Mar 7, 2025 – Notes Shabbat Call

03-07-25 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Today is Day 47 of the first 100 days of the Trump Administration. We continue to pray for and stand with President Trump, VP Vance and those of his Cabinet and administration, so that they are all totally protected as they serve God’s purposes on behalf of our beloved United States of America!
We prayed together to receive the Ephesians 6 “armor of God” led by Paul (GA).
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth,
having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, receiving that precious armor, asking that we might wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Gloria (NJ) has been very sick, and was in the hospital for quite a while. She has had lots of problems, including a lack of bone marrow and lymphedema, and is in constant pain. Her daughter and son can only visit periodically. Her husband is receiving hospice care at home and she asks that we pray for them! For those who want to contact + encourage them:: Gloria + John Veleber 8 Nicholas Towaco, NJ 07082 973-402-6176 phone
Ps Ioan prayed for the Velebers, recognizing her support on the call over the years and for sharing in their provision.
During his address to Congress, celebrating a growing list of accomplishments during his whirlwind administration, President Trump spoke out forcefully against the “big lie” of transgender ideology, which he called a “form of child abuse” victimizing impressionable minors. He highlighted the victims of extreme gender ideology while invoking biological reality and the Divine design of gender.
“Our message to every child in America is that you are perfect exactly the way God made you.”
As he honored American heroes and “proclaimed the dawn of the Golden Age of America,” he urged U.S. citizens to “take up the righteous cause of American liberty” and make their nation stronger and freer “with God’s help.”
We prayed corporately for President Trump, asking that he experience a depth in the Spirit he has not heretofore known. Take him deeper in You, Lord, so that when he speaks these truths, he understands what he’s been empowered to say at the deepest and most profound levels!
We then shared our reflections on the content of his recent speech to Congress:
Cindy (AZ) when he met with the released hostages in the Oval Office recently, he reached out and touched one of the young men’s shoulders and spoke to him (prophesied) about his future.
Peter (FL) the Lord prompted them to pray Psalm 46:10 over the gathering in Congress: “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” They were silenced!
Tesi (FL) the Dems look like fools! Danielle (SC) leading up to his speech, as we prayed, Holy SPirit said that He wanted us to enter into HIGH PRAISE for what He was about to do. We sang: “I’ll praise You anywhere!” God said that entering into High Praise was the key to unlocking the heavens. President Trump’s words were accurate and he was so in control and matter of fact! Something happened and exposed things, and established much in the hearts of the people.
Bettina (NY) thanks God for his incredible wisdom and selection of words that were so sharp, pointed and accurate
Bev (MT) shared Proverbs 10:19-25 “Whoever hides hatred has lying lips, and whoever spreads slander is a fool.mIn the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise.The tongue of the righteous is choice silver; the heart of the wicked is worth little. The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of wisdom the blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it to do evil is like sport to a fool, but a man of understanding has wisdom. The fear of the wicked will come upon him and the desire of the righteous will be granted. When the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation.”
Melissa (VA) there were several moments where President Trump honored different individuals, and the little boy with cancer hugged the head of the Secret Service, I felt it. I thought of John 13:35 “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” 1 Peter 2:17 “Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.” and 1 Samuel 2:30 Therefore the Lord God of Israel says: ‘I said indeed that your house and the house of your father would walk before Me forever.’ But now the Lord says: ‘Far be it from Me; for those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed. “I saw the Dems sit and show hate and refuse to act…and their hearts were being exposed as they sat there, unmoved!
Mary (TN) praised President Trump for acknowledging RFK, Jr. who is trying to MAHA! (healthy)
Mary Ellen (IL) She saw the manifestation of John 14: 27-28 “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. You have heard Me say to you, ‘I am going away and coming back to you.’ If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, ‘I am going to the Father,’ for My Father is greater than I.”
Ps Ioan said that the demonic had been bound and the spiritual atmosphere in the room was Peaceful!
Mary Ellen said that the President’s approval rating for that speech was @ 70-80%.
Maureen said she thanked God that “he didn’t take the bait”… when Al Green taunted him! He let Speaker of the House, the convener of the gathering, Mike Johnson, take care of it.
