Invitation to A Holy Convocation in Washington, DC – January 18-21, 2025
“Rise up, O LORD! And let Your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate You flee before You.”
Numbers 10: 35
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
God is moving powerfully in the United States, in all 50 States and Territories, manifesting His intention to bring us back to the very foundations upon which He brought us forth 248 years ago!
November 8th, 2016 was the “Glorious Day”… the day on which America received a miracle from God as His people joined together in intercession and fasting…for their lives, families, communities, cities and States. Nations around the world joined them, petitioning God to move in a mighty way on America’s behalf in the national elections.
On November 9th, 2016, the Lord revealed to His servants the prophets the meeting which took place in the Cabinet Room of the White House at 12 Noon. The room was packed with people, including the incumbent president, who was asked “why he lost the election” and they were plotting to prevent President Trump from being inaugurated on January 20, 2017.
Then the Lord addressed a call to His servants the watchmen:
“Protect and secure the victory from the Day of Election!”
On November 10th, 2016, a conference call took place, on which representatives of 47 prayer ministries joined together from across the nation, and the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call was born. Its purpose was to raise a shield of protection around President Trump and his family and to pray for the nation.
At 12 AM Eastern on November 11th, 2016, the unceasing prayer for our beloved President Donald J Trump started and continues 24/7 to the present day. For 7 years and 7 months, intercessors from all 50 States and Territories and from the nations of the world raised individual and corporate prayers to the Throne of Mercy on behalf of our duly elected President Trump.
On November 5, 2024, a second miracle took place! President Trump was reelected!!!
Intense warfare against President Trump is being carried on by enemies of our beloved Nation, people who seek money and power more than the welfare of the United States of America. They are called the Deep State, the Establishment, or the Uniparty. They hate President Trump and want to take him down.
The battlegrounds are many as we continue our engagement in the WARFARE OF LOVE…the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE over our nation. This is your personal invitation to join us on behalf of our nation either on-site in Washington, DC, or from your own states or territories as we connect on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call! We look forward to your participation of behalf of the nation!
“If not us, who? And if not now, when?”
Blessings and love,
Pastor Ioan Peia and Maureen Bravo
* We are grateful to Evy and Randy for welcoming us at the Prayer Tower in DC, which will serve as our HQ during our time in DC.
Friday, January 17th
7-10 PM ET Join us for our SHABBAT CALL for prayer before Ps Ioan and Maureen depart for DC
Call in to: 712-770-4340 code: 543555#
Saturday, January 18th
6 PM ET Light dinner at the Prayer Tower
7-9 PM ET 1st Special live-stream on the 24/7 NSPC Conference Call line from the Prayer Tower. We will pray and receive the assignments from the Lord for Sunday and Monday
Sunday, January 19th
10:30 AM ET Prayer on-site at St John’s Church, where the President will begin his Inauguration Day activities. From there, we will pray for the cleaning of the White House.
2-5 PM ET Prayer for the protection of President Trump as he speaks at the Capital One Arena.
5 PM ET Light dinner at the Prayer Tower
6 PM ET 2nd Special live-stream on the 24/7 NSPC Conference Call line from the Prayer Tower.
Monday, January 20th
AM HOURS Individuals pray at various sites in DC in advance of the Inauguration.
12 Noon ET Swearing in our 47th President, Donald John Trump, at the Capitol
3 PM ET Meeting at the Prayer Tower to pray as President Trump conducts a signing ceremony with
his initial Executive Orders
7 PM ET On-site prayer at DC Gulag “FREEDOM CORNER”
Tuesday, January 21st
10 AM – 2 PM ET Special Live stream with our 24/7 family on the NSPC Conference Call line from the Prayer Tower as we debrief and envision the next 4 years for the 24/7 NSPC and the
WTKOG Ministry.
3 PM on… Team Departures
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