
Oct 8, 2019 – Notes A Call to the Wall

Oct 8, 2019 – Notes A Call to the Wall

10-08-19 Notes “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays 

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 # 

As we opened the call tonight, we prayed corporately for our entire 24/7 family, for those who are ill, or coping with the illnesses of loved ones. We ask for DIVINE INTERVENTION, in every situation…and miraculous healing! 

  • Pam Arrington (TX) is in rehab recovering from surgery for a broken hip 
  • Rebecca Galev (CA) Pastor Ioan’s granddaughter (16), recovering from a ruptured appendix, and now dealing with complications 
  • Sonia Abruzzo (FL) husband Doug is hospitalized for the 3rd time in 2 weeks and has had 11 transfusions

We prayed for these three and those who care for them: 

  • Becky (FL) prayed for Pam, and asked that her hip be put back together better than ever
  • Kay (IL) prayed for Rebecca and asked that You will bring healing to her and through this, she will know in a deeper way how much You love her. Deal with the hospital bills and take care of them, Lord!
  • Laurel (WA) rebuked peritonitis in the abdominal cavity and any infection there
  • Tessie (FL) prayed for Doug Abruzzo, asking for a DIVINE TRANSFUSION to cleanse all that is in his body, and prayed for forgiveness for any issues in his bloodline, and for total healing. 
  • Fatima (TN) prayed for Sonia, thanking the Lord for her heart and for the strength He continues to give her, as she cares for her husband and invalid sister as well. Let others reach out to her, so she knows she is not alone! 
  • Ydia (FL) said she heard from Sheldon and his wife and that he is recovering well, and feels great!
  • Tessie prayed for Maureen, who is dealing with bronchitis and needs to have her lungs cleared and healed!

Kala (CA) asked that we all unmute and pray for Maureen, who then included Pastor Ioan, as both are under attack and need prayer covering. The entire family prayed corporately for the two of them. Jane (MD) is sending a pic of a remedy that might help Maureen.

We then learned that Rebecca has now been diagnosed with a 5 cm /1.9-inch ovarian cyst. She needs to be operated on ASAP for that. We assured Pastor Ioan that we will hold her up in prayer as she undergoes that trial! 

Pastor Ioan shared a word he received while in Orlando this weekend: “PROTECT MY ROOM!” It referred to the place where God’s Presence would manifest: the WHITE HOUSE, which we had already heard would become “the epicenter of the Manifest Presence of God in DC”. Maureen thought that “room” was the OVAL OFFICE, and Ioan agreed. President Trump is the PERSON through whom the VICTORY OF GOD in this nation in 2016 was “represented”. God’s VICTORY, won through His servant, Donald Trump…hence, the President’s VICTORY as well…and ultimately, the VICTORY of RIGHTEOUSNESS for us all. 

We shared that Orlando will have a “WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY into FLORIDA” November 8, 9,10, 2019…which will take place after A CALL FOR A DAY OF CORPORATE REPENTANCE BY THE BODY OF CHRIST IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on November 3, 2019.

We updated the 24/7 family on what took place this weekend in Orlando as Pastor Ioan and Maureen had a series of meetings regarding the Call for Corporate Repentance and WELCOME the KING of GLORY into FLORIDA November 8, 9, 10th! Nancy Ross, who was Pastor Ioan’s hostess, shared her reflections on what she had seen and experienced during this whirlwind weekend! Then we prayed corporately in thanksgiving for all that the Lord has done!

We then offered individual prayers:

  • Donna (NY) read a word about “returning to the Lord with fasting and weeping and mourning, that He might forgive us and heal our land!” …and called us to fasting. 
  • Kala (CA) while praying for you and Pastor Ioan, I felt the need to ask if we might pray for you two each hour on the call, as our leaders, for you need that covering. 
  • Debbie (VA) agrees with Kala and recognizes the gravity of what we are doing on the 24/7 and know you need to be covered. May we also be drawn to fast and pray, for this is a grave moment. We need Your help, Holy Spirit! 
  • Becky (FL) read the lyrics of “I Stand in Awe of You” and we sang: 

You are beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for words,

Too wonderful for comprehension, like nothing ever seen or heard.

Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom? Who can fathom the depth of Your love?