Bernadette (NY) enjoyed the President’s humor/levity throughout the speech, and the whole world saw how lacking in human kindness the Dems were. Also, we had bound the spirits and they had no authority in that room!
Ps Ioan noted that he watched JD Vance and Mike Johnson behind the President. They waited and then Mike Johnson acted…not impulsively!
Roman (UT) he believes that the last election had to go to Biden so that the contrast cpuld be seen between the two of them! It took a new President to get things done!
Ps Ioan said that God has a great plan for the USA in the end times. We saw how the plan to take President Trump down unfolded, and then, how the glory of God manifested. It was not God’s intent for evil to afflict us by allowing Biden to be in the WH, but the lack of unity of the Body of Christ led us to the suffering we experienced as we passed through it, and has brought us to where we are today!
Tesi (FL) she noted that Pelosi was no longer there behind him…two men who had his back sitting there!
Audrey (CA) I was in tears watching it. I was impressed at how he spoke and brought in each one of his team and highlighted them. I was disgusted at the way the Dems acted…they were so dishonoring to him. Right now there is much misinformation being put out by the news on SS, the Fed Govn’t, et al…and the Lord needs to open people’s eyes! There are three levels of planning: STRATEGIC, OPERATIONAL and TACTICAL…and this prayer line has all of them!
Bettina (NY) our Governor is preposterous…says: ”DOGE says you’re fired, NY says you’re hired!”
Judy (VA) so blessed toward the end when he spoke about doing this with the help of God and I thought of 1 Samuel 7:12 “Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen, and called its name Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”
Debbie (TX) I appreciated the vigor with which Congress received him! THE TIDE HAS TURNED! She thanked God for the acknowledgment and that the past lukewarm politicians now “gave honor to whom honor is due!” She feels it in TX and says that now, their lawmakers are emboldened.
Bernadette (NY) prayed that Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Amy Barrett will not lean to the left, but will judge justly!
Julie (NC) prayed into that…Jeremiah 30:18-19 “Behold, I will bring back the captivity of Jacob’s Tents, and have mercy on his dwelling places; the city shall be built upon its own mound, And the palace shall remain according to its own plan. Then out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of those who make merry; I will multiply them, and they shall not diminish; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small” and Deuteronomy 28:7 “The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.”
Maureen said we need to be mindful of what we say and not rush to judgment re:
Angela (CA) said she saw Amy Barrett on camera “scowling.” (We do not know what that was about, and prayed for her!) Amos 5:24 “But let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream” and Proverbs 21:15 “It is a joy for the just to do justice, but destruction will come to the workers of iniquity.” Touch her heart and give her the strength she needs to stay the course. She prayed for Justice Clarence Thomas and asked that he take her under his wing and “disciple” her.
Audrey (CA) Saw Justice Roberts face and is concerned at what she saw..
Maureen said that in these public gatherings, the Justices and the Joint Chiefs do not respond as the rest of the audience does; they are stoic for the most part!
We prayed for the SCOTUS justices to be aligned with God for the nation!
Gloria (CO) prayed for all the SCOTUS Justices
Bev (MT) prayed “Gentle Shepherd, come and lead her! She needs You to help her find her way!”
Tesi (FL) what I saw in Justice Amy Barrett was FEAR! She prayed for healing and for truth, and for anything happening in her life that causes her to think amiss will be healed!
Mary Ellen (IL) the Justices and Military are not to show any partisanship…not respond to speech!
She said Melania was wearing a Christian Dior outfit, with a hint of a military theme. It struck her that Melania was there under the headship of her husband, the Commander in Chief.
Melissa (VA) she is aware of the different perspectives she hears and sees from the media. We may not know what Amy Barrett is walking through right now, and everything we do and say is intercession…so what is our response to her! We are in a WARFARE OF LOVE…and our weapons are not carnal…but we are to cast down negative thoughts and take them captive to the obedience of Christ! We are to pray for the Justices and lift them up to the Lord. There is a shift in America and we ask that all their hearts are touched and turned as the Lord desires! Refresh them, as springtime is coming, and renew them in their walk with You!
