have operated in this spirit forever. They universally share a love of money & an insatiable drive to gain it through corrupt religious practices.  Peter calls it “the way of Balaam” in 2 Peter 2:15.

– All of these can be seen clearly operating in the corrupt corporation churches today. They all seem to be driven by the love of money & are frequently caught acting contrary to their words. Jesus as well as His apostles repeatedly warn us of watching out for false teachers. They selectively interpret a Bible verse out of context that actually contradicts the major teachings of the entire Bible. So why does this work so well? Because the majority of the people do not read God’s Word, let alone studying it.

– So we repented for the lack of leadership in the churches. We repented for the fact that the majority of Christians do not read the Bible. We repented for the majority of evangelicals do not believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and therefore do NOT have a biblical worldview.   We repented for the spirit of the 7 churches in the book of Revelation which seem to all have these same similar flaws & traits. We repented for our lack of stepping up and speaking out & challenging the corrupt hypocrite leadership.  We also repented for our own words that have been spoken without love and actually spoken as curses. We prayed for Holy boldness and unity.

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– We don’t trust in the Lord; We are not picking up our own cross; We don’t crucify our own flesh

– All we want is milk, and we don’t want the meat of the Word (as a result, we have too many 40-year old babies who refuse to grow up); Leadership in the church is not leading in a way that pleases God

– We have allowed abortion and not fought hard enough against it

– Sexual misconduct in the church leadership and in the body of Christ

– We are not living in purity and holiness; We are setting bad examples for our children

– We want to be entertained in church; We are watching R-rated movies and even let our children watch these things; We are enticed by Babylon; We love sin more than God

– We don’t run away from sin (we should be like Joseph, running from Potiphar’s wife)

– We don’t share the gospel with our neighbors; We walk in fear instead of walking in faith

– We are lifted up in pride; We think that we are always right; We are not dying to ourselves every day

– We are not taking responsibility; We are not speaking the truth; We are preoccupied with things of the world; We left our First Love and put the world first

– God has called some Christians into politics but they have refused, resulting in not enough righteous people being in politics; We are disobedient; We have not spent enough time reading the Word

We have become lukewarm.

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

– rejected the leadership of Holy Spirit, fear of what you might do, not allow

Spirit to lead the church -Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither

are your ways my ways,”

– deny and neglect Power and Authority we have capitulated to the devil

– water down the gospel, accepted the teaching of the culture, accepted it Ok with

immorality, prayer for sexual purity, and Holiness

– Not responding to your voice when you speak John 10, overcome doubt and fear

– even in the church Jezebel acceptance, anti-God message

– I Thes. 5:19 not quench the Holy Spirit; Eph 4:40 do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, 

– Accepting immoral/anti-God messages in form of entertainment

– James 3 not tamed the tongue – criticize make accusations over leadership and others agreeing with Satan who accuses us day and night Rev. 12:10

– not believing all scripture of God’s word- Rev.22:18 – everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.

– repent of laziness and compliance

– Forgiveness of the church for not seeking your power and not taking our places as true disciples. Unbelief, pride of life, and tolerating Jezebel. The love of money, tolerating hirelings, and not seeking out true shepherds. Ezekiel 34 shared. Lack of love and judgmentalism. Sexual sins, pornography, pedophilia, homosexuality, and adultery are tolerated. Not equipping ourselves to engage the culture. Self-promotion.

“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”

If time allows, invite individual prayers and then conclude the hour by singing: 

Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.

Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.

Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.

















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One Response

  1. Marsha Elliott says:

    Pastor Ioan,
    I have received a picture of the streets full in Romania. Is this true? IF you have time, I’d love for you to give me a brief overview of what’s happening there.
    We continue to pray for you and David and your trip to Romania about all that you need to accomplish there.

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