You are beautiful beyond description, Majesty, enthroned above!

And we stand, we stand in awe of You! We stand, we stand in awe of You

Holy God, to whom all praise is due, we stand in awe of You!

You are beautiful beyond description tet God crushed You for my sin

In agony and deep affliction cut off that I might enter in.

Who can grasp such tender compassion? Who can fathom this mercy so free?

You are beautiful beyond description, Lamb of God who died for me.

And we stand, we stand in awe of You. We stand, we stand in awe of You

Holy God, to whom all praise is due, we stand in awe of You.

And we stand, we stand in awe of You, we stand, we stand in awe of You

Holy God, to whom all praise is due, we stand in awe of You! We stand in awe of You!


Pastor Ioan shared about how the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call came into being…November 11, 2016…and 

how it evolved over the past three years, of interceding 24 hours a day, focused, as ONE VOICE in prayer! 

Then, we were reminded that there are three elements involved in “sanctification”: 

 space, time and people 

1- space

  • God took the people out of Egypt and sanctified the camp (space) of the Hebrews so that it would be able to receive the Presence of God. 
  • This applies to our homes, our property, our possessions, all we have…including our churches and cities, etc. In order to host the Presence of God, they must not be defiled. All that is not right, must be removed!
  • We were encouraged to check our spaces and to remove that which does not line up with God!

We prayed to have eyes to see / ears to hear about what God is speaking to us about unholy items in our homes, our workplaces, anywhere…and that we have the courage to remove them. (or that others would remove them)

2- time

  • When God freed the people of Israel, He “counted” or gave them His ordinances about time. 

“This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you.” Exodus 12:2 

  • Socratists measure time as it concerns their lives…but for us, once we enter into the understanding that we are under God, in the Presence of God and are a child of God, time takes on a different meaning…God is time and all we do in His time! We do not live in the past or the future, but in the present moment.

Time is defined in relationship with God…and all is in the present! As we give Him all the past, all the concerns of the future, all our thoughts and ideas, He gives us HIS SHALOM…peace! We come into His Presence and receive His SHALOM.

  • We were encouraged to “give it all” to the Lord, and in turn, to receive His peace and we’ll hear His Voice!

When we hear, our faith is stirred up! 

We prayed, giving the Lord all the pain of the past, the uncertainty of the future and the happenings of the present moment…and we receive His SHALOM!

3- people

  • God says to us that we have His Covenant, and we are to KEEP it, and be His peculiar treasure…

“Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” Exodus 19:5-6 

  • Today, we, His Church are the PRIESTS and are called to be a holy nation! “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” 1 Peter 2:9 
  • We were encouraged to allow the Lord to remove all that is unholy in our lives, starting with the outside and working our way in…and this is a continual practice…an ongoing work of God in our hearts and lives,

“Be perfect as Your Heavenly Father is perfect!” 

We prayed: I believe that I will be like You when I see Your face! Whatever the cost, I am ready to pay it! 

The Lord has touched our hearts tonight, and renewed our minds so that we can have a crystal clear understanding of this teaching! We have yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and thank HIm for guiding this precious time of teaching and intercession! We welcomed God’s sanctification in our lives. We want to be holy as You are holy! Reveal Your Beauty to us Lord, and transform us into Your Image! 

We closed our time together by taking communion, and we prayed for our President, Vice president and their families, for AG Bill Barr and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and their loved ones, and all who are on the front lines in defense of our nation and our people. We thanked God for allowing us the privilege of serving together on the 24/7 NSPC!

We send our blessings and love to all of our 24/7 family!

Thank you for keeping us in ! 

Maureen and Pastor Ioan



Please take time to repost our 24/7 focuses and notes on your FB page, and to your friends and family

For those of you who are interested in helping with the Chronicling of the 24/7, please send your name and cell and email to WTKOG13@gmail.com and let us know how you would like to participate! 


we use it to send out the daily focuses. It allows us to send to multiple names at once…much easier!

Click here or type in https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/247-nspc/join 

Note: We will not tolerate any demonic interference on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call. If at any time, it is necessary, the facilitator, in agreement with those on the line, will bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss, then pray a shield of protection over this line and our 24/7 family! Remember, ONLY if necessary!

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