Ps Ioan said Justice Barrett is a Constitutionally conservative Justice…who has taken issue with some procedures and wants to be sure the procedural law is fair. She asked the lower Court to provide more information to the SCOTUS, and then she will have what she needs to decide. We do the right thing…when we pray for her! (He warned us not to look to others, like Steve Bannon, for direction!)
Bettina (NY) read us an article that said that the 6 conservative justices were working together and are executing flawlessly! It allows the President not to look “kingly” and the SCOTUS justices to make their rulings freely.
Just before 9 PM, we paused once more to pray for the J6 prisoners…
for those who are still in prison, or have been released and then rearrested.
We continue to stand with them and their families until we see then all set free,
returned to their lives and loved ones, and compensated for the injustices they have suffered!
We then joined in singing the National Anthem from all across the nation.
COMMON SENSE is making a comeback in the United States of America!
President Trump signed an executive order designating English as the official language of the US, the first such designation in the country’s history. The order, signed on Saturday, rescinds a policy issued by Bill Clinton requiring agencies to provide assistance programs for people with limited English proficiency. The order said:
“A nationally designated language is at the core of a unified and cohesive society, and the United States is strengthened by a citizenry that can freely exchange ideas in one shared language.”
English is already the official language in more than 30 states. President Trump’s executive order comes at a time when the number of people in the United States who speak languages other than English continues to grow. Roughly one in 10 people now speak a language other than English, more than triple the amount compared to 1980, according to 2022 data from the U.S. Census. The President’s order echoes a longtime campaign pledge and is a move the White House said will “promote unity, cultivate a shared American culture for all citizens, ensure consistency in government operations, and create a pathway to civic engagement.”
We prayed into this decision and asked that it be an instrument of unification!
God created the nations and put certain elements in place. We read Genesis 12
The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you. I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Harran. He took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all the possessions they had accumulated and the people they had acquired in Harran, and they set out for the land of Canaan, and they arrived there. Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem. At that time the Canaanites were in the land. The Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your offspring I will give this land.” So he built an altar there to the Lord, who had appeared to him. From there he went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord. Then Abram set out and continued toward the Negev.
Elements of a nation:
The people.
It is a specific place, with set boundaries.
It has a common language, which is spoken and understood by all.
It has common values!
We prayed in thanksgiving for this, our blessed nation, and PRAISE GOD that it is coming back!

“God, Bless America!”
While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free.
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair, as we raise our voices in a solemn prayer:
God bless America, land that I love.
Stand beside her and guide her, through the night with the light from above.
From the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam…
God bless America, my home sweet home!
From the mountains to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam…
God bless America, my home sweet home!
God bless America, my home sweet home!
Melissa (VA) said that as a military kid, who lived overseas, she always identified as AMERICAN…and has
always been proud of that! I feel a sense of pride in being an AMERICAN!
Let us read and pray into these statements which were made by President Trump:
- “All Federal Funding will STOP for any College, School, or University that allows illegal protests. Agitators will be imprisoned / or permanently sent back to the country from which they came. American students will be permanently expelled or, depending on the crime, arrested. NO MASKS! Thank you for your attention to this matter.” ***UPDATE*** The Trump administration has acted. They slashed $400 million in grants and contracts from Columbia University over attacks from anti-Israel protesters, and also sent the first “agitator” back to their home country! PTL! Promises made, promises kept!
3) “Please explain to Governor Trudeau of Canada, that when he puts on a Retaliatory Tariff on the US, our Reciprocal Tariff will immediately increase by a like amount!”
4) “After speaking with President Claudia Sheinbaum of Mexico, I have agreed that Mexico will not be required to pay Tariffs on anything that falls under the USMCA Agreement. This Agreement is until April 2nd. I did this as an accommodation, and out of respect for President Sheinbaum. Our relationship has been a very good one, and we are working hard, together, on the Border, both in terms of stopping Illegal Aliens from entering the United States and, likewise, stopping Fentanyl. Thank you to President Sheinbaum for your hard work and cooperation!”
5) “We have notified the Mayor of Washington, D.C., that she must clean up all of the unsightly homeless encampments in the City, specifically including the ones outside of the State Department, and near the White House. If she is not capable of doing so, we will be forced to do it for her! Washington, D.C. must become CLEAN and SAFE! We want to be proud of our Great Capital again. Thank you, Mayor Bowser for your efforts on behalf of the Citizens of our Country. Hopefully you will be successful!”
We paused to pray for President Trump, for strength, wisdom and rest, then continued with these!
6) “Based on the fact that Russia is absolutely “pounding” Ukraine on the battlefield right now, I am strongly considering large-scale Banking Sanctions, Sanctions, and Tariffs on Russia until a Cease Fire and FINAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ON PEACE IS REACHED. To Russia and Ukraine, get to the table right now, before it is too late. Thank you!!!”
7- “South Africa is being terrible to long time Farmers in the country. They are confiscating their LAND and FARMS, and MUCH WORSE THAN THAT. A bad place to be right now, and we are stopping all Federal Funding. To go a step further, any Farmer (with family!) from South Africa, seeking to flee that country for reasons of safety, will be invited into the United States of America with a rapid pathway to Citizenship. This process will begin immediately!”
Faith Like Potatoes is a 2006 South African biographical drama film based on the 1998 book written by Angus Buchan, “Faith Like Potatoes”. The film follows Buchan and his family’s move from Zambia to South Africa and chronicles his Christian faith throughout that time.
When Angus Buchan, a white Zambian farmer of Scottish origin, emigrates to escape political unrest and worrying land reforms, he looks south for a better life. With nothing more than a trailer in the untamed bush, and help from his Zulu foreman, Simeon Bhengu, the Buchan family struggles to settle in their new homeland. Faced with ever-mounting challenges, hardships and personal turmoil, Buchan quickly spirals down into a life consumed by anger, fear and destruction. Finally, his wife convinces him to attend a local church, where the religious testimony of other farmers influence his decision to give his life to Jesus Christ. His outlook takes a complete turnaround, and supernatural occurrences begin to happen when Angus prays in faith. He begins giving his testimony in different towns, and eventually gathers thousands of people in Kings Park Stadium for a time of unified prayer for the nation and for the land.
Traditionally a maize and cattle farmer, Buchan decides to plant potatoes. Scientists had warned the farmers not to plant that season unless they had irrigation. Because of the unprecedented drought, planting potatoes would be a massive risk. Believing he is led by the Lord, he plants potatoes in the dry dust. When harvest time comes, there is a crop of giant potatoes.

We paused to pray for the white South African farmers who are being persecuted / killed!
8- “The Golden Age of America has just begun! Over the past six weeks, our Administration has delivered on promises like no Administration before it, always putting America First! DOGE has been an incredible success, and now that we have my Cabinet in place, I have instructed the Secretaries and Leadership to work with DOGE on Cost Cutting measures and Staffing. As the Secretaries learn about, and understand the people working for the various Departments, they can be very precise as to who will remain, and who will go. We say the “scalpel” rather than the “hatchet.” The combination of them, Elon, DOGE, and other great people will be able to do things at a historic level. We just had a meeting with most of the Secretaries, Elon, and others, and it was a very positive one. It’s very important that we cut levels down to where they should be, but it’s also important to keep the best and most productive people. We’re going to have these meetings every two weeks until that aspect of this very necessary job is done. The relationships between everybody in that room are extraordinary. They all want to get to the exact same place, which is, simply, to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
Ps Ioan shared that new FBI Director Kash Patel is investigating James Comey, former head of the FBI, with regard to the two women (“honeypots”) who were involved in an attempt to entrap President Trump during his first term!
We shared in communion corporately and closed the call singing SHABBAT SHALOM!
With love and blessings.
Maureen and Ps Ioan
We NEED FT Facilitators to cover these hours weekly!
*** Please see if any of these might fit into your schedule!***
(Convert Eastern Time (ET) to that of your own time zone!)
2 AM ET Wednesday
3 AM ET Wednesday
5 PM ET Saturday
Using the “two by two” Biblical model, we need “Co-Facilitators” to help Facilitators carry the call.
(This ensures us each hour is always covered…and the need for subs can be eliminated!)
We need those who are willing to step up and stand in the gap for the 24/7 NSPC!
(Contact Maureen to volunteer to serve for an hour a week…407-810-4665)
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch hearts, Lord, and cause our 24/7 family to be open and willing to rise up and serve
as we intercede for our nation’s destiny and deliverance!